How will they rule ??!

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The left's embrace of pedophilia (see bking and ftcampbellcat) will help DT overcome his unpopularity in 2020 most likely.
Hell, as ineffective as the GOP is they are still killing the dems in fundraising. Dems ain't winning in 2020, and probably not in 2018 either.
You're a complete imbecile. Your welching arse still doesn't know the difference between conservatives, republicans and trump voters.

Until you can grasp the basics, gtfo! You're absolutely clueless

You were the one making crap up about Byrd atoning for his sins. Yet you refuse to answer the question on Lee. Does a hero of the American revolution deserve to be remembered in this country?

And now you're adding LBJ. HAHAHAHA. Dude is maybe the most racist person ever.
Sorry I didn't address your question about Lee, I thought it was a joke seeing that the American Revolution took place 1765 -1783 and Lee wasn't born until 1807.

You seem to be the one that can't grasp reality. You obviously believe that Byrd quit serving in the 1960's. That the NAACP and other civil rights groups never honored Byrd for his work on civil rights.

If you'd like we can list the man's record from 1968 - 2010. You list those things that you think prove he was racist, I'll list things that show he was not. Want to try?
So what you're really saying is he's a centrist, he has conservative beliefs, and he has liberal beliefs?
Honestly, I don't think he is anything...liberal or conservative. He's for whatever he thinks is good for DJT.
He demonstrates very little understanding of any political topic, WILDLY inconsistent. It has been said by some who are close to him that he believes pretty much whatever the last thing he was told.
Hell, as ineffective as the GOP is they are still killing the dems in fundraising. Dems ain't winning in 2020, and probably not in 2018 either.

The MSM is being played by Trump and they don't even realize it. CNN is losing it's mind over a tweet he wrote yesterday, a tweet!
They have created and promoted this entire theory of what they think he meant, instead of just reading the actual words he wrote. Going so far as to say he promoted a lie, when he didn't promote anything other than looking at the strategy of a successful US General that combated islamic terrorism, and succeeded.

That is an example of fake news, because most people just look at the headlines and run, they don't even look at any facts.
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Honestly, I don't think he is anything...liberal or conservative. He's for whatever he thinks is good for DJT.
He demonstrates very little understanding of any political topic, WILDLY inconsistent. It has been said by some who are close to him that he believes pretty much whatever the last thing he was told.

He is a mixture of an old school democrat, and current republican.

He isn't a politician, which is exactly why he was elected. The people that elected him don't want to hear fence riding PC BS anymore.
It has been said by some who are close to him that he believes pretty much whatever the last thing he was told.

On the record quotes? Video? Source? Something, anything? Or did you read that in the comments section of CNN's Facebook feed?
That's interesting, because I was made aware of it by, which I read daily. Is Drudge liberal mainstream media?
You were made aware that the only people who support Trump will be KKK and Alex Jones types by drudge report? Sounds cool.

I don't give a shit about whose opinion you had to steal - It's simply not true...unless I need to look for hoods in my coworkers offices, need to see what my neighbors are really doing with their tiki torches etc etc....
Sorry I didn't address your question about Lee, I thought it was a joke seeing that the American Revolution took place 1765 -1783 and Lee wasn't born until 1807.

You seem to be the one that can't grasp reality. You obviously believe that Byrd quit serving in the 1960's. That the NAACP and other civil rights groups never honored Byrd for his work on civil rights.

If you'd like we can list the man's record from 1968 - 2010. You list those things that you think prove he was racist, I'll list things that show he was not. Want to try?

Unlike you, I can admit being wrong.
I mixed him up with another

Robert Byrd is a POS no matter how much pandering he did to woo you idiots.

*lee was an American soldier for 32 years prior to the civil war, so besides me mixing up his battes he still in an American hero.

It is well known that he was torn on fighting for the south or north. He didn't join the confederacy until Virginia seceded.
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I am about as anti-left as you can get and I completely understand the statue situation, other than the fact it's somewhat irrelevant. If a community has only a couple of statues in their city center/courthouse, etc why are they only commemorating people from the Confederacy? There should be other monuments as well. I can understand if it's an area of 20 or so monuments and there's 1 of Robert E Lee, but if it's the only statue in town, that's a problem.

Having said that, it is a local issue not a national issue. This trend of removing any statue the mob sees fit is a huge problem.
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I am about as anti-left as you can get and I completely understand the statue situation, other than the fact it's somewhat irrelevant. If a community has only a couple of statues in their city center/courthouse, etc why are they only commemorating people from the Confederacy? There should be other monuments as well. I can understand if it's an area of 20 or so monuments and there's 1 of Robert E Lee, but if it's the only statue in town, that's a problem.

Having said that, it is a local issue not a national issue. This trend of removing any statue the mob sees fit is a huge problem.

This "mob rule" just reeks of Fascism and Nazism, as anyone familiar with Italy and Germany in the late 30's-early 40's can attest.
Yeah, because a few CEO's grandstanding equals all businesses.

That 3.7% GDP for the third quarter must not have gotten the message.
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Unlike you, I can admit being wrong.
I mixed him up with another

Robert Byrd is a POS no matter how much pandering he did to woo you idiots.

*lee was an American soldier for 32 years prior to the civil war, so besides me mixing up his battes he still in an American hero.

It is well known that he was torn on fighting for the south or north. He didn't join the confederacy until Virginia seceded.
And unlike you I don't have to agree with something to understand it.
You've not seen me calling for the removal of any Confederate statues or monuments. If I had a vote in the matter I would vote against it but my true feelings are that they should be looked at on a case by case basis. There were many that were erected in the 1950s and 1960s that were obvious protests to the civil rights movement. Those I believe are fair game for removal. Older monuments that were done in the 1890's-1920s were more memorials to the last surviving veterans and for the families of lost loved ones.
I'm not sure they should be on public grounds and maintained with public tax $$. Were I the benevolent King I would make know that those on public grounds were being removed and give organizations like the Sons/Daughters of the Confederacy and other similar groups X amount of time to secure funding and a site to relocate them to private property. Perhaps some could be converted to simply Civil War memorials by adding a union army component.

Byrd may well have been a POS but again you have nothing from the second half of his life to support what you're saying. Surely you don't believe that people are incapable of change?

Lee was a complicated man and was respected on both sides. I don't think that the current push to remove these monuments is about any particular individual. It's not about Lee but Lee chose Virginia over his country. He could have led either army and he made his choice. Again, see my ideas above on how I would personally handle it.
No denying it, either. Was on CNN, so it's gospel.

By leaving Trump's panel, CEO's made things worse

Liberals have made it impossible to sit at table with someone with whom you disagree. This hurts democracy.

It's hard to imagine that mob violence over a Confederate statue in Charlottesville, Virginia, has any bearing on business groups organized by the White House, but the President's two CEO panels ended up toppled in the chaos of the past week anyway. There is a lesson here, but it may be different from what you think.

This is where we are. Nothing is immune to partisanship; everything is political; you can't disagree with others and remain at the table together.

The members resigned because of something that had no relation to corporations and the workforce. The CEOs took their cue from the media.

If they wished only to criticize the President's response, they could easily have done so while remaining members of the newly formed panels. They could have even used their position to start a dialog with Trump about the issue. That is, in fact, what Walmart's CEO had done, as well as had the head of Blackstone.

But in the climate liberals have created, especially where race and sex are concerned, criticism isn't enough, no matter how stern and slashing. The villain must be isolated. Interaction of any kind is the same as endorsement. Even sitting down to debate with the President at a meeting would violate their moral code.

It's the kind of righteous distaste I've seen from liberal academics when they've found themselves at professional gatherings stuck in the presence of a conservative. Contentious, but polite conversation is asking too much of them.
Fuzz, we're getting into semantics, but in times prior to the Civil War a persons state was more important than the entire nation.
We have a hard time understanding that nowadays with the freedom of movement and technology at our hands. In years not too long ago a small river or creek was a serious impediment to movement without a bridge,ferry or ford nearby. So a persons entire life might be in a few square miles of where they were born.
That bitch who said Trump should be killed still is a state senator? Ridiculous. What an utterly terrible precedent this will be if shes not arrested, or at the very least doesn't resign.

Waiting for the usual self-proclaimed "unbiased" posters who appear on here from time to time to condemn this psychopath's statement...
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On the record quotes? Video? Source? Something, anything? Or did you read that in the comments section of CNN's Facebook feed?
I've actually heard that from several sources but his actions/words often appear to support that line of reasoning.
Yeah, there is plenty of video of him saying one thing, taking one position on a subject followed by a completely different position... I'll be more than glad to provide those clips if you haven't seen them.

Many of his morning tweets are evidence...

I'm not sure how you could disagree with the fact that the man is wildly inconsistent with his message. Even the most ardent Trump supporters I know agree with me on that.
I've actually heard that from several sources.

Then you'll have no problem providing those sources.

Yeah, there is plenty of video of him saying one thing, taking one position on a subject followed by a completely different position... I'll be more than glad to provide those clips if you haven't seen them.

That's your interpretation, not people close to him saying it, which you claimed. Provide videos and quotes to back up your claims.

Many of his morning tweets are evidence...

Again, your interpretation. Not what you claimed.

I'm not sure how you could disagree with the fact that the man is wildly inconsistent with his message. Even the most ardent Trump supporters I know agree with me on that.

Again, not at all what you claimed.
Public company CEOs of big companies are horrible people exploiting their workforces? Or Public company CEOs are beacons of virtue standing up for what's right in the world?

I haven't been outside today to figure out which way the wind is blowing.
They have been forced to join the political fracas by employees, shareholders, customers and the President. Most would prefer to avoid Twitter. Rhetoric matters.
They have been forced to join the political fracas by employees, shareholders, customers and the President. Most would prefer to avoid Twitter. Rhetoric matters.

No, it's them kowtowing to a very loud lunatic fringe on the left and the MSM, scared shitless that they'll be assaulted with completely made up shit the way Trump has been.
If Trump was assassinated hardly anyone in this country would be surprised or shed a tear.

Jesus Christ you goddam psycho. Plenty of people would shed a tear if the POTUS was assassinated you goddam lunatic.

This might be your most telling post yet.

No matter how much you hate Trump based on your lunatic perceptions, the assassination of the POTUS would be a national tragedy and be incredibly harmful to the country as a whole.

Pull your stupid lunatic head out of your fringe ass.