How will they rule ??!

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I don't post on this board often, skippy.

I think it's hard for a lot of people to understand why politics in Kentucky are so awful. But the reason is pretty evident when you peruse our political thread.

You have 19k posts dipshit. So obviously you do post often.

The one that goes to heaven

False. You will be no where near unless you have a come to Jesus moment.
Trump wouldn't win again if we replayed the election over. Even I had hopes Trump could make positive change. GOPs best shot in 2020 is to run a better candidate. Then again, the DNC has had some awful candidates too. And there is the shit show of American politics in a nutshell. You can have fun defending that. I want no part.

We will make sure to take your advice and listen to your wisdom. Yes, the guy whose party put up Hillary Clinton and gave us eight years worth of Obama and was wrong about literally, everything regarding the 2016 election.

Let me guess, "Republicans should have put up John Kasich."

Not a single Republican would have fared better than Trump. Dude has his finger on the pulse of Middle America and said what everyone else was too big of a pussy to say. And he has not caved to the left like all of the others always do.

And GTFO out of here with the "I hoped he could make positive change" as if seven months of activity of dealing with the most insane left, media and corruption is somehow your time frame while we got eight years of Obama. Unreal. It's unreal how nuts you all are.
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You and I are nothing alike, and while you'd like to think we are because we have white skin, that's the culture divide. I really do feel sorry for you that you think politics is based on religion and race.

Secondarily, the religious right is highly hypocritical to a point of sheer comedy. And this is basically party politics in a nutshell. Here you are, claiming to be a beacon of Christianity, supporting Donald J. Trump.

Meanwhile, one huge reason Trump gained notoriety was his appearances on the Howard Stern Show. The same show that the Christian conservatives waged war on throughout the 90s, using the FCC to limit free speech. Now today, you act like you are a man of principle supporting the conservative in office. Trump isn't even a conservative. He's playing you and it's working.

Secondarily, what you don't understand is that the way you are raised and the environment you are surrounded in is why you think the way you do. You simply haven't been exposed to a whole lot of diversity so your ideas are heavily based in stereotypes and media. No matter how many times you are told this, you aren't going to listen though. You probably won't ever get it.

I'm not a republican. I'm not a democrat. I am an independent Christian. I agree that some republican officials are hypocritical in their stance and use Christianity as a way to draw in votes. Of course a lot of republicans in office have shown they are closer to being a liberal. But even those republicans don't constantly drag Christians through the mud.

Nancy Pelosi once said the white man's issues are "God, guns, and gays." Obama once refused to give a speech until the cross behind him was covered. He also threw Christianity under the bus more often than not whenever he had the chance... all while praising Islam to be such a peaceful religion. They tried to remove God from every song, paper, and building possible while Obama was in office. The government changed what a terroist screamed, "Praise Allah!" To "Praise God." In an effort to take heat off Islam.

And before diversity is brought up, I went to a school that was about 50% black. We all got along 2001-2005 and I never recall a single racially motivate fight. I had friends that were black, Muslim, and atheist. So for me this isn't about lack of exposure.

I'm not here to defend republicans on this matter. They have their issues as well. But surely you can see that the democratic platform straight up despises Christianity?
Nutty afternoon! Trump dumps Bannon, billionaire Carl Icahn dumps Trump and the markets reverse course and sell. All just before the weekend which is so typical. [laughing]

Trump wouldn't win again if we replayed the election over. Even I had hopes Trump could make positive change. GOPs best shot in 2020 is to run a better candidate. Then again, the DNC has had some awful candidates too. And there is the shit show of American politics in a nutshell. You can have fun defending that. I want no part.

Trump would especially win right now. All of the destruction and hatred that the left has summoned up at this point has turned many more people against them. There is only so much demonizing you can do to a people before they finally realize hey, they are coming after me too.
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Nutty afternoon! Trump dumps Bannon, billionaire Carl Icahn dumps Trump and the markets reverse course and sell. All just before the weekend which is so typical. [laughing]

Do these people ever stop to think before they spout their nonsense? Not everyone is as dumb as the dregs on Twitter.

So you mean to tell me, that Bannon was the only person keeping the WH Republican, and with him gone, and everyone else still in place, it's all of the sudden a Democrat WH?

Nothing changed but Bannon leaving, so logic says, if it's a Democrat WH with his departure, then wouldn't it have been a Democrat WH before his departure? He's just one person. Is Bannon so powerful that his presence alone made it a Republican WH?
I also find it hilarious that the market has had a few bad days and now it's the talk of the town. @jameslee32 has made three posts today, two specifically about the markets. I'm assuming they're reporting it on CNN today?

I'm not wasting the time to go back and look, but when the market was surging like a rocket into outer space, breaking records daily, for months, I don't remember you mentioning the market... at all. I also know for damn sure that CNN wasn't reporting on it.
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Seems like he's planning to go after China, too.

Think what you want about Steve Bannon, but he’s got a good point on China

President Trump's right-hand guy Steve Bannon has been called everything from a “mastermind” to a “racist, anti-Semite.” Regardless of what you think of Bannon, he just made a very good point about China.

“To me, the economic war with China is everything. We have to be maniacally focused on that,” Bannon told the American Prospect in a jaw-dropping interview that covered everything from urinating on yourself to North Korea. “If we continue to lose it, we're five years away, I think, 10 years at the most, of hitting an inflection point from which we'll never be able to recover.”

Many experts across the political spectrum say Bannon is right: China is beating up America economically, and neither the U.S. government nor U.S. businesses have done much about it for years.

“It's a weird day when I agree with Steve Bannon, but he's right on this,” says Jennifer Harris, a China expert at the Council on Foreign Relations and a former top staffer in President Obama's State Department. “Going back to George W. Bush, America's policy toward China has been to ask nicely. That has not panned out well.”

“When historians look back at this period of history, they are not going to wonder why the Chinese were stealing U.S. intellectual property or business practices, they are going to wonder why the U.S. didn't defend itself,” says Gordon Chang, an expert on the Chinese economy and author of “The Coming Collapse of China.” He thinks Bannon is wise to hit China now.

Bannon has a battle plan, and he's already unleashing it. On Monday, the Trump administration launched an investigation into whether China is hijacking American business ideas under Section 301 of the 1974 Trade Act. At the moment, China forces U.S. companies doing business there to "share” their technology because they have to do a joint venture in order to operate in China. The Section 301 move is in its early stages — an initial fact-finding phase — but Bannon made it clear that he plans to push this along.
My strategy for Trump:
  1. Put out a video showing all the times he's denounced racism, white supremacists, etc. via Twitter. Show him winning awards for from Jesse Jackson, etc.
  2. Go full "First Amendment" during another clarification of his comments from last week. Say, "look, no matter what your opinions are, in this country you have the right to say them. And we've seen the same groups from the left who acted violently towards the neo-Nazis also shut down speeches with violence from conservatives like Ben Shapiro. 'Both sides' was a reference to violence between groups during political marches. That's it. It's not moral relativism between white supremacists and Antifa. For years, that has been a tenant of this country - and a rallying cry from the left - but now I see a change there and frankly it should bother all Americans.
  3. Use more use of Twitter to show what the left is doing in terms of monuments. Show video of them defacing statues of Lincoln. Talk about how this isn't going to stop. Ask the country, both left and right, if this actually bothered anybody a year ago. Ask for patience... ask for a moratorium on doing this and then, if the community wants to take it down, do it. But wait for cooler heads to prevail.
  4. Call out the people who quit his councils, but in this manner. "A single disagreement about the way I allegedly handled a distinct moment, led for pressure for people to quit a council aimed at making America better. Not me. America. Let that sink it. These guys, then name them, would rather hurt you to score political points with the elites and globalists, then work to make this country better."
  5. Tell Romney his church is a crazy cult that abuses girls.
Do 4 of the 5 I mentioned.
Seems like he's planning to go after China, too.

Think what you want about Steve Bannon, but he’s got a good point on China

President Trump's right-hand guy Steve Bannon has been called everything from a “mastermind” to a “racist, anti-Semite.” Regardless of what you think of Bannon, he just made a very good point about China.

“To me, the economic war with China is everything. We have to be maniacally focused on that,” Bannon told the American Prospect in a jaw-dropping interview that covered everything from urinating on yourself to North Korea. “If we continue to lose it, we're five years away, I think, 10 years at the most, of hitting an inflection point from which we'll never be able to recover.”

Many experts across the political spectrum say Bannon is right: China is beating up America economically, and neither the U.S. government nor U.S. businesses have done much about it for years.

“It's a weird day when I agree with Steve Bannon, but he's right on this,” says Jennifer Harris, a China expert at the Council on Foreign Relations and a former top staffer in President Obama's State Department. “Going back to George W. Bush, America's policy toward China has been to ask nicely. That has not panned out well.”

“When historians look back at this period of history, they are not going to wonder why the Chinese were stealing U.S. intellectual property or business practices, they are going to wonder why the U.S. didn't defend itself,” says Gordon Chang, an expert on the Chinese economy and author of “The Coming Collapse of China.” He thinks Bannon is wise to hit China now.

Bannon has a battle plan, and he's already unleashing it. On Monday, the Trump administration launched an investigation into whether China is hijacking American business ideas under Section 301 of the 1974 Trade Act. At the moment, China forces U.S. companies doing business there to "share” their technology because they have to do a joint venture in order to operate in China. The Section 301 move is in its early stages — an initial fact-finding phase — but Bannon made it clear that he plans to push this along.
Hes absolutely right. China has been ripping us off for years.
I'm staying home because I gotta be up early for golf.

Watching Glory. Thinking, if we go down this road will white Nazis start trying to take down black civil war heroes?
Looks like Boston is having a nazi rally tomorrow. Hopefully doesn't turn into another Charlottesville type of situation.