How will they rule ??!

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Cool. I'm a white male. I'll give that a try and see how not racist I am.


this isn't real life anymore

Wow. I hate the media. So much. Next we'll be reading how antifa are a modern, bigger A-Squad.
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It was an illegal insurrection under the laws governing us in the 18th Century. And, yes, we technically committed treason under those laws as well.

And that's why there are no friggin statues of American revolutionary figures sitting in the London's public squares today. Why do these distinctions seem so hard for some of you to grasp?

You miss the point. We don't consider it treason. We don't call our founders traitors. They're called FOUNDERS. We wrote a document explaining the action of
separation that became the basis of all government here. And yet when the EXACT same thing happened 70 years later, you claim that it was "treason". Listen, a principle is either all of, or nothing. It doesn't become true only for winners, or false for losers. I know that it's not PC because of the attachment of slavery. That doesn't make it less true. To not accept this makes one a perpetual slave of government.
Yeah, and they are becoming more mainstream and gaining in numbers. No danger in that right? Anyone making excuses for Nazis is un-American scum. Period.

Says who? Ive seen absolutely zero evidence they are making a come back. You're getting awfully worked up over a maybe 500 person protest.
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And that's why there are no friggin statues of American revolutionary figures sitting in the London's public squares today. Why do these distinctions seem so hard for some of you to grasp?
As proven in the above posts, you're either a liar (a common trait among liberals) or an idiot. Which is it?
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Skimmed the past few/many pages. Jesus Christ.

Is Gobal Havok that high school kid that was posting here a while back? Can't remember his username, but he loved to rapid fire posts and clog the thread with inane shit.

I did see GH use "whataboutism" a few times. Sort of explains his cuck republican shtick. The only place I've ever seen that term used is Reddit, and you see it all the time. It's as stupid when it's used there as it is here, but the vast majority of the political subs, or ones that claim to be neutral, are over there are overrun with the far left.

Trump doesn't need to specifically call out white supremacy. Neither do Republicans. Hate is hate, no matter the "side". And to take that a step further, there isn't a "side". Take that political spectrum you have in your head and bend it into a circle. The white supremacists are right next to the black supremacists, Antifa, etc. Just because I support Trump at this point (though I didn't vote for him) doesn't make me any closer to a Nazi than it does Antifa and the communist left. They're one in the same.
Also, if you don't have an ounce of Native American blood in you, should you be forced to go back to your ancestral country/continent of origin? I mean, we did sort of conquer land they occupied. Should we erase that part of history and try and hit reset while we're erasing the Civil War and slavery?
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Well considering that none of those are college campuses... not sure how that proves me wrong.

Some on campus perceived the flag as “a powerful symbol of fear they’ve felt all their lives because they grew up in marginalized communities, never feeling safe,” the college’s president, Jonathan Lash, said in a statement.

The university president is coming around on the issue. “For me the flag is still a really positive symbol,” he added. “But I’m coming to be able to maintain both ideas in my heart at the same time.”

They justified it by saying it was only the one at the campus entrance. Like otherwise there are flags at every corner inside of campus.

You can poo poo it all you want, but they are absolutely coming for every symbol of this republic. These are only the seeds. It's called incrementalism.

Our icons and founders are all tied to slavery directly and indirectly,

But yea, treason.
Also, the revisionist, newfound argument that people want these statues taken down, not because of slavery or wanting to erase history, but because they were traitors to the government of the United States is so goddam mind numbingly stupid it shouldn't even need to be addressed.

Every single person making that argument is an apologist for the alt-left. You think BLM and Antifa give a shit about treason? Get the f*ck out of here. You're trying to justify their actions after the fact by projecting ridiculous thoughts and motivations onto them.

Yeah, anti-government, anti-police BLM and Antifa who think the US government is a racist institution care about people revolting against the US government.

NO ONE on here is justifying the stupid actions of the Nazis. You on the left should probably stop being apologists for the alt-left.
Washington and Lee out. Robert E. Lee is buried there underneath the Lee Chapel on campus.

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Its insane to think that wanting equal rights for all is viewed as some radical far right idea.

Saying youre for equal rights for all races was radical left idea 50 years ago.
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I like that the people letting us be invaded and allowing people to break the law and are trying to remove the president are calling people traitors. Talk about tone deaf.

And how crazy is it that the left makes excuses for Antifa and BLM? They won't be critical or denounce groups who wear masks and carry weapons and assaults us and wants cops dead. They're the same evil as our media.
I need an aspirin after reading all of these posts about Racism, Nazi's, etc. You all go way too deep into this stuff than I ever could or have the desire to.
Analysis: The WaPo is a terrible newspaper.

I don't see how he made anything clear other than the fact that he condemned hate and violence from both sides involved. How do they come to conclusions like this, yet Obama literally defended and encouraged actions of violent protest and straight up murder... and he's classy for it? GTFO.
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I don't see how he made anything clear other than the fact that he condemned hate and violence from both sides involved. How do they come to conclusions like this, yet Obama literally defended and encouraged actions of violent protest and straight up murder... and he's classy for it? GTFO.
The left msm is never going to anything but spin whatever Trump says, into something negative. There was absolutely nothing wrong with his original statement on the incident.
Today a group of pissed off midgets ran through my neighborhood breaking garden gnomes.

Seriously though I've never had such a low opinion of this country, people are so brainwashed it's scary, it's only getting worse. The white nationalist party is crazy blm and antifa are crazy but the worst part is the media is just as crazy.
I mean, everybody knows the white supremacists were originally (and for a long time) part of the Democratic Party. Not just that, the scum were a major power player in the Party. I don’t know how helpful or appropriate it is for people alive today that weren’t part of that to apologize for it, but it sure is an embarrassing and disgusting historical fact. If it helps you/us get by this issue, I’ll apologize for those hell-bound evil doers ever existing.
So how does what was true 50 --> 150+ years ago have to do with today?

Is either political party even remotely the same as it was during the Civil War?
Are they remotely the same as they were during the Civil Rights era?
Is the South still solid blue and the Northeast solid red like they used to be?

Do any Dixiecrats, Blue dog Democrats or Rockefeller Republicans still exist?
Why is it so hard for some to grasp that "treason" has nothing to do with why those people are raging out, tearing down statues? You're doing nothing but enabling them and making excuses for them because their means justify your ends.

These fools burn the American flag for fun. They take shits, then take pictures of themselves wiping their asses with the American flag and post it on social media. They daydream about blowing up the WH and assassinating the president. They hate this country and everything it stands for. Get it through your head, they don't give a damn about treason, they encourage it.
The nuances of the situation seem to be out of the grasp of the mainstream media; they seem to think the dipshts holding confederate flags / swastikas are real Nazis or KKK members, meaning they are as dangerous as Nazi Germany in the late 30's or the KKK of the old south 50's.

In the grand scheme of things, the Nazis and KKK members are a powerless, pathetic group of losers and bums. They are not funded. They don't have real influence, and there are very few acts of violence committed by them because a) they don't have political support and b) there are so few of them.

Moreover, these clowns have been doing this stuff for the past 30 years. Remember Skokie in the late 70's? I recall a protest in Austin when I was there 12 years ago. Cincinnati comes to mind. This fringe group has been doing little protests for year - supported from a legal sense by the ACLU. It's not new. They're not emboldened by Trump.
The left msm is never going to anything but spin whatever Trump says, into something negative. There was absolutely nothing wrong with his original statement on the incident.
It seems that the rest of the GOP disagrees with you. They are all running to distance themselves from Trump.
So far, we have the left fighting for grown men to be allowed to use the bathroom with little girls, made up Russia conspiracies, and a hysteria over the Nazi take over of the United States and Trump condemning all hate instead of condemning white supremacists and giving the radicals the media agrees with a pass.

That's going to win back middle America.