How will they rule ??!

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Seems like he's planning to go after China, too.

Think what you want about Steve Bannon, but he’s got a good point on China

President Trump's right-hand guy Steve Bannon has been called everything from a “mastermind” to a “racist, anti-Semite.” Regardless of what you think of Bannon, he just made a very good point about China.

“To me, the economic war with China is everything. We have to be maniacally focused on that,” Bannon told the American Prospect in a jaw-dropping interview that covered everything from urinating on yourself to North Korea. “If we continue to lose it, we're five years away, I think, 10 years at the most, of hitting an inflection point from which we'll never be able to recover.”

Many experts across the political spectrum say Bannon is right: China is beating up America economically, and neither the U.S. government nor U.S. businesses have done much about it for years.

“It's a weird day when I agree with Steve Bannon, but he's right on this,” says Jennifer Harris, a China expert at the Council on Foreign Relations and a former top staffer in President Obama's State Department. “Going back to George W. Bush, America's policy toward China has been to ask nicely. That has not panned out well.”

“When historians look back at this period of history, they are not going to wonder why the Chinese were stealing U.S. intellectual property or business practices, they are going to wonder why the U.S. didn't defend itself,” says Gordon Chang, an expert on the Chinese economy and author of “The Coming Collapse of China.” He thinks Bannon is wise to hit China now.

Bannon has a battle plan, and he's already unleashing it. On Monday, the Trump administration launched an investigation into whether China is hijacking American business ideas under Section 301 of the 1974 Trade Act. At the moment, China forces U.S. companies doing business there to "share” their technology because they have to do a joint venture in order to operate in China. The Section 301 move is in its early stages — an initial fact-finding phase — but Bannon made it clear that he plans to push this along.

Yep exact im not sure we have that long. 3 to 5 years MAX
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Do these people ever stop to think before they spout their nonsense? Not everyone is as dumb as the dregs on Twitter.

So you mean to tell me, that Bannon was the only person keeping the WH Republican, and with him gone, and everyone else still in place, it's all of the sudden a Democrat WH?

Nothing changed but Bannon leaving, so logic says, if it's a Democrat WH with his departure, then wouldn't it have been a Democrat WH before his departure? He's just one person. Is Bannon so powerful that his presence alone made it a Republican WH?
I only pay attention to the financial news but even I know there was a point of contention between the so-called West Wing Democrats and Bannon. If you haven't been paying attention, think Jared, Ivanka and Cohn for starters. That the GOP has been steadily shown the door is not the end of the world either since the leaks have been reduced the past few weeks.
Just think. Right this second there is a group of dnc fat cat white guys sitting around drinking and laughing at how pliable and gullible their liberal minions are; and how easy its been to weaponize them.

Odds are, there are a few establishment GOP guffawing right away with them. All of them counting their money from globalist puppeteers.
I only pay attention to the financial news but even I know there was a point of contention between the so-called West Wing Democrats and Bannon. If you haven't been paying attention, think Jared, Ivanka and Cohn for starters. That the GOP has been steadily shown the door is not the end of the world either since the leaks have been reduced the past few weeks.

Bannon: "I'm going to medieval on enemies of trump now". Lol. Good job to the guy above posting fake news.

the left really is selling the antifa is a credible group angle. Unbelievable. Any reasonable person would see antifa and neo nazis as the same: stupid, hate filled morons who should be repudiated by all those of goodwill and good sense.
so pro communism pro socialism pro north korea pro violence pro flag burning pro cop killing PAID protestors are preserving the fabric of America?

you can only poke the bear for so long before he has had enough. treasonous traitors should be handled accordingly.
also makes for good theater as both primary / empowered political groups find ways to:

1) automate more and more functions and eliminate more and more jobs
2) provide NO answers for why open borders are ok from a scientific / public health point of view ..... get YOUR vaccinations -- but allow unfettered movement across all borders and pretend that you don't see a connection to communicable disease
3) refuse to respond as to why they're not required to cooperate with the Brave New Health Care rules
4) continue to say nothing about tampering with the food supply and all kinds of other overtly sick, power mad shit

and NSA?

hack hack hack hack
all day every day
wikileaks presents ample evidence showing how our govt backed foreign elections, spyed on the UN and have the tools to specifically make hacks look like they came from other nations....

NATO expansing eastward while calling Russia the aggressor

The Pope and his fellow phony Marxists make it a point to denounce "conservative Catholics" and people who "take the Bible literally"

But don't have a much of an opinion about female genital mutilation or the open calls for Genuine-Mohammadean Mass Murder

Nah ---- that shit wouldn't jive with his future gig as Charlemagne's Bitch in the white dress........

about 1 year ago I used the term / concept of "their mask slipping off" to describe how the Marxist (not traditional) left would eventually appear to us.....

I think you can see that now right?

It's going to get a WHOLE LOT CLEARER I suspect

PS: Saw my first tarantula out here yesterday --- wish I could forget that 10 min's of my life (may / may not have pissed my self and ran screaming like a little girl)

the left really is selling the antifa is a credible group angle. Unbelievable. Any reasonable person would see antifa and neo nazis as the same: stupid, hate filled morons who should be repudiated by all those of goodwill and good sense.

I have an older article on Antifa if you're interested - free site / no ads / no bullshit

Anita are following the EXACT script that anarchist bomb throwers and other street rabble played in the Bolshevik Revolution in the USSR

They are either communist or communist enablers by virtue of their creeds and actions

That means they are no better than skinheaded, jackboots and they should be treated as such

PEACEFULLY -- they should be blocked by law enforcement from any future protest plans --- and by blocked I mean they should be monitored and limited on where they can assemble

No more marches

Start arresting their leaders and TRACE THEIR DAMN FUNDING SOURCES
Use the F'ing Military Commissions Act if you have to and label them what they ARE



Because Karl Marx and Freddie Engels --- and their ideological descendants like Lenin, .Trotsky and the rest -- OPENLY TAUGHT THAT TERRORISM WAS A LEGITIMATE METHOD FOR SEIZING PRIVATE PROPERTY AND CULL:ING THE BOURGEOIS

They're doing what THEIR founding fathers told them to do

No one talks about THEIR founding fathers though do they??

Antifa self corrects to "Anita" by the way

SO if you see me raging about ANITA --- it's probably not some lady who's pissed me off


Meet Batman. He protects all of Gotham City's citizens from crazy villains hellbent on violence, destruction, and taking over the world. He stands for honor and justice.

By day he is Bruce Wayne, a rich white billionaire who-

Media: Say no more.
so pro communism pro socialism pro north korea pro violence pro flag burning pro cop killing PAID protestors are preserving the fabric of America?

you can only poke the bear for so long before he has had enough. treasonous traitors should be handled accordingly.

If the DOJ and FBI don't soon look into this anarchy funded by Obama and Soros, there will be a blood bath in the streets, sooner or later the GOOD people in this country will say enough is enough.
also makes for good theater as both primary / empowered political groups find ways to:

1) automate more and more functions and eliminate more and more jobs
2) provide NO answers for why open borders are ok from a scientific / public health point of view ..... get YOUR vaccinations -- but allow unfettered movement across all borders and pretend that you don't see a connection to communicable disease
3) refuse to respond as to why they're not required to cooperate with the Brave New Health Care rules
4) continue to say nothing about tampering with the food supply and all kinds of other overtly sick, power mad shit

and NSA?

hack hack hack hack
all day every day
wikileaks presents ample evidence showing how our govt backed foreign elections, spyed on the UN and have the tools to specifically make hacks look like they came from other nations....

NATO expansing eastward while calling Russia the aggressor

The Pope and his fellow phony Marxists make it a point to denounce "conservative Catholics" and people who "take the Bible literally"

But don't have a much of an opinion about female genital mutilation or the open calls for Genuine-Mohammadean Mass Murder

Nah ---- that shit wouldn't jive with his future gig as Charlemagne's Bitch in the white dress........

about 1 year ago I used the term / concept of "their mask slipping off" to describe how the Marxist (not traditional) left would eventually appear to us.....

I think you can see that now right?

It's going to get a WHOLE LOT CLEARER I suspect

PS: Saw my first tarantula out here yesterday --- wish I could forget that 10 min's of my life (may / may not have pissed my self and ran screaming like a little girl)

Come on now Wyvern you are ruining their big distraction party about statues and psy ops. Don't bring real issues in here. You are messing up what some insignificant dumbshit posted on twitter to breed the hate.

Awan brothers indicted. Grand jury was called way back on Nov. 13, 2016. Not a peep. Stick to their narrative with more statue talk.
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the left really is selling the antifa is a credible group angle. Unbelievable. Any reasonable person would see antifa and neo nazis as the same: stupid, hate filled morons who should be repudiated by all those of goodwill and good sense.

When is the left EVER critical of anyone or anything that's part of their base? Their outrage is only reserved for conservatives. It's bizarre.

Democrats are not critical of any Dem politician
Leftist media is never critical of their side
Democrats don't care about the racism on their side especially toward whites
Leftists don't care about violence in their name like Antifa, BLM, nut job SJWs.

Expecting a group who refused to cover violence at Trump rallies and cover Antifa for a year will not be critical of this group. The left ALWAYS doubles down on everything. Their brainwashed base can never be wrong. Not to mention, the left adamantly believes the end justifies the means.
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If the DOJ and FBI don't soon look into this anarchy funded by Obama and Soros, there will be a blood bath in the streets, sooner or later the GOOD people in this country will say enough is enough.
Exactly right. We are pretty close to seeing that happen, IMO.
I heard a woman on the radio last night while driving home from work. She was arguing that we have to now take down any statue of any man that ever owned a slave. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, etc. it doesn't matter. They have to come down because if not we are ignoring how vile and evil they were, no matter their contributions and telling everyone slavery was and is okay.

How ignorant and brainwashed must one be to think this way? Historical context of the time they lived in has to be taken into account. Also there were blacks in Africa who owned slaves. There were black men that fought for the south willingly. Everything isn't a black and white issue, pun not intended.
When is the left EVER critical of anyone or anything that's part of their base? Their outrage is only reserved for conservatives. It's bizarre.

Democrats are not critical of any Dem politician
Leftist media is never critical of their side
Democrats don't care about the racism on their side especially toward whites
Leftists don't care about violence in their name like Antifa, BLM, nut job SJWs.

Expecting a group who refused to cover violence at Trump rallies and cover Antifa for a year will not be critical of this group. The left ALWAYS doubles down on everything. Their brainwashed base can never be wrong. Not to mention, the left adamantly believes the end justifies the means.
Ex A:Nancy Pelosi still leads them in the House.