How will they rule ??!

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This is incorrect. White nationalist groups have been the biggest source of terrorism in the US for the past decade plus. There is good reason to have been concerned about these groups and their growing boldness. The audacity of openly preaching racial hatred was also extremely concerning. Get out of your bubble and quit playing the victim.

Please list the terroristic events that you claim.
The past year the leftist groups have literally beaten people on the streets, for no other reason than they support Trump.

I'm white and I would say I'm a nationalist, does that make me a racist in your view? Because that is exactly the message the media is portraying.

Who exactly is openly preaching racial hatred in the Mainstream? Who were the ones running with White nationalism constantly?
I had never heard the term Alt right until Hillary stated, and she did that to stoke racial anxieties in minorities, black people to be exact, she needed them to vote in the same numbers as when Obama ran.
Race is the entire Dem platform for winning now, it's disgusting. They need fear to rile up their base, and ol mean whitey is the the boogeyman.

Just like Normandy.
These people were obviously the weird kids in high school, the ones who got the whirlies in the bathroom, and who congregated in their own little circle of freaks, talking no doubt about the Rocky Horror Picture Show. In other words, just run of the mill losers. They're not special snowflakes. They're just losers and now they're taking their pent up aggression out on the rest of the world that ridiculed them for so long.
Guy that works in academia and has never criticized a liberal in decade on here and defends every asinine position is accusing others of living in a bubble.

ganners created Trump
Pretty funny what a Cuck he is. And proudly so. Would love to see a picture. 95% of these beta "professors" look the same.

Makes sense he's been stealing money on some college commie indoctrination center his entire adult life...
Please list the terroristic events that you claim.
The past year the leftist groups have literally beaten people on the streets, for no other reason than they support Trump.

I'm white and I would say I'm a nationalist, does that make me a racist in your view? Because that is exactly the message the media is portraying.

Who exactly is openly preaching racial hatred in the Mainstream? Who were the ones running with White nationalism constantly?
I had never heard the term Alt right until Hillary stated, and she did that to stoke racial anxieties in minorities, black people to be exact, she needed them to vote in the same numbers as when Obama ran.
Race is the entire Dem platform for winning now, it's disgusting. They need fear to rile up their base, and ol mean whitey is the the boogeyman.
White + nationalist = literally Hitler

Give your house to a "brown" person, post haste.
Aww, what's the matter, a liberal interrupting your circlejerk trigger you?

Anyway, I'm out for now. Just wanted to pop in and remind some people that you're as deep in a bubble as the people you rant and rave about.
I was told that I was living in a bubble on November 8, 2016. Around 10:15, when Megan Kelly announced "Donald Trump has just won the state of Wisconsin", I'll bet that you were the one who felt like you were living in the bubble. Bet you never, ever though that your side would lose Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Some of you clowns were even thinking that Missouri and Kansas were in play!:smiley:

With those observations, who, then, was really in the bubble?
Why are these asshats allowed to hide their faces in public protests?
Based on what I have seen on the ones who are unmasked, it's just as well that we don't see their faces, especially after lunch and dinner, and especially the SJW women.
Aww, what's the matter, a liberal interrupting your circlejerk trigger you?

Anyway, I'm out for now. Just wanted to pop in and remind some people that you're as deep in a bubble as the people you rant and rave about.
Thanks for demonstrating yet again why the leftist scum have been getting their asses kicked at the ballot box at every level since Bathhouse Barry invaded the white house.
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Please list the terroristic events that you claim.
The past year the leftist groups have literally beaten people on the streets, for no other reason than they support Trump.

I'm white and I would say I'm a nationalist, does that make me a racist in your view? Because that is exactly the message the media is portraying.

Who exactly is openly preaching racial hatred in the Mainstream? Who were the ones running with White nationalism constantly?
I had never heard the term Alt right until Hillary stated, and she did that to stoke racial anxieties in minorities, black people to be exact, she needed them to vote in the same numbers as when Obama ran.
Race is the entire Dem platform for winning now, it's disgusting. They need fear to rile up their base, and ol mean whitey is the the boogeyman.
He's lying about the terrorist events. Even if he manages to find some study that lists the events, it will include leftist moonbats such as Jared Loughner among the "right wing" terrorists.
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I've been reading through this thread, and you and half the thread are a bunch of hate filled radicalized conspiracy nuts. Seem to be itching for that civil war to go hot. And the "media made up Russia!" is a damn riot. You are so, so, so deep in your bubble you don't even realize it, You think "there are biased sources on the left!" means that you can ignore anything but your own spoonfed right wing propaganda. Seem like a "I'm not racist!" racist too. Love the talk about " third world savages" and allusions to the white nationalist fears of white genocide.

lol I see you got your CNN talking points last night. Van jones "trump determined to start a civil war".

Yeah, they are unbiased. Do you give extra cred for antifa members?
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I'm confused. Maybe somebody can help clarify things for me. Are liberals whiny, childish, delicate snowflakes? Or are we dangerous, radical, violent thugs. Having a hard time since it seems like we're somehow both at the same time.

I can help with that. You guys are dangerous, radical, violent thugs when you have 50-1 numbers and your victims won't fight back. You turn into snowflakes the moment somebody who intends to do you bodily harm gets in your face.

I swear on all that is Holy and good that I always thought that was a video of a woman crying.

Why are men so afraid of their own nuts these days? 50% lower sperm counts in just the past 10 years, soy-growm man titties... this shit is nefarious. You need testosterone therapy in your early 30's... and that's just to get back to normal levels.

Something is afoot.
I can help with that. You guys are dangerous, radical, violent thugs when you have 50-1 numbers and your victims won't fight back. You turn into snowflakes the moment somebody who intends to do you bodily harm gets in your face.

Pretty damned accurate, this.
I saw some cuck like ganner try to make that claim about right wing terrorism. You have to go looking really hard into their data instead of just reading the headline. It's the SPLC that did it so hold the laughs. Ha. Anyways, you go on there to see their definition of "right wing" and "terrorism" and you know it's construed in a way to get this bogus BS.

I kid you not. They included the Muslim Ft. Hood shooter as our right wing terrorist. It's the same BS as hate crimes. They manipulate it.

There's a hoard of Islamic terrorist attacks worldwide that the left never talks about. There's tons of black violence that the left never talks about.

Why is it, ganner that Dem cities are so much worse for violent crime if we're a bunch of "dopey, gun-loving racists?"

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