How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Confederate monuments may be coming down across the country — but a majority of Americans say they should remain in place as historical symbols, a new poll found.

Overall, 62 percent of Americans think the statues should stay, while just 27 percent believe they should be removed because they’re offensive to some people, according to the PBS NewsHour, NPR and Marist Poll.
Welp, at least no left-liberal fact-bum can scream "Rasmussen" here.
Trump will either resign or Republicans will attempt to replace him in 2020. It's a matter of time at this rate.
I've been done with the NFL the last two years. Watched the Super Bowl and that was it. My interest in sports is dwindling because of these d-bags. I stopped watching ESPN two years ago too.

I'll never watch another NFL game including the super bowl. I'm not watching a group of spoiled millionaires who hate me and hate the country that enriched them. I'm tired of ignorant athletes who were given a pass throughout school, never held a job and now get to lecture while making millions playing a game.

BTW, I love that Kaepernick is now Malcolm X despite a white family saving him, raising him and giving him every tool to succeed. It took one BLM activist girlfriend to poison him.
Been there for several years. Right around the time of Ray Lewis and Ray Carruth, I'd had enough of making criminals rich. I think the Nashville Super Bowl was the last NFL game I watched. Haven't thought twice about tit.
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Been there for several years. Right around the time of Ray Lewis and Ray Carruth, I'd had enough of making criminals rich. I think the Nashville Super Bowl was the last NFL game I watched. Haven't thought twice about tit.

The amount of criminals, morally bankrupt scum and idiots bashing whites, cops and conservatives, is not worth my time or money. People want to label whites "racist" yet there seems to be a high portion of pro athletes that seem to take issue with whites. Why the hell would I cheer for them?

I know we're on a Kentucky message board but my passion for certain sports are dying simply because so many of them are just idiots who get bogus grades and degrees in college and get treated like rock stars and then go pro and become "activists" rocking BLM and chiming in on politics.

Look at Lebron James and his criticism of Trump. Lebron has no education whatsoever. He didn't hold a single job his entire life. Not a paper route. Nothing. Yet he thinks he's informed on politics? He thinks we should take him seriously?

There is no end to the hypocrisy of the left. None. It is everlasting and constant. You would think a normal conversation with them would make them be able to see the hypocrisy and flaws and bias but they're incapable of that.

Logic cannot communicate with emotion.

I like dinesh and his work but this just gives a win to the media and leftists. Now instead of the truth which is that he did call out the kkk we are now arguing that obama is worse. I strongly believe the liberals are just a pawn by the democrats. Not to eventually shift the norm to their effed UP beliefs, But to shift the middle and the common opinion a little to the left.
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Until the next poll has it at 61.5% and then the headline will be "Confidence Erodes"

Headline should read "Republican Confidence Erodes." There isn't a Republican in the Senate who wants Trump as party leader. CEOs are dropping support like flies. Only people left are going to be white supremacists and Alex Jones types.

Sadly, I'm not making any of that up.
Few great points.

No one cared about these statues till recently. 99% of us dont even know which ones are confederate and which arent.

He sad black people ignored them. They still do! You dont see hoardes of blacks at these protests. Its all whites marching to the beat of a soros paycheck.

Noone on the left really cares except for political and financial reasons. Blacks dont care. Moderates and conservatives hate this. So it is basically a far left circle jerk that will do nothing but cost them votes where they need them most.

Sadly, itll also cost us many historical and beatiful landmarks too

I've walked past the statue at the old courthouse downtown hundreds of times and I have no clue who the dude is. To me it's just a guy on a horse.

Haha. WTF? I thought Chelsea stopped going as a child because the church didn't agree with abortion? Is the federal government God in this comparison?
So, as Christians, we're supposed to consider the opinion of a liberal baby killer like her?

SMH... when liberals try to discuss religion or take the high moral ground it just makes me laugh.
Headline should read "Republican Confidence Erodes." There isn't a Republican in the Senate who wants Trump as party leader. CEOs are dropping support like flies. Only people left are going to be white supremacists and Alex Jones types.

Sadly, I'm not making any of that up.

Ha. You're literally making all of that up, you lunatic.

Haha. WTF? I thought Chelsea stopped going as a child because the church didn't agree with abortion? Is the federal government God in this comparison?

Also, don't you love that people lose their marbles because they're told to regarding statues? I'm also amazed that they're trying to change the narrative and history of the Dem Party.

Is she comparing Satan's rebellion to the Confederacy? What an ignorant individual she is.
Was surprised to read these two articles from the NYT:

"Circling the Square of President Trump’s Relationship With Race"
"‘Antifa’ Grows as Left-Wing Faction Set to, Literally, Fight the Far Right"

The first one didn't find any dirt on him - basically the only color he sees is green.

The second one brings Antifa to light - doesn't hit the group hard, but some of the members own words will hurt their perception to people who don't "know" of them.

“You need violence in order to protect nonviolence,” Ms. Nauert added. “That’s what’s very obviously necessary right now. It’s full-on war, basically.”
So, as Christians, we're supposed to consider the opinion of a liberal baby killer like her?

SMH... when liberals try to discuss religion or take the high moral ground it just makes me laugh.

Usually, the only people discussing religion and the weird Bible thumpers. Amiright?
So, as Christians, we're supposed to consider the opinion of a liberal baby killer like her?

SMH... when liberals try to discuss religion or take the high moral ground it just makes me laugh.

I'm sure she was in full support of the Satanic statue erected in Michigan (I think) a few years ago. Come to think of it... I see no one wanting to tear that down. Weird.
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Headline should read "Republican Confidence Erodes." There isn't a Republican in the Senate who wants Trump as party leader. CEOs are dropping support like flies. Only people left are going to be white supremacists and Alex Jones types.

Sadly, I'm not making any of that up.

If the dem leaders believe this, they will be in trouble. If establishment Rs believe this, they will be in trouble.

It's completely incorrect.
Lol. Fuzz does some crazy mental gymnastics.

Oh that grand dragon of the kkk saw the error of his ways. Just like LBJ.

Hey fuzz what do you think of Robert e lee? He was after all a major hero of the American revolution.
Yeah, and someone who held these views could be today's conservatives hero...

Regardless if you believe or if Byrd or LBJ ever really changed their hearts, their actions changed and they worked FOR things they had previously been against. Neither you nor I can see what is in someone's heart or mind but we can see their actions. A man's thoughts don't affect me or anyone else, actions do. No gymnastics needed, mental or otherwise.
Yeah, and someone who held these views could be today's conservatives hero...

Regardless if you believe or if Byrd or LBJ ever really changed their hearts, their actions changed and they worked FOR things they had previously been against. Neither you nor I can see what is in someone's heart or mind but we can see their actions. A man's thoughts don't affect me or anyone else, actions do. No gymnastics needed, mental or otherwise.

So what you're really saying is he's a centrist, he has conservative beliefs, and he has liberal beliefs?
Yeah, and someone who held these views could be today's conservatives hero...

Regardless if you believe or if Byrd or LBJ ever really changed their hearts, their actions changed and they worked FOR things they had previously been against. Neither you nor I can see what is in someone's heart or mind but we can see their actions. A man's thoughts don't affect me or anyone else, actions do. No gymnastics needed, mental or otherwise.

You're a complete imbecile. Your welching arse still doesn't know the difference between conservatives, republicans and trump voters.

Until you can grasp the basics, gtfo! You're absolutely clueless

You were the one making crap up about Byrd atoning for his sins. Yet you refuse to answer the question on Lee. Does a hero of the American revolution deserve to be remembered in this country?

And now you're adding LBJ. HAHAHAHA. Dude is maybe the most racist person ever.
If the dem leaders believe this, they will be in trouble. If establishment Rs believe this, they will be in trouble.

It's completely incorrect.

That's interesting, because I was made aware of it by, which I read daily. Is Drudge liberal mainstream media?
I don't understand how you can relate any of this to Trump. You have to be a total moron to put this on him. Don't get it other than the corrupt left trying to ruin an American patriot.
An American patriot?[eyeroll][sick]

So I assume you also consider Bill Clinton an American patriot as well?
The two have identical military records.
The amount of criminals, morally bankrupt scum and idiots bashing whites, cops and conservatives, is not worth my time or money. People want to label whites "racist" yet there seems to be a high portion of pro athletes that seem to take issue with whites. Why the hell would I cheer for them?

I know we're on a Kentucky message board but my passion for certain sports are dying simply because so many of them are just idiots who get bogus grades and degrees in college and get treated like rock stars and then go pro and become "activists" rocking BLM and chiming in on politics.

Look at Lebron James and his criticism of Trump. Lebron has no education whatsoever. He didn't hold a single job his entire life. Not a paper route. Nothing. Yet he thinks he's informed on politics? He thinks we should take him seriously?
If it wasn't for basketball LeBron James would probably be living on welfare. Why in the hell would anyone have any respect for his opinion on anything? Just like this Hollywood trash. Actors like athletes, their jobs require very little intelligence. Because of this, they feel intellectually inferior. So they've got to express them self to show others that, hey look at me look how smart I am. Most celebrities are as dumb as a box of rocks.
If it wasn't for basketball LeBron James would probably be living on welfare. Why in the hell would anyone have any respect for his opinion on anything? Just like this Hollywood trash. Actors like athletes, their jobs require very little intelligence. Because of this, they feel intellectually inferior. So they've got to express them self to show others that, hey look at me look how smart I am. Most celebrities are as dumb as a box of rocks.

Because if you're black and don't play basketball, you're probably on welfare.