How will they rule ??!

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How about you look it up? Its a fact that over a million jobs have been created since his inauguration day.

Bless your heart
Good point. Illegal immigration down over 70% and the wall isn't even up yet.

Another one is the national debt is also down over 100 billion.

Trump will never get credit from people like Bking. Trump could cure cancer and he would be whining about it. Hes done a lot of great things.[/QUOTE]

Trump can't win support of Republicans as leader of Republicans
How about you look it up? Its a fact that over a million jobs have been created since his inauguration day.

Bless your heart
Good point. Illegal immigration down over 70% and the wall isn't even up yet.

Another one is the national debt is also down over 100 billion.

Trump will never get credit from people like Bking. Trump could cure cancer and he would be whining about it. Hes done a lot of great things.[/QUOTE]

I didn't make the claim Trump created 1 million jobs so I'm not going to do your research for you. Trump can't pass a bill, so I'd really like to know which of policies created 1 million jobs.
Can't decide if most of you really don't realize Trump has been or if it's to troll on the internet TBH
if you can explain the economical mechanics of how he did that I'll buy it

A big part of it is cutting regulations. Obama had the economy in a straight jacket. Just by cutting red tape and increasing confidence, the economy is in much better shape. If tax reform gets done, look out.

ISIS has always been bombed

They were being bomb strategically, to make it look like something was being done when, in actuality, nothing was. Pentagon released a report that ISIS has lost 40-45% of their territory, 35% since Trump has been president. They weren't losing ground under Obama. They were growing, and grew, into a serious threat.

He's increased probability of nuclear conflict.

That's about as false as it gets. Trump didn't allow North Korea to get nukes, nor did Trump secretly, in the middle of the night, send billions in cash to Iran, more than likely leading to them having nukes as well.

Guess when they finally succeed in a couple of years, you troglodytes will be blaming that all on Trump as well?
I've walked past the statue at the old courthouse downtown hundreds of times and I have no clue who the dude is. To me it's just a guy on a horse.

I literally had no idea. Admired their beauty and workmanship but just assumed they had historical significance of some sort.

If a community has only a couple of statues in their city center/courthouse, etc why are they only commemorating people from the Confederacy? There should be other monuments as well.

Then add them.

Btw you must not be looking too hard. Most cities of any size have several statues erected to underground railroad stops, civil rights movement, etc.
Comparing the Confederates to Nazis is a joke, and its trying to push a narrative that simply isn't true. Slavery wasn't a Confederate idea, it was a legal practice in the US. If you follow history, then you realize that the Northern Confederate states didn't secede UNTIL the US government called for states to form Armies to force the original seceding states back into the Union.
It was also a war between families and neighbors, not some far away nation. After the war we had to live with each other again, and try to mend wounds that were fresh.

Most of these memorials were built while veterans of the civil war were still very much alive, if there a was a person that really should take offense to them, it would be union veterans, and family of soldiers killed by Confederates, but they didn't, so why would someone 150 years afterwards truly be offended by them to the point of destroying them?

I wasn't comparing the Confederates to the Nazis...I was making a comparison of symbolism...what it meant then, what it means today. Slavery wasn't an American had been practiced for 1000's of years before our nation was founded. So were a lot of other customs that we have since abandoned.
I've actually heard that from several sources but his actions/words often appear to support that line of reasoning.

Oh ok. Guess you got it from inside sources huh

I'd say most have thicker skin than the Donald and don't give a rat's ass about personal attacks. It's all about revenues.

Something that hasnt been investigated nearly enough - the impact of soros bots on digital impressions.

No doubt in my mind that bots are driving likes, mentions, interactions, clicks, and other traffic in a way to grossly inflate their influence in the market and society.

No way these people are buying so many things that ceos of major companies would care what they think.

Once someone looks at this, itll be game over for the appeasements.

Oh THANK GOD i was so concerned about what pussy riot thinks about an important geopolitical issue.

Now we know thanks to hard hitting reporting of CNN
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With hints of Bannon getting fired, the markets turned around after a poor 2 weeks. Just crazy how it relates to say, energy or retailers. That direction could change if Cohn quits.
Refuse to watch the news so thanks for the update.
Sounds like hes going back to Breitbart. Good, if true. Can start help countering MSM lies about Trump like he did before the election.

Either way I'm still 100% with Trump. Liked Bannon a lot but Trump is his own man, and has proved it numerous times. Just saying that because I know some folks may freak over it, but that's my take on it.

Believe there were rumors Bannon was a leaker, maybe Kelly found that out, too.
If Trump was assassinated hardly anyone in this country would be surprised or shed a tear.
If it has not by now, it sure should be clear to anyone other than liberals why you lost and will lose again. Statements like the one above comes from people who get their information solely from liberal news sites. Get out more and you will find that many would be outraged and saddened if it happened.
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Tattle? Wtf? Number one, no one has said "tattle" since 1985. Number two, do you really think anything has been stated that is worth "tattling" about? You're giving yourself way too much credit.

So far this has been the easiest political debate ever. I mean you people either blame the "MSM" or claim anyone who denounces Trump as a terrible President is a "lefty fringe." Reminds me a bit of the guys who defended Billy Gillispie. Eventually everyone realized he was bad.
You haven't really debated anything. All you do is throw out useless talking points already spouted by someone else then run with it as if you were clever. "I guess I told them Fuzz honey, I told them Trump was a racist Nazi".
"The Civil War pretty well put and end to that discussion although we still today argue about states rights."

Put an end to a discussion that we still argue (discuss) today. :oops::confused:
Trump has made his own bed. I'd be very concerned for the country and stability if that happened, but I probably wouldn't have any sympathy for him personally.

Trump is not like other Presidents. He generally makes US more at risk geopolitically to no ends that have actually benefited our position, would've made healthcare worse (shout out to the good Republicans for stopping it), has really done little if any good since being elected, wastes time picking on transvestites instead of real issues, has not improved the US budget at all, has shady deals with Russians, has emboldened racists, talks about grabbing women's pussies, sits on stage making fun of cerebral palsy people, encourages people to rough up protestors like the old days, talks shit on Twitter like a message board hilljack.

Americans on both sides can't stand him, but like everything else, some fall are on the bottom of the Bell Curve.

Yeah you've shown that you are still trying to get on the bell curve.

You pretty much just names a list of CNN temper tantrumPs.

The fact that we don't have to worry about another Chelsea?? Manning disproves the "tranny" comment.

GDP is better than it ever was for obamas 8 whole years of war.

COnsumer confidence is surging.

Kim Jong un has submitted. For how long, we shall see.

Unemployment is getting pretty damn low.

I'm making a killing buying the temporary dips in the stock market.

And I get daily Internet freak outs from imbeciles like you who are so ate up with trump derangement syndrome that you openly cheer for assasination of a US president. I wouldn't even want that if we had Hillary. Shows the differences In character between the people. You are a pos. Inevitably, radical Islamic terrorists will claim more American lives at some point. Hopefully it will be someone like you and not a decent person.
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Trump has made his own bed. I'd be very concerned for the country and stability if that happened, but I probably wouldn't have any sympathy for him personally.

Trump is not like other Presidents. He generally makes US more at risk geopolitically to no ends that have actually benefited our position, would've made healthcare worse (shout out to the good Republicans for stopping it), has really done little if any good since being elected, wastes time picking on transvestites instead of real issues, has not improved the US budget at all, has shady deals with Russians, has emboldened racists, talks about grabbing women's pussies, sits on stage making fun of cerebral palsy people, encourages people to rough up protestors like the old days, talks shit on Twitter like a message board hilljack.

Americans on both sides can't stand him, but like everything else, some fall are on the bottom of the Bell Curve.
Wrong again skippy, Trumps bed was not made by him, it has been made by treacherous supporters of Obama, Clinton, and some party controlled republicans. He has never so far to this point been even remotely given a chance by the left. Nada, Zilch, Zero,. You guys have cried since day one and never stopped. Can't imagine what it is like to live or work in an environment that needs safe spaces or counseling for every little thing. Heaven forbid that Chaos completely ensue and there was no one there to help you little crybabies. Once society breaks down, it is over for you because, there are no safe places or counseling to help you cope with actually having to do something for yourselves.
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Yeah I'd correct it but I actually have to work today, which I'm sure seems outlandish to most of you since you're unemployed due to illegal immigration.
Working ignorance on a message board is not a real job. Go get a real one, pay your taxes, then maybe you will see the error of your ways.