How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
When I was a kid, I was riding with my dad one day and as we turned the corner into this neighborhood, the man who lived in the house on the corner had a 20-foot flag pole with a large American flag on it. The knot had come undone and the flag was at less than half-staff b/c the man was working on the side of his house and didn't see it.

My dad stopped and called out to him to let him know his flag was close to the ground. The guy looked up at the flag, then jumped down out of his truck bed and ran over to shake my dad's hand and thank him. Made a huge impression on me.
Vast minority? Yet received 3 million more votes this past election...
All the right has is Trump and Fox News???
Talk radio isn't a propaganda arm for the right?
Even MSNBC is more "Fair and Balanced" than Rush, Hannity, Beck, and a large network of local talking heads that do nothing but attack. Breitbart and similar outlets...

Yes, most large cities are more liberal and also much more diverse than rural America. Large city leadership reflects the citizens that live within those cities. Perhaps living within close proximity to diversity one comes to appreciate, understand and accept it.

The right isn't funded? Do the Koch brothers or DeVos family ring a bell?
No, just no, Fuzz, about the "Left" receiving three million more votes in the election.

1. You have forgotten how many votes Johnson, McMullen, and even Castle got. Add those. Recalculate. Add the Stein votes to your side.

2. You have forgotten that there was more than one election in 2016. There were House elections. Senate elections. State elections. Local elections. On the whole, the Left got hammered in 2016. And I mean hammered.
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Bill, you really need to re-read what you posted and then step back and look at the attacks brought forth by the right-wing. The "War on the American Culture" as the right likes to frame it is subtext to "war on white culture".

As for that list... (only listing those with fatalities)
  • A 2012 tri-state killing spree by white supremacists, David Pedersen and Holly Grigsby (4 killed),
  • The 2011 FEAR group attacks (3 killed),
Next thing you know, whitey's gonna fly a a plane into a few buildings and kill 3000 or so.

Wait... what?
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No, just no, Fuzz, about the "Left" receiving three million more votes in the election.

1. You have forgotten how many votes Johnson, McMullen, and even Castle got. Add those. Recalculate. Add the Stein votes to your side.

2. You have forgotten that there was more than one election in 2016. There were House elections. Senate elections. State elections. Local elections. On the whole, the Left got hammered in 2016. And I mean hammered.

Fuzz doesn't know shit. Democrats illegally voted in the election. Up to 5 million illegal criminals voted.

Get those piece of shit illegals out of the country
I guess you got that from your alternative facts network?

I'll be waiting for you to publish proof of your claim. I'll not hold my breath.

If there is no fraud then why are the Dems squealing about the study Trump initiated?
Why do Dems not want voter ID laws? Why is it that only poor black and Latino voters can't get an ID in the democrats view?
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Good answer. Judges are not supposed to have more power than the President. That's a big problem in this country.
Judges don't have more power, but the Judiciary has equal power to the Executive. Don't like it? Take it up with the founding fathers.
All judges with the exception of the Supreme Court have judges above them that can overturn their rulings. Presidents aren't dictators, they can't make law or rules that are unconstitutional. Not sure how you can disagree with the system that is in place. How could you be so un-American?
Bill, you really need to re-read what you posted and then step back and look at the attacks brought forth by the right-wing. The "War on the American Culture" as the right likes to frame it is subtext to "war on white culture".

As for that list... (only listing those with fatalities)
  • A 2012 tri-state killing spree by white supremacists, David Pedersen and Holly Grigsby (4 killed),
  • The 2011 FEAR group attacks (3 killed),

Fuzz, The leftists have been beating and intimidating Trump supporters for over a year, yet the media didn't go into a long diatribe comparing every Hillary supporter or Hillary to it, much less ask her to condemn every other day, and then after condemning still accuse her of fostering it.

A leftist just tried to assasinate a dozen Rep members of congress!?!?
The candidates he supported have both used RESIST! as a slogan just prior to that, Bernie had shouted at a rally just days prior.

Marxists running around with communist flags, supporting North Korea over the US are the future of the dem party, that's who Elizabeth Warren stated recently was the new mainstream of the Dem party, you good with that?
I'm a nationalist in the terms that I value the United States more than other nations. I don't wish Ill will on them or their people, but I really don't care how they live their lives. I can't save everyone, I have to make decisions that best serve my family.
I value American lives over theirs, that includes all colors or genders of Americans.
I believe the world is a much better place because of the US. I worry about people I see everyday trying to scrape by, I want them to be able to have a decent job, or the opportunity for one, because that provides true freedom and security. Relying on the Govt ito provide for you is the opposite of my idea of liberty.
If you find that kind of nationalism appalling, then you can kiss my ass.
If there is no fraud then why are the Dems squealing about the study Trump initiated?
Why do Dems not want voter ID laws? Why is it that only poor black and Latino voters can't get an ID in the democrats view?

Dems squealing? Bill, you OBVIOUSLY have not looked at the collection of AGs that have refused to cooperate with "the study". 44 states are controlled my Dems? That is how many are refusing.
Nor have you read the reasons given for that refusal. You're obviously not interested or else you would have read and understood those reasons by now.

It isn't just poor black and Latino voters, it's poor and elderly voters of all races and ethnicities.
Good answer. Judges are not supposed to have more power than the President. That's a big problem in this country.

Federal judges are de facto political appointees for life (only eight have been forcibly removed by the Senate.)

They are endowed with the power to singly interpret what the law is and stop it in its tracks until it works its way up to the Supreme Court, which has the final say as to whether that judge was right or wrong. If he/she is determined to be wrong the result for that judge is merely, "Oh, well ... my bad." The practical result was that one person (a political appointee) was able to hold up a proposed law of a legislative body (or EO) for an indefinite period of time with no repercussions for himself.

I'm even OK with a Circuit Court with 3-9 judges putting a halt to a proposed law/EO. But one politically appointed judge having that power is a lousy system of governance.

*In a perfect world with only truly unbiased judges this might work but we know there are no such people.
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Dems squealing? Bill, you OBVIOUSLY have not looked at the collection of AGs that have refused to cooperate with "the study". 44 states are controlled my Dems? That is how many are refusing.
Nor have you read the reasons given for that refusal. You're obviously not interested or else you would have read and understood those reasons by now.

It isn't just poor black and Latino voters, it's poor and elderly voters of all races and ethnicities.

You're getting caught up in wordplay Fuzz, you need to read between the lines of opinionated news, and read the actual story. The AG's are simply puffing out their chest and saying they aren't going to release private info to the commission. The catch is that the Commission only wants public info on voters.

The judge that ruled on the Texas case specifically stated in her ruling that it was discriminating to poor black and hispanic voters. How is it discriminating to them to want 1 of 7 forms of Govt ID, or paperwork that explains why they cannot get an ID, in order to vote?
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Fuzz, The leftists have been beating and intimidating Trump supporters for over a year, yet the media didn't go into a long diatribe comparing every Hillary supporter or Hillary to it, much less ask her to condemn every other day, and then after condemning still accuse her of fostering it.

A leftist just tried to assasinate a dozen Rep members of congress!?!?
The candidates he supported have both used RESIST! as a slogan just prior to that, Bernie had shouted at a rally just days prior.

Marxists running around with communist flags, supporting North Korea over the US are the future of the dem party, that's who Elizabeth Warren stated recently was the new mainstream of the Dem party, you good with that?
I'm a nationalist in the terms that I value the United States more than other nations. I don't wish Ill will on them or their people, but I really don't care how they live their lives. I can't save everyone, I have to make decisions that best serve my family.
I value American lives over theirs, that includes all colors or genders of Americans.
I believe the world is a much better place because of the US. I worry about people I see everyday trying to scrape by, I want them to be able to have a decent job, or the opportunity for one, because that provides true freedom and security. Relying on the Govt ito provide for you is the opposite of my idea of liberty.
If you find that kind of nationalism appalling, then you can kiss my ass.
Perhaps because Hillary didn't go around saying "I'd like to punch him in the face..." and other incendiary remarks. Trump has asked for fights. He has used "fighting language". How can you be surprised that people have responded in kind?

How many "leftist" made excuses for the shooter?
There are bad and sick people of all political persuasions.

Good Lord, Elizabeth Warren said nothing of the kind.

We all want people to have better jobs and opportunities. Yet you support people who support policies that concentrate more and more wealth if fewer and fewer hands. Wealth is power and the more you concentrate power into the hands of the few you will end up with less liberty and opportunity. There are countless examples that show this to be true.

Are you reliant on the Govt to help insure that our air and water sources remain clean and are not poisoned?
I'd kind of like for my children and grand-children to not be poisoned by industrial waste and by-products. I'd like to protect our national parks. I'd also like to know that God forbid one of them become sick with some disease that they won't have to make the choice between treatments or having a home to live. Something that most every other industrialized country has found a way to do while maintaining liberty and opportunity for their citizens.
Judges don't have more power, but the Judiciary has equal power to the Executive. Don't like it? Take it up with the founding fathers.
All judges with the exception of the Supreme Court have judges above them that can overturn their rulings. Presidents aren't dictators, they can't make law or rules that are unconstitutional. Not sure how you can disagree with the system that is in place. How could you be so un-American?

Youre absolutely right about the constitutional makeup and separation.

The issue isnt with the founding fathers. Its set up incredibly. The problem is a select portion of the judiciary refuse to respect the limits of their power.

2 doctrines traditionally prevented courts from pulling stunts like this: political question and national security. Liberal judges ignore those long standing principles and override perfectly valid acts of government.

The federal judiciary ought practice what they preach: proper restraint.

As an aside....i find it extraordinary the efficiency with which the left can forum shop. How is it they are so good at knowing exactly which judge will ignore the law and rule for them? Theres almost certainly some improper commuilnication going on. Someone needs to ferret that out and expose it
They take immense pride in the huge swaths of immigrants in LA, Chicago, etc on welfare that make their vote totals look great. And view those people as too worthless to get a free ID.

It is now 12 months until the 2018 election. 36 months until the 2020 presidential election. But, in that narrow 3 year time period, millions of poor people will not be able to figure out how to get a photo ID nor be able to find a ride to a place in their county to register to vote.

It's voter suppression I tell ya.
Perhaps because Hillary didn't go around saying "I'd like to punch him in the face..." and other incendiary remarks. Trump has asked for fights. He has used "fighting language". How can you be surprised that people have responded in kind?

How many "leftist" made excuses for the shooter?
There are bad and sick people of all political persuasions.

Good Lord, Elizabeth Warren said nothing of the kind.

We all want people to have better jobs and opportunities. Yet you support people who support policies that concentrate more and more wealth if fewer and fewer hands. Wealth is power and the more you concentrate power into the hands of the few you will end up with less liberty and opportunity. There are countless examples that show this to be true.

Are you reliant on the Govt to help insure that our air and water sources remain clean and are not poisoned?
I'd kind of like for my children and grand-children to not be poisoned by industrial waste and by-products. I'd like to protect our national parks. I'd also like to know that God forbid one of them become sick with some disease that they won't have to make the choice between treatments or having a home to live. Something that most every other industrialized country has found a way to do while maintaining liberty and opportunity for their citizens.

I wasn't speaking of Trump, I was speaking of the leftists running around physically assaulting and intimidating Trump supporters, rioting in order to prevent alternative viewpoints. Just Tuesday night a black Trump supporter was suckerpunched leaving the Rally. Very little coverage other than fox, and sure not the wall to wall call of racist Trump supporters if a black man had been punched leaving a democrat rally.

Was there a rush to call dem politicians enablers of the shooters behavior? I mean they had been calling to Resist Trump at every move, of course not. Did Bernie have to condemn the guy over and over, or the antifa movement? Has any Democrat condemned the antifa movement, it's pretty clear they're in support of Democrats.

Elizabeth Warren absolutely did say that.

Fuzz, giving wealth to people by taking it from someone else is not liberty or freedom, its communism. Have you not noticed that uber wealthy are all democrats now? The time when democrats were for the working man have long since passed, they are lead by super rich people that feel guilty because of their wealth. They use illegal immigrants for cheap labor, and the carrot of legalisation.

You misunderstood what I meant about liberty, and dependent on the Govt. I meant literally dependent on the Govt.
I'd kind of like my children to grow up and be useful member of society, and not be forced to have the Govt shoved down their throat by idiots.
You're getting caught up in wordplay Fuzz, you need to read between the lines of opinionated news, and read the actual story. The AG's are simply puffing out their chest and saying they aren't going to release private info to the commission. The catch is that the Commission only wants public info on voters.

The judge that ruled on the Texas case specifically stated in her ruling that it was discriminating to poor black and hispanic voters. How is it discriminating to them to want 1 of 7 forms of Govt ID, or paperwork that explains why they cannot get an ID, in order to vote?
And you are blind and inconsistent. You claimed "Dems were squealing"...I replied with 44 states are not cooperating. It's obviously not just "Dems".

I can't speak for a Texas judge but I'm sure in Texas with a high Hispanic population and blacks, disproportionately poor are more harshly hit. In most cases if I want an ID I have to produce a birth certificate. There are a lot of people who have never seen their birth certificate which means they would have to have the know-how and resources to obtain one. If they were children of migrant workers they might not know in what state they were born to ever start that search. If they are homeless they may not have a post box or address to which they could receive that ID. I realize that it is hard for you to understand but there are people with barriers.
No, just no, Fuzz, about the "Left" receiving three million more votes in the election.

1. You have forgotten how many votes Johnson, McMullen, and even Castle got. Add those. Recalculate. Add the Stein votes to your side.

2. You have forgotten that there was more than one election in 2016. There were House elections. Senate elections. State elections. Local elections. On the whole, the Left got hammered in 2016. And I mean hammered.

So true. They got the crap kicked out of them. There couldn't have been a bigger middle finger than what they got and they still are so clueless that they brag about the popular vote and ignore they lost the house, the senate, and the presidency despite spending tons of money.
Good answer. Judges are not supposed to have more power than the President. That's a big problem in this country.

It would be a dictatorship if the President had unilateral power to do whatever he wanted. It's been proven that those don't work.

I do agree that a single judge holding up legislation seems silly, but ultimately the 9 in Washington decide.
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Have you not noticed that uber wealthy are all democrats now?
Top 20 political donors...

1) Sheldon Adelson, Las Vegas: $814,300 (100 percent to Republicans)
2) Richard DeVos, Holland, Michigan: $692,450 (100 percent to Republicans)
3) Charles Koch, Wichita, Kansas, and David Koch, New York: $682,100 (100 percent to Republicans)
4) Charles Schwab, San Francisco: $487,100 (100 percent to Republicans)
5) Steve Wynn, Las Vegas: $481,200 (100 percent to Republicans)
6) Ken Griffin, Chicago: $473,609 (100 percent to Republicans)
7) Vince and Linda McMahon, Greenwich, Connecticut: $456,050 (100 percent to Republicans)
8) Paul Singer, New York: $451,700 (100 percent to Republicans)
9) James Simons, East Setauket, New York: $341,100 (98 percent to Democrats)
10) Philip Anschutz, Denver: $323,200 (100 percent to Republicans)

11) Stanley Hubbard, St. Paul, Minnesota: $321,150 (95 percent to Republicans)
12) J. Joe Ricketts, Little Jackson Hole, Wyoming: $320,325 (100 percent to Republicans)
13) Haim Saban, Beverly Hills, California: $310,000 (100 percent to Democrats)
14) Charles Johnson, Hillsborough, California: $309,400 (100 percent to Republicans)
15) Stephen Bechtel, San Francisco: $307,601 (100 percent to Republicans)
16) John Catsimatidis, New York: $284,550 (85 percent to Republicans)
17) John Fisher, San Francisco: $279,400 (96 percent to Republicans)
18) Kenny Troutt, Dallas: $261,400 (100 percent to Republicans)
19) Bruce Kovner, New York: $257,600 (92 percent to Republicans)
20) Marc Rowan, New York: $256,600 (63 percent to Republicans)

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And you are blind and inconsistent. You claimed "Dems were squealing"...I replied with 44 states are not cooperating. It's obviously not just "Dems".

I can't speak for a Texas judge but I'm sure in Texas with a high Hispanic population and blacks, disproportionately poor are more harshly hit. In most cases if I want an ID I have to produce a birth certificate. There are a lot of people who have never seen their birth certificate which means they would have to have the know-how and resources to obtain one. If they were children of migrant workers they might not know in what state they were born to ever start that search. If they are homeless they may not have a post box or address to which they could receive that ID. I realize that it is hard for you to understand but there are people with barriers.

I replied that they are cooperating, they're just using bluster to act like they're not. In other words, there isn't 44 states that aren't cooperating. They are refusing to provide personal private data, thats great as the voter integrity commission doesn't want personal private data.

You don't understand that the layout you just provided is asetup for illegal immigrants to vote? How does someone like you just described even register to vote? If what you just stated is actually occurring, then you can bet your last dollar that illegal voting is taking place in fairly high numbers.
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Top 20 political donors...

1) Sheldon Adelson, Las Vegas: $814,300 (100 percent to Republicans)
2) Richard DeVos, Holland, Michigan: $692,450 (100 percent to Republicans)
3) Charles Koch, Wichita, Kansas, and David Koch, New York: $682,100 (100 percent to Republicans)
4) Charles Schwab, San Francisco: $487,100 (100 percent to Republicans)
5) Steve Wynn, Las Vegas: $481,200 (100 percent to Republicans)
6) Ken Griffin, Chicago: $473,609 (100 percent to Republicans)
7) Vince and Linda McMahon, Greenwich, Connecticut: $456,050 (100 percent to Republicans)
8) Paul Singer, New York: $451,700 (100 percent to Republicans)
9) James Simons, East Setauket, New York: $341,100 (98 percent to Democrats)
10) Philip Anschutz, Denver: $323,200 (100 percent to Republicans)

11) Stanley Hubbard, St. Paul, Minnesota: $321,150 (95 percent to Republicans)
12) J. Joe Ricketts, Little Jackson Hole, Wyoming: $320,325 (100 percent to Republicans)
13) Haim Saban, Beverly Hills, California: $310,000 (100 percent to Democrats)
14) Charles Johnson, Hillsborough, California: $309,400 (100 percent to Republicans)
15) Stephen Bechtel, San Francisco: $307,601 (100 percent to Republicans)
16) John Catsimatidis, New York: $284,550 (85 percent to Republicans)
17) John Fisher, San Francisco: $279,400 (96 percent to Republicans)
18) Kenny Troutt, Dallas: $261,400 (100 percent to Republicans)
19) Bruce Kovner, New York: $257,600 (92 percent to Republicans)
20) Marc Rowan, New York: $256,600 (63 percent to Republicans)

Where and when is that data from. I didn't say anything about donor dollars, I wrote supporters, and current.
As an aside....i find it extraordinary the efficiency with which the left can forum shop. How is it they are so good at knowing exactly which judge will ignore the law and rule for them? Theres almost certainly some improper commuilnication going on. Someone needs to ferret that out and expose it
1) Executive orders aren't law and all laws are subject to legal review.
2) If a judge "ignored law" then there are courts above that would overturn the ruling.
3) Most judges, especially judges on state and federal benches have long track records of rulings. Knowing the tendency of a judges' rulings only takes a little research from a first year lawyer or paralegal.
It's really remarkable that a self-identifying Democrat opened fire on group of Republicans on a baseball field - solely because they were Republicans - and it's simply been forgotten. Not merely minimized - just pushed down a hole. Does anyone even know his name?

If he was an R, and opened fire on a field of Ds, he'd be the most famous American of the 21st century by now. I remember the way Ted Koppel and Nightline got started - it was a nightly update on the American hostage situation in Iran (at least, that's my recollection). And if James Hodgkinson were in fact a Republican, he'd have been the subject of a new nightly special newscast focusing on the violence of the political right. As it is, meh......
Where and when is that data from. I didn't say anything about donor dollars, I wrote supporters, and current.
The data is from 2014. You're welcomed to list more current data if you have it.
So donors aren't supporters? Didn't you just accuse me of "wordplay"?