How will they rule ??!

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"only" 6 senators? That's hilarious. Might as well say that Trump is closer to having a filibuster-proof majority.
With the backing of 48 Democrats, the possibility of this happening might not seem so farfetched. One thing we know about Republicans is that they have no balls when the stove starts getting a little hot.
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I would like a trump rally to go beat their ass.
Apparently its just a pro free speech rally. I read somewhere that it was a pro KKK/Nazi rally, I fell for fake news.

Still probably stupid regardless, we will see what happens. Tons of ANTIFA losers are showing up. They are protesting FREE SPEECH, and they call themselves anti fascists.
The hypocrisy is mind numbing.

I don't have enough hairs on my body to count all the times I've read the liberal rebuttal to the 2A defensive stance of 'self defense' that came in some form of, "Violence only begets violence, you cretin!" Now, this:

The rules NEVER apply to them. Spineless and unbound by the lack consequence. Tacking blame on a dem is harder than forcing a cat into a toilet.
Sadly I don't think this is a republican vs democrat issue in our country anymore. It's a people vs the government... and there's a lot of ignorant people out there siding with government.

Consider the dependency. Those who are and those who achieve power from those who are. In-between you have a deep cross-section of lower middle class who maintain some form of stability by depending on govt. The cross-section narrows, but continues through the middle class ranks.

An easy example to consider is the public school teacher. In all instances, where that household is more dependent on that source of income so too is it more supportive of liberal govt. policy.

In other words, follow the money . . . Examine the lines of dependency. It becomes Crystal Clear.
Apparently its just a pro free speech rally. I read somewhere that it was a pro KKK/Nazi rally, I fell for fake news.

Still probably stupid regardless, we will see what happens. Tons of ANTIFA losers are showing up. They are protesting FREE SPEECH, and they call themselves anti fascists.
Watching videos on Twitter, the entire crown apparently fell for it, too. The shit these people are screaming at empty air would make Andrew Dice Clay blush.

Ahh, to be part of the well-read, well-informed and well-intended patriots and defenders against all 13 Nazis... and to do it with such prose and eloquence. One can only aspire...
Why are those assholes allowed to cover their faces? I blame the cops for allowing that!
Agreed. Shouldn't be allowed. If they are going to allow these asswipes there, at the least tell them to take their damn masks off.
Only matter of time before someone unloads on these Antifa nut jobs.

If Senate Republicans impeach Trump not only will their political career in a Washington be over but I am afraid there will be some very pisssed off people who will take matters into their own hands.

They say Trump's words and actions have consequences. Hate to tell them, it goes both ways.

Afraid to say that it is going to get worse before it gets better. There is a serious divide in this country that is coming to a boil soon.
The hypocrisy is mind numbing.

I don't have enough hairs on my body to count all the times I've read the liberal rebuttal to the 2A defensive stance of 'self defense' that came in some form of, "Violence only begets violence, you cretin!" Now, this:

The rules NEVER apply to them. Spineless and unbound by the lack consequence. Tacking blame on a dem is harder than forcing a cat into a toilet.
Such liars!
They are anti American pure and simple. They burn cities for fun. They would be tearing up property even if these idiotic neo nazis never existed!
Folks this is how you spin some bullshit:

The only way they can achieve peace is by winning the fight and killing everyone who is in opposition to their agenda. News flash, there will always be dissenting views even after they destroy the right, they will go after their own. Second new flash, that will never happen. There is no way in hell they could win the fight. FACT!

They have lost their damn minds. Idiots.

Edit: I don't even follow CNN... yet it's plastered all over my feed. And these aren't always retweets.
I still think as others have pointed out that we are watching a show put on by Soros, the DNC and the Clinton Foundation. The money flows to each group from the same source.

Some people just show that are not paid Antifa or Neo Nazis.
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Wow. Free speech is not allowed anymore. Good job caving to ANTIFA

With the backing from the media, the government and now police bowing down to them...

Reminds me of Hitler. He too started with a small party that grew over time and eventually became accepted throughout Germany. ANTIFA may end up being better Nazis than the Nazis.

I got this far before I said "Yeah, right." -- "by my count there are already twelve senators who have shown a willingness to take on the president when they believe he is in the wrong."

This is their evidence that R Senators are ready to impeach Trump. So, now, in their fairytale world that they want to come true, all it takes is for a Senator to disagree with Trump on certain issues when they believe he is wrong and it = ready to impeach him. Are they impeaching him on the grounds of their feelings being hurt?

Not to mention these three reasons -- "They are: the investigations into the Trump campaign; evidence of weakness in the Republican base ; historical trends indicating a possible Democratic takeover in the House"

1. The Russia collusion is nonsense. Totally made up to cover their asses. It makes them look worse, not better.

2. There is no evidence of weakness in the Republican base for Trump, only for the Republican Senators. Impeaching him will lead to it being weaker.

3. Historical evidence? Yeah, that's completely made up way of saying "we hope". D's have a chance to take back the house, there's always a chance, but it's not some "historical evidence" lock. R base is still much more enthused. They are killing it in fundraising. D's pulling in pennies.
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With the backing from the media, the government and now police bowing down to them...

Reminds me of Hitler. He too started with a small party that grew over time and eventually became accepted throughout Germany. ANTIFA may end up being better Nazis than the Nazis.
They are the true brownshirts. We have media and politicians that openly cheer them on.
Wow. Free speech is not allowed anymore. Good job caving to ANTIFA

This is how they accomplish it. Antifa shows up to a peaceful protest threatening violence and instead of the Governors/Mayors having their police force protect the speakers and guarantee them their #1A, they instead shut it down, declaring public safety issues. This isn't all on Antifa. They're being enabled.
Admittedly I just skimmed the article, but did the author ever mention what charges might be levied? Or, should we just believe you can impeach the gdpotus because a few senators don't like him?
Was going to ask this question b/c I didn't want to click the link... Figured it must be in there, but was most likely wishful thinking or just more lies.

To my knowledge, you can't impeach a sitting POTUS on the grounds of 'just because', no matter what the vote. That would be undermining the very process of democratic election if we could just toss out whoever we wanted...

These people wanting something on Trump SO bad just to come here to try to trigger somebody. Pretty ****ing sorry political stance... shows they've learned nothing in 9 years and are far more interested in #NeverTrump than they will ever be in doing anything positive for this country as a whole. Knock yourselves out, man. I'm having a blast watching you guys twist in the wind and bending every moral fiber in your being to finally get one over on the right for the first time since Nov.
Yup, Reagan did a couple of things I didn't like but overall he was great. Trump reminds me of him, I wasn't alive for Reagan but Trump says/does a lot of similar things that Reagan did. Wouldn't be surprised if Trump purposely tries to model his presidency after Reagan.

I believe I read somewhere once that Reagan told Trump to run for President one day. Pretty cool.

I think that was Nixon. At least that's what I read from Roger Stone.
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The conservative rally has been shutdown, all conservatives were put on wagons by police and removed for their safety, now Antifa/BLM have turned on the police and are fighting with them.
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Sad day for America when a group of conservatives can't even hold a legal free speech rally without the left illegally showing up to shut it down, threatening violence, assaulting people, to the point that the police had to literally escort the conservatives out in paddy wagons to keep them safe.