How will they rule ??!

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North Korea fired 3 short range missiles today and all 3 failed. And this ****er has the audacity to threaten a target over 2,000 miles away that happens to be smaller than Fayette county? Lulz.

I still don't think those kooks could hit the ocean with a missile if it was parked in the middle of the pacific.
Noam Chomsky: Antifa is a 'major gift to the right'

"As for Antifa, it's a minuscule fringe of the Left, just as its predecessors were," Noam Chomsky told the Washington Examiner. "It's a major gift to the Right, including the militant Right, who are exuberant." Chomsky said, "what they do is often wrong in principle – like blocking talks – and [the movement] is generally self-destructive."

"When confrontation shifts to the arena of violence, it's the toughest and most brutal who win – and we know who that is," said Chomsky, a professor emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "That's quite apart from the opportunity costs – the loss of the opportunity for education, organizing, and serious and constructive activism."
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The day Mitch made a statement about Trump not being an experienced politician or knowing how things worked in Washington, I sent him an email telling him the very reason I voted for Trump was that he was NOT a politician and did not intend to do business as usual. It's "the way things are done in Washington" that has caused the decline in our nation. I suggested he get in line and work with the President or he'd be getting at least one less vote next election.
Karl, Stick to Basketball. There Will always be People in the world who will be Racists. But I was transplanted to the South in 1964 as a kid. Coming from Kentucky I didn't understand why we had our schools and they had theirs. I was living in a different world. But that was the 60's. We are no where even close to that today. Yes there are individual groups who are allowed to exist that are racists. But they represent.00000001% of the American people. The media and the race profiteers keep it stirred up. People who lived during the 60's know exactly how far we have come when it comes to Racism. That doesn't mean we stop doing better. As for our President, Karl, if you would get behind him rather than complain about his every breathe, you would see this nation come together just like The Big Blue Nation!
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Did KAT get beat by honky Wisconsin. Yes.

Did KAT star in Miley Cyrus video? Yes.

Did KAT attack our president. Yes.

*It was a good editorial, tbh, but the president stuff did not fit in and cheapened his personal piece. He stated trump did not condemn white supremicists - he did 3 seperate times. The history part was also interesting. Idk what he meant, but he equates history to bad - assuming slavery history - and used Lexington as an example saying the city is not perfect it "still" has history. This idea that history is offensive and bad in present times, and we should do something about it is dangerous and weird and not possible. You can't erase history idiots. You gotta learn from it. Some people are not interested in that, they want to repeat it, they want revenge.

I think he's a scientogist, tbh.

Gah, I hate CNN.

"You don't have a problem with what the president said? Both sides?"


"Ugh!!! Why not?! White supremacy! Neo-Nazi!"

"Well, the NN&WS are sickening. But ANTIFA is just as bad. Both sides are to blame. He's right."

"Are you saying you support NN&WS?"

"What? No. I'm saying both these groups are bad for our country. I saw it on video. Both sides."

"NN&WS have guns. Is that okay? And counter protesters just be counter protesting. No biggie. Your source isn't credible." (LOL)

"Open carry... and ANTIFA has riot gear, weapons, and burns places to the ground! That's not very peaceful."


"Yeah... we said they aren't good either but both sides-"


I'm totally fine with KAT expressing whatever opinion he wants. With that though, there will be backlash and the people opposing his opinions have absolutely as much right as he does to express their opinion.

KAT is a bright dude-Just wish she could figure out why more white people are shot by the police every single year than black people.
Karl, Stick to Basketball. There Will always be People in the world who will be Racists. But I was transplanted to the South in 1964 as a kid. Coming from Kentucky I didn't understand why we had our schools and they had theirs. I was living in a different world. But that was the 60's. We are no where even close to that today. Yes there are individual groups who are allowed to exist that are racists. But they represent.00000001% of the American people. The media and the race profiteers keep it stirred up. People who lived during the 60's know exactly how far we have come when it comes to Racism. That doesn't mean we stop doing better. As for our President, Karl, if you would get behind him rather than complain about his every breathe, you would see this nation come together just like The Big Blue Nation!
Wouldn't have hurt if more people had got behind our last President either.
Did KAT get beat by honky Wisconsin. Yes.

Did KAT star in Miley Cyrus video? Yes.

Did KAT attack our president. Yes.

*It was a good editorial, tbh, but the president stuff did not fit in and cheapened his personal piece. He stated trump did not condemn white supremicists - he did 3 seperate times. The history part was also interesting. Idk what he meant, but he equates history to bad - assuming slavery history - and used Lexington as an example saying the city is not perfect it "still" has history. This idea that history is offensive and bad in present times, and we should do something about it is dangerous and weird and not possible. You can't erase history idiots. You gotta learn from it. Some people are not interested in that, they want to repeat it, they want revenge.

I think he's a scientogist, tbh.

I like that KAT spent less than a year on campus and is now a "great thinker."

What exactly did Joe do to even need to be pardoned? I've heard bits and pieces but never exact details.
Karl, Stick to Basketball. There Will always be People in the world who will be Racists. But I was transplanted to the South in 1964 as a kid. Coming from Kentucky I didn't understand why we had our schools and they had theirs. I was living in a different world. But that was the 60's. We are no where even close to that today. Yes there are individual groups who are allowed to exist that are racists. But they represent.00000001% of the American people. The media and the race profiteers keep it stirred up. People who lived during the 60's know exactly how far we have come when it comes to Racism. That doesn't mean we stop doing better. As for our President, Karl, if you would get behind him rather than complain about his every breathe, you would see this nation come together just like The Big Blue Nation!

Alright, let's reel it back in a hair. He did not complain about his every breath. He complained about one particular thing, that in truth, he was completely correct about. It's fair to be critical of a president that doesn't denounce white supremacy, and racism in general. I'll happily support any person who becomes the president, because you should want the person leading our nation to be successful, but wrong needs to be called wrong. A pass shouldn't be given because the man is our president. I do want to point out that in the history of our country progressing, it has been because people with the appropriate platform wasn't afraid to stand up for what they believe in, and it ultimately made great change. How is KAT any less right to stating his opinion and voicing his concern about a serious racial divide in this nation, than Martin Luther King Jr. was? Just because racism will always be around does NOT mean that it should always, or ever be tolerated.
Political and social activism is not a job occupation, basketball is for him. He has room for both, he has the platform for both, and he appears to be well-informed enough to do both. ANYBODY that is educated on the matter should step up and voice their concerns.
Nobody should take issue with this. This is KAT fulfilling what he believes his moral and civic duty, and I'm thrilled about it.

I suggest the "woke" crowd watch this video the next time before they choose to pull for North Korea over the USA.
I'm from Ky. I just sent MM a note telling him I had voted for him all my adult life and if he valued my future votes, he'd use his leadership skills to get the right side of the aisle to support President Trump.

Mitch might have sealed his fate when he said the president's "expectations are too high."
I agree people need to get behind the President but Trump does have issues with foot-in-mouth disease. He needs to quit looking to avoid losing votes and massaging his ego, and actually start speaking in ways that gets the country behind him. I voted for him because of his policy views compared to Hillary. But the election is over. Time to lead a country, not a voter base. Racism needs to be strongly denounced and President Trump needs to be the one to make that stand...and he botched it. Multiple times. It's ok to be Republican and criticize the Pres.

I agree the percentage of true racists in this country is small. But it only takes one person with enough hate to do a lot of damage. I think KAT put together a great opinion piece. But here's my question. Is he trying to have these conversations with people on the other side of the argument? Or is he just preaching to the choir? Has he written a letter to the President? Has he offered to go speak with Trump? Has he done anything to extend the conversation to those who need to hear it? If not, he's not going to be effective as an activist. Period. Kevin Durant and Lebron James...preach love and community, then throw jabs at the President causing the exact opposite effect. Durant actually refused a meeting with the President! And we wonder why there is division.
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