How will they rule ??!

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Why are Republican girls so much hotter than liberal chicks? I have a theory but what say you?
Liberal women are full of hate, which makes them ugly.
Kinda like the alt-left ignores Lee's post civil war years? In which he was a HUGE part of bringing the country back together.

And never mind the fact the biggest reason he didn't fight with the union (they wanted him to) is because he couldn't bring himself to bear arms against his fellow Virginians. That was his overwhelming reason..... Not because OMG SLAVES!!!!!!!

The country could do well to revisit the scene at Appomattox Courthouse. Amazing how smooth that went.
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Ohio drivers trigger and offend me. Starting a movement to demand they redo the lisense plate of that state to have it say, Isuckassdontknowhowtodrive, with a big pile of dog shit as the background art.
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So, they can look beyond a couple of racist things that someone did and look at their overall record?
Yes, when one's words and actions both show that they had changed their ways.
Byrd apologized many times for his racist past and backed up those words with actions by championing civil rights legislation. While he filibustered the 1964 CRA, he supported the 1968 CRA. The NAACP honored Byrd and gave him a 100% rating.
When the crap hits the fan, these alt- left fanatical are going to wish their biggest problem was a few statues. In fact then maybe they will realize how stupid/ crazy they have become. Of course it will be too late for this country at that point.
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What? I'm sorry your child died but to act as if someone set out to "shut your daughter up" is BS. In reality, your daughter along with Antifa, went there to stir shit up and silence someone else's speech and police didn't do their jobs and allowed that to happen.
But its ok to tear down anything civil war related?

At least youre being inconsistent.
I don't think I've really offered any opinion on the Civil War monument issue. It's not a big deal to me one way or the other.

I certainly don't see any parallel between Byrd and any Civil War monuments.
Countering the argument that there was no slippery slope and Dems would call them out took a whole day. I had never met a lifelong republican with such faith in government, democrats, activists, academia, et al.
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I don't think I've really offered any opinion on the Civil War monument issue. It's not a big deal to me one way or the other.

I certainly don't see any parallel between Byrd and any Civil War monuments.

There's absolutely a parallel. The statue removals really began after the Roof killings - now there's a huge resurgence in removing anything from that era - not because they were considered traitors, but racism.

That is why people are concerned about Jefferson and Washington, etc.
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Kinda like the alt-left ignores Lee's post civil war years? In which he was a HUGE part of bringing the country back together.

And never mind the fact the biggest reason he didn't fight with the union (they wanted him to) is because he couldn't bring himself to bear arms against his fellow Virginians. That was his overwhelming reason..... Not because OMG SLAVES!!!!!!!

First, the public wanted this memorial to be moved because it celebrated Lee's role with the Confederacy, an army formed primarily for the continuation and legitimization of slavery.

Second, Lee could have not taken up arms at all, that seems a pretty easy way to not fight your fellow Virginians. Instead, he fought, and led, an army dedicated to the preservation of slavery.

Third, Lee himself opposed Confederate monuments stating that such memorabilia would continue to divide the nation. If you want to honor that part of his legacy, it seems you would support the removal of his statue donned in Confederate uniform.

But this argument is less about the statue, more about the fact that white nationalists and Nazis are so incensed on keeping memorials honoring segregation, racism, slavery, and oppression of minorities. The 'changing of history' argument is a hollow one, as removing these memorials is finally confronting history.
The 'changing of history' argument is a hollow one, as removing these memorials is finally confronting history.
No, your argument is the hollow one. You're making excuses for these troglodytes, enabling them. Guess you haven't notice, but now they're after the George Washington and Andrew Jackson statues/street, park, school names. Who's next? They've already defaced the Lincoln Memorial. Only a matter of time before it must come down as well.
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First, the public wanted this memorial to be moved because it celebrated Lee's role with the Confederacy, an army formed primarily for the continuation and legitimization of slavery.

Second, Lee could have not taken up arms at all, that seems a pretty easy way to not fight your fellow Virginians. Instead, he fought, and led, an army dedicated to the preservation of slavery.

Third, Lee himself opposed Confederate monuments stating that such memorabilia would continue to divide the nation. If you want to honor that part of his legacy, it seems you would support the removal of his statue donned in Confederate uniform.

But this argument is less about the statue, more about the fact that white nationalists and Nazis are so incensed on keeping memorials honoring segregation, racism, slavery, and oppression of minorities. The 'changing of history' argument is a hollow one, as removing these memorials is finally confronting history.

Changing/removing things from history is IDIOTIC. You learn from history. Not erase it and act like it never happened. That's just another step toward the government censoring what you can think.

You can't change what has happened. You can only learn from what happened and what resulted from those actions. I find it comical that groups like ANTIFA and the left in general call the right fascists and use books like 1984 as an example of how awful they are when they are the ones using fascist-type practices to silence dissenting thought and marching lock-step toward the thing they say they oppose.
The man who uttered these gems almost 100 years after trhe Civil War is apparently in no danger of having his statue torn down, or any buildings renamed:

"I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."

"The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here and in every state in the nation."

Of course they were told to stand down. The city and governor didn't want the protesters to have a stage to speak, if a melee breaks out they can then call off the protest. Which is why the 2 groups were allowed to get so close without the police blocking them. They wanted them to fight.
Do the idiots taking statues down realize it changes nothing about history?

Do they think the person will all of a sudden not have existed or something?
Do the idiots taking statues down realize it changes nothing about history?

Do they think the person will all of a sudden not have existed or something?
Dude, they are attacking Joan of Arc statues and The Lincoln Memorial.

These are the lowest of low-info citizens. They obviously know nothing and nothing outside of violence and hate.
When the crap hits the fan, these alt- left fanatical are going to wish their biggest problem was a few statues. In fact then maybe they will realize how stupid/ crazy they have become. Of course it will be too late for this country at that point.

Yes. The end game is something they think is cool right now, but once they get into it, they'll realize they don't like it and it will be too late.

This was also pointed out in a piece from The Hill. The woman who wrote the piece was there, even got punched in her face by an Antifa member simply because she was media.

The way she told it, the only people there with firearms (other than police) were the Militiamen, easily identifiable because they were dressed in all camo. She said they weren't against the police as the Mayor claimed, but instead were the only people trying to keep the peace, putting themselves in danger to try to break up the madness.
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It truly is amazing how narrative dictates reality as opposed to the other way around.

You have to be a raving lunatic to take offense with anything Trump has said on this topic since Saturday. The media is 100% making shit up. The raving lunatics on the left are eating it up.

Now you have the CEO group whatever the hell disbanding.

Yes, violence from all sides is wrong. No, not every person at that rally was a raving lunatic lefty or white supremacist. But jesus, the POTUS says that out loud and you'd think he was al for locking a race of people in prison camps like FDR.
Of course they were told to stand down. The city and governor didn't want the protesters to have a stage to speak, if a melee breaks out they can then call off the protest. Which is why the 2 groups were allowed to get so close without the police blocking them. They wanted them to fight.
Its obvious that some very bad people got exactly what they wanted on Saturday. It looks like It was a set up. And more of these are going to happen.
I made the analogy last week, equating BLM/ANTIFA to infant toddlers. No education, no real world knowledge, jobless, feckless, hopeless, still dependent on teh tittay... they have nothing to lose as they have almost zero control over their lives. The only control they can exert in their mid-twenties is the destruction of other peoples' things... just like a toddler.

To think there is thought behind their "choice" of violent manifestation and not "direction" to do so gives these people way too much credit. As we can see what happens when these mental midgets try to go rouge.

Interesting. So that's exactly how it's going down in Lexington. The city leaders created an issue where there previously was not. Like LFUCG said, we have received no complaints. Enter Mayor Gray, and all the sudden boy it's a hot button issue, cable news networks are in town, lunatic fringe groups are coming to march, etc. Gd ridiculous that elected members of a community would basically sell out their city to push political nonsense like this.

We need ADULTS, man. Real adults.
“I’m not intimidated by Robert E. Lee’s statue. I’m not intimidated by it. It doesn’t scare me,” said Crenshaw. “We don’t want America to think that all African Americans are supportive of this.”

Crenshaw, along with some Buffalo Solider historians and Sons of Confederate Veterans are coming together to help protect the Confederate markers from toppling over in Dallas.

They feel the monuments, like the Freedman’s Cemetery, tell an important story and help heal racial wounds.

“Some people think that by taking a statue down, that’s going to erase racism,” said Crenshaw. “Misguided

This needed to be posted once again.
Part of the charm of a lot of cities and towns ARE the statues on display. What are these clowns going to replace them with? Empty lots?