How will they rule ??!

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You are wrong as usual. I pointed out why you're a hypocrite probably 500 times now. Not my problem that you can't understand plain English.
Why don't you write what I was wrong about in plain English right now then? Let me guess, you're tired and you cant.
Are you aware that the taxpaying citizens of Charlottesville--you know, the people who actually owned the thing--overwhelmingly wanted it removed, and that's the why the city of Charlottesville decided to remove it?

The people who did not want it removed were a bunch of white supremacists from other places--who don't pay any taxes any taxes that local government--that came flooding into the city to protest and cause a ruckus.

Which group do you think should've been more entitled to decide whether to remove the statue or not?

The decision had already been made though - let the whiny bitches pout and moan with their march permit and move on with the removal after they leave town.

One side is filled with hate, the other side seeks conflict. Trump looks like a racist bc he isn't giving the other side a pass, but if we want this to not repeat itself, some ppl have to call out the other side as well. They won't and Trump will lose the PR battle, but that's what happens when people care more about politics.

And you're right, most people there weren't even from Cville...don't care what shit they cause bc they out of town on Monday...poor girl who was killed actually lived there.
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Man, there's a lot of new names I've never seen before posting on here. Kind of like a South Carolina basketball fan showing up out of nowhere.

I do enjoy the hypocrisy and lack of self awareness though. We see you make excuses and get quick to defend Muslims/Islam whenever they do something. Whenever a leftist does something, we get no focus on the shooter or Antifa, we get focus on Scalise's voting record and how Milo is the issue not Antifa. We get the defense of blacks and BLM.

Meanwhile whites and consercatives are lumped together as "nazis." Cops are blamed.

Basically nothing is ever the keft's fault and they are so narcissistic that they think the issue is always someone else and that violence from them is justified.

Don't ever fall for the left's victim act and their fake virtue signaling. Whenever they act like they're compassionate, know they are vile scum who are quick to spew venom and assault. They're not giving people. They're parasites.
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Could you please explain what business the second group had interfering with what the first group wanted to do with its own property?

*Disclaimer since some in here seem to think any differing opinion on this topic is a defense of Nazis. I'm not defending Nazis or any of the violence, only the Constitution.*

It's called protest. Everyone can do it and is equally entitled to it. They had a permit and were given permission by the city/state. This isn't a big, bad, Nazi thing. By your logic, what business does any group have protesting anything that another group decides.
I didn't say he was a Nazi. I said he was a Nazi supporter.

He destabilizes foreign currencies and makes countries go bankrupt. I can't think of anything nice about the guy. Truly is a monster.

Let's make accuracy great again. Soros correctly prognosticated the over inflation of the British pound and correctly shorted the currency based on that foresight. I take it from your post that you disagree with currency speculation and free market capitalism?
It actually didn't. You were not correctly analyzing the data; either that, you were cherry-picking that which supported your position.
My position that a trash politician was gonna be elected because you guys nominated a trash politician? BTW, I'm not an analyst. Analyzing data is not my profession.
CNN is going torched earth approach to Trump's presser.

I mean Wolf just had Don Lemon on to discuss because he couldn't wait until 10pm to go nuts and scream racism because the president said everyone involved is wrong.

Oh G, god forbid someone saying 2 wrongs don't make a right.
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You claim you're a libertarian but defend Bernie Sanders and George Soros?

I have news for you.

You're not a libertarian.

So far I've been called a liberal, libertarian, abortionist, pedophoile, socialist, antifa acolyte, Hilary supporter.
Disgusting, your President is a racist and a Nazi sympathizer. His trueness shone through today for all to see. Listen to the words the fascists were shouting, the terrorist act and this charade of a President throws them shade. The white supremacists are jumping up and down with glee these past few days because they have one of their own in the WH now. Republicans have a choice to either be on the side of those haters or not. There is no in between. Regardless of what you think of the anti-fascists or what, you either support the fascists or you don't. And Trump evidently supports them by trying to place blame on protestors. Does he blame the West when ISIS sympathizers ram a crowd? Of course not.

I love how he said he needed to 'wait for the facts', as if that has EVER stopped him from tweeting before.

He's a disgrace to every President that has come before him.
Treason has nothing to do with CONFEDERATE statues coming down? Jesus dude, think about what you type before you type it. Theres a reason literally no one has brought up bringing down Jefferson statues, its just you guys projecting a slippery slope

Yeah didn't you see all those antifa and BLM members holding American flags In one hand and a sign that read "treasonous bastards" in the other.

Lol it has absolutely nothing to do with treason. Do you not know how movements work? You don't just skip forwArd to the biggest fish.

Stop being ignorant. You know and I know it has absolutely. Itching to do with treason. Hell, trump saying what he said about Washington and Jefferson today was probably a history lesson to all of antifa, BLM and probably even you.
I mean, everybody knows the white supremacists were originally (and for a long time) part of the Democratic Party. Not just that, the scum were a major power player in the Party. I don’t know how helpful or appropriate it is for people alive today that weren’t part of that to apologize for it, but it sure is an embarrassing and disgusting historical fact. If it helps you/us get by this issue, I’ll apologize for those hell-bound evil doers ever existing.

This part stood out to me. I actually agree with it. The people who are alive today had nothing to do with it.

But when it comes to slavery/racism we have people wanting to hold people accountable who had nothing to do with what happened 200 years ago. We have people asking for reparations and apologies from people for being white. I never owned a slave. I've never treated someone different because of their skin tone. I believe all people are equal and all deserve equality of how they are treated, held accountable, etc.

Yet on social media I have people saying I should pay them money because slavery happened? I do hope you find this as outlandish as you do the KKK/Dem historical connection.
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Yup, I was wrong about Trump losing when I criticized republicans nominating a terrible candidate who would lose to Hillary who I thought was terrible. Congrats on your terrible candidate beating the other terrible candidate tho.

I also thought Kevin Knox was going to Duke, be mad about that too.

Oh stfu. You trying to minimize it. You were on here for half a week spouting off how Hillary was going to wipe the floor. How we would all be in tears because she was going to win BIGLY. I guarantee you voted for her.
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Twitter keeps taking leftist media outlets off my block list.


And this weekend they got Pol, Sagon (?) oj twitter and Lauren on Instagram. YouTube is demonetizing conservatives and is starting to censor Paul Joseph Watson.

Disgusting, your President is a racist and a Nazi sympathizer. His trueness shone through today for all to see. Listen to the words the fascists were shouting, the terrorist act and this charade of a President throws them shade. The white supremacists are jumping up and down with glee these past few days because they have one of their own in the WH now. Republicans have a choice to either be on the side of those haters or not. There is no in between. Regardless of what you think of the anti-fascists or what, you either support the fascists or you don't. And Trump evidently supports them by trying to place blame on protestors. Does he blame the West when ISIS sympathizers ram a crowd? Of course not.

I love how he said he needed to 'wait for the facts', as if that has EVER stopped him from tweeting before.

He's a disgrace to every President that has come before him.
Nice troll post card. I give it a 9/10 for effort.
Oh stfu. You trying to minimize it. You were on here for half a week spouting off how Hillary was going to wipe the floor. How we would all be in tears because she was going to win BIGLY. I guarantee you voted for her.

I honestly don't believe many, if any, of you believe Trump is a good President. You'd never admit it.
Disgusting, your President is a racist and a Nazi sympathizer. His trueness shone through today for all to see. Listen to the words the fascists were shouting, the terrorist act and this charade of a President throws them shade. The white supremacists are jumping up and down with glee these past few days because they have one of their own in the WH now. Republicans have a choice to either be on the side of those haters or not. There is no in between. Regardless of what you think of the anti-fascists or what, you either support the fascists or you don't. And Trump evidently supports them by trying to place blame on protestors. Does he blame the West when ISIS sympathizers ram a crowd? Of course not.

I love how he said he needed to 'wait for the facts', as if that has EVER stopped him from tweeting before.

He's a disgrace to every President that has come before him.

Man, you are one stupid SOB.

Not one person called Trump a racist until the 2016 election. You can't find a racist comment from Trump ever. Lordy the stupid is deep in you. Matter of fact, it wasn't till Seth Rich leaked Hillary's treasonous emails that instructed the DNC to paint Trump as a racist.

No where in any history has Trump ever been called a racist. Ever.

Trump dated a black girl for shit sakes. But you're too goddamn stupid to understand that. You're trolling
This part stood out to me. I actually agree with it. The people who are alive today had nothing to do with it.

But when it comes to slavery/racism we have people wanting to hold people accountable who had nothing to do with what happened 200 years ago. We have people asking for reparations and apologies from people for being white. I never owned a slave. I've never treated someone different because of their skin tone. I believe all people are equal and all deserve equality of how they are treated, held accountable, etc.

Yet on social media I have people saying I should pay them money because slavery happened? I do hope you find this as outlandish as you do the KKK/Dem historical connection.

Well, I wanted to be with you, and was with you until the last sentence. So, I guess we mainly agree.

But, no. I absolutely do not find some silly argument about me or you being accountable for slavery as “outlandish” as I do the KKK - regardless of which political party they connect themselves too. You understand that, right?
The crafty leftists concede that Trump is not himself a racist, but then go on to argue that he sends "dog whistles" to his racist supporters, and therefore is effectively responsible for the normalization of racism in American politics, etc, etc. The reason that this is a crafty tactic is that there is no evidence that Trump is racist. In conceding that point and shifting the focus in a direction that still gives them a victory (by demonizing the Trump voters, and attacking Trump as an exploiter of racism rather than a racist himself, which is just as bad, they can score their points), well, that's quite crafty!

The stupid leftists like Cardkilla simply insist that Trump is a racist. Thusly, making fools of themselves.
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*Disclaimer since some in here seem to think any differing opinion on this topic is a defense of Nazis. I'm not defending Nazis or any of the violence, only the Constitution.*

It's called protest. Everyone can do it and is equally entitled to it. They had a permit and were given permission by the city/state. This isn't a big, bad, Nazi thing. By your logic, what business does any group have protesting anything that another group decides.

Fine, they have the right to protest. But have you stopped to breakdown precisely what it is they were protesting? And, forget about the whole confederacy thing, just look at it from a simple legalistic property rights perspective:

The statue belongs to the taxpaying citizens of Charlottesville. They decided they did not want it anymore. Shouldn't the analysis end there? What business is it of anyone else?

Who the hell were these outsider nutbags to tell someone else that they had to keep an object they no longer want? Hey, I I think I'm gonna go stand in my neighbor's yard and scream and shout about how he can't get rid of that broken down old boat sitting in his driveway.

What a stupid thing to protest.
Best part of the Durham, NC statue tear down celebrash was the really white awkward uncoordinated participants trying to prove how non-racist they are by kicking and punching the statue. Laughed at it for 2 days now. Two of them lose a shoe. One spits angrily. I really hip black dude strumming a guitar pulls a drop kick without missing a beat. Pasty maybe Asian chick goes ham. Chubby girl gets two kicks and falls down Also great how the statue just folded. Top 5 internet video this year for me.

Several different angle for your enjoyment.

Lmaooooooooooo look at this crap.

The local media in Lex is just begging for riots. It's so embarrassing. Fn ridiculous.

There's no hope for this country, tbh.
The crafty leftists concede that Trump is not himself a racist, but then go on to argue that he sends "dog whistles" to his racist supporters, and therefore is effectively responsible for the normalization of racism in American politics, etc, etc. The reason that this is a crafty tactic is that there is no evidence that Trump is racist. In conceding that point and shifting the focus in a direction that still gives them a victory (by demonizing the Trump voters, and attacking Trump as an exploiter of racism rather than a racist himself, which is just as bad, they can score their points), well, that's quite crafty!

The stupid leftists like Cardkilla simply insist that Trump is a racist. Thusly, making fools of themselves.
The democrats are projecting with the dog whistle BS. The dems are sending out dog whistles every day.
Are you aware that the taxpaying citizens of Charlottesville--you know, the people who actually owned the thing--overwhelmingly wanted it removed, and that's the why the city of Charlottesville decided to remove it?

The people who did not want it removed were white supremacists from other places--who don't pay any taxes that local government--that came flooding into the city to protest and cause a ruckus.

Which group do you think was more entitled to make the decision whether to remove the statue? Could you please explain what business the second group had interfering with what the first group wanted to do with its own property?

By the way, I'm a staunch #1A advocate, so this comment is mostly made in jest, sans the fascist vandals and destruction of property part, but one could just as easily say this...

Are e you aware that the taxpaying citizens of Durham -- you know, the people who actually own the thing -- haven't made a decision on if they want the statue removed and that's the why the city of Durham hasn't removed it?

The people wanted it removed were a bunch of fascist vandals from other places -- who don't pay any taxes to that local government -- that came flooding into the city to protest, cause a ruckus, and destroy Government property.

Which group do you think was more entitled to make the decision whether to remove the statue? Could you please explain what business the second group had interfering with what the first group had yet to decide what it wanted to do with its own property?
Ok you win. He's a nazi.

Honestly, I always assumed the propaganda about Soros was true, but if you research what he's done, it's pretty impressive. He's one of the most successful investors in US history for a reason.
What does that have to do with him helping the Nazi's? Where is the outrage?
Are e you aware that the taxpaying citizens of Durham -- you know, the people who actually own the thing -- haven't made a decision on if they want the statue removed and that's the why the city of Durham hasn't removed it?

I'm not defending the Durham bunch. They broke the law and looked like idiots. The Charlottesville and Durham situations are two entirely different things.
Twitter keeps taking leftist media outlets off my block list.


And this weekend they got Pol, Sagon (?) oj twitter and Lauren on Instagram. YouTube is demonetizing conservatives and is starting to censor Paul Joseph Watson.

5-6 conservative twitter accounts I follow have been suspended in last 3-4 weeks. Only one of them would I call an account that is borderline extreme. None of the liberal accounts I follow have been suspended. It is probably nearly impossible for twitter or facebook to find far left material they find worth taking down.
I honestly don't believe many, if any, of you believe Trump is a good President. You'd never admit it.

I don't think you can accurately judge a presidents historical performance after 7 months. So far, I don't believe he's done anything bad. And I doubt you could name 3 things that would make him a historically bad president. You're just a sheep doing what you hear the commie news network telling you to do.
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Fine, they have the right to protest. But have you stopped to breakdown precisely what it is they were protesting? And, forget about the whole confederacy thing, just look at it from a simple legalistic property rights perspective:

The statue belongs to the taxpaying citizens of Charlottesville. They decided they did not want it anymore. Shouldn't the analysis end there? What business is it of anyone else?

Who the hell were these outsider nutbags to tell someone else that they had to keep an object they no longer want? Hey, I I think I'm gonna go stand in my neighbor's yard and scream and shout about how he can't get rid of that broken down old boat sitting in his driveway.

What a stupid thing to protest.

You've said this a few times. Admittedly, I havnt looked but where are you getting this "the Charlottesville citizens didn't want it"?

Did they have a vote? A poll? Honest question.
Lmaooooooooooo look at this crap.

The local media in Lex is just begging for riots. It's so embarrassing. Fn ridiculous.

There's no hope for this country, tbh.
Let's see how long Thursday Night Live survives in the former slave market. Last time I went, there were protestors (1 AA dude and gaggle of pasty hipsters) chanting "take back cheapside!". I could barely enjoy my slice of Goodfellas and miller lite out of the shame.
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