How will they rule ??!

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Was a complex march/counter protest...

There were no fine people marching amongst the Nazis/supremacists...just cant imagine fine people near them. I also don't see violent antifa protestors as fine people.

Some accounts have locals protesting in a different area than the scum, which brings the possibility of fine people...a politician would've known better than to make a comment that could easily be twisted.
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"You also had some very fine people on both sides”.


James Lee just said "some very fine people on both sides"

Can't believe you are saying there are good people in the kkk. What the hell is wrong with you man? It's 2017, ain't nobody got time for racism.
Was a complex march/counter protest...

There were no fine people marching amongst the Nazis/supremacists...just cant imagine fine people near them. I also don't see violent antifa protestors as fine people.

Some accounts have locals protesting in a different area than the scum, which brings the possibility of fine people...a politician would've known better than to make a comment that could easily be twisted.
It would take an idiot to not get what Trump was saying. There were by most accounts locals there protesting the removal of the statue because it is apart of their heritage and community. Those people are who Trump was referring to and it is a flat out lie to try and infer that he was talking about anyone else.
It would take an idiot to not get what Trump was saying. There were by most accounts locals there protesting the removal of the statue because it is apart of their heritage and community. Those people are who Trump was referring to and it is a flat out lie to try and infer that he was talking about anyone else.
"smart" people love to play dumb when it helps their message.

OR -- it could just be that the constant "lockstep" propaganda is having the intended effect

If I were from another planet and arrived here
and listened to BLM

I'd assume that they DID speak for all blacks, latinos and -- as they say -- queer folk

Which is just not true of course

BUT when you have so many groups being amplified by the media -- almost 24/7 --- and they're ALWAYS pretending as if they have ONE VOICE and ONE VISION TOGETHER and the rest of it

You can't be surprised when / if some people start to think that a Marxist / antifamily group like BLM actually DOES speak for all minorities

That's a BIG PART of what they're shooting for --- sudden authority that's absolute in nature

With no room for resistance -- or even questioning

Or MAYBE HES A RACIST -- I really don't know him so -- there's a chance both things are right I suppose

psssst.......why don't we ask him????

LOL! It was tongue and cheek. Libs hate when their own rules are applied to them.
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OK, here go the observations of one who was at the Trump rally yesterday.

1 Trump supporters outnumbered the protesters at least 20-1. In 110 degree heat the line to get in was a good ten blocks long, four people wide. I was in line 2 1/2 hours and was 45 minutes late getting in. Many in line behind me never got in the building that held a good 20,000. The line was four blocks or more behind me and I was so far away from Trump when I got in that I could not have thrown a rock far enough to hit him.I doubt you saw that on the news.

2 The protesters are well organized, rehearsed and set up to provoke clashes. They were set up, no doubt by city planners, in places where clashes were almost certain to occur (none did until after the rally). They funneled the long line of Trump supporters past protesters (easily avoidable) set up on corners with provocative signs shouting obscenities at people 2-3 feet away who were forced to have to stop and wait in front of them. They had guys assigned (easily spotted) to get in people's faces and provoke someone with a short fuse to slug them. The MSM then would blame "violent Trump supporters." Don't fall for it we were counseled over and over again. This is crazy I thought.

*The only good thing is that, if you attend one of these events and haven't made up your mind and are an ordinary person, you'll go away despising the Left.

3 There is a real war occurring between the Left and Right for the future of this country. The Left knows this and is actively participating. The Right thinks it is just a phase we're going through. We just sit at home shaking our heads at the crazies, waiting for them to tire and for things to get back to normal.

The Left, although in the vast minority, is funded, organized, has a strategy, a MSM propaganda arm and the liberal leaders of our large cities. All the Right has is a rascal unpolished president and wavering Fox News.

The future of our country is literally at stake now on our watch! How it works out will be because of what ordinary people do or do not do at this time.
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OK, here go the observations of one who was at the Trump rally yesterday.

1 Trump supporters outnumbered the protesters at least 20-1. In 110 degree heat the line to get in was a good ten blocks long, four people wide. I was in line 2 1/2 hours and was 45 minutes late getting in. Many in line behind me never got in the building that held a good 20,000. I doubt you saw that on the news.

2 The protesters are well organized, rehearsed and set up to provoke clashes. They were set up, no doubt by big city leaders, in places where clashes were almost certain to occur (none did until after the rally). They funneled the long line of Trump supporters past protesters (easily avoidable) set up on corners with provocative signs shouting obscenities at people who were forced to have to stop and wait in front of them. They had guys assigned (easily spotted) to provoke someone with a short fuse to slug them. Don't fall for it we were counseled over and over again. This is crazy I thought.

3 There is a real war occurring between the Left and Right for the future of this country. The Left knows this and is actively participating. The Right thinks it is just a phase we're going through. We just sit at home shaking our heads at the crazies, waiting for them to tire and for things to get back to normal.

The Left, although in the vast minority, is funded, organized, has a strategy, a MSM propaganda arm and the liberal leaders of our large cities. All the Right has is a wavering Fox News.

The future of our country is literally at stake now on our watch! How it works out will be because of what ordinary people do or do not do at this time.

My Brother, better lay off the Kool-Aid for a while. There is plenty of good Kentucky Bourbon!
Congress isn't going to do a damn thing during Trump's presidency.

His best bet is to use the bully pulpit to rail against the establishment and hope voters can make a better future through elections.

He shouldn't lay off piece of shit Congressmen simply because those Congressmen are willing to put hurt feelings over country.

Trump does not have the power to drain the swamp. Only voters can do that by stopping pretty much always handing back the office to the incumbent, who often is the swamp. (Mitch McConnell eg)
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I find it hilarious that people think their politics make them a good person. I know some Libs that are great people and some Conservatives that are pure evil but I also know some Conservatives that are great people and some Liberals that are pure evil. That also applies to all ethnic groups. Being black, white, brown, etc. does not dictate your character.
I find it hilarious that people think their politics make them a good person. I know some Libs that are great people and some Conservatives that are pure evil but I also know some Conservatives that are great people and some Liberals that are pure evil. That also applies to all ethnic groups. Being black, white, brown, etc. does not dictate your character.

No, but ethnicity, no matter which group one is in, heavily influences their biases. Naive to believe otherwise.
I'm confused. Maybe somebody can help clarify things for me. Are liberals whiny, childish, delicate snowflakes? Or are we dangerous, radical, violent thugs. Having a hard time since it seems like we're somehow both at the same time.
I'm confused. Maybe somebody can help clarify things for me. Are liberals whiny, childish, delicate snowflakes? Or are we dangerous, radical, violent thugs. Having a hard time since it seems like we're somehow both at the same time.

A lot of those terms apply at all times, but for simplicity, you're whiny, childish, delicate snowflakes who turn into dangerous, radical, violent thugs when triggered.
I'm confused. Maybe somebody can help clarify things for me. Are liberals whiny, childish, delicate snowflakes? Or are we dangerous, radical, violent thugs. Having a hard time since it seems like we're somehow both at the same time.
Both, and more. The first tactic for modern liberalism is bullying and when that does not work victimhood is used. You work on a campus right? You should know these things firsthand.
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No, but ethnicity, no matter which group one is in, heavily influences their biases. Naive to believe otherwise.

I understand what you are saying and I will agree one's environment heavily influences their ideology but that mentality is how racism and other bias's are born toward any race.
The Left, although in the vast minority, is funded, organized, has a strategy, a MSM propaganda arm and the liberal leaders of our large cities. All the Right has is a wavering Fox News.

This is a very accurate observation. Its incredible the social footprint they project through control of all mediums; especially in relation to their actual numbers.
How the Economist covers Macron and his low approval numbers

Presidential stumblesEmmanuel Macron finds change is often unpopular
France’s young president slides in the polls, in part because he is doing the right things
I understand what you are saying and I will agree one's environment heavily influences their ideology but that mentality is how racism and other bias's are born toward any race.

And the reason racism, on the part of all races, is probably the human condition. Thinking that other races are racist but your race is not is a problem. I think the best one can hope for is to civilly tolerate one another, be fair to one another and give everyone a fair chance. Screw up your chance and the result is on you. More hurdles are faced by some than others of course but everyone born in the USA in the last 40-50 years has had a chance. Some people took advantage of the opportunity and found success while others waited with an outstretched hand. People can not be forced to like one another. Having someone like you has to be earned by your actions.
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Both, and more. The first tactic for modern liberalism is bullying and when that does not work victimhood is used. You work on a campus right? You should know these things firsthand.

Nope, I don't see the conservative strawman of what a college is.