How will they rule ??!

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Seeing the direction that our country is moving in. I figure it's just a matter of time be for Mount Rushmore is defaced and destroyed. So i'm guessing the libs would want to replace it with their own monument. What 4 people would you think would make the liberal snowflakes happy to see on their very own Mount Rushmore ? I would pick these 4 for them. What do you think? Would this pacifie them?

Karl Marks - Author of The Communist Manifesto
Ho Chi Minh - The liberals God during the Vietnam war
Saul Alinsky - Author of the book, Rules For Radicals
Ted Kaczynski, AKA The Unabomber - A hero to the environmentalists

How hilarious would it be to watch a liberal worship service at this mountain?

Do you work for Trump? You seem similarly unhinged.
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I think Mav is on to something.




Former DNC chairman Howard Dean (rhymes with "scream") pulls the race card out on 2018 voters.

I hope he keeps saying crap like that. I hope ALL the demonrats and press scumbags do the same. It's clear the libtards only have one argument, the MUH RACISM narrative, and most people who aren't angry minorities or cucked white snowflakes are sick to death of it.
Mr. President you will need every vote in the Senate to get your agenda passed. Would liked to have seen a different approach with Flake and McCain but this is the no holding back Trump.
Ole Chris Columbus is gonna get his.

A proposal to remove a statue of the explorer Christopher Columbus on the Upper West Side will receive “immediate attention” by Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office in the wake of violence stemming from a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va.
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Seeing the direction that our country is moving in. I figure it's just a matter of time be for Mount Rushmore is defaced and destroyed. So i'm guessing the libs would want to replace it with their own monument. What 4 people would you think would make the liberal snowflakes happy to see on their very own Mount Rushmore ? I would pick these 4 for them. What do you think? Would this pacifie them?

Karl Marks - Author of The Communist Manifesto
Ho Chi Minh - The liberals God during the Vietnam war
Saul Alinsky - Author of the book, Rules For Radicals
Ted Kaczynski, AKA The Unabomber - A hero to the environmentalists

How hilarious would it be to watch a liberal worship service at this mountain?

So...the country that is "led" by a Republican White House, a Republican Senate, a Republican House, and a majority conservative Supreme Court is headed in a direction you ridicule?
Ole Chris Columbus is gonna get his.

A proposal to remove a statue of the explorer Christopher Columbus on the Upper West Side will receive “immediate attention” by Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office in the wake of violence stemming from a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va.

I heard on the news yesterday that a town in ohio (can't 'member which) will not recognize columbus day anymore, instead the city council voted to designate it as "indigenous peoples day."
No. End. In. Sight.
Last nights divisive, "civil war igniting" rally:

Trump drilled the media (36% approval rating) for being dishonest, drilled 2 R senators (24% approval rating) and called out "obstructionist" democrats in congress (34% approval) for not having any policy or ideals except opposing Trump (52% agree).

He mentioned the media and left want to tear down history/statues and where would they stop (54% agree with statues remaining, 27% tear down - PBS has 62% favor leaving statues)

He mentioned Antifa (5% approval rating)

And we have to go back to his CVille comments - they have been shredded by everyone, crucial moment for Trump...he revisited his original comments (which many think is very stupid), but as big as the shit storm of those comments caused, it was only 52% of American who felt the statement was not strong enough (27% strong enough - I suppose 21% no opinion)...many would lead you to believe the 52% should be 99%....

The Rally last night wasn't about unity, it was about Trump and his base and probably to help the man feel good about not getting beat up for a few hours...but compare his comments to polling, doesn't really seem too divisive. Not his words at least - his existence for some is enough to be divisive.
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Ole Chris Columbus is gonna get his.

A proposal to remove a statue of the explorer Christopher Columbus on the Upper West Side will receive “immediate attention” by Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office in the wake of violence stemming from a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va.
One of my favorite Sopranos episodes... [laughing]
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Mr. President you will need every vote in the Senate to get your agenda passed. Would liked to have seen a different approach with Flake and McCain but this is the no holding back Trump.
I like it. McCain will be dead soon and doesn't have any fear of re-election. Shine a bright light on Flake who is ripe for primarying in just over a year. If he votes against Trump out of spite it just makes him that much easier to defeat.
Congress isn't going to do a damn thing during Trump's presidency.

His best bet is to use the bully pulpit to rail against the establishment and hope voters can make a better future through elections.

He shouldn't lay off piece of shit Congressmen simply because those Congressmen are willing to put hurt feelings over country.
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I've been saying this from the beginning. Regular ass black folks don't give af about *any* of this

I guess it's just like regular ass white folk don't care about any of this. These nuts people make regular folk who want real progress/action cringe and shake their heads.

And it's probably not coincidence this stupid statue stuff ramps up right as colleges are filling back up for fall semester.
"You also had some very fine people on both sides”.


"Rewriting history." That's rich coming from the left. Your entire perception in based off how media spins things and spoonfeeds you.

According to you, I should be disturbed by Trump but not disturbed that we had a media who was exposed as DNC propaganda, disturbed by an intent to flood our borders with savagery from the third world, Islamic violence, masked Democrats trying to split our heads open to silence speech, more government and that we just had a president who used the NSA to spy on Americans, the press and his political enemies, etc.

You don't get to endorse Hillary and Obama and then come lecturing us, you POS.
"You also had some very fine people on both sides”.


The whole quote in context was posted a few pages back. You must have missed it.

Edit: I just saw the post you quoted. Were you using that quote as an example of the left and media spinning into an outrage over a spun and spoonfed false narrative?
So you all are just going to ignore the fact that the President of the US went out in front the nation and lied for an hour and a half, rewriting history and ranting about everyone who opposes him? Right/Left doesn't matter. He's an utter joke that we all should be disturbed by.

Rewriting history? Best troll job ever.