How will they rule ??!

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So maybe the Muslims are sick of American news forgetting about them. I swear it seems like every time there is an attack is when our news focuses elsewhere.
If we want to get rid of racism, we should be removing the democrat party, not statues.

Democrats: Were pro segregationists, mostly pro confederacy, created the KKK and pretty much every single racist and hate group there is.

Democrats think black people are too stupid to get voter IDs for f*ck sake.

I highlighted the key word in your post. "Were" is past tense. Like I posted earlier...Calvin Coolidge A REPUBLICAN was an active Klan member, invited the Klan to do cross burnings on the White House lawn, encouraged 1000's of Klan members to come march down Pennsylvania Ave... William McKinley (R) had his Klan swearing in ceremony done in the White House.
Our racist past knows no party loyalty.
Development -- Police/media might have been plastering the wrong guy's face/name on TV all day. Supposedly, the real Drice Oka-whatever just walked into his local police station, saying someone stole his ID, documents etc...

Bomb squad is now also on the scene near where the police were shot at.
Perhaps Wolf knows something that we don't. Perhaps instead of a terrorist vs. tourist situation, it was instead a gigantic street brawls between hordes of Barcelona fascists and Muslims, and one of the Muslims, out of hundreds in the mutual riot, went nuts. Or maybe Wolf is an IDIOT.
A biased idiot.


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Now they are saying this guy might be innocent and it was his brother or someone else who stole his paperwork.

Didn't this happen not long ago? They say they have the suspect, he turns out to be Muslim, hours to days later he must have been framed or a mistake.

I'm pretty sure that happened several months ago.
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I guess killing all of these statues and monuments will save the day. Yay! Social Justice Warriors you are my hero's. Now, get a job and really help the nation.
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Eventually altlefters will get around to renaming all our cities, towns and states named after slave owners i.e.

Washington dc/state, jackson miss/ky, jackson hole wy; pennsylvania (also penn state, penn u, penn station); jefferson mo; franklin ind; leesburg va, and many many more.

Hell, why not go after the mormons? brigham young owned slaves. maybe a desecrated statue in salt lake city soon?

Possibilities are endless. "doin' right ain't got no end."
Eventually altlefters will get around to renaming all our cities, towns and states named after slave owners i.e.

Washington dc/state, jackson miss/ky, jackson hole wy; pennsylvania (also penn state, penn u, penn station); jefferson mo; franklin ind; leesburg va, and many many more.

Hell, why not go after the mormons? brigham young owned slaves. maybe a desecrated statue in salt lake city soon?

Possibilities are endless. "doin' right ain't got no end."
The SJWs are definitely feeling their oats a bit in light of recent events. It should anger me, but it doesn't. They are playing right into the hands of Trump. They are proving him a prophet- within two days after his "prophecy". Keep pushing, Left! Keep up the good work!
The fecking FBI should be knocking on her door asap! And she should be kicked out of office and possibly do jail time. This is getting ridiculous!
I Hope Trump is Assassinated is trending on twitter. Not even kidding