How will they rule ??!

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Folks this is how you spin some bullshit:


The same party who used hoods to assault and kill people are now backing another group who covers their faces to assault and try and kill people.

WTF has happened? If you're a Democrat today, you're a moron and an insane radical lunatic. We now have justification from our press that it's okay to assault someone because you disagree with them politically? Isn't this the same people who think words are violence?
Other than the mass migration he allowed, which was a total eff up, I loved Reagan.
Yup, Reagan did a couple of things I didn't like but overall he was great. Trump reminds me of him, I wasn't alive for Reagan but Trump says/does a lot of similar things that Reagan did. Wouldn't be surprised if Trump purposely tries to model his presidency after Reagan.

I believe I read somewhere once that Reagan told Trump to run for President one day. Pretty cool.
The same party who used hoods to assault and kill people are now backing another group who covers their faces to assault and try and kill people.

WTF has happened? If you're a Democrat today, you're a moron and an insane radical lunatic. We now have justification from our press that it's okay to assault someone because you disagree with them politically? Isn't this the same people who think words are violence?
The police need to step up and do their job. If a mayor or even the police chief, gives a stand down order, the cops need to ignore them! Anyone that shows up to a rally with a mask, club or any other type of weapon, should be arrested!

The first hint of violence should be immediately stopped!

Yep. These sick nazis, however many/few there are, are all ragtag unback unfinanced group.

Antifa is exactly the opposite.

The next act of violence at one of these protests should result in all these hate groups should be labeled terrorists. Then, investigate and freeze every asset any of them have, or any benefactor has.
Yep. These sick nazis, however many/few there are, are all ragtag unback unfinanced group.

Antifa is exactly the opposite.

The next act of violence at one of these protests should result in all these hate groups should be labeled terrorists. Then, investigate and freeze every asset any of them have, or any benefactor has.
They should be labeled terrorists but they won't because the msm is on their side.
Yep. These sick nazis, however many/few there are, are all ragtag unback unfinanced group.

Antifa is exactly the opposite.

The next act of violence at one of these protests should result in all these hate groups should be labeled terrorists. Then, investigate and freeze every asset any of them have, or any benefactor has.

The SPLC estimates less than 8000 nationwide.

So probably 2500-3500
They are the exact definition of terrorists.

Now we see that it took a week, just one week, before they turned their sights on any statue that can be construed in a round about way to "offensive". They won't stop there either because the is no end except their end, there is no means except their means.

Same thing will happen with guns. They say no one wants to take your guns. Bullshit you touching liars. Once they get their foot in the door there is no way to keep them out of our house.

There should be no such thing as "hate speech". Once you start diluting the first amendment to pacify a few pussies, you open the door to censorship of dissenting views. We're witnessing it every day. If the 1A didn't protect unpopular speech, then it wouldn't be necessary at all.

The left is a cancer within our country spreading throughout and destroying it from the inside. Many of us have a cure for that type of cancer and that is why they want to take them away.
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The SPLC estimates less than 8000 nationwide.

So probably 2500-3500
It really is hilarious how the left is acting like they pose any sort of threat. You probably couldn't fill up a high school gym with all KKK members and nazis put together. @Global Havok was acting like this tiny group of nobodies was going to kill us all off. Nazis couldn't be more irrelevant.
I heard a woman on the radio last night while driving home from work. She was arguing that we have to now take down any statue of any man that ever owned a slave. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, etc. it doesn't matter. They have to come down because if not we are ignoring how vile and evil they were, no matter their contributions and telling everyone slavery was and is okay.

How ignorant and brainwashed must one be to think this way? Historical context of the time they lived in has to be taken into account. Also there were blacks in Africa who owned slaves. There were black men that fought for the south willingly. Everything isn't a black and white issue, pun not intended.

Literally, their stopping point is well after Monticello and Mt Vernon have been razed. Their will be no reasonable negotiation. Events will transpire. Sometimes quickly, other times slowly. These are your options: help make it happen either by doing something or nothing. Or do something to help stop it.

Isn't it funny that the last 2 republican nominees (McCain and Romney) and now Rubio, another republican presidential candidate, are constantly justifying this madness?

It's almost like there aren't any actual conservatives in Washington anymore. I believe most of them would be yes men for liberal policies. Pretend to put up a fight for show though.

Sadly I don't think this is a republican vs democrat issue in our country anymore. It's a people vs the government... and there's a lot of ignorant people out there siding with government.

Isn't it funny that the last 2 republican nominees (McCain and Romney) and now Rubio, another republican presidential candidate, are constantly justifying this madness?

It's almost like there aren't any actual conservatives in Washington anymore. I believe most of them would be yes men for liberal policies. Pretend to put up a fight for show though.

Sadly I don't think this is a republican vs democrat issue in our country anymore. It's a people vs the government... and there's a lot of ignorant people out there siding with government.

Because the inflated soros bots give the impression that this is the popular view. Therefore these political whores say/do what they think is popular rather than whats right.

No different than dems really. Just a different letter next to their name.