How will they rule ??!

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Beyond sickening. Not one thing even remotely redeemable about Muslims.
Will we hear this victim's name as often as we've hearing another name over the last few days? Will we hear the names of the other Barcelona victims as often as we hear another name recently, over and over again? How about the names of those two cops in Virginia? I don't remember their names, but, then again, they haven't been splattered all over the MSM that much. If there were any heroes from that awful event in Virginia to be remembered, it would be those two guys.
Any idea who could be responsible in Spain? Was this a copy cat? Wolf Jackal reporting.
Who's responsible? WHO'S RESPONSIBLE? Trump is responsible allahdammit! He is literally the debil. If you look back you'll see that there was literally NO unrest until the Russians appointed Donald president in name of the Untied States.
When I kill my first radical mooslum it will be between the time I ask them why they want to kill me, and before they have the time to answer. If you excuse mooslum violence, then you deserve antimooslum retribution.
I still can't believe you asked if law abiding people should be protected by the law. Exceptionally stupid question. Even for a canuck.
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Wow. I wouldn't have seen this if I didn't view this thread. That's insane. If it had been a Trump supporter shooting a proclaimed democrat, it would still be making headlines.

I heard someone recently talking about the importance of media in our country and how it keeps us informed. Of course he's a democrat... The media is too narrative driven to be actual news. Plaster one incident on every paper, outlet and website yet not report on several incidents because it doesn't fit the cause. Sick.
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If people haven't awakened to what the left is, they never will.

Morons that included some "Nazis" marching where one guy gets through the barricade and hits and kills a woman-

"White people must die. End white supremacy. Show this 24/7."

Muslims routinely rape, blow things up and murder people-

"Not all Muslims. We should worry about Islamophobia. Let's arrest anyone who is critical of Islam. Don't show this on the news unless we can stage a protest to make Muslims look like they care. Also, let's bring in millions of these people."
I have to say... I understand why it is being done this way (almost in retaliation to the constant posting of the picture of the Syrian refugee child who drowned)... but the constant use of the pictures of dead children as political fodder is appalling to me. I don't give a shit which side of the aisle does it. Makes me sick to my stomach.

Imagine losing a child and then being forced to see that picture of your dead child used as propaganda... over and over again. **** me, that makes me furious.
Wow. I wouldn't have seen this if I didn't view this thread. That's insane. If it had been a Trump supporter shooting a proclaimed democrat, it would still be making headlines.

I heard someone recently talking about the importance of media in our country and how it keeps us informed. Of course he's a democrat... The media is too narrative driven to be actual news. Plaster one incident on every paper, outlet and website yet not report on several incidents because it doesn't fit the cause. Sick.

One form of that is called "Man bites dog" stories. Ignore routine occurrences and blast one unique instance and the sheep believe it's an epidemic (I.e. cops shooting black men, "Nazis" etc).
I have to say... I understand why it is being done this way (almost in retaliation to the constant posting of the picture of the Syrian refugee child who drowned)... but the constant use of the pictures of dead children as political fodder is appalling to me. I don't give a shit which side of the aisle does it. Makes me sick to my stomach.

Imagine losing a child and then being forced to see that picture of your dead child used as propaganda... over and over again. **** me, that makes me furious.

The thing is about that Syrian child, his family was safe and not fleeing war at all. His dad wanted dental work done and put his family on some pathetic boat and the result was death.

Leftist media used it to try and usher in millions of Muslims.
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That's not to far off though.

Congressman Yarmuth showed up at last years KFB Ham Breakfast. They auction off the State Fairs winning ham for the charity of the winners choice.

Yarmuth disagreed with KFB's resolutions on gay marriage and thought it would be a good time to bring it up at a charity auction.

KFB's resolution deals with strengthening farm families.

The protest drew a crowd in the tens.

Mostly his staffers.

That's not to far off though.

Congressman Yarmuth showed up at last years KFB Ham Breakfast. They auction off the State Fairs winning ham for the charity of the winners choice.

Yarmuth disagreed with KFB's resolutions on gay marriage and thought it would be a good time to bring it up at a charity auction.

KFB's resolution deals with strengthening farm families.

The protest drew a crowd in the tens.

Mostly his staffers.

I would absolutely love the country to split into leftists/normal erritories via state. No help from each other at all and you can't have Californians fleeing to ruin another state. Run completely on designed laws and values that the sides promote.

Let's see how it turns out. Could you imagine what a shit show the left's territories would be without being able to steal from everyone and having us to blame for all of their issues? You'd get to see that utopia they always wanted.

My favorite part would be the look on the faces of ignorant white leftists. "Oh, open borders, multiculturalism and the wefare state aren't that great? Why am I being taxed to death?"
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Haha. WTF? I thought Chelsea stopped going as a child because the church didn't agree with abortion? Is the federal government God in this comparison?

Also, don't you love that people lose their marbles because they're told to regarding statues? I'm also amazed that they're trying to change the narrative and history of the Dem Party.
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Haha. WTF? I thought Chelsea stopped going as a child because the church didn't agree with abortion? Is the federal government God in this comparison?

Also, don't you love that people lose their marbles because they're told to regarding statues? I'm also amazed that they're trying to change the narrative and history of the Dem Party.

St. Paul's Cathedral...
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Listening to a liberal talking about Trump dividing us is the most insane and lack of self awareness I've ever seen.
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The argument about removing the statues because they were on the losing side of the war is a reasonable argument. I think there are reasonable counter arguments, but it's all reasonable.

But let's not act like that's been the argument all along.

The original reason people vocalized for wanting these statues down was racism. Some people didn't want them down because they're jackass white supremacists who support racism.

But some people didn't want them taken down, because they understand, if you give the left an inch they'll take everything. If we're tearing down statues for muh racism, where does it stop? Some of the greatest men the world has seen, who founded this country, were slave owners. That was the time they lived in.

Now, the left had twisted it as if the argument all along has been one of treason and the losing side of a war. That's incredibly disingenuous, but standard for the left.

Few great points.

No one cared about these statues till recently. 99% of us dont even know which ones are confederate and which arent.

He sad black people ignored them. They still do! You dont see hoardes of blacks at these protests. Its all whites marching to the beat of a soros paycheck.

Noone on the left really cares except for political and financial reasons. Blacks dont care. Moderates and conservatives hate this. So it is basically a far left circle jerk that will do nothing but cost them votes where they need them most.

Sadly, itll also cost us many historical and beatiful landmarks too
Confederate monuments may be coming down across the country — but a majority of Americans say they should remain in place as historical symbols, a new poll found.

Overall, 62 percent of Americans think the statues should stay, while just 27 percent believe they should be removed because they’re offensive to some people, according to the PBS NewsHour, NPR and Marist Poll.
I think the statue of Lenin in Seattle should be allowed to stand, too. It's just a statue and it has every right to be there, regardless of how retarded, hateful, counter to our culture and otherwise thoughtless its presence is. It has a RIGHT to be a statue that represents some American's form of free expression.

Posobiec and the like celebrating that victory have completely missed the point and turned this into a pissing match where there are no winners, only the destruction of our beautiful cities and the continued erosion of our freedoms.
NFL attendance this year will be very interesting to keep an eye on.

I've been done with the NFL the last two years. Watched the Super Bowl and that was it. My interest in sports is dwindling because of these d-bags. There seems to be a huge portion of the athletes in the NBA and NFL who seem to hate white people, conservatives and don't give a crap about the country.

I'll never watch another NFL game including the super bowl. I'm not watching a group of spoiled millionaires who hate me and hate the country that enriched them. I'm tired of ignorant athletes who were given a pass throughout school, never held a job and now get to lecture while making millions playing a game.

BTW, I love that Kaepernick is now Malcolm X despite a white family saving him, raising him and giving him every tool to succeed. It took one BLM activist girlfriend to poison him.
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Confederate monuments may be coming down across the country — but a majority of Americans say they should remain in place as historical symbols, a new poll found.

Overall, 62 percent of Americans think the statues should stay, while just 27 percent believe they should be removed because they’re offensive to some people, according to the PBS NewsHour, NPR and Marist Poll.
IOW most people agree with Trump. This poll won't see the light of day in the MSM.