How will they rule ??!

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Waiting for the usual self-proclaimed "unbiased" posters who appear on here from time to time to condemn this psychopath's statement...
Yup, would love to see all the smug losers who drive by posted since Saturday condemn her comments. But we know they won't. They won't even condemn leftist violence.
No, it's them kowtowing to a very loud lunatic fringe on the left and the MSM, scared shitless that they'll be assaulted with completely made up shit the way Trump has been.
I'd say most have thicker skin than the Donald and don't give a rat's ass about personal attacks. It's all about revenues.
Jesus Christ you goddam psycho. Plenty of people would shed a tear if the POTUS was assassinated you goddam lunatic.

This might be your most telling post yet.

No matter how much you hate Trump based on your lunatic perceptions, the assassination of the POTUS would be a national tragedy and be incredibly harmful to the country as a whole.

Pull your stupid lunatic head out of your fringe ass.
He says stuff like that then runs to tattle if you point out what a loser POS he is.
He says stuff like that then runs to tattle if you point out what a loser POS he is.

Tattle? Wtf? Number one, no one has said "tattle" since 1985. Number two, do you really think anything has been stated that is worth "tattling" about? You're giving yourself way too much credit.

So far this has been the easiest political debate ever. I mean you people either blame the "MSM" or claim anyone who denounces Trump as a terrible President is a "lefty fringe." Reminds me a bit of the guys who defended Billy Gillispie. Eventually everyone realized he was bad.
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Fuzz, we're getting into semantics, but in times prior to the Civil War a persons state was more important than the entire nation.
We have a hard time understanding that nowadays with the freedom of movement and technology at our hands. In years not too long ago a small river or creek was a serious impediment to movement without a bridge,ferry or ford nearby. So a persons entire life might be in a few square miles of where they were born.
Bill, I'm pretty knowledgeable on the era. From the founding of the nation there was a tug-of-war between the federalist and anti (con)-federalist...were we a collection of nation states or states of a nation? The Civil War pretty well put and end to that discussion although we still today argue about states rights. Again nowhere have you seen me condemn Lee just as I don't condemn my slave owning great-great-great grandparents.
The "problem" with Confederate symbolism is more who embraced it after the war, not what it meant or the ideas for which it was fought.
Not all Germans were bad people. Not all members of the Nazi party knew the evil being done by their leaders. Nazi leaders didn't tell the German people that they were slaughtering millions of jews and others. Rumors swirled but the acts were so horrendous that most probably couldn't believe it was possible. It doesn't matter. The symbols of Nazism have been forever stained and associated with their crimes. Likewise, today it doesn't really matter exactly for what reasons the Civil War was fought or who fought it. People who did horrible things embraced the symbols of that war and gave them modern meaning.

This is a case where the few ruin things for the many.
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Bill, I'm pretty knowledgeable on the era. From the founding of the nation there was a tug-of-war between the federalist and anti (con)-federalist...were we a collection of nation states or states of a nation? The Civil War pretty well put and end to that discussion although we still today argue about states rights. Again nowhere have you seen me condemn Lee just as I don't condemn my slave owning great-great-great grandparents.
The "problem" with Confederate symbolism is more who embraced it after the war, not what it meant or the ideas for which it was fought.
Not all Germans were bad people. Not all members of the Nazi party knew the evil being done by their leaders. Nazi leaders didn't tell the German people that they were slaughtering millions of jews and others. Rumors swirled but the acts were so horrendous that most probably couldn't believe it was possible. It doesn't matter. The symbols of Nazism have been forever stained and associated with their crimes. Likewise, today it doesn't really matter exactly for what reasons the Civil War was fought or who fought it. People who did horrible things embraced the symbols of that war and gave them modern meaning.

This is a case where the few ruin things for the many.

Comparing the Confederates to Nazis is a joke, and its trying to push a narrative that simply isn't true. Slavery wasn't a Confederate idea, it was a legal practice in the US. If you follow history, then you realize that the Northern Confederate states didn't secede UNTIL the US government called for states to form Armies to force the original seceding states back into the Union.
It was also a war between families and neighbors, not some far away nation. After the war we had to live with each other again, and try to mend wounds that were fresh.

Most of these memorials were built while veterans of the civil war were still very much alive, if there a was a person that really should take offense to them, it would be union veterans, and family of soldiers killed by Confederates, but they didn't, so why would someone 150 years afterwards truly be offended by them to the point of destroying them?
"lefty fringe"

Rest assured, now that you've moved past lying about easily disprovable things and on to making, essentially, "greater good" posts about the assassination of the POTUS, you are far past lefty fringe.

You're displaying the type of thought one uses to justify driving a car into a crowded protest. Hopefully Trump got your IP when he got Cardkilla's.
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I'd still say those people were brighter than someone defending assassinating the president.

Trump has made his own bed. I'd be very concerned for the country and stability if that happened, but I probably wouldn't have any sympathy for him personally.

Trump is not like other Presidents. He generally makes US more at risk geopolitically to no ends that have actually benefited our position, would've made healthcare worse (shout out to the good Republicans for stopping it), has really done little if any good since being elected, wastes time picking on transvestites instead of real issues, has not improved the US budget at all, has shady deals with Russians, has emboldened racists, talks about grabbing women's pussies, sits on stage making fun of cerebral palsy people, encourages people to rough up protestors like the old days, talks shit on Twitter like a message board hilljack.

Americans on both sides can't stand him, but like everything else, some fall are on the bottom of the Bell Curve.
Created 1 million jobs
Possibly stopped nuclear war with N.Korea
Bombing the living shit out of ISIS
And oh yeah, making you snowflakes cry is probably his best accomplishment.

Lol@ created 1 million jobs but if you can explain the economical mechanics of how he did that I'll buy it. He's increased probability of nuclear conflict due to lacking diplomatic prowess, ISIS has always been bombed, and considering trolling "snowflakes" as an accomplishment says more about you than anything.

Trump is not like other Presidents. He generally makes US more at risk geopolitically to no ends that have actually benefited our position, would've made healthcare worse (shout out to the good Republicans for stopping it), has really done little if any good since being elected, wastes time picking on transvestites instead of real issues, has not improved the US budget at all, has shady deals with Russians, has emboldened racists, talks about grabbing women's pussies, sits on stage making fun of cerebral palsy people, encourages people to rough up protestors like the old days, talks shit on Twitter like a message board hilljack.

Americans on both sides can't stand him, but like everything else, some fall are on the bottom of the Bell Curve.[/QUOTE]

Bless your heart
Trump has made his own bed. I'd be very concerned for the country and stability if that happened, but I probably wouldn't have any sympathy for him personally.

Trump is not like other Presidents. He generally makes US more at risk geopolitically to no ends that have actually benefited our position, would've made healthcare worse (shout out to the good Republicans for stopping it), has really done little if any good since being elected, wastes time picking on transvestites instead of real issues, has not improved the US budget at all, has shady deals with Russians, has emboldened racists, talks about grabbing women's pussies, sits on stage making fun of cerebral palsy people, encourages people to rough up protestors like the old days, talks shit on Twitter like a message board hilljack.

Americans on both sides can't stand him, but like everything else, some fall are on the bottom of the Bell Curve.

This honestly makes me uncomfortable.

The vast majority of that middle paragraph is entirely made up and easily disprovable. Yet he's using that as justification for his comfort with the assassination of the President.

It's that type of unhinged psycho that stops taking his meds and ends up killing someone. I sincerely hope the Secret Service monitors this thread.
Lol@ created 1 million jobs but if you can explain the economical mechanics of how he did that I'll buy it. He's increased probability of nuclear conflict due to lacking diplomatic prowess, ISIS has always been bombed, and considering trolling "snowflakes" as an accomplishment says more about you than anything.
How about you look it up? Its a fact that over a million jobs have been created since his inauguration day.

Trump is not like other Presidents. He generally makes US more at risk geopolitically to no ends that have actually benefited our position, would've made healthcare worse (shout out to the good Republicans for stopping it), has really done little if any good since being elected, wastes time picking on transvestites instead of real issues, has not improved the US budget at all, has shady deals with Russians, has emboldened racists, talks about grabbing women's pussies, sits on stage making fun of cerebral palsy people, encourages people to rough up protestors like the old days, talks shit on Twitter like a message board hilljack.

Americans on both sides can't stand him, but like everything else, some fall are on the bottom of the Bell Curve.

Bless your heart[/QUOTE]
Good point. Illegal immigration down over 70% and the wall isn't even up yet.

Another one is the national debt is also down over 100 billion.

Trump will never get credit from people like Bking. Trump could cure cancer and he would be whining about it. Hes done a lot of great things.
This honestly makes me uncomfortable.

The vast majority of that middle paragraph is entirely made up and easily disprovable. Yet he's using that as justification for his comfort with the assassination of the President.

It's that type of unhinged psycho that stops taking his meds and ends up killing someone. I sincerely hope the Secret Service monitors this thread.

So do I... they probably wouldn't want to tell you though that they agree with it.