How will they rule ??!

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I've never even mentioned DEI on here. Not one time. My point was, considering the Democrats' past, that the left should pretty much keep their mouth's shut on the subject of racism. I mean, they ARE the ones that are always bringing it up, and pointing fingers at others for being racist.

This isn't my opinion either. I have metric tons of fact to back it up. (that Democrats are the true racists/enemy of Black Americans)
No one's buying that crap. Black people have voted overwhelmingly Democratic for decades. The most lopsided voting bloc in America. You're calling them all stupid. They aren't. And your position is racist as hell.
We're on our own. It's globalists versus nationalists. All of these countries are being conquered through third world migration despite the public being against it.

The Irish burned down a place that was being built for migrants. Globalists are at war with everyone and people seem to be oblivious to this fact and they're not going to go quietly. This isn't anything a ballot box is going to fix.
Everyone is afraid to even mention the globalists agenda. Not even Trump. The politicians just bury it and present the problems from either side they think is plaguing America. Border control is presented as a domestic problem. It’s not. It’s a Global problem and part and parcel to a much bigger agenda to destroy western civilization because for whatever reason they think civilized society is too good and must be stopped.
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No one's buying that crap. Black people have voted overwhelmingly Democratic for decades. The most lopsided voting bloc in America. You're calling them all stupid. They aren't. And your position is racist as hell.

I'm racist for calling out the Democrats for being racist? (Which they are)

And as far as why Black people have voted for Democrats for decades, I'll refer you to LBJ's quote, when he signed the Civil Rights Act.

(you'll have to look it up, I'm not posting it here)

But hey, if you feel froggy, and want to get into a factual debate about the racist past (and present) of the Democrat party, I'm your huckleberry...
The programming has been completed. Any criticism of obviously flawed ideology is raycist.
"Obviously flawed ideology"? Most every VP pick is a diversity hire. It's literally called 'balancing the ticket'. Mike Pence was a diversity hire to shore up sinner Trump's numbers with white evangelicals. You only care because she's not white.
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I'm racist for calling out the Democrats for being racist? (Which they are)

And as far as why Black people have voted for Democrats for decades, I'll refer you to LBJ's quote, when he signed the Civil Rights Act.

(you'll have to look it up, I'm not posting it here)

But hey, if you feel froggy, and want to get into a factual debate about the racist past (and present) of the Democrat party, I'm your huckleberry...
He said it because it was true. Of course people would vote for the party that gave them equality, who in their right mind wouldn't? What is your point in bringing up that quote? It reinforces my point, not refutes it.
Gave them equality. LOL

How has that worked out for them?

And, if your assertion is true, then why do we still need DEI, affirmative action, Section 8 housing, etc. some 60 years later?
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I'm not against equality under the law. I'm for it. It's all of the associated legislation that came along with it. It's not my fault that you're too hysterical to grasp nuanced thought.

Take a break, calm down, get a drink of water, and come back later, when you want to have a serious discussion.

Dion, you're a tourist...
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No one's buying that crap. Black people have voted overwhelmingly Democratic for decades. The most lopsided voting bloc in America. You're calling them all stupid. They aren't. And your position is racist as hell.
Its absolutely appropriate to question the thinking of anybody who would keep voting for people who make their lives perpetually worse.
I'm not against equality under the law. I'm for it. It's all of the associated legislation that came along with it. It's not my fault that you're too hysterical to grasp nuanced thought.
So why bring up what LBJ said then? You support the Civil Rights Act but wouldn't support the guy who passed it? WT actual F?
Yeah. Glass houses with Pubs on race and sex.
He's not lying here tho. There were plenty of non white women who were qualified to be vp, yet harris was picked bc her identity was the qualification. What's so hard to understand about this?

How'd she do in iowa in the 2020 primaries?

Also who was better KJP or Psaki? It has nothing to do with their race...I understand that's hard for you to grasp. Unless you think besshear shouldn't be governor and Cameron should be. Weird how you can magically figure it out when it's your team.

This is the goal tho, they know numb brains will just claim everything is racist.

Pretty racist that you think this is the best black people can produce
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Dion is a totalitarian. He cannot comprehend that the prisoners in his ghetto gulags aren’t brainwashed, that some of them have the ability to break away from failed policies and that many of them know that DEI is simply another form of racism.

How do we know this is all true? Because his response is to call anybody who questions it a racist. The sure mating call of any political dodo bird.
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So why bring up what LBJ said then? You support the Civil Rights Act but wouldn't support the guy who passed it? WT actual F?
I've already clarified that. My problem was with the legislation that came along with it, and I believe their motives were suspect/disingenuous. And the results have proven me correct. LOL
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'You mad bruh?' The troll's only refuge when getting absolutely decimated.
Well, truthfully, you actually earned that one. And you have yet to make a salient point. Go back to the kiddie pool junior.

And it was you, not me, that broke the ad hominem bubble.

But I can take it that way too, if that's what you really want.
Well, truthfully, you actually earned that one. And you have yet to make a salient point. Go back to the kiddie pool junior.

And it was you, not me, that broke the ad hominem bubble.

But I can take it that way too, if that's what you really want.
Wrong again, it was you. And what points have you made? Hard to refute anything when you're giving nothing.
I'm going to give Dion a little while to cry his tantrum out, and see if he's ready to hear the actual truth. LOL
Okay, Dion. I contend, that since the Civil Rights Act (and more specifically, the associated legislation) was passed, that Black Americans have been in a steady decline, with respect to almost any measurable you can find.

That's my debating point.

Now, convince me otherwise.
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Dion is a totalitarian. He cannot comprehend that the prisoners in his ghetto gulags aren’t brainwashed, that some of them have the ability to break away from failed policies and that many of them know that DEI is simply another form of racism.

How do we know this is all true? Because his response is to call anybody who questions it a racist. The sure mating call of any political dodo bird.
He's actually being racist. Thinking the vast majority of Black people are dumb is racist. It isn't an insult or ad hominem attack, it's reality. They aren't. Every other racial demographic in America is split. Because of our country's history that got to this point. The Black vote isn't. Because of our country's history that got to this point. They are not all wrong. He is wrong.
To clarify, and head off your ridiculous assertion that I'm a racist, I'm for equal opportunity and rights. But that's not what I'm really talking about here, now is it...
He's actually being racist. Thinking the vast majority of Black people are dumb is racist. It isn't an insult or ad hominem attack, it's reality. They aren't. Every other racial demographic in America is split. Because of our country's history that got to this point. The Black vote isn't. Because of our country's history that got to this point. They are not all wrong. He is wrong.
I never even intimated that. I said that they were intentionally misled and lied to, for nefarious purposes. Which doesn't differentiate them from a LOT of the general public, including, I might add, yourself.

Are you positive you want to do this? I mean, you're getting your head kicked in, and we haven't really even started. LOL
I never even intimated that. I said that they were intentionally misled and lied to, for nefarious purposes. Which doesn't differentiate them from a LOT of the general public, including, I might add, yourself.

Are you positive you want to do this? I mean, you're getting your head kicked, and we haven't really even started. LOL
I already addressed this. Every other racial demographic is split. Including us as white people. Black people are not. You keep stating they're all wrong, whether intentionally lied to or not is completely immaterial. They are not wrong. You do not know better about their lives than they do. You are being racist saying that one entire race is incapable of making their own decisions, while every other race can.
Why has the Republican Party NEVER nominated a person of color in their entire history as a party?
Why do you assume ALL candidates for President and VP must be white?
Is it to justify your upcoming vote for Trump?

Haha. Do I assume that? Big supporter of Vivek and Carson here you’re taking to.

Oh but I get it. They’re prob not the right types of people of color huh?