How will they rule ??!

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Usually, the only people discussing religion and the weird Bible thumpers. Amiright?

I love that people like you are such pussies when it comes to being critical of anyone who isn't white or isn't Christian. You're the worst of the worst. Just a total coward in every way.

BKing "Oh, no. Someone doesn't want to share a bathroom with a tranny. Someone doesn't want to make a cake. Someone put up a Nativity Scene. Chick-Fil- A are nazis and must die."

Islamic terrorist attack, Islamic gang rapes, killings of homosexuals and mass invasion of violence.

BKing, "Let's not judge Muslims, you Islamophobic racist white privileged male Nazi! We need to be united!"

Actually, come to think of it, what was your reaction for Orlando last year? Muslim guy massacres 50 homosexuals and the issue becomes the gun. One guy who's apparently a "nazi" drives over a person with his car and kills them, the issue is "white supremacy" and whites must be taken out and statues must be taken down.

Where the hell are you people when Muslims drive trucks and cars into people on a regular basis? You're just brainwashed cowards.
19,000 posts and only 58 likes.

You're worse than a pitcher going up to bat.

I don't post on this board often, skippy.

I think it's hard for a lot of people to understand why politics in Kentucky are so awful. But the reason is pretty evident when you peruse our political thread.
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I still cannot figure out why there is so much hate for Trump. My gosh, he is as close to a liberal that the Republicans can offer. He was essentially an Independent who ran as a Republican to secure the RNC's campaign money and resources.

Guess what, most of his supporters knew that before voting for him. He says some dumb things. So what. All I know is that my life has not changed one but since he was elected except my 401k has grown over 11%, I found a better job and making more money, and I feel the country is more secure. What else do people want? Listen to his rallies in full. What the heck does he say that points to being a big racist? Nothing. Hell, the guy slept with Robin Givens years ago and has employed a lot of minorities.

He is a savvy businessman who has used the laws to his advantage. Wow, I mean what other ultra successful/rich person has not found ways to not have to pay more taxes and other BS. The guy literally gave up living a billionaire lifestyle to sit in Washington and deal with a bunch of incompetent/crooked snakes on a daily basis while being ambushed every second by politicians, media, etc. who want him gone. His family is attacked on a daily basis. The list goes on and on.

It comes down to what most of us knew a long time ago, but it has evolved into something even worse than first imagined. The elites know they cannot control Trump so they try and control the messaging and hysteria that surrounds him in an attempt to try and make his term so toxic that he either resigns, does not run again, or whatever else so he is out of Washington in 2020 so they can replace him with their anointed puppet much like Obama was for Soros and the list goes on.

Guess what, if anything it is gaining him more support from folks who are tired of the BS and realize he is actually trying to do something great for this country. Most folks could care less what some elitist journalist from NY says or some lunatic leftist from CA thinks of him. If they can get a good job, provide for their family, see their retirement get better, and feel safer then that is what most care about. Not about some ridiculous statue nobody knew about before now.
I love that people like you are such pussies when it comes to being critical of anyone who isn't white or isn't Christian. You're the worst of the worst. Just a total coward in every way.

BKing "Oh, no. Someone doesn't want to share a bathroom with a tranny. Someone doesn't want to make a cake. Someone put up a Nativity Scene. Chick-Fil- A are nazis and must die."

Islamic terrorist attack, Islamic gang rapes, killings of homosexuals and mass invasion of violence.

BKing, "Let's not judge Muslims, you Islamophobic racist white privileged male Nazi! We need to be united!"

Actually, come to think of it, what was your reaction for Orlando last year? Muslim guy massacres 50 homosexuals and the issue becomes the gun. One guy who's apparently a "nazi" drives over a person with his car and kills them, the issue is "white supremacy" and whites must be taken out and statues must be taken down.

Where the hell are you people when Muslims drive trucks and cars into people on a regular basis? You're just brainwashed cowards.

Um. I am white and Christian.
I don't post on this board often, skippy.

I think it's hard for a lot of people to understand why politics in Kentucky are so awful. But the reason is pretty evident when you peruse our political thread.
Oh come on. You're only one vote and you probably don't even use that.
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I still cannot figure out why there is so much hate for Trump. My gosh, he is as close to a liberal that the Republicans can offer. He was essentially an Independent who ran as a Republican to secure the RNC's campaign money and resources.

Guess what, most of his supporters knew that before voting for him. He says some dumb things. So what. All I know is that my life has not changed one but since he was elected except my 401k has grown over 11%, I found a better job and making more money, and I feel the country is more secure. What else do people want? Listen to his rallies in full. What the heck does he say that points to being a big racist? Nothing. Hell, the guy slept with Robin Givens years ago and has employed a lot of minorities.

He is a savvy businessman who has used the laws to his advantage. Wow, I mean what other ultra successful/rich person has not found ways to not have to pay more taxes and other BS. The guy literally gave up living a billionaire lifestyle to sit in Washington and deal with a bunch of incompetent/crooked snakes on a daily basis while being ambushed every second by politicians, media, etc. who want him gone. His family is attacked on a daily basis. The list goes on and on.

It comes down to what most of us knew a long time ago, but it has evolved into something even worse than first imagined. The elites know they cannot control Trump so they try and control the messaging and hysteria that surrounds him in an attempt to try and make his term so toxic that he either resigns, does not run again, or whatever else so he is out of Washington in 2020 so they can replace him with their anointed puppet much like Obama was for Soros and the list goes on.

Guess what, if anything it is gaining him more support from folks who are tired of the BS and realize he is actually trying to do something great for this country. Most folks could care less what some elitist journalist from NY says or some lunatic leftist from CA thinks of him. If they can get a good job, provide for their family, see their retirement get better, and feel safer then that is what most care about. Not about some ridiculous statue nobody knew about before now.

Well said and 100% true. Perfect illustration as to why the far left will continue to lose ground in all but ultra liberal strongholds
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I still cannot figure out why there is so much hate for Trump. My gosh, he is as close to a liberal that the Republicans can offer. He was essentially an Independent who ran as a Republican to secure the RNC's campaign money and resources.

Guess what, most of his supporters knew that before voting for him. He says some dumb things. So what. All I know is that my life has not changed one but since he was elected except my 401k has grown over 11%, I found a better job and making more money, and I feel the country is more secure. What else do people want? Listen to his rallies in full. What the heck does he say that points to being a big racist? Nothing. Hell, the guy slept with Robin Givens years ago and has employed a lot of minorities.

He is a savvy businessman who has used the laws to his advantage. Wow, I mean what other ultra successful/rich person has not found ways to not have to pay more taxes and other BS. The guy literally gave up living a billionaire lifestyle to sit in Washington and deal with a bunch of incompetent/crooked snakes on a daily basis while being ambushed every second by politicians, media, etc. who want him gone. His family is attacked on a daily basis. The list goes on and on.

It comes down to what most of us knew a long time ago, but it has evolved into something even worse than first imagined. The elites know they cannot control Trump so they try and control the messaging and hysteria that surrounds him in an attempt to try and make his term so toxic that he either resigns, does not run again, or whatever else so he is out of Washington in 2020 so they can replace him with their anointed puppet much like Obama was for Soros and the list goes on.

Guess what, if anything it is gaining him more support from folks who are tired of the BS and realize he is actually trying to do something great for this country. Most folks could care less what some elitist journalist from NY says or some lunatic leftist from CA thinks of him. If they can get a good job, provide for their family, see their retirement get better, and feel safer then that is what most care about. Not about some ridiculous statue nobody knew about before now.

Anyone that calls Trump a racist is a moron. 100% American moron.

As I have said on here a million times. No one ever called Trump a racist ever until 2016 election. Just moronic. Absolutely utter idiocy.
If it has not by now, it sure should be clear to anyone other than liberals why you lost and will lose again. Statements like the one above comes from people who get their information solely from liberal news sites. Get out more and you will find that many would be outraged and saddened if it happened.
Yup. Idiots like Bking will just alienate more people away from the democrat party. They may never win the rust belt back again if they keep the craziness up.
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Um. I am white and Christian.

Please tell me how big a cuck you have to be to be white and Christian and still support Democrats? How can one be Christian and a Democrat in today's climate?

You must really love self loathing and verbal abuse then if you can claim to be those two things and listen to Dems and their base bash whites and target Christians consistently.
I still cannot figure out why there is so much hate for Trump. My gosh, he is as close to a liberal that the Republicans can offer. He was essentially an Independent who ran as a Republican to secure the RNC's campaign money and resources.

Guess what, most of his supporters knew that before voting for him. He says some dumb things. So what. All I know is that my life has not changed one but since he was elected except my 401k has grown over 11%, I found a better job and making more money, and I feel the country is more secure. What else do people want? Listen to his rallies in full. What the heck does he say that points to being a big racist? Nothing. Hell, the guy slept with Robin Givens years ago and has employed a lot of minorities.

He is a savvy businessman who has used the laws to his advantage. Wow, I mean what other ultra successful/rich person has not found ways to not have to pay more taxes and other BS. The guy literally gave up living a billionaire lifestyle to sit in Washington and deal with a bunch of incompetent/crooked snakes on a daily basis while being ambushed every second by politicians, media, etc. who want him gone. His family is attacked on a daily basis. The list goes on and on.

It comes down to what most of us knew a long time ago, but it has evolved into something even worse than first imagined. The elites know they cannot control Trump so they try and control the messaging and hysteria that surrounds him in an attempt to try and make his term so toxic that he either resigns, does not run again, or whatever else so he is out of Washington in 2020 so they can replace him with their anointed puppet much like Obama was for Soros and the list goes on.

Guess what, if anything it is gaining him more support from folks who are tired of the BS and realize he is actually trying to do something great for this country. Most folks could care less what some elitist journalist from NY says or some lunatic leftist from CA thinks of him. If they can get a good job, provide for their family, see their retirement get better, and feel safer then that is what most care about. Not about some ridiculous statue nobody knew about before now.
Abe Lincoln and Reagan had a lot of hatred pointed at them by mostly the same types of people.
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The one that goes to heaven
Not judging you, but wondered if you actually practice your Christian faith? Go to church regularly, read your bible, serve others, etc.?
Again, sincerely want to know. Only God can judge you, but wanting the Prez dead is not preached any Christian Church that I know of.
Please tell me how big a cuck you have to be to be white and Christian and still support Democrats? How can one be Christian and a Democrat in today's climate?

You must really love self loathing and verbal abuse then if you can claim to be those two things and listen to Dems and their base bash whites and target Christians consistently.

You and I are nothing alike, and while you'd like to think we are because we have white skin, that's the culture divide. I really do feel sorry for you that you think politics is based on religion and race.

Secondarily, the religious right is highly hypocritical to a point of sheer comedy. And this is basically party politics in a nutshell. Here you are, claiming to be a beacon of Christianity, supporting Donald J. Trump.

Meanwhile, one huge reason Trump gained notoriety was his appearances on the Howard Stern Show. The same show that the Christian conservatives waged war on throughout the 90s, using the FCC to limit free speech. Now today, you act like you are a man of principle supporting the conservative in office. Trump isn't even a conservative. He's playing you and it's working.

Secondarily, what you don't understand is that the way you are raised and the environment you are surrounded in is why you think the way you do. You simply haven't been exposed to a whole lot of diversity so your ideas are heavily based in stereotypes and media. No matter how many times you are told this, you aren't going to listen though. You probably won't ever get it.
Anyone that calls Trump a racist is a moron. 100% American moron.

As I have said on here a million times. No one ever called Trump a racist ever until 2016 election. Just moronic. Absolutely utter idiocy.
That's the lib/dims strategy. Call everyone a white supremist. THEY are in full bully mode.

Haven't heard anything about that Missouri State senator that called for Trumps assassination. Can you imagine if it was obama?
I still cannot figure out why there is so much hate for Trump. My gosh, he is as close to a liberal that the Republicans can offer. He was essentially an Independent who ran as a Republican to secure the RNC's campaign money and resources.

Guess what, most of his supporters knew that before voting for him. He says some dumb things. So what. All I know is that my life has not changed one but since he was elected except my 401k has grown over 11%, I found a better job and making more money, and I feel the country is more secure. What else do people want? Listen to his rallies in full. What the heck does he say that points to being a big racist? Nothing. Hell, the guy slept with Robin Givens years ago and has employed a lot of minorities.

He is a savvy businessman who has used the laws to his advantage. Wow, I mean what other ultra successful/rich person has not found ways to not have to pay more taxes and other BS. The guy literally gave up living a billionaire lifestyle to sit in Washington and deal with a bunch of incompetent/crooked snakes on a daily basis while being ambushed every second by politicians, media, etc. who want him gone. His family is attacked on a daily basis. The list goes on and on.

It comes down to what most of us knew a long time ago, but it has evolved into something even worse than first imagined. The elites know they cannot control Trump so they try and control the messaging and hysteria that surrounds him in an attempt to try and make his term so toxic that he either resigns, does not run again, or whatever else so he is out of Washington in 2020 so they can replace him with their anointed puppet much like Obama was for Soros and the list goes on.

Guess what, if anything it is gaining him more support from folks who are tired of the BS and realize he is actually trying to do something great for this country. Most folks could care less what some elitist journalist from NY says or some lunatic leftist from CA thinks of him. If they can get a good job, provide for their family, see their retirement get better, and feel safer then that is what most care about. Not about some ridiculous statue nobody knew about before now.

So well said sir. I've said it many times as well, Trump isn't an R or a D or a conservative or a liberal. He doesn't care about any of the shit that the religious right gets fired up about. He's trying to shake up an establishment that has screwed us all over at every turn for as long as I can remember. Sure, he says some dumb shit, but that's all noise. Look at the big picture. It ain't bad.
Not judging you, but wondered if you actually practice your Christian faith? Go to church regularly, read your bible, serve others, etc.?
Again, sincerely want to know. Only God can judge you, but wanting the Prez dead is not preached any Christian Church that I know of.

Well if I was getting my political views from some southern preacher I would have a whole other set of problems.

And I never said I wanted Trump dead. I said I wouldn't be surprised or sad if it happened. Because I wouldn't be.
Well if I was getting my political views from some southern preacher I would have a whole other set of problems.

And I never said I wanted Trump dead. I said I wouldn't be surprised or sad if it happened. Because I wouldn't be.
Well, that just makes you a sad individual.
So well said sir. I've said it many times as well, Trump isn't an R or a D or a conservative or a liberal. He doesn't care about any of the shit that the religious right gets fired up about. He's trying to shake up an establishment that has screwed us all over at every turn for as long as I can remember. Sure, he says some dumb shit, but that's all noise. Look at the big picture. It ain't bad.
Well stated John. You've came a long way.
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People like bking are why the GOP controls congress and the white house and state legislatures have shifted in historic numbers. He trolls by labelling this a KY redneck thing but the average voter across the country hates modern liberalism and Trump took advantage of that.

And he is a liar, so any self-description should not be believed.

People like bking are why the GOP controls congress and the white house and state legislatures have shifted in historic numbers. He trolls by labelling this a KY redneck thing but the average voter across the country hates modern liberalism and Trump took advantage of that.

And he is a liar, so any self-description should not be believed.


Trump wouldn't win again if we replayed the election over. Even I had hopes Trump could make positive change. GOPs best shot in 2020 is to run a better candidate. Then again, the DNC has had some awful candidates too. And there is the shit show of American politics in a nutshell. You can have fun defending that. I want no part.
People like bking are why the GOP controls congress and the white house and state legislatures have shifted in historic numbers. He trolls by labelling this a KY redneck thing but the average voter across the country hates modern liberalism and Trump took advantage of that.

And he is a liar, so any self-description should not be believed.


Absolutely. When Trump wipes his ass on the opposing candidate in 2020 it's gonna be brutal.

After you discount all the illegal votes for Hillary, it was brutal in 2016.
I really do feel sorry for you that you think politics is based on religion and race.

Have you paid any attention to the Democrat party the last eight years, like at all? Their politics consist of nothing but identity politics.

Trump wouldn't win again if we replayed the election over

You lie. Trump winning again has already been shown to be the case. Hillary is literally that loathsome.
Have you paid any attention to the Democrat party the last eight years, like at all? Their politics consist of nothing but identity politics.

You lie. Trump winning again has already been shown to be the case. Hillary is literally that loathsome.

Yep. it's a goddamned lie. He thinks if he keeps repeating it that it must mean it's true. But it is indeed bullshit.