How will they rule ??!

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The rest of the GOP is for the most part a bunch of pussy cucks that are going to get slaughtered in the next election.
Yep, but not by Trump supporters. By 2018 Trump will be so toxic nobody will be willing to align themselves with him.
So far, we have the left fighting for grown men to be allowed to use the bathroom with little girls, made up Russia conspiracies, and a hysteria over the Nazi take over of the United States and Trump condemning all hate instead of condemning white supremacists and giving the radicals the media agrees with a pass.

That's going to win back middle America.

Antifa is going to screw up and kill somebody; that will be the end of a lot of people's careers.
It seems that the rest of the GOP disagrees with you. They are all running to distance themselves from Trump.
And the base, the people who vote, disagree with the GOP. Since day one the cowards have been looking for an excuse not to follow through on his agenda. Trump specifically condemned the white supremacist groups, by name. There's absolutely nothing wrong with him also condemning all violence and hate that took place that day. F the GOP. That's why we voted for Trump...because he is their enemy as well.
Yep, but not by Trump supporters. By 2018 Trump will be so toxic nobody will be willing to align themselves with him.

It's not about aligning themselves with Trump. It's about primarying the worthless Republicans in Congress.

Believe it or not, not everyone is on the lunatic fringe like you. Your Nazi and Russia fearmongering while arguing grown men should be able to share bathrooms with little girls isn't going to get many people over to your side of the aisle.
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The nuances of the situation seem to be out of the grasp of the mainstream media;

Oh they fully get it. They just dont care. Theyre in collusion with the left to push a narrative, so thats what theyre doing.

My theory: i think the left are using their soros bots to falsely increase the number of hits/interactions which allows these formerly failing media outlets charge increased ad rates.

Thats the only reason i can muster as to why entire outlets are hellbent on destroying a sitting president.
Yep, but not by Trump supporters. By 2018 Trump will be so toxic nobody will be willing to align themselves with him.

They treated him as radioactive until about a week before election day, when they saw he had a real chance. Paul Ryan had weekly, sometimes daily, quotes meant to undercut him. Same with Rubio.

Its no different now.
I think the real frustration on the left is the guy used a car last weekend. The last gun massacre was a Bernie Bro, so they can't really publicize that to get political traction. And using a car goes against their "guns kill people, people don't kill people" narrative.
It seems that the rest of the GOP disagrees with you. They are all running to distance themselves from Trump.

I think Trump could've done much much better with this situation - but calling out everyone wielding clubs and torches isn't as crazy as everyone wants to make it out to be.

Also, the GOP ran for cover a ton of times before the 2016 election - remember grab em by the P, when they acted like his nutjob spasms were making fun of disabled, when all those women threw accusations about him (where they go?)...if you're being honest, GOP politicians running from Trump =/= GOP voters/ everyday Americans than voted for him.
Yep, but not by Trump supporters. By 2018 Trump will be so toxic nobody will be willing to align themselves with him.


Guarantee you also said:

A. Trump will not even win the nomination

B. He has no Chance in the general

C. Hillary is going to steamroll him tomorrow

D. He won't make it 6 months.

E. he won't make it through a year.

You want to bet? Hell, just yesterday we had a major election where ALL the candidates ran on how much THEY support Trumps agenda.
I did not vote for Trump. I'd go vote for him tomorrow.

Simply because you people running with the Russia conspiracies, the Nazi feamongering, the tranny shit, etc. ARE F*CKING LUNATICS.

I want you to keep displaying your lunacy for the world to see.

Same reason I want people to keep flying confederate flags.

I like you lunatics making yourself easily identifiable. Far easier to avoid.
And I haven't been paying attention to the media since Saturday because I know exactly how they're spinning this, but by "GOP", I'm assuming he is referring to Trump haters such as Graham, Rubio McCain, Ryan?
Just found out a friend of mine who has been out of work (was laid off) for about a year just got a job. Not the type of person who just sat around. He tried everything (except relocate) to find something. Does sales in the manufacturing industry. Company called and specifically stated that they were given the ok to start hiring again. Not only did he get a job, but he is making more than he did at his previous company and a better bonus program. Tear in my eye because he was really down on himself and to hear how excited his is was the best news of the day for me. Very much in the middle as I am and a big Trump supporter as well. Lives in WI.

Those are the kind of people Trump won over and has kept his promise to help.
#WhywemustimpeachTrumpinsevenwords is trending on twitter.

Butthurt snowflakes don't know that you can't impeach a President because you don't like him.
Trump needs to go scorched earth on tax reform. Tell the establishment to get on board, or he'll spend every day blasting them until the 2018 elections.

A retroactive tax cut, meaning a lot of TAXPAYING Americans may get big checks from the government come April (checks consisting entirely of money they earned that was confiscated by the government) would be awesome for middle America.
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Trump needs to go scorched earth on tax reform. Tell the establishment to get on board, or he'll spend every day blasting them until the 2018 elections.

A retroactive tax cut, meaning a lot of TAXPAYING Americans may get big checks from the government come April (checks consisting entirely of money they earned that was confiscated by the government) would be awesome for middle America.
that would be mostly white people and thusly racist
Approval rating polls are propaganda. Trump in the 30s when confidence in the economy, and consumer confidence is some of the highest the country has ever seen.

I bet Trumps real approval rating is somewhere between 50 and 60 percent, not 34. Ha, what a joke.
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You mean the "we're not going to repeal and replace" crew? Yeah, they can go join the Democratic Party for all I care.
I've explained here multiple times why "Repeal and Replace" will never work.

To begin with, half the people supporting R&R were people who previously didn't have insurance due to either economic or health reasons and find Obamacare unaffordable. They want the same/better insurance for less money.
The other half are people who simply oppose government involvement in can group those who just oppose the mandate in with these people. So in the end you have two groups with vastly differing and opposing goals.
There is nothing anyone can do that appeases both. The closer you get to one group puts you further away from the other.

Obamacare is expensive because the group of people insured through OC are expensive to cover. If insurance companies were making money off of these people they would all be fighting to get into that market space.

The free market only works when the supply/demand forces are able to work unencumbered. Prices will seek the level of most profitability. Those prices will always result in some % being priced out of the market.
We deliver healthcare services on demand, at time of need because our society isn't going to allow for someone bleeding to death on the hospital steps because they don't have the money for a bandage. If the patient cannot pay, who does?

I've seen a lot of people on here suggest that the providers should absorb that cost...they already make lots of money. Isn't there a limit to how much can be absorbed? Don't you know that it is absorbed by adding that cost into the rate being charged for those who pay? Which drives up their premiums, which prices more people out of the's a recursive problem.

People seem to forget where the healthcare market space was going pre-Obamacare and why everyone agreed that something had to be done.
Amazing and interesting that the left/antifa, etc. aren't going after anything named after Robert Byrd, you know the guy that was one of the best KKK recruiters of all time and has 50+ buildings named after him. I wonder why that is?
Aren't there probably statues and streets/highways named after him in VA too? Weird how you don't see them wanting those taken down.
Hope Hicks named interim Communications Director. Trump putting another woman in a position power. Such a sexists bastard.

She is only 28 as well - good luck to her.

Supposedly there is a well known (to media types) man that is/was considering the full time job. Don't know if that will change now or if he decided no and she gets a chance to perform to be full time.
Trump needs to go scorched earth on tax reform. Tell the establishment to get on board, or he'll spend every day blasting them until the 2018 elections.

A retroactive tax cut, meaning a lot of TAXPAYING Americans may get big checks from the government come April (checks consisting entirely of money they earned that was confiscated by the government) would be awesome for middle America.
So "conservatives" have abandoned fiscal responsibility?