How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I favored Carson and Vivek , but Vance will be ok. Just no rinos.
Neither would move the needle as much in Penn, mich, wisconsin as Vance possibly can. He checks the right boxes for the Electoral map they need to succeed.

Carson and vivek are both brilliant. I personally like vivek a lot. He talks the good shit and with charisma and intelligence.

I believe both will have influential cabinet positions waiting for them.
You guys have to stop basing your idea of what an election outcome might be off of crowd sizes. We get it Trump draws huge crowds, so what? Even if Biden or Kamala was speaking in my backyard, I wouldn’t really care. I’m not a cult member. You don’t win bonus points with huge rallies.
But if rallies were comprised of fraudulent ballots, Joe would be like a rock star, amirite? But we get it. A candidate getting a lot of real supporters is sooo "culty." I mean at least that's your desperate talking points anyway. (Shrug)
What if Trump had blank mail in ballots ready to be filled out awaiting everyone placed on the chairs for his massive rally attendees like like SEC schools fill the stadium with t shirts for white out games against UK. No I.D. or signature required. Fill them out and drop them off at most convenient cheater box location? Would the media react to that? Even if it just a troll job by Trump
life insurance policy
Yeah, probably.

I was listening to Dinesh D'Souza last week and he was saying he sent a text with three suggestions to Trump for VP as he needs a guy who he could pass the torch to, be a fighter and the three he mentioned were DeSantis, Vivek, and Vance. He said Trump already had his mind made up before he sent the text but still.

After having Pence as a VP, Trump could never have someone like that again behind him.
Did you say the same when Don Jr was tweeting out jokes about Paul Pelosi's hammer attack to the head?

Are you still on this Paul Pelosi thing?

Tell us all, Village Idiot...

Tell us how Paul freaking Pelosi is comparable to Trump.

He is quite the influential political figure that Trump is, we all know. But explain it for the few who are unaware of just how politically important Paul Pelosi has been, and will continue to be going forward.
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Another idiot arguing that IQ plays a larger role than pure physical size/talent in the NBA.
So chose one or the other for your starting NBA center .... A or B??
A. 5 foot 4 man with an IQ of 160.
B. 7 foot 3 man with an IQ of 100.

Your answer will tell a lot about your IQ Algernon.

No. You idiot. I never made that claim. I refuted YOUR claim that being an nba player is 'purely physical' and 'nothing to do with mental.'

I know reading is hard for Village Idiots, but try harder next time.

You seriously stupid dumbass.
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They thrive on low info and emotionally unstable voters which are the types who wait to be spoon-fed their news.

You would think that living through 2017-2020 (pre COVID) that maybe they'd see that all of the fearmongering was utter nonsense. An economy so good that Obama tried to take credit for it, no more ISIS, no wars, got a tax cut, got peace deals, the border was being tackled. America was being put first.

This, of course, is the worst thing ever to the globalist left.
Some emergency. Only twice the number of people died as in all of wars put together. Crazy Democrats. Now, if it had been 3 times, then it would have been understandable.
The fact that you believe all of these 'covid deaths" is crazy considering how they marked everything as covid. Also, go look at the age demographic of who was most affected.

It's crazy that you think the governmet gives a crap about you getting the sniffles. These people unleash unvetted third people people and drugs into our country and couldnt' care less. Couldn't care less to clean up streets or care to stop an illegal from killing and raping American citizens but you think they were just super concerned for your safety and had no ulterior motive whatsoever?

You guys will do anything if it comes from the Democrat Party and Big Pharma. You question nothing no matter how many times you guys are shown to be wrong.
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Hey, I dont care!

(Edit to add: replying to NetCat about my level of concern about the rocket attack in Isreal today)
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Henious human, Jim Olsen, wants it to be possible again to physically abuse children as a means to punish them while at school.

How low can you go.

Finally a lefty comes out against child abuse. Welcome to the right side of history, where beating, killing or mutilating children is wrong. Hopefully you can convince all your democrat friends to stop supporting child abuse as a major part of the party platform.
Andy seems to be a favorite amongst Dems now.

You do realize they used our podunk state to test cheating right? He wasn’t even elected as a governor his first term.

Then again a lot of people mail in to a place like Kentucky and Jefferson county is the perfect place to find the votes.

Plus everything the national press raves about are all Republican bills he signed. Pretty sure most he opposed and even vetoed.

The only reason im concerned if its him is because it means they think they can win* otherwise they dont run him. Theyd save him for the newsom ticket where he would add way more value countering newsom's politician prototype left coast elite persona.

*Win as in get it close enough to cheat their a$$ off.
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Bullshit. The content of the documents is exactly the same, with or without cover sheets. Nowhere is anything I said predicated on a stupid cover sheet lol. The pages are marked. Keep on grasping at those straws, maybe you'll catch one someday...
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So you just butt into a question to another? What an ass.

He just makes claim w/o any specifics. So it's BS. Don't know if it would do him any good, but that wasn't what the question was about, was it? Yes, I worked precincts for about 15 years & got the printouts of the machines' total & posted them there. No one tampered with the machines nor added ballots of non-voters. The paper ballots remained locked in the machines.

So what's your f-ing point? I''m lying? I don't know wtf is going on? Just what is it with you & your conspiracies?

As for other places, prove they changed who is president. You or no one else has.

And just can't help yourself from changing subject from election fraud to Trump inspired vaccines or whatever you want to call them. They certainly helped/saved way more folks than they ever hurt. Take your concerns about them to your heroes Trump & Vance who've taken them. Let me know when you get an answer.
You admitted earlier in this thread that fraud and cheating goes on but not to the extent that it has affected any outcome? What evidence do you have to support that statement that A) any cheating took place and B) that it was so minor that it never altered any results. I’ll answer for you, you don’t have a ****ing clue on either. It’s all speculation or as the fraud is concerned, common ****ing sense. There is no way in hell Joe Biden got 81 million legal legitimate votes. And there is no way in hell we have enough stupidity in this country to insert a clueless Bimbo as the leader of the free world.
Why is Trump saying if he wins the election people won't be able to vote anymore after that?? That doesn't sound very free or democratic. I'm confused here.

What does he mean by no more voting if he gets elected this time?? Because voting and having free elections are the cornerstone of our democracy.
Can't believe anyone still dares argue about lockdown or covid in general. We beat that into the ground and destroyed every radical idea that lead to tyranny and things turned out just as warned.

What kind of weak ass rebuttal is this? Bevin lost the governors race by 5,000 votes. And yes, those 2 Northern counties ARE the Northern part of the state due to population. Kenton is one of the most populous in the state. GOP has been able to win those areas for years and Bevin blew it.

And Cameron won the primary due to Trump's endorsement, not Mitch's. If you look at polling for the primary his went up after the endorsement. Like 2022 in the Senate races that the GOP needed Trump endorsed lovers.

If Mitch had all this political control we would have Trey Grayson as one of our senators and not Rand Paul, who blew Mitch's boy out in the 2010 primary.

Granted andy benefitted from an exceptionally weak roster of opponents his second round plus Cameron wouldn't even go after him even after andy literally had people locked in their house against their will, goons recording license plates of people going to church, shutting down outside flea markets, angrily saying on tv the supreme court just killed kids, etc etc.

We remarked in here way back that he would never do the above far left wishes unless he knew he had promises from the party of both election help and future aspirations. Sure was convenient how the seme guy who toed the party line of lockdown way beyond most and imported refugees with secret flights also seemed to benefit from the weird phenomenon of winning despite down ballot party destruction.

So all those people that otherwise voted straight party, just decided to vote for all gop but also the tyrannical covid lockdown guy who allowed its largest city to burn.....

That’s because Obama and Pelosi needed to change the news cycle. Trump almost dying led to Joe getting the boot. Every tragedy is an opportunity for the scum.

Pretty crazy how quickly that turned. Now dems think people moved on so theyre back to claiming he wasnt shot etc.

Its a damned miracle the man lived through the most egregious ss failure in its history. If he doesn't turn his head at that exact moment hes done.
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Another idiot arguing that IQ plays a larger role than pure physical size/talent in the NBA.
So chose one or the other for your starting NBA center .... A or B??
A. 5 foot 4 man with an IQ of 160.
B. 7 foot 3 man with an IQ of 100.

Your answer will tell a lot about your IQ Algernon.

Sports is one of the last frontiers where talent trumps all and dei is nowhere to be found.

Since you are such a fan what is literally a free market microcosm, its good to know you must oppose dei or the choice of employment, school, etc for any reason other than talent.

Hopefully no sloped roofs are involved.
Why is Trump saying if he wins the election people won't be able to vote anymore after that?? That doesn't sound very free or democratic. I'm confused here.

What does he mean by no more voting if he gets elected this time?? Because voting and having free elections are the cornerstone of our democracy.
He didn't say that people wouldn't be able to vote anymore.