How will they rule ??!

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I like that KAT spent less than a year on campus and is now a "great thinker."

What exactly did Joe do to even need to be pardoned? I've heard bits and pieces but never exact details.

He was convicted of contempt of court for refusing court order to stop "profiling" and arresting suspected illegal aliens.
He was convicted by a liberal woman judge who denied his plea for a jury trial, and then tried and convicted him herself.
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He was convicted of contempt of court for refusing court order to stop "profiling" and arresting suspected illegal aliens.
He was convicted by a liberal woman judge who denied his plea for a jury trial, and then tried and convicted him herself.

How can you deny a jury trial? How is that her call? But gotta love activist judges. They will hide and protect actual criminals and then try to put those who arrest them in jail.
How can you deny a jury trial? How is that her call? But gotta love activist judges. They will hide and protect actual criminals and then try to put those who arrest them in jail.

According to some lawyers i've heard explain it on tv and radio, if a conviction carries a sentence of less than one year then a judge technically doesn't have to grant a jury trial, but judges will usually honor a request for a jury anyway.
Arpaio's conviction was a political one. jmo
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Karl, Stick to Basketball. There Will always be People in the world who will be Racists. But I was transplanted to the South in 1964 as a kid. Coming from Kentucky I didn't understand why we had our schools and they had theirs. I was living in a different world. But that was the 60's. We are no where even close to that today. Yes there are individual groups who are allowed to exist that are racists. But they represent.00000001% of the American people. The media and the race profiteers keep it stirred up. People who lived during the 60's know exactly how far we have come when it comes to Racism. That doesn't mean we stop doing better. As for our President, Karl, if you would get behind him rather than complain about his every breathe, you would see this nation come together just like The Big Blue Nation!

As a child of the 60s, I know exactly how far we have come. I also know the idiots in Charlottesville do not represent anything me or anyone I know, believe in. And yes, they are finally in the minority.

But ignoring them will not make it go away. KAT is speaking he should. Not sure about you, but I'm white and even though I lived through it, I only have my perspective. And it can't possibly be the same.

As for the President. ...I am a staunch Conservative. Always will be. But I know leadership when I see it, and he doesn't provide it. But neither did the guy before him. And we desperately need that today more than ever. But thats for another thread in the political forum.

There is still a lot wrong out there. Black on black crime, the alt right, the alt left, etc... And I fear it may worsen soon. I have my theories as to why but it doesn't matter here. But young Towns is right. It's time for unity. Both sides have to comply. It's actually past time.

KAT is a fine rep for this university. Or any in America.
People who think like this need rounded up and thrown into mental institutions.
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I agree people need to get behind the President but Trump does have issues with foot-in-mouth disease. He needs to quit looking to avoid losing votes and massaging his ego, and actually start speaking in ways that gets the country behind him. I voted for him because of his policy views compared to Hillary. But the election is over. Time to lead a country, not a voter base. Racism needs to be strongly denounced and President Trump needs to be the one to make that stand...and he botched it. Multiple times. It's ok to be Republican and criticize the Pres.

I agree the percentage of true racists in this country is small. But it only takes one person with enough hate to do a lot of damage. I think KAT put together a great opinion piece. But here's my question. Is he trying to have these conversations with people on the other side of the argument? Or is he just preaching to the choir? Has he written a letter to the President? Has he offered to go speak with Trump? Has he done anything to extend the conversation to those who need to hear it? If not, he's not going to be effective as an activist. Period. Kevin Durant and Lebron James...preach love and community, then throw jabs at the President causing the exact opposite effect. Durant actually refused a meeting with the President! And we wonder why there is division.

Nail meet hammer. There's three sides to every story. And the POTUS did denounce the KKK, Nazi's, and white supremacist's. There is enough fault to go around on "BOTH" sides, the problem starts to exist when we "take a side".

It's very difficult to reason with a "white supremacist or the KKK or a nazi", however it's just as hard to reason with "BLM, ANTIFA, and other hate groups".

In short no matter what Trump said many would not have accepted it period and taking down monuments is outright silly.....
As a child of the 60s, I know exactly how far we have come. I also know the idiots in Charlottesville do not represent anything me or anyone I know, believe in. And yes, they are finally in the minority.

But ignoring them will not make it go away. KAT is speaking he should. Not sure about you, but I'm white and even though I lived through it, I only have my perspective. And it can't possibly be the same.

As for the President. ...I am a staunch Conservative. Always will be. But I know leadership when I see it, and he doesn't provide it. But neither did the guy before him. And we desperately need that today more than ever. But thats for another thread in the political forum.

There is still a lot wrong out there. Black on black crime, the alt right, the alt left, etc... And I fear it may worsen soon. I have my theories as to why but it doesn't matter here. But young Towns is right. It's time for unity. Both sides have to comply. It's actually past time.

KAT is a fine rep for this university. Or any in America.
Coming from a liberal, this is spot on. I'd vote for you
Nail meet hammer. There's three sides to every story. And the POTUS did denounce the KKK, Nazi's, and white supremacist's. There is enough fault to go around on "BOTH" sides, the problem starts to exist when we "take a side".

It's very difficult to reason with a "white supremacist or the KKK or a nazi", however it's just as hard to reason with "BLM, ANTIFA, and other hate groups".

In short no matter what Trump said many would not have accepted it period and taking down monuments is outright silly.....

Great post. Exactly what I've been saying for two weeks – if you are taking a side on the Charlottesville're the problem.
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Gotta love Texans. They will bring you a beer in a hurricane.

On a somewhat related note, libs claim to be compassionate but they're the most vile mean-spirited scum in the nation. The differences in values couldn't be more obvious.
Nail meet hammer. There's three sides to every story. And the POTUS did denounce the KKK, Nazi's, and white supremacist's. There is enough fault to go around on "BOTH" sides, the problem starts to exist when we "take a side".

It's very difficult to reason with a "white supremacist or the KKK or a nazi", however it's just as hard to reason with "BLM, ANTIFA, and other hate groups".

In short no matter what Trump said many would not have accepted it period and taking down monuments is outright silly.....

He didn't denounce the KKK, Nazi's, and white supremacists when he first had the opportunity. Then when he did, he didn't seem happy about doing it. Then he went back and defended his original comments, multiple times.

Both democrats and republicans were unhappy with what he said. It was bipartisan because the way that he did it was wrong, and people on both sides could see it.

I'm a conservative as well, and although I would never vote for Hillary, I sure didn't throw away my morals by voting for that disaster of a man.

If Trump supporters could simply acknowledge when he does something wrong, we could have a discourse. But astonishingly, I never see anyone from his MAGA base do that.

Awesome that Gary Cohn stood up to Trump about his Charlottesville comments and has let it be known in the media as well. THAT'S ALL MANY OF US ARE LOOKING FOR: just admit when he screws up.

And whether you like or dislike Mitch McConnell, picking a fight with the majority senate leader is really, REALLY poor leadership. I could go on, but what's the point? It's one thing to say, "Well, he will at least appoint some conservative judges." It is something else entirely to put your faith in that man.
Great post. Exactly what I've been saying for two weeks – if you are taking a side on the Charlottesville're the problem.
Ridiculous. Neo-nazis, white supremacists, and the KKK are a problem, and Trump has encouraged and empowered them. That is the problem . . . and if you don't see that, you're part of the problem.
I saw first hand the destruction caused by environmental racism. Of course it didn't happen to me because I'm white, but i saw an African American man get struck by lightening. Most racist thing I've ever seen
And what about the eskimos that have to deal with excessive cold and feet of snow? Trump's fault.
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I sure wish the political discussion on the General board was this civil, it is a waste of time trying to have a conversation over there, I sometimes wonder if the main posters are about 22 years old and have never been outside their home counties. You literally cannot even discuss an actual policy before it dissolves into ridiculous and juvenile name calling.
Etowncatfan, stick to whatever your profession is. Nobody gives a shit what you think.

JD no reason to cuss or get upset in discussing this. Seems to me you are very close minded in not thinking that there are always 2 sides when discussing issues. We all have opinions. We all have a right to agree or disagree. But we all must RESPECT the opinion of others.
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JD no reason to cuss or get upset in discussing this. Seems to me you are very close minded in not thinking that there are always 2 sides when discussing issues. We all have opinions. We all have a right to agree or disagree. But we all must RESPECT the opinion of others.
You just told KAT to stick to basketball... Don't play both sides.
There are some decent responses here from some conservatives and some cliche agenda posts. Nothing new about a lot of it. However KAT is a man that is privileged and he knows it, he even speaks to it. The fact he can see things for what they are even though it doesn't impact his life in a tangible way is testament to his intelligence and his basic human empathy. He makes me proud we help and assist such honorable people at UK. He is amazingly mature, well spoken, and thoughtful for his age. I think he is a Kentucky Wildcat that represents UK as well as anyone ever has.
JD no reason to cuss or get upset in discussing this. Seems to me you are very close minded in not thinking that there are always 2 sides when discussing issues. We all have opinions. We all have a right to agree or disagree. But we all must RESPECT the opinion of others.
?!?! Just like you respected Karl's when you posted he needs to stick to basketball. I have no problem listening to two sides of any argument. What I have a problem with is someone like yourself being dumb enough to think just because a guy is playing basketball that he doesn't have the knowledge or right to give his opinion on something outside of that realm.
JD no reason to cuss or get upset in discussing this. Seems to me you are very close minded in not thinking that there are always 2 sides when discussing issues. We all have opinions. We all have a right to agree or disagree. But we all must RESPECT the opinion of others.
Poppycock! I do not accept that I have to respect the opinions of Nazi's for one. Are you saying you respect Charles Manson? Thoughtless rhetorical claptrap.
Nail meet hammer. There's three sides to every story. And the POTUS did denounce the KKK, Nazi's, and white supremacist's. There is enough fault to go around on "BOTH" sides, the problem starts to exist when we "take a side".

It's very difficult to reason with a "white supremacist or the KKK or a nazi", however it's just as hard to reason with "BLM, ANTIFA, and other hate groups".

In short no matter what Trump said many would not have accepted it period and taking down monuments is outright silly.....

Nail meet hammer? Hahaha please. Don't flatter yourself. Trump denounced them after he realized how bad he was coming off about the whole thing. Yes there is blame on both sides and that's a separate issue altogether, but my point was for people to have the discussion face to face as opposed to passive aggressive bitching in public forums that does more harm than good.

Trump avoided outright denunciation initially because those people voted for him. That's shameful. He should have immediately spoken out about them. I don't want to hear hate groups like the KKK and the Nazis being compared to anti-facists and Black Lives Matter. Just like I don't want to hear Trump being compared to Hitler. Both are really ignorant comparisons. Trump needs to start leading the country and not his supporters. Bottom line.
He didn't denounce the KKK, Nazi's, and white supremacists when he first had the opportunity. Then when he did, he didn't seem happy about doing it. Then he went back and defended his original comments, multiple times.

Both democrats and republicans were unhappy with what he said. It was bipartisan because the way that he did it was wrong, and people on both sides could see it.

I'm a conservative as well, and although I would never vote for Hillary, I sure didn't throw away my morals by voting for that disaster of a man.

If Trump supporters could simply acknowledge when he does something wrong, we could have a discourse. But astonishingly, I never see anyone from his MAGA base do that.

Awesome that Gary Cohn stood up to Trump about his Charlottesville comments and has let it be known in the media as well. THAT'S ALL MANY OF US ARE LOOKING FOR: just admit when he screws up.

And whether you like or dislike Mitch McConnell, picking a fight with the majority senate leader is really, REALLY poor leadership. I could go on, but what's the point? It's one thing to say, "Well, he will at least appoint some conservative judges." It is something else entirely to put your faith in that man.

"He didn't seem happy when he was doing it"? Are you serious? I support our president. I full well know when and how to acknowledge a mistake. The point I'm making is that you seem to have, just like the media, is an innate ability to know how he feels when he speaks, what's in his heart and mind.

And the so called Republicans you speak of despise Trump as much as the left, so don't bring that into your defense of what and when he said it. I didn't vote for him, I didn't vote for the Clinton machine either, and if you can't see where this country is and has been going for the last 5-8 years than you've had your head buried somewhere.

Trump's made a lot of mistakes as did Obama, how many times did he apologize for his mistakes? Think real hard, that's exactly right he never did apologize about a darn thing. So get off your high horse, come on back down to where the rest of us are and enjoy the ride, we're going places that will make the 60's and 70's seem civil.

And I would bet you support the peaceful and laid back group called "ANTIFA", those that are all about free speech and diversity and are fighting for the cause. I know your kind, I work with people like you, the kind you see coming down the hall and slip into the side office because you don't want to talk to them.

Carry on
The Great Uniter, Donald Trump! He thinks he only has to help 1/3 of the country. And his rich buddies, of course!

At this point, I'll be shocked if he or the country makes it 4 years. Most selfish person I've ever seen. He epitomizes the baby boomer generation - me, me me! That entire generation are like locusts who have eaten up every resource until there's little left for anyone else.