How will they rule ??!

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These judges are out of control.

Does it seem strange to anyone except me that one Federal judge - just one- has the power to put on indefinite hold any statute made even by the President of the United States or any state legislature? Sure they can be eventually overruled but they pay no penalty for doing it.
No. there were no videos of that car being threatened. And no videos of kkk walking with torches. The people in that car were legitimately in danger.

Phatty I agree - if I was in that car, especially if my family was with me, I'd feel extremely justified in flooring it and letting the aggressors deal with the fallout.

The only question would be, what happens if you run down an innocent bystander 40 yards away? I wouldn't think about that at the time but would worry about the consequences if it did happen.
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Phatty I agree - if I was in that car, especially if my family was with me, I'd feel extremely justified in flooring it and letting the aggressors deal with the fallout.

The only question would be, what happens if you run down an innocent bystander 40 yards away? I wouldn't think about that at the time but would worry about the consequences if it did happen.

Impossible to know how the body reacts in that moment but I'm sure as hell not getting out in anything like that if possible. We've seen what a shit show these things are. It's people looking for confrontation and some are itching to hurt you badly. Seeing the mob mentality is a scary thing.

Did you see in one of the videos I posted where the kid in the red shirt is running for his life...literally runnig for his life and was only saved by the cops. Why the hell put yourself through that?
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lmao at the BLM "leader" who thinks I actually own my home. freeloaders obviously do not understand debt and mortgages and actually paying for what you have. well I have the bricks and mortar and all the debt associated with it, but at least their EBT card is full because I paid for that shit too. consider that a down payment. I will try and catch up on the rest as soon Uncle Sam lets me.
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Does it seem strange to anyone except me that one Federal judge - just one- has the power to put on indefinite hold any statute made even by the President of the United States or any state legislature? Sure they can be eventually overruled but they pay no penalty for doing it.

Why no, since the President doesn't pass statutes, and ever since the Constitution was ratified and interpreted by Marbury v. Madison, 200 or so years ago, judicial review of laws passed by legislatures and actions taken by even the POTUS has pretty much been accepted as the rule of law in the USA. And there is no indefinite hold, there is an appeal process, except for the Supreme Court which has the last word.

But reading this thread, I can see that the free press and the judiciary are under attack because they don't worship The Donald. What penalty would you propose for judges that issue rulings that the President disagrees with?

As an aside, I watched all the Republican debates, voted in the Ky Caucus, and have now watched DJT as POTUS for 7 months now, and for the life of me, I cannot understand what, if any, agenda or policies the man actually has for the USA, other than self adoration + creating chaos.

I would really like for some rational poster on this board to lay out for me in 6 or 8 bullet points that you believe are Trump's core policies and goals on foreign policy, jobs, immigration, the environment, health care, taxation, balancing the budget and the like. And I don't want to hear "Make America Great Again" or BS like that, I want some real concrete ideas and programs:

Go, am interested to see what gets posted.
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Does it seem strange to anyone except me that one Federal judge - just one- has the power to put on indefinite hold any statute made even by the President of the United States or any state legislature? Sure they can be eventually overruled but they pay no penalty for doing it.
Hell there were judges trying to basically overrule the stay granted by the SCOTUS for Trumps travel ban. Its insane.
Why no, since the President doesn't pass statutes, and ever since the Constitution was ratified and interpreted by Marbury v. Madison, 200 or so years ago, judicial review of laws passed by legislatures and actions taken by even the POTUS has pretty much been accepted as the rule of law in the USA. And there is no indefinite hold, there is an appeal process, except for the Supreme Court which has the last word.

But reading this thread, I can see that the free press and the judiciary are under attack because they don't worship The Donald. What penalty would you propose for judges that issue rulings that the President disagrees with?

As an aside, I watched all the Republican debates, voted in the Ky Caucus, and have now watched DJT as POTUS for 7 months now, and for the life of me, I cannot understand what, if any, agenda or policies the man actually has for the USA, other than self adoration + creating chaos.

I would really like for some rational poster on this board to lay out for me in 6 or 8 bullet points that you believe are Trump's core policies and goals on foreign policy, jobs, immigration, the environment, health care, taxation, balancing the budget and the like. And I don't want to hear "Make America Great Again" or BS like that, I want some real concrete ideas and programs:

Go, am interested to see what gets posted.

you really aren't very good at this.
Impossible to know how the body reacts in that moment but I'm sure as hell not getting out in anything like that if possible. We've seen what a shit show these things are. It's people looking for confrontation and some are itching to hurt you badly. Seeing the mob mentality is a scary thing.

Did you see in one of the videos I posted where the kid in the red shirt is running for his life...literally runnig for his life and was only saved by the cops. Why the hell put yourself through that?

King no doubt the prudent thing there is to avoid it completely. When these assholes come to Lexington I won't even venture downtown. No good can come of it.
I would really like for some rational poster on this board to lay out for me in 6 or 8 bullet points that you believe are Trump's core policies and goals on foreign policy, jobs, immigration, the environment, health care, taxation, balancing the budget and the like. And I don't want to hear "Make America Great Again" or BS like that, I want some real concrete ideas and programs:
Yawn. This gets talked about all the time in this thread. Try to keep up will ya?
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I would like to see a liberal talk about some policies that they think would help America. And no, "Trump sucks" is not a policy.
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Why no, since the President doesn't pass statutes, and ever since the Constitution was ratified and interpreted by Marbury v. Madison, 200 or so years ago, judicial review of laws passed by legislatures and actions taken by even the POTUS has pretty much been accepted as the rule of law in the USA. And there is no indefinite hold, there is an appeal process, except for the Supreme Court which has the last word.

But reading this thread, I can see that the free press and the judiciary are under attack because they don't worship The Donald. What penalty would you propose for judges that issue rulings that the President disagrees with?

As an aside, I watched all the Republican debates, voted in the Ky Caucus, and have now watched DJT as POTUS for 7 months now, and for the life of me, I cannot understand what, if any, agenda or policies the man actually has for the USA, other than self adoration + creating chaos.

I would really like for some rational poster on this board to lay out for me in 6 or 8 bullet points that you believe are Trump's core policies and goals on foreign policy, jobs, immigration, the environment, health care, taxation, balancing the budget and the like. And I don't want to hear "Make America Great Again" or BS like that, I want some real concrete ideas and programs:

Go, am interested to see what gets posted.
Apparently a pair of gonads hanging on the rear bumper of Air Force One is the only thing necessary for golden calf worship.
But reading this thread, I can see that the free press and the judiciary are under attack because they don't worship The Donald.

Go, am interested to see what gets posted.

The top quote assuredly means you don't mean the second quote.

Why don't you lead the way with what Obama's policy was on those listed items instead of popping in and asking for someone to appease you?
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Someone needs to explain to me how any semi-intelligent person could join a group claiming to be anti fascist while said group uses violence and mob mentality to silence people who have different opinions than them. Nothing about that makes sense.
No one claimed liberals were intelligent, or even semi-intelligent.
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These judges are out of control.

It just defies logic. A basic tenet of any voting government is to make sure the person seeking to cast a vote is the person actually casting it.

There exists no rationale to support anything that circumvents that.

Why no, since the President doesn't pass statutes, and ever since the Constitution was ratified and interpreted by Marbury v. Madison

You have zero clue about the topic you just attempted to sound educate us on. Zero. Otherwise you wouldce never posted that sentence.

You were 100% just slinging words around thinking it sounded smart, or copy/pasting from someone who did the same.

I dont get it. A very small portion of the population understands that old, landmark case and what it means. Theres no shame in not. So why pretend?

I dont pretend to know intricacies of a surgery, of bookkeeping, even of auto mechanics. But i dont cobble a post together to make it seem as if i do; whilst falling flat on my face.
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^No horse in the race other than thinking our judiciary has been bought and paid for and have chosen sides.

Having said that, I think Tsquare is a long time fairly successful lawyer.
Why no, since the President doesn't pass statutes, and ever since the Constitution was ratified and interpreted by Marbury v. Madison, 200 or so years ago, judicial review of laws passed by legislatures and actions taken by even the POTUS has pretty much been accepted as the rule of law in the USA. And there is no indefinite hold, there is an appeal process, except for the Supreme Court which has the last word.

But reading this thread, I can see that the free press and the judiciary are under attack because they don't worship The Donald. What penalty would you propose for judges that issue rulings that the President disagrees with?

As an aside, I watched all the Republican debates, voted in the Ky Caucus, and have now watched DJT as POTUS for 7 months now, and for the life of me, I cannot understand what, if any, agenda or policies the man actually has for the USA, other than self adoration + creating chaos.

I would really like for some rational poster on this board to lay out for me in 6 or 8 bullet points that you believe are Trump's core policies and goals on foreign policy, jobs, immigration, the environment, health care, taxation, balancing the budget and the like. And I don't want to hear "Make America Great Again" or BS like that, I want some real concrete ideas and programs:

Go, am interested to see what gets posted.

For 8 long and miserable years we asked those questions, demanded logical explanations for the liberal mass support of ridiculous, destructive, self-nullifying this's and that's. I am SO HAPPY you feel this lonely, confused grip on your existence. Please tell me you have major coping issues. Please tell me that nobody can give you the answers you require.

You people are pathetic and weak. Dying from this inward struggle after single digit months what we survived for 8 god stinking awful years. Rot in it.
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Was hoping Trump would include this at the end of his speech last night - "Folks, we have a gang of violent armed thugs waiting to attack you when you leave so please be careful.". Or something along those lines. The MSM would become absolutely unglued.

nice call -
he could even suggest that the security that's there fan out

I'm in Tucson and saw where there were 2 big problems with the attempted suppression of speech that the Marxists attempted

They estimated something like 7,000 to be there based on social media feedback alone

about 500 came out

a lot of big, take no shitsky bikers came out too and made it clear they were ready to intervene and protect the assembly

the people that wanted to be there to show support for our President waited in the sun for a few hours -- probably got up to 103 up there today I think

so that story COULD have been reported in a very different manner
but why should we expect anything better or more imaginative from the major propaganda outlets
Why no, since the President doesn't pass statutes, and ever since the Constitution was ratified and interpreted by Marbury v. Madison, 200 or so years ago, judicial review of laws passed by legislatures and actions taken by even the POTUS has pretty much been accepted as the rule of law in the USA. And there is no indefinite hold, there is an appeal process, except for the Supreme Court which has the last word.

But reading this thread, I can see that the free press and the judiciary are under attack because they don't worship The Donald. What penalty would you propose for judges that issue rulings that the President disagrees with?

As an aside, I watched all the Republican debates, voted in the Ky Caucus, and have now watched DJT as POTUS for 7 months now, and for the life of me, I cannot understand what, if any, agenda or policies the man actually has for the USA, other than self adoration + creating chaos.

I would really like for some rational poster on this board to lay out for me in 6 or 8 bullet points that you believe are Trump's core policies and goals on foreign policy, jobs, immigration, the environment, health care, taxation, balancing the budget and the like. And I don't want to hear "Make America Great Again" or BS like that, I want some real concrete ideas and programs:

Go, am interested to see what gets posted.

I was making reference to the president issuing executive orders (probably should have stated it that way) and one Federal judge being able to tie it up (along with state laws) through the appeals process (which is definitely an indefinite hold). I was not suggesting that it was illegal to do that. Just that it is a stupid way of governance. Especially in these recent years of legislating from the bench. I believe only 16 Federal judges have ever been impeached by the Senate, mostly for egregious personal actions - not for interjecting themselves in the outcome of the political process.(which this judge's action seems to be doing.)

Supreme Court rulings settle the law of the land. That however does mean that they are not sometimes stupid or politically motivated. They are not decrees from God.
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Trump does not have the power to drain the swamp. Only voters can do that by stopping pretty much always handing back the office to the incumbent, who often is the swamp. (Mitch McConnell eg)

true but I think his election can be the catalyst that gets more change rolling / and continued organization of "THE FED UP"

*********from the star chief off middlesboro*****
3 There is a real war occurring between the Left and Right for the future of this country. The Left knows this and is actively participating. The Right thinks it is just a phase we're going through. We just sit at home shaking our heads at the crazies, waiting for them to tire and for things to get back to normal.

^^^ YES^^^

That's why I'm highlighting their Marxist direction now

That's NOT the "liberals" and democrat party of this nation

it's "progressive" so you need to know it's going to intensify

this is a revolution

but it's not just about the USA

if we descend into turmoil , revolution and/or WAR and things REALLY go sideways

you're end up with a rippling Global effect as the dollar tanks and the NWO looks for a new reserve currency

that would mean things are about to get "REALLY REAL"

meanwhile -- the Vatican is leading a global summit next month in Rome
The Pope has invited China's head of family planning and other characters that believe it's time to "coerce" people into accepting global institutions

their primary topic?

population control

but I'm sure that all over the media right?
they're making sure that gets LOTSA news and whatnot
They turn dangerous only when they know they have far superior numbers.

that CAN happen

but committed Communists were never more than 7% of the USSR
and they put a system in place that exterminated about 60 million and maintained a SYSEM OF GULAG SLAVERY that deeply put to shame anything the US Confederacy ever dreamed of

Hell --- they exponentially surpassed the Nazi's atrocities

and somehow - it's not only been largely erased from history
but the subject is never raised in such a manner that would question why socialists and communists that are OPENLY CALLING FOR OVERTHROW OF THE PRESIDENT ....and COMMITTING VIOLENCE AGAINST OTHER AMERICANS ....WHY we aren't demanding the same response to that as we would for a true NAZI movement

I think that SUDDENLY you're going to see "NAZI RALLIES" all over the damn place

the American Nazi's didn't really say or do much when Obama was President did they?

You would have thought that ALL THESE REAL LIFE NASTY NAZIS would have made more of a splash in that time

The UN has now made a demand that the US government take action about racism "especially against people of African descent and migrants" ....and also take actions against the "root causes" of such RACISM

you think they might believe that economic / wealth distribution has something to do with the problem??

so we now have a full blown Global COUP against this nation because we've elected a President that moves towards independence and de-emphasizes (maybe even defunds) Globalist type treaties, economic arrangements and the sick lie of "open borders"

going to be hard to come back to normal with the way this is getting ratcheted up