How will they rule ??!

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Top 20 political donors...

1) Sheldon Adelson, Las Vegas: $814,300 (100 percent to Republicans)
2) Richard DeVos, Holland, Michigan: $692,450 (100 percent to Republicans)
3) Charles Koch, Wichita, Kansas, and David Koch, New York: $682,100 (100 percent to Republicans)
4) Charles Schwab, San Francisco: $487,100 (100 percent to Republicans)
5) Steve Wynn, Las Vegas: $481,200 (100 percent to Republicans)
6) Ken Griffin, Chicago: $473,609 (100 percent to Republicans)
7) Vince and Linda McMahon, Greenwich, Connecticut: $456,050 (100 percent to Republicans)
8) Paul Singer, New York: $451,700 (100 percent to Republicans)
9) James Simons, East Setauket, New York: $341,100 (98 percent to Democrats)
10) Philip Anschutz, Denver: $323,200 (100 percent to Republicans)

11) Stanley Hubbard, St. Paul, Minnesota: $321,150 (95 percent to Republicans)
12) J. Joe Ricketts, Little Jackson Hole, Wyoming: $320,325 (100 percent to Republicans)
13) Haim Saban, Beverly Hills, California: $310,000 (100 percent to Democrats)
14) Charles Johnson, Hillsborough, California: $309,400 (100 percent to Republicans)
15) Stephen Bechtel, San Francisco: $307,601 (100 percent to Republicans)
16) John Catsimatidis, New York: $284,550 (85 percent to Republicans)
17) John Fisher, San Francisco: $279,400 (96 percent to Republicans)
18) Kenny Troutt, Dallas: $261,400 (100 percent to Republicans)
19) Bruce Kovner, New York: $257,600 (92 percent to Republicans)
20) Marc Rowan, New York: $256,600 (63 percent to Republicans)

Regardless of party affiliation, nobody should be okay with this. While people are worrying about terrorists (1 in 3 million chance of being affected,) abortion and gun rights (neither of which are going to change in our lifetimes,) people are buying and selling politicians every day.
The data is from 2014. You're welcomed to list more current data if you have it.
So donors aren't supporters? Didn't you just accuse me of "wordplay"?

The amount of donation isn't the same as uber rich supporting Dems. Are you saying the top donors from that list are the wealthiest people in the nation from top down?

I provided a list with a link from 2016 , where was your data from?
1) Executive orders aren't law and all laws are subject to legal review.
2) If a judge "ignored law" then there are courts above that would overturn the ruling.
3) Most judges, especially judges on state and federal benches have long track records of rulings. Knowing the tendency of a judges' rulings only takes a little research from a first year lawyer or paralegal.


Um, yeah, executive orders are laws.

And you are in waaaaay over your head on this topic. It's a hotly debated legal issue without clear answers.
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Top 20 political donors...

1) Sheldon Adelson, Las Vegas: $814,300 (100 percent to Republicans)
2) Richard DeVos, Holland, Michigan: $692,450 (100 percent to Republicans)
3) Charles Koch, Wichita, Kansas, and David Koch, New York: $682,100 (100 percent to Republicans)
4) Charles Schwab, San Francisco: $487,100 (100 percent to Republicans)
5) Steve Wynn, Las Vegas: $481,200 (100 percent to Republicans)
6) Ken Griffin, Chicago: $473,609 (100 percent to Republicans)
7) Vince and Linda McMahon, Greenwich, Connecticut: $456,050 (100 percent to Republicans)
8) Paul Singer, New York: $451,700 (100 percent to Republicans)
9) James Simons, East Setauket, New York: $341,100 (98 percent to Democrats)
10) Philip Anschutz, Denver: $323,200 (100 percent to Republicans)

11) Stanley Hubbard, St. Paul, Minnesota: $321,150 (95 percent to Republicans)
12) J. Joe Ricketts, Little Jackson Hole, Wyoming: $320,325 (100 percent to Republicans)
13) Haim Saban, Beverly Hills, California: $310,000 (100 percent to Democrats)
14) Charles Johnson, Hillsborough, California: $309,400 (100 percent to Republicans)
15) Stephen Bechtel, San Francisco: $307,601 (100 percent to Republicans)
16) John Catsimatidis, New York: $284,550 (85 percent to Republicans)
17) John Fisher, San Francisco: $279,400 (96 percent to Republicans)
18) Kenny Troutt, Dallas: $261,400 (100 percent to Republicans)
19) Bruce Kovner, New York: $257,600 (92 percent to Republicans)
20) Marc Rowan, New York: $256,600 (63 percent to Republicans)

Way to cherry pick your stats.

That's Monopoly money richardhead. The real money is donated through their corporations and unions.

Thomas Fahr Steyer, who owns private hedgefund Fahr,LLC,donated $90 million to the Dems.

You can look up any campaign cycle. This lists the 50 biggest political donating organizations:
Top 20 political donors...

1) Sheldon Adelson, Las Vegas: $814,300 (100 percent to Republicans)
2) Richard DeVos, Holland, Michigan: $692,450 (100 percent to Republicans)
3) Charles Koch, Wichita, Kansas, and David Koch, New York: $682,100 (100 percent to Republicans)
4) Charles Schwab, San Francisco: $487,100 (100 percent to Republicans)
5) Steve Wynn, Las Vegas: $481,200 (100 percent to Republicans)
6) Ken Griffin, Chicago: $473,609 (100 percent to Republicans)
7) Vince and Linda McMahon, Greenwich, Connecticut: $456,050 (100 percent to Republicans)
8) Paul Singer, New York: $451,700 (100 percent to Republicans)
9) James Simons, East Setauket, New York: $341,100 (98 percent to Democrats)
10) Philip Anschutz, Denver: $323,200 (100 percent to Republicans)

11) Stanley Hubbard, St. Paul, Minnesota: $321,150 (95 percent to Republicans)
12) J. Joe Ricketts, Little Jackson Hole, Wyoming: $320,325 (100 percent to Republicans)
13) Haim Saban, Beverly Hills, California: $310,000 (100 percent to Democrats)
14) Charles Johnson, Hillsborough, California: $309,400 (100 percent to Republicans)
15) Stephen Bechtel, San Francisco: $307,601 (100 percent to Republicans)
16) John Catsimatidis, New York: $284,550 (85 percent to Republicans)
17) John Fisher, San Francisco: $279,400 (96 percent to Republicans)
18) Kenny Troutt, Dallas: $261,400 (100 percent to Republicans)
19) Bruce Kovner, New York: $257,600 (92 percent to Republicans)
20) Marc Rowan, New York: $256,600 (63 percent to Republicans)

Fuzz, have you seen the donor list, including the foreign donor list for the Clinton Crime Foundation.

I think the saudis gave her $25 million. I think Qatar gave her about $2 million. what's your opinion on the substantial foreign donations given to someone who is ruling over American interests. I'll await that answer.

Oh don't forget the $147 million from Russia and the Uranium One deal either. Guess that's ok when Clinton collaborated with russia, right?
Black former employee I think is what the word is.

Definitely not a white guy because we would've been told that after 5 minutes.

If it's a black guy then we must start destroying rap albums and HBCU. This black man represents all black people.

The good news is, is that this will get added to right wing violence by Fuzz.
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I replied that they are cooperating, they're just using bluster to act like they're not. In other words, there isn't 44 states that aren't cooperating. They are refusing to provide personal private data, thats great as the voter integrity commission doesn't want personal private data.

You don't understand that the layout you just provided is asetup for illegal immigrants to vote? How does someone like you just described even register to vote? If what you just stated is actually occurring, then you can bet your last dollar that illegal voting is taking place in fairly high numbers.
LOL... why on earth would they "bluster to act like they're not"?
Every state, all 50 are refusing to provide information like social security, party affiliation and date of birth which is all considered private information. The fact that a commission would as for data that is protected by privacy laws speaks to the haphazardness of the commission. Many states don't even register party afflation.

I doubt there are too many if any places you can register today without an ID. But there are still people who have been registered for decades at a time when IDs weren't required. Hell, I'm fairly certain that when I turned 18 and registered to vote I didn't have to provide any ID. I know I didn't have to show a birth certificate because I never saw mine until I was in my 20's and needed it to update my passport.
The issue is with denying people who have been registered for decades their right to vote because you decided to change the rules.
What a day

Been arguing back and forth with a guy who works in my building. He is black.

Finally got him(and another) to admit they voted for trump. Just don't want anyone else to know out of fear of being called an Uncle Tom. There are a lot more than even we think.

Again, do *not* doubt me on folks like Trump 100x than conventional wisdom suggests. Not sure what that translates to in the booth, but certainly more DT votes or at worst more just not amped to go out and vote for fakewokes like Hillary.
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What rambling idiocy is fuzz arguing today. His candidate spent 3x and 80+% of media content was her direction.
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LOL... why on earth would they "bluster to act like they're not"?
Every state, all 50 are refusing to provide information like social security, party affiliation and date of birth which is all considered private information. The fact that a commission would as for data that is protected by privacy laws speaks to the haphazardness of the commission. Many states don't even register party afflation.

I doubt there are too many if any places you can register today without an ID. But there are still people who have been registered for decades at a time when IDs weren't required. Hell, I'm fairly certain that when I turned 18 and registered to vote I didn't have to provide any ID. I know I didn't have to show a birth certificate because I never saw mine until I was in my 20's and needed it to update my passport.
The issue is with denying people who have been registered for decades their right to vote because you decided to change the rules.

Fuzz, The commission isn't asking for private data, all they're asking for is public data. The AG's are saying they are refusing to release private data to the commission, which they are, because the commission isn't asking for it.

The AG's are trying to portray a stance of standing up to the federal Govt, all the while complying with what the Commision is asking for, public data on voters.

So you're saying people have gone decades without any form of Govt ID? You realize Texas was allowing 7 different forms of ID as valid, and then if a case like you presented came up the person could also explain why they didn't have an ID.
yup, and most likely related their team gets nearly 70% of votes from people that fail to get a hs diploma.

I've always laughed at that. This part that talks about how brilliant they are and are so smug and calls themselves the "party of science" and boasts about college degrees while mocking Middle America...they do this while they focus on the third world and the uneducated and impoverished black community for votes. Seriously.

They prey on ignorant college kids who don't know any better and think they're so unique after regurgitating their professor's thoughts as their own. They prey on morons who couldn't finish high school and people who want handouts and know nothing else. So basically smug sheltered elitists manipulating minorities through entitlements and pushing identity politics to hate whites.

That's it.
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The left are against voter ID laws and protecting borders simply for votes. If those people voted Republican, there would be voter ID tomorrow and a wall being built before I finished this sentence.

You fool no one but yourselves. I mean, the mental gymnastics it must take to justify these stances has to be exhausting. "We're not racist. You're racist for wanting to verify ID. How dare you think these poor and stupid people could ever obtain an ID."

"Minorities are just as smart and capable as whites."

Same people

"They can't be expected to figure out how to get an ID in four years."

The low expectations Dems have for minorities is comical. That's why they love to run articles about "(insert minority) did this. Awww how neat."

I guess all it takes is some hot sauce and Beyonce references for votes.
Fuzz, have you seen the donor list, including the foreign donor list for the Clinton Crime Foundation.

I think the saudis gave her $25 million. I think Qatar gave her about $2 million. what's your opinion on the substantial foreign donations given to someone who is ruling over American interests. I'll await that answer.

Oh don't forget the $147 million from Russia and the Uranium One deal either. Guess that's ok when Clinton collaborated with russia, right?
Willy, the Clinton Foundation is not/was not the HRC for POTUS foundation. The Clinton Foundation is an international organization. Why should they not take money from outside donors to help farmers in Malawi, Rwanda, and Tanzania? Or health and wellbeing programs in Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia, and Africa? They do work all over the world, why should they be limited to only US donors?
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Willy, the Clinton Foundation is not/was not the HRC for POTUS foundation. The Clinton Foundation is an international organization. Why should they not take money from outside donors to help farmers in Malawi, Rwanda, and Tanzania? Or health and wellbeing programs in Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia, and Africa? They do work all over the world, why should they be limited to only US donors?
I can't even...dear sweet baby jesus
Way to cherry pick your stats.

That's Monopoly money richardhead. The real money is donated through their corporations and unions.

Thomas Fahr Steyer, who owns private hedgefund Fahr,LLC,donated $90 million to the Dems.

You can look up any campaign cycle. This lists the 50 biggest political donating organizations:
I notice fuzz has not addressed this. Probably because it shits all over him.
Willy, the Clinton Foundation is not/was not the HRC for POTUS foundation. The Clinton Foundation is an international organization. Why should they not take money from outside donors to help farmers in Malawi, Rwanda, and Tanzania? Or health and wellbeing programs in Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia, and Africa? They do work all over the world, why should they be limited to only US donors?

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And you are blind and inconsistent. You claimed "Dems were squealing"...I replied with 44 states are not cooperating. It's obviously not just "Dems".

I can't speak for a Texas judge but I'm sure in Texas with a high Hispanic population and blacks, disproportionately poor are more harshly hit. In most cases if I want an ID I have to produce a birth certificate. There are a lot of people who have never seen their birth certificate which means they would have to have the know-how and resources to obtain one. If they were children of migrant workers they might not know in what state they were born to ever start that search. If they are homeless they may not have a post box or address to which they could receive that ID. I realize that it is hard for you to understand but there are people with barriers.

Oh poppycock. There are ways to obtain a valid ID within 4 years dumbass. They just refuse to do so or are illegals.
@fuzz77 still waiting for that proof of Dylan Roof being a right winger.

His proof is that he's white so he has to be a right winger. Curious. Does the left wing get credit for the black supremacist killing five Dallas cops? How about the D.C. Sniper? How about the Asian Va Tech killer? How about all interracial violence where whites are the victim? Does that get chalked up somewhere on the political scoreboard?

Because I'll tell you this, you don't have to be afraid in a conservative city. Republican ideology is not dangerous nor do we admire criminals. Dem cities on the other hand, are nests for crime and apparently have the okay from the politicians and media and professors to split someone's skull if they disagree with them. Dems also have sanctuary cities where they protect criminals, violent criminals.

So get the hell out of here with your BS.
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1) Executive orders aren't law and all laws are subject to legal review.
2) If a judge "ignored law" then there are courts above that would overturn the ruling.
3) Most judges, especially judges on state and federal benches have long track records of rulings. Knowing the tendency of a judges' rulings only takes a little research from a first year lawyer or paralegal.

1) they have the same effect as a law. But still subject to the same judicial restraints the judiciary traditionally applied to themselves.

2) yes and thats what happens. But it shouldnt be required with such regularity. Lower courts are required to follow the law also. Its assumed they will, thats why the constitution lays out the jurisdictional limits. Otherwise every single case would just go straight to scotus for original jurisdiction.

3) Fair point.
I've been watching Live PD lately and notice a lot of people with outstanding warrants don't have an ID.

Some people don't even have their own pants.


You simply can't expect mfers to wear their own pants, so you certainly can't expect them to have valid ID.

I'm not sure which Fuzz post today was the dumbest.

Saying executive orders are not law has to rank in the top 3 dumbest things said in this thread.

And the Clinton Foundation posts? My god. I won't even pretend to understand that stupidity.