How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Amazing and interesting that the left/antifa, etc. aren't going after anything named after Robert Byrd, you know the guy that was one of the best KKK recruiters of all time and has 50+ buildings named after him. I wonder why that is?
Maybe because they don't ignore Byrd's last 40 years in office. You'd think the Byrd bashers didn't have a history book published after 1965.
Like I said he above, there are at least a dozen reporters using the same image and making the same insane comp on twitter. We are done for...
They might as well be tweeting out "We hope ANTIFA murders Trump supporters" because that is exactly what they are saying.
Approval rating polls are propaganda. Trump in the 30s when confidence in the economy, and consumer confidence is some of the highest the country has ever seen.

I bet Trumps real approval rating is somewhere between 50 and 60 percent, not 34. Ha, what a joke.

Let's take a look at a rational person and the mentality that one has.

Pretend you knew a guy at work and every day he was fixated on what some other guy was doing and ran wild conspiracies by you, criticized the most mundane things like what he ate, how he shook hands, his hair, talked bad about the guy's family, called him evil while putting the most negative spin on everything.

Imagine he only talked about this guy all day, every day. Would you not think that guy was a nut job and tune him out?

This is theater for their base. Eff all of them.
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Fascists, that are violently against the #1A, are being heralded, painted as heros and compared to some of the bravest men to have ever lived by liberals. Here's my shocked face...
You know some ANTIFA fags are going to see that and think "If I kill some nazis, I'll be a hero!"

This is a blatant dog whistle. They aren't even hiding it anymore.
Like I said he above, there are at least a dozen reporters using the same image and making the same insane comp on twitter. We are done for...
The thing makes me mad is that those posts are getting tons of retweets and likes. They really think that's a good analogy, but can't be too surprised because the left never has been smart.
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Maybe because they don't ignore Byrd's last 40 years in office. You'd think the Byrd bashers didn't have a history book published after 1965.
Well they sure ignore people like Nathan Bedford Forrest, founder of the KKK, who renounced it and spent the rest of his life working with Blacks. One is considered a hero the other scum. Hypocrites.
Like I said he above, there are at least a dozen reporters using the same image and making the same insane comp on twitter. We are done for...

The idea that Antifa or Libs would even be cheering for our own troops is a hoot to me. Same mother effers spit on troops during Vietnam and called them "baby killers." These are the same people today who take up for Islam and burn our flags.

Yeah, totally like WW 2 heroes. Antifa and libs would be the brownshirts and propaganda for Hitler if they were put back in history. Look at the propaganda during WW2 and Soviet Union and tell me how it's not nearly identical to what occurs with the left today.
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Wait until you guys see Hope Hicks, interim WH Comm Director.


Maybe because they don't ignore Byrd's last 40 years in office. You'd think the Byrd bashers didn't have a history book published after 1965.

I guess they approve of him filibustering the civil rights act, voting against the voter rights act and against every AA supreme court justice by the way. I assume all of these things happened after 1965
Lloyd Tilghman statue likely coming down here in Paducah. I think Paducah Tilghman High School name will survive. Too many people statewide know the name, if for no other reason, track and field state titles.
Maybe because they don't ignore Byrd's last 40 years in office. You'd think the Byrd bashers didn't have a history book published after 1965.
Kinda like the alt-left ignores Lee's post civil war years? In which he was a HUGE part of bringing the country back together.

And never mind the fact the biggest reason he didn't fight with the union (they wanted him to) is because he couldn't bring himself to bear arms against his fellow Virginians. That was his overwhelming reason..... Not because OMG SLAVES!!!!!!!
Also, the revisionist, newfound argument that people want these statues taken down, not because of slavery or wanting to erase history, but because they were traitors to the government of the United States is so goddam mind numbingly stupid it shouldn't even need to be addressed.

Every single person making that argument is an apologist for the alt-left. You think BLM and Antifa give a shit about treason? Get the f*ck out of here. You're trying to justify their actions after the fact by projecting ridiculous thoughts and motivations onto them.

Yeah, anti-government, anti-police BLM and Antifa who think the US government is a racist institution care about people revolting against the US government.

NO ONE on here is justifying the stupid actions of the Nazis. You on the left should probably stop being apologists for the alt-left. goes without saying that most sane Americans are against nazis & fascism.

The problem is that the left has hijacked those 2 terms to mean...anyone who voted for trump...or anyone who disagrees with us.