How will they rule ??!

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Was hoping Trump would include this at the end of his speech last night - "Folks, we have a gang of violent armed thugs waiting to attack you when you leave so please be careful.". Or something along those lines. The MSM would become absolutely unglued.

I read (but didn't see) that there were five antifas there with AK47s there. Perfectly legal in AZ.
Mr. President you will need every vote in the Senate to get your agenda passed. Would liked to have seen a different approach with Flake and McCain but this is the no holding back Trump.
Trump could get on his knees begging them to work with him and they still wouldn't. Screw flake and mcloser.
Nope, I don't see the conservative strawman of what a college is.

Not sure why you think they're mutually exclusive.

You have the group of SJWs who tell you what you can say and what you can't say, asks for trigger warnings, claim everything is offensive and oppressive and needs puppies brought in to not have a meltdown. Here are some examples of the unhinged emotionally fragile nuts.

Now here's another portion of your group of maniacs.





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Here's some more, ganner.




And one of the most outrageous things has been liberal media's refusal to cover it. A group who is notorious for hoaxes and playing victim 24/7 is suddenly silent regarding their constant violence against those who oppose them.
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Because I know when you're there to just peacefully protest, you assault others, mace them and get on top of their cars so they can't leave while you wave around Mexican flags.
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The media has created last night version of Trump - sounds like they don't like what they created.

Anything they deem acceptable that comes out of his mouth must be from his cabinet and advisors - but usually if it was acceptable the timing wasn't right - too late, read off the prompter and not from the heart and on and on.

Report like he is the dumbest human being on the planet, act like he was a failed business man, give POTUS zero credibility and they wonder why he attacks them? Magazine covers of him with KKK hoods and looking dopey with a military helmet on...."why does this man call us #fakenews IM SO OFFENDED!

Remember the Nato speech in May? OMG they are laughing at him...OMG he is insulting them...OMG he didn't recommit to defense pledge...PUTIN!

one month later....NATO Allies Inch Toward Defense Budget Goal Championed by Trump...“This is a significant increase,” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told reporters on Thursday in Brussels, where he’s hosting a meeting of defense ministers from the 29-nation alliance. “We are moving in the right direction when it comes to burden sharing and defense spending.”

Remember "Fire and Fury"? What is he doing OMG nuke war he is senile someone get him out of here that rhetoric is too much!!!

one week later...Lil Kim crawls back into his hole and nothing from the media

They expect him to unite the country at a rally...LOL...unite the country that hasn't been united since after the 9/11/01 attacks...hey pal, Unite the Country (our next segment is on how you are mentally unstable and unfit to be President)..."elections have consequences" was a mic drop for the last guy, but we expect a uniting message from your rallies...

Trump has his eyes set back on the Swamp...and that includes MSM. It will continue - if the media care to unite the country, they can change the angle to their reporting...if not, he will continue to send them the STFU message.

I like we need to "unite the country" when they spend all of their time contesting the election, telling white people they are uneducated, racist evil oppressors who need to die and have whiteness abolished and also ran a woman who called us "deplorable." The left calling anyone divisive is the epitome of someone who lacks self awareness.

They run on identity politics, don't respect Trump or the middle of the country so yeah, they can go eat crap.
Here's some more, ganner.




And one of the most outrageous things has been liberal media's refusal to cover it. A group who is notorious for hoaxes and playing victim 24/7 is suddenly silent regarding their constant violence against those who oppose them.

That's pretty nuts.

We are now becoming a lawless country. We allow illegal immigration. We allow illegal drugs. The Feds do nothing about this. And it just gives power to these loons in this video who have no fear, and no the cops are not going to punish them. It's pretty wild.
That's pretty nuts.

We are now becoming a lawless country. We allow illegal immigration. We allow illegal drugs. The Feds do nothing about this. And it just gives power to these loons in this video who have no fear, and no the cops are not going to punish them. It's pretty wild.

Cops did a pretty decent job last night. Seems like some shady city officials set them up for failure but they did pretty good.
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And one of the most outrageous things has been liberal media's refusal to cover it. A group who is notorious for hoaxes and playing victim 24/7 is suddenly silent regarding their constant violence against those who oppose them.

Your "liberal media isn't covering it" post used as evidence.... MSNBC footage. lulz
Here's more of the liberal media not covering it

It's hilarious how much of conspiracy theorists and fake victims you guys in this thread are.

Are you really going to argue the point that the media has covered the violent leftist protesters anywhere near the level of "white Nationalists"? Literally the only group thats been violent for over year is leftist groups, and all we've heard about is how "white Nationals" are the problem.

Before Trump brought it to the forefront it was never mentioned. The article you posted was from yesterday.
Literally the only group thats been violent for over year is leftist groups, and all we've heard about is how "white Nationals" are the problem.

This is incorrect. White nationalist groups have been the biggest source of terrorism in the US for the past decade plus. There is good reason to have been concerned about these groups and their growing boldness. The audacity of openly preaching racial hatred was also extremely concerning. Get out of your bubble and quit playing the victim.
Here's more of the liberal media not covering it

It's hilarious how much of conspiracy theorists and fake victims you guys in this thread are.
First strawmen, now false equivalences. Volume matters.

In related news UK and Holy Cross are both national championship programs.

Campuses and now CNN/MSNBC are unbiased. Keep em coming. I would post data related to moderates/ind and the media but you wouldn't allow yourself to process.
Here's more of the liberal media not covering it

It's hilarious how much of conspiracy theorists and fake victims you guys in this thread are.

Are you this clueless? Those videos and images contained stuff going back to 2015. This was constant and the only time liberal media covered it was when Trump brought it up last week. And then, you have media defending them with BS pieces like this



This has been absolutely buried in the news. Most of your base has no idea what Antifa is yet thinks Trump supporters are the violent ones. And you nuts claimed we were "crazy" for thinking the media was biased and then when DNC leaks and Podesta emails came out proving what we have said for years, your base ignored it and made it about Russia.

The left is insane and violent as hell. They have been doing this shit for years on college campuses too. Are you going to act like that has been covered properly? We get segments on poop swastikas and Trump eating fried chicken with a fork or analyzing his handshake yet they don't have time to mention Obama spying on his enemies, Americans and funding protesters to attack people.

Oh, and in case you act like that's a conspiracy, that was proven in the DNC leaks as well. They even resort to using interns if they don't get their people bused in on time.
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I see you're putting words in my mouth while accusing me of logical fallacies. What a loser.
people with memories and data hurt your feelings, go rant in the community college faculty lounge to the other liberal scrubs
Are you this clueless? Those videos and images contained stuff going back to 2015. This was constant and the only time liberal media covered it was when Trump brought it up last week. And then, you have media defending them with BS pieces like that.

This has been absolutely buried in the news. Most of your base has no idea what Antifa is yet thinks Trump supporters are the violent ones. And you nuts claimed we were "crazy" for thinking the media was biased and then when DNC leaks and Podesta emails came out proving what we have said for years, your base ignored it and made it about Russia.

The left is insane and violent as hell. They have been doing this shit for years on college campuses too. Are you going to act like that has been covered properly? We get segments on poop swastikas and Trump eating fried chicken with a fork or analyzing his handshake yet they don't have time to mention Obama spying on his enemies, Americans and funding protesters to attack people.

Oh, and in case you act like that's a conspiracy, that was proven in the DNC leaks as well. They even resort to using interns if they don't get their people bused in on time.

I've been reading through this thread, and you and half the thread are a bunch of hate filled radicalized conspiracy nuts. Seem to be itching for that civil war to go hot. And the "media made up Russia!" is a damn riot. You are so, so, so deep in your bubble you don't even realize it, You think "there are biased sources on the left!" means that you can ignore anything but your own spoonfed right wing propaganda. Seem like a "I'm not racist!" racist too. Love the talk about " third world savages" and allusions to the white nationalist fears of white genocide.
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people with memories and data hurt your feelings, go rant in the community college faculty lounge to the other liberal scrubs

Aww, what's the matter, a liberal interrupting your circlejerk trigger you?

Anyway, I'm out for now. Just wanted to pop in and remind some people that you're as deep in a bubble as the people you rant and rave about.
fears of white genocide

"media made up Russia!" is a damn riot.

They oversold Russia, no doubt. Get out of the MotherJones/Huffpo bubble

People don't fear white genocide, they post the lunacy of lefties claiming their desire for it. Too bad liberals like you don't try to call them out and stay on your ideals. Why you keep losing elections.
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Aww, what's the matter, a liberal interrupting your circlejerk trigger you?

Anyway, I'm out for now. Just wanted to pop in and remind some people that you're as deep in a bubble as the people you rant and rave about.
Have fun at your vegan poetry slam. Stay in that public job with no accountability and surrounded by likeminded dipshits
I've been reading through this thread, and you and half the thread are a bunch of hate filled radicalized conspiracy nuts. Seem to be itching for that civil war to go hot. And the "media made up Russia!" is a damn riot. You are so, so, so deep in your bubble you don't even realize it, You think "there are biased sources on the left!" means that you can ignore anything but your own spoonfed right wing propaganda. Seem like a "I'm not racist!" racist too. Love the talk about " third world savages" and allusions to the white nationalist fears of white genocide.


Oh, those are conspiracy theories? LOL. It's a conspiracy theory to showcase whites being targeted by liberals, media, academia (classes about "abolishing whiteness") and liberals being against a temporary ban to properly vet terrorist hot spots because it might hurt their open borders utopia? There's a reason why your media and your base hate whites and it's because they won't vote for you anymore. You'd rather have this because it's easy to gain power by sprinkling crumbs to the welfare state.

I suppose this isn't savagery? Gotta love liberals claiming to be progressive while they align with the most regressive ideology (Islam) and people (third world who hates gays and consider women less than).

Did you even read the DNC leaks? Apparently not yet you're so full of yourself, it's hilarious. I do enjoy the "we're in our bubble" garbage from you. It is impossible for us to be in a bubble considering we go to college, we go to work, we watch media, movies, sports, etc. It's overwhelmingly leftist bullshit and you accuse us of being in a bubble? You all didn't even know Antifa existed until last week.
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Sounds familiar. And lives off the public tit.

A feminist scholar attending a baseball game at Fenway Park declined to clap as a veteran was honored, cringed when the American flag was unfurled, and would not stand when the rest of the crowd did so to sing “America the Beautiful.”

This was her personal way of protesting the patriarchy and what she calls “militarized, masculinity-heroism patriotism.”

Dr. Cynthia Enloe, a woman’s studies professor at Clark University, recounted her experience in recently published essay.

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