How will they rule ??!

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Clemson prof: 'All Republicans are racist scum'.

A Clemson University professor is labeling all Donald Trump supporters and Republicans as “racist scum," demanding that they "denounce your affiliation, or admit you're a racist.”

Professor Bart Knijnenburg even directly advocated violence in one Facebook post, saying, “I admire anyone who stands up against white supremacy. Violent or non-violent," and adding the hashtag "#PunchNazis."

[laughing] This guy really loves us.

This is commentary dressed up as news reporting, could we please just stick to reporting what Trump said rather than packaging it in exegesis and selective criticism?

This is a critical point. The MSM literally cannot write about Trump without interjecting something like this is what Trump says but this is what he really means by it.
Clemson prof: 'All Republicans are racist scum'.

A Clemson University professor is labeling all Donald Trump supporters and Republicans as “racist scum," demanding that they "denounce your affiliation, or admit you're a racist.”

Professor Bart Knijnenburg even directly advocated violence in one Facebook post, saying, “I admire anyone who stands up against white supremacy. Violent or non-violent," and adding the hashtag "#PunchNazis."

[laughing] This guy really loves us.


What was bad about her campaign? I'm curious on your take because it's not often that you hear a Democrat say this.

In my opinion, she was a terrible candidate who was filled with arrogance and entitlement probably because it had been promised to her since she lost to Obama. She had so much baggage and no accomplishments to stand on and media made it so clear to tune out because they were obviously in the tank for her.

History shows us that it's rare for the same party to win three times. It has only happened once since FDR so I knew she was vulnerable just like how I knew Republicans didn't stand a chance in 2008. To me, the result was backlash to identity politics, Obama, BLM, open borders, PC culture, etc.

<---------- Not a Democrat (although nothing wrong with being one), just a left leaning Republican (on some issues anyway) that doesn't understand what the hell happened to my party

Agree with your take as well

1. She never even campaigned in Wisconsin, took it for granted, cost her dearly
2. Largely ignored flyover country, spent way too much time on the East and West Coast campaigning with rock stars and actresses, like the rest of us are supposed to give a shit what Bruce Springsteen thinks
3. Was terrible public speaker, who never provided any real compelling reason to vote for her, listening to her was like a lecture from a bad college professor. At least Bernie Sanders could get people excited even if his ideas were way out in left field.
4. Never offered anything new other than four more years of Obama and Bill Clinton II. I swore I would never vote for another Bush or another Clinton, and I haven't.
Although no Arnold, Lou Ferrigno >>>>> Michelle Obama

Here's a video of the two. Michelle Obama comes in at :07 you don't see her going on to lecture everyone in the gym about proper fitness.

Do you live under a rock?

I'd think anyone would have heard repeal and replace (failed thanks to the R establishment), tax reform (likely to fail thanks to the R establishment), cutting back on illegal immigration, stopping the import of fighting age males from terrorist hot beds, dialing back regulations. That's just off the top of my head. Wyvern/Castle has done a very good job in this thread at different points highlighting some of the things he's done that obviously get ignored by the media.

I didn't vote for Trump, but there were bits and pieces to be optimistic about.

I don't know how anyone could possibly say they didn't know what his agenda was. Maybe not specifics, but isn't that the whole goddam point of an agenda - fill in the specifics later?

repeal and replace (failed thanks to the R establishment) With what?? We are still waiting to get specifics, which no one has articulated

tax reform (likely to fail thanks to the R establishment) LOL at this one. He put forth some half baked ideas a couple of months ago, and a regional accounting firm sent us a letter basically saying there was no way for them to analyze his proposals because they were so lacking in any concrete details

cutting back on illegal immigration With a gazillion dollar wall, which no one really wants? And will not stop it anyway, no more than the Maginot Line stopped the Blitzkrieg

stopping the import of fighting age males from terrorist hot beds Well, he has some up with a couple of travel bans, affecting about .05% of the Muslim world, which is going to have a very difficult time passing constitutional muster. He did manage to bar a group of Afghan schoolgirls who had won a robot building contest from traveling to Washington DC to compete with kids from all over the world (until he personally intervened, they were denied entry)

dialing back regulations. I will give you this one, I personally think the 2 year limit on EPA studies for infrastructure (an honest to God actual proposal!!!) is a good start

No, a campaign agenda is not the same as governing. Not even close. Look we are all better off if the President is successful and can put together coherent policies. We all should want that. I certainly do. But he needs to quit tweeting and campaigning and sit at his desk and do the boring work of leading the country, i.e., do the damn job we elected him to do.
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What a day

Been arguing back and forth with a guy who works in my building. He is black.

Finally got him(and another) to admit they voted for trump. Just don't want anyone else to know out of fear of being called an Uncle Tom. There are a lot more than even we think.
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repeal and replace (failed thanks to the R establishment) With what?? We are still waiting to get specifics, which no one has articulated

tax reform (likely to fail thanks to the R establishment) LOL at this one. He put forth some half baked ideas a couple of months ago, and a regional accounting firm sent us a letter basically saying there was no way for them to analyze his proposals because they were so lacking in any concrete details

cutting back on illegal immigration With a gazillion dollar wall, which no one really wants? And will not stop it anyway, no more than the Maginot Line stopped the Blitzkrieg

stopping the import of fighting age males from terrorist hot beds Well, he has some up with a couple of travel bans, affecting about .05% of the Muslim world, which is going to have a very difficult time passing constitutional muster. He did manage to bar a group of Afghan schoolgirls who had won a robot building contest from traveling to Washington DC to compete with kids from all over the world (until he personally intervened, they were denied entry)

dialing back regulations. I will give you this one, I personally think the 2 year limit on EPA studies for infrastructure (an honest to God actual proposal!!!) is a good start

No, a campaign agenda is not the same as governing. Not even close. Look we are all better off if the President is successful and can put together coherent policies. We all should want that. I certainly do. But he needs to quit tweeting and campaigning and sit at his desk and do the boring work of leading the country, i.e., do the damn job we elected him to do.

I honestly don't even know what you're talking about. You said you've been confused about Trump's agenda for 18 months. I point out some things he said he wanted to do and has tried to do. You say a campaign is different than governing. Then why did you reference 18 months? He's been president for 7.

You asked for agenda items. I give you agenda items. You get mad because there aren't specifics.

Contrary to the way Obama governed, Trump has opposition in both parties. He can't just govern through unconstitutional, but unchallenged EOs.

Illegal immigration has dropped significantly. Yeah, he promised a wall. Whatever. Who gives a shit if illegal immigration stops significantly without it? As I said, I didn't vote for him, didn't care about a wall, but I do recognize positive results. I cared about the agenda item of curbing illegal immigration, not the specifics of a wall.

He's put forth general ideas and things he'd like to see in tax reform. He has people working behind the scenes with Congress to hash everything out.

I really don't know what you expect. He's communicated a lot of his "agenda." If you want him to do all the specifics, that takes a Congress willing to just sign on to those specifics. We already know Paul Ryan had his own, different, ideas for the specifics of tax reform.

I really don't understand how someone can criticize every move Trump makes. Criticize him for not putting all the specifics of rewriting the tax code. Criticize him for not completely rewriting Obamacare. Then say, he needs to do the job we elected him to do. He is in the EXECUTIVE branch. You're criticizing him for not writing legislation. That's the job of the worthless do nothing Congress.
---------- Not a Democrat (although nothing wrong with being one), just a left leaning Republican (on some issues anyway) that doesn't understand what the hell happened to my party
you have been here over a decade and have never made a single post that was right of center, just stop. Do you think the Dems are being obstructionists on the GOP agenda?
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SIAP, hard to keep of with all the hot takes out there (that are just a sign of repug fear of course)
Here are some pretty good things happening in the USG (since no one else is going to tell us, right?)

.....and while I"m not a big fan of Executive Orders - here are some daily recent ones that at least represent investment in our nation's infrastructure and people

Assessing and Strengthening the Manufacturing ... and Supply Chain Resiliency of the United States

Reviving the National Space Council (disbanded in 1993)

Expanding Apprenticeships in the US

Investing in Cyber Security for Critical Infrastructure

The Left, although in the vast minority, is funded, organized, has a strategy, a MSM propaganda arm and the liberal leaders of our large cities. All the Right has is a rascal unpolished president and wavering Fox News.

Vast minority? Yet received 3 million more votes this past election...
All the right has is Trump and Fox News???
Talk radio isn't a propaganda arm for the right?
Even MSNBC is more "Fair and Balanced" than Rush, Hannity, Beck, and a large network of local talking heads that do nothing but attack. Breitbart and similar outlets...

Yes, most large cities are more liberal and also much more diverse than rural America. Large city leadership reflects the citizens that live within those cities. Perhaps living within close proximity to diversity one comes to appreciate, understand and accept it.

The right isn't funded? Do the Koch brothers or DeVos family ring a bell?
Vast minority? Yet received 3 million more votes this past election...
All the right has is Trump and Fox News???
Talk radio isn't a propaganda arm for the right?
Even MSNBC is more "Fair and Balanced" than Rush, Hannity, Beck, and a large network of local talking heads that do nothing but attack. Breitbart and similar outlets...

Yes, most large cities are more liberal and also much more diverse than rural America. Large city leadership reflects the citizens that live within those cities. Perhaps living within close proximity to diversity one comes to appreciate, understand and accept it.

The right isn't funded? Do the Koch brothers or DeVos family ring a bell?
The Koch Brothers are not supporters of Trump for the record Fuzz.
repeal and replace (failed thanks to the R establishment) With what?? We are still waiting to get specifics, which no one has articulated

tax reform (likely to fail thanks to the R establishment) LOL at this one. He put forth some half baked ideas a couple of months ago, and a regional accounting firm sent us a letter basically saying there was no way for them to analyze his proposals because they were so lacking in any concrete details

cutting back on illegal immigration With a gazillion dollar wall, which no one really wants? And will not stop it anyway, no more than the Maginot Line stopped the Blitzkrieg

stopping the import of fighting age males from terrorist hot beds Well, he has some up with a couple of travel bans, affecting about .05% of the Muslim world, which is going to have a very difficult time passing constitutional muster. He did manage to bar a group of Afghan schoolgirls who had won a robot building contest from traveling to Washington DC to compete with kids from all over the world (until he personally intervened, they were denied entry)

dialing back regulations. I will give you this one, I personally think the 2 year limit on EPA studies for infrastructure (an honest to God actual proposal!!!) is a good start

He wants to pass anything on Healthcare - I'll give you that...two things he always mentions is crossing state lines and attacking drug pricing...the VA also has a nice new system that could be helpful in the future of healthcare.

His tough talk and rhetoric, as well as letting certain agencies do their job has already decreased illegal border crossings by 50-70%. The wall would help to stop even more illegal traffic, to say it wouldn't is silly. Is the cost worth the amount of crossings the wall would stop is the ?...but the wall was a symbol of his campaign, so he will want it to be done is some way, shape or form.

Afghanistan is not on the travel ban mentioning that shows some bias, for sure.

Foreign policy seems to be to lean on regional influences to take care of their own regions.

Wants to reassess all trade deals...

Bullet point Trump ideas are pretty easy to may not like them, but you are a smart guy - you know there are plenty of items to list
Vast minority? Yet received 3 million more votes this past election...
All the right has is Trump and Fox News???
Talk radio isn't a propaganda arm for the right?
Even MSNBC is more "Fair and Balanced" than Rush, Hannity, Beck, and a large network of local talking heads that do nothing but attack. Breitbart and similar outlets...

Yes, most large cities are more liberal and also much more diverse than rural America. Large city leadership reflects the citizens that live within those cities. Perhaps living within close proximity to diversity one comes to appreciate, understand and accept it.

The right isn't funded? Do the Koch brothers or DeVos family ring a bell?
You and the other 4 or 5 libs on here should pool your money and split a brain.

Even at 20% per person, it would be a huge improvement.
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you have been here over a decade and have never made a single post that was right of center, just stop. Do you think the Dems are being obstructionists on the GOP agenda?
how predictable was it that the first sentence in the reply was going to be "I'm not a Democrat"? heh.....
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Please list the terroristic events that you claim.
The past year the leftist groups have literally beaten people on the streets, for no other reason than they support Trump.

I'm white and I would say I'm a nationalist, does that make me a racist in your view? Because that is exactly the message the media is portraying.

Who exactly is openly preaching racial hatred in the Mainstream? Who were the ones running with White nationalism constantly?
I had never heard the term Alt right until Hillary stated, and she did that to stoke racial anxieties in minorities, black people to be exact, she needed them to vote in the same numbers as when Obama ran.
Race is the entire Dem platform for winning now, it's disgusting. They need fear to rile up their base, and ol mean whitey is the the boogeyman.
Bill, you really need to re-read what you posted and then step back and look at the attacks brought forth by the right-wing. The "War on the American Culture" as the right likes to frame it is subtext to "war on white culture".

As for that list... (only listing those with fatalities)
  • A 2012 tri-state killing spree by white supremacists, David Pedersen and Holly Grigsby (4 killed),
  • The 2011 FEAR group attacks (3 killed),
Illegal votes.
so stop with the bullshit. She didn't win the majority vote legally. Just stop with the bullshit.
I guess you got that from your alternative facts network?

I'll be waiting for you to publish proof of your claim. I'll not hold my breath.
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Bill, you really need to re-read what you posted and then step back and look at the attacks brought forth by the right-wing. The "War on the American Culture" as the right likes to frame it is subtext to "war on white culture".

As for that list... (only listing those with fatalities)
  • A 2012 tri-state killing spree by white supremacists, David Pedersen and Holly Grigsby (4 killed),
  • The 2011 FEAR group attacks (3 killed),

LOL did you check any of those before you copied and pasted the list?

Or are you just a complete dumbass thinking none of us would actually look those up?
I guess you got that from your alternative facts network?

I'll be waiting for you to publish proof of your claim. I'll not hold my breath.

Already have been found by states and their voting commission. Only fake news is liberal fake news. Sorry you are being spoon fed a line of bullshit and you're actually believing it.
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Shocked fuzz didn't list the Scalise shooting, which by the way has been stricken from all public record and discussion.
Already have been found by states and their voting commission. Only fake news is liberal fake news. Sorry you are being spoon fed a line of bullshit and you're actually believing it.
They take immense pride in the huge swaths of immigrants in LA, Chicago, etc on welfare that make their vote totals look great. And view those people as too worthless to get a free ID.
As a lifelong registered Democrat liberal I am ashamed at the obstruction of the Dems in Congress these days. Breaks my heart to see Antifa sully our good causes as well. I may switch to being a moderate independent.
I was making reference to the president issuing executive orders (probably should have stated it that way) and one Federal judge being able to tie it up (along with state laws) through the appeals process (which is definitely an indefinite hold). I was not suggesting that it was illegal to do that. Just that it is a stupid way of governance. Especially in these recent years of legislating from the bench. I believe only 16 Federal judges have ever been impeached by the Senate, mostly for egregious personal actions - not for interjecting themselves in the outcome of the political process.(which this judge's action seems to be doing.)

Supreme Court rulings settle the law of the land. That however does mean that they are not sometimes stupid or politically motivated. They are not decrees from God.
Good answer. Judges are not supposed to have more power than the President. That's a big problem in this country.
This story has it all.

Driver hits protesters(as in protesters surrounded and climbed aboard) in St Louis, protesting transgender of color being shot by police as she was trying to stab cop.

Driver arrested for fleeing.

Perfect for sjw bingo

Still waiting for someone to post the Trump Agenda though, haven't figured it out yet after about 18 months of trying really hard .

Its been the same since his circa 1982 interview with oprah. Put americans first. Reward production. Later he added repealibg obamacare, which hes tried to do.

Of all the many fair criticisms of this president, its laughable you chose to criticize maybe his strongest trait.

Whats sad is thats considered some radical view right now.

Interesting that Trump can be a Nazi white supremacist and a "puppet of the Jews" at the same time.
Yeah, this Trump is a nazi shit is so laughable. Even if Trump wanted to be a nazi, he couldn't be. Almost half his children are jewish. He would be the worst nazi of all time.
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Bill, you really need to re-read what you posted and then step back and look at the attacks brought forth by the right-wing. The "War on the American Culture" as the right likes to frame it is subtext to "war on white culture".

As for that list... (only listing those with fatalities)
  • A 2012 tri-state killing spree by white supremacists, David Pedersen and Holly Grigsby (4 killed),
  • The 2011 FEAR group attacks (3 killed),
The Portland train attacker was such a right winger that he was a Bernie sanders supporter.

And those jews and cops killed. Yup, totally sounds like right wing killers. Because us right wingers are known to hate jews and cops.

And I would love to see this proof that Dylan Roof was a right winger.
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