How will they rule ??!

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Who here is getting Hillary's audiobook? It makes Captain Kirk and Mr Spock's albums seem like Dark Side of the Moon.

I know a few in this thread will get it.
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^No horse in the race other than thinking our judiciary has been bought and paid for and have chosen sides.

Having said that, I think Tsquare is a long time fairly successful lawyer.

May be. But lawyers dont know all areas of the law. I know i dont.

That would be like me trying to cite a landmark ERISA case as support in my argument. I shouldnt, because i might well misapply it since i dont truly understand it.! Hey libs, you know how to tell you're not living under a fascist president and country?

The fact that Clapper and his ilk have not been put in prison or sentenced to death.

true but I think his election can be the catalyst that gets more change rolling / and continued organization of "THE FED UP"

*********from the star chief off middlesboro*****
3 There is a real war occurring between the Left and Right for the future of this country. The Left knows this and is actively participating. The Right thinks it is just a phase we're going through. We just sit at home shaking our heads at the crazies, waiting for them to tire and for things to get back to normal.

^^^ YES^^^

That's why I'm highlighting their Marxist direction now

That's NOT the "liberals" and democrat party of this nation

it's "progressive" so you need to know it's going to intensify

this is a revolution

but it's not just about the USA

if we descend into turmoil , revolution and/or WAR and things REALLY go sideways

you're end up with a rippling Global effect as the dollar tanks and the NWO looks for a new reserve currency

that would mean things are about to get "REALLY REAL"

meanwhile -- the Vatican is leading a global summit next month in Rome
The Pope has invited China's head of family planning and other characters that believe it's time to "coerce" people into accepting global institutions

their primary topic?

population control

but I'm sure that all over the media right?
they're making sure that gets LOTSA news and whatnot

Oh, I know it's not a phase. When things have become this radical, things don't go back to normal without war. Our ideologies couldn't be more opposite especially when one group doesn't respect the constitution, our flag, our borders our way of life, civil discussion and is actively trying to oust a president.

On a related note, it may seem silly but about five years ago I watched this documentary where a seventh day Adventist presenter and historian did a presentation on the antichrist based off of scripture and world history. He believes The Vatican/Pope is the antichrist.

I'll see if I can find it. Wether you believe in God or not, it's a cool discussion simply for the history and the evidence he uses. Not endorsing or anything but just worh a listen.
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Having said that, I think Tsquare is a long time fairly successful lawyer.

So. Means absolutely nothing.

I hired a longtime fairly successful lawyer, after 2 years and thousands and thousands the judge ruled that he "didn't have jurisdiction" because my lawyer made a mistake on the first day of the case.

My lawyer,who was an absolute joke, then proceeded to sue me for the remaining balance of the trial costs(which didn't happen)

I didn't prep for a single minute, but represented myself and just winged it. Not only won, but got to laugh at the idiot liberal.
Now the NYT is running hit pieces on the editor of another newspaper, because he's pushing his newsroom to report facts as opposed to "commentary dressed up as news reporting."

The newspaper wants to report news, and aren't publishing enough biased Trump hit pieces for the NYT's taste. Shame on the WSJ for wanting to report facts and let readers form opinions.

What a world we live in.
You so silly. of course not.

The media is like that girlfriend who can't STFU about the woman they hate at work. Find something else to talk about. There's zero reason for a Trump article every single day. And the world isn't ending even though that's what you're selling to your hysterical base.

And there's not a bigger bubble of leftist BS than in journalism. Maybe academia is close but a D.C. and NYC newsroom is the least diverse place in the country when it comes to diversity of thought.
Who here is getting Hillary's audiobook? It makes Captain Kirk and Mr Spock's albums seem like Dark Side of the Moon.

I know a few in this thread will get it.
Hillary said her debate with Trump came only a few days after Trump talked about groping women. She tries to insinuate that she was concerned that Trump might try to grab her. She had nothing to worry about. Because Trump only groped women, not some ugly beast like her.

She also said that when Trump got close to her in the debate. That she wanted to hit pause and ask the American people what she should do. Isn't that just like the Clintons', take a poll be for you make a decision. Now that's leadership.

Untalented white woman demands to be paid same as more qualified blacks...the white privilege and racism is staggering

This is where their identity politics are challenged
- "Women empowerment"
- "Oh wait. Black men can't get ahead without a privileged white woman trying to bring them down."

Here is what makes me laugh about female celebs trying to pull this crap. YOU HAVE AN EFFING AGENT! You AGREE to that number. No one made you do it not to mention, those two are more accomplished than her. At no point in her career has she been on the same level as them.

Let's not forget that Netflix had to change their rating system because she got so many down votes.
Front page headline HL - White Nationalists might hold flash protests making it difficult for counter-protests

Oh, you're totally speculating something might happen and that's top story of the day.

Below that, a piece about some lady who made the #OscarsSoWhite hashtag on twittter that changed Hollywood and now she's taking on HBO!

I love Democrats bashing white people non-stop and then trying to come campaign in the middle of the country. "Why won't these uneducated racist hillbillies vote for us?" Oh, I don't know. Maybe take a look at your media, academia, your desire to replace the population with the third world, the demeaning of hard work and accomplishments chalked up to being nothing other than "white privilege" and claiming we're evil and should atone for the U.S. being the greatest nation in the world's history?

The anti-white stuff that media does is a dog whistle for their base.
Our fn local paper is owned by SACRAMENTO, CA. Nobody cares. It will be gone sooner than later and that's fine at this point as they certainly don't cover local issues, but it's real sad what happened to local news. We The Idiot People of KY basically shunned it because we have been manipulated to hate rural america and we aspire to be like Europe and care about all these bs issues that don't even effect us or pertain to us in any way. It's wild.
Will we make it a full year into Trump's Presidency before the dems offer anything positive for their base, or will they come to their senses i the next couple months to realize tht they offer nothing to a moderate voter with their die-on-the-cross platform of absolutely nothing but social/identity politics, obstruction, denial, unrest and wild goose chases?

At what rate can they continue to hemorrhage money with no voice of reason to gather the flock? At what point do they finally become self-aware and have a come to Jesus epiphany that this shtick ain't working anymore? Or, will they? They may just be too GD stubborn for their own good to admit defeat and punt.

The projected outlook for monetary support is another head scratcher, as they've hitched their wagon and welded the hitch pin to:
- The impoverished. (no monies)
- The group that wants both gubment and social reparations.
- Anarchist millennials (who identify as socialists and marxists), who we've just learned are only ~50% employed while ~60% still live with their folks.
- Illegal immigrants who pay no tax and send large portions of income back to Mexico
- 3rd world refugees who don't even know to not drink water from the same hand that washes shit from their ass.

Bra. Vo. Where do i sign up to let that shit show represent me?

To the dude questioning party affiliation, I think the reason we all loosely "identify" as Libertarians is b/c it's the only semblance of a party that offers even a modicum of representation for normies like us. I don't know who the Rep party represents anymore, but I'm pretty sure it isn't me... but, I am 100% sure the left doesn't represent me. Not even a lil bit.
"DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH" says the group who tries to live as far away from it as possible.

What the hell happened to Rebel Media? Ezra ran that into the ground. They lost Lauren Southern and Gavin McInnes. Why would anyone watch them now?

Oh, I also saw this. What can we do to import this guy here? I'm sure he has some buddies too that we can welcome.

Hillary wrote a book talking about Trump "stalking" her and invading her space behind her. WTF? Haha. It's like this woman doesn't know we watched this and that there's video of this. She's the one that goes over toward his area.

I too think Hillary needs to STFU. She is a footnote to history, sorry, but that is about the end of the story. She could not have run a worse campaign had she tried.

Still waiting for someone to post the Trump Agenda though, haven't figured it out yet after about 18 months of trying really hard . . . sounds like Senators McConnell and Corker are having the same problem. Who would have guessed they were Libtards all this time?
Hillary wrote a book talking about Trump "stalking" her and invading her space behind her. WTF? Haha. It's like this woman doesn't know we watched this and that there's video of this. She's the one that goes over toward his area.

The left will run with it.

This just proves how out of touch and literally crazy they are.
Still waiting for someone to post the Trump Agenda though, haven't figured it out yet after about 18 months of trying really hard . . . sounds like Senators McConnell and Corker are having the same problem. Who would have guessed they were Libtards all this time?

Do you live under a rock?

I'd think anyone would have heard repeal and replace (failed thanks to the R establishment), tax reform (likely to fail thanks to the R establishment), cutting back on illegal immigration, stopping the import of fighting age males from terrorist hot beds, dialing back regulations. That's just off the top of my head. Wyvern/Castle has done a very good job in this thread at different points highlighting some of the things he's done that obviously get ignored by the media.

I didn't vote for Trump, but there were bits and pieces to be optimistic about.

I don't know how anyone could possibly say they didn't know what his agenda was. Maybe not specifics, but isn't that the whole goddam point of an agenda - fill in the specifics later?
I too think Hillary needs to STFU. She is a footnote to history, sorry, but that is about the end of the story. She could not have run a worse campaign had she tried.

What was bad about her campaign? I'm curious on your take because it's not often that you hear a Democrat say this.

In my opinion, she was a terrible candidate who was filled with arrogance and entitlement probably because it had been promised to her since she lost to Obama. She had so much baggage and no accomplishments to stand on and media made it so clear to tune out because they were obviously in the tank for her.

History shows us that it's rare for the same party to win three times. It has only happened once since FDR so I knew she was vulnerable just like how I knew Republicans didn't stand a chance in 2008. To me, the result was backlash to identity politics, Obama, BLM, open borders, PC culture, etc.
What was bad about her campaign? I'm curious on your take because it's not often that you hear a Democrat say this.

In my opinion, she was a terrible candidate who was filled with arrogance and entitlement probably because it had been promised to her since she lost to Obama. She had so much baggage and no accomplishments to stand on and media made it so clear to tune out because they were obviously in the tank for her.

History shows us that it's rare for the same party to win three times. It has only happened once since FDR so I knew she was vulnerable just like how I knew Republicans didn't stand a chance in 2008. To me, the result was backlash to identity politics, Obama, BLM, open borders, PC culture, etc.

She was a very mediocre candidate considering the baggage for sure, and as you pointed out, not very often does a party win 3 straight elections. The media honestly did her no favors either. Their attempts to demonize Trump galvanized the working class that the media consistently referred to as "uneducated whites." The fact that they continue to push the same narratives is baffling to me. They clearly didn't learn from their mistakes.
It's nice to have actual men in charge again. Look at Sweden, run into the ditch by feminism, exactly what Killary would've done here as Prez. Or an entire administration of liberal cucks like Barry for 8 years.
Ganner is right. He's the critical thinker and has reason and love in his heart. We're tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists.

I'm glad academia is not a circle jerk of leftist insanity.
Ganner's doppelganger.
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It would be a really easy decision if I was him to ask the reporter who leaked his company email to step forward for termination or just fire every reporter demonstrating bias.

You simply cannot tolerate that sort of insubordination in a workplace.
It would be a really easy decision if I was him to ask the reporter who leaked his company email to step forward for termination or just fire every reporter demonstrating bias.

You simply cannot tolerate that sort of insubordination in a workplace.

Not at all. Who the hell leaks that to a competitor? Obviously this person cannot be trusted whatsoever.

They also need unique identifying markers for things that are sent in order to trace that.