How will they rule ??!

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In other words, you can't refute a word I've said. I insulted one guy (not even you) who insulted me first and now your feelings are too hurt to debate? Talk about a snowflake... [roll]

Has nothing to do with can't or hurt feelings. I don't care to. You've shown me enough. You're a waste of keystrokes.
Treason has nothing to do with CONFEDERATE statues coming down? Jesus dude, think about what you type before you type it. Theres a reason literally no one has brought up bringing down Jefferson statues, its just you guys projecting a slippery slope that doesn't exist.

In other words, you can't refute a word I've said. I insulted one guy (not even you) who insulted me first and now your feelings are too hurt to debate? Talk about a snowflake... [roll]
Yeah, I'm sure if you asked the average antifa asshat why they wanted the monuments to come down, treason would be the first thing out dey mouth. [roll]
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And when those activists go farther than "traitors" the self-described moderates and libertarians clearly on the left will be silent. Deep down, they were happy Scalise got shot. Wish the guy would have taken them all down. That is why nothing changed when it happened.
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Can’t we all just get along? This whole Confederate statue controversy is easily solved. Those statues never belonged in the public square. Either smelt the statues or put them where they belong – in a museum to preserve historical information about traitors and to provide a warning to children (along with the Nazi exhibits) about the vileness that human beings are capable of. Or, maybe just sell them to the KKK. Whatever. Just let museums or private groups pay for the removal, and be done with it.

Local governments don’t need to make a formal announcement before taking the statues down. They don’t need to have a public forum about it, and give protestors their chance to engage in violence. Just do it! Take them down without any advance notice.
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Yeah, I'm sure if you asked the average antifa asshat why they wanted the monuments to come down, treason would be the first thing out dey mouth. [roll]
Anti-fa is no more mainstream left than white supremacy is mainstream right. People on both sides overgeneralizing and making anyone who disagrees with them the enemy is the whole reason the country is divided in the first place. Extremism on voth sides is dangerous.

But to your point, where are all the calls for Jeffersons statues to come down if what you are saying is true? They are targetting confederate statues only.
Local governments don’t need to make a formal announcement before taking the statues down. They don’t need to have a public forum about it, and give protestors their chance to engage in violence. Just do it! Take them down without any advance notice.

1865: "Let's consider Confederate veterans US veterans because it will help bring the country together"

2017: "Let's tear down all statues even though it causes stuff like Charlottesville to occur!"
But to your point, where are all the calls for Jeffersons statues to come down if what you are saying is true? They are targetting confederate statues only.

Lol... you think they're going to stop with that? Colleges all over the country are trying to rename dorms, buildings, etc with any ties to slavery. Punk bitch Fischer in Louisville is doing the same".
Anti-fa is no more mainstream left than white supremacy is mainstream right. People on both sides overgeneralizing and making anyone who disagrees with them the enemy is the whole reason the country is divided in the first place. Extremism on voth sides is dangerous.

But to your point, where are all the calls for Jeffersons statues to come down if what you are saying is true? They are targetting confederate statues only.
Baby steps little man. Baby steps.
You're right. I just possibly couldn't. You're way too educated for a mouth-breathing hick like me. Care to hang, broski? Maybe let me score some of those cool guy points?
Snowflake confirmed. Deflecting from actual debate to shield your ego is cute.
Lots of typed words, still no direct answer from you... you refuse to mention , condemn , admit? The the "lefts" terrorists political groups are a concern.

You never will... so continuing to discuss will just trigger you.
Nope, haven't called the left terrorist or the right terrorist either or condemned anyone. I will call you a liar for saying I always defend the left though. You lie, you are a liar.

Just so we're clear, no I do not condemn anyone. It's not my thing, you fight your own clown war. Just so we're clear once again, you are a liar and can't point to anything on the left that I have ever defended. I guess that's why you changed your argument to condemn, either way you're still a liar.
This crew mad at the treasonous aspect of the monuments/historical statues...


People on the extremes are sad sad little people and I hope they find happiness. It'd be nice if they could make friends without having to join lunatic movements like KKK, NeoNazi, Antifa.
Can’t we all just get along? This whole Confederate statue controversy is easily solved. Those statues never belonged in the public square. Either smelt the statues or put them where they belong – in a museum to preserve historical information about traitors and to provide a warning to children (along with the Nazi exhibits) about the vileness that human beings are capable of. Or, maybe just sell them to the KKK. Whatever. Just let museums or private groups pay for the removal, and be done with it.

Local governments don’t need to make a formal announcement before taking the statues down. They don’t need to have a public forum about it, and give protestors their chance to engage in violence. Just do it! Take them down without any advance notice.

Well put. Good to see someone else gets it. Any private entity that wants to buy those statues and display them on its property should be able to do so. But they absolutely should NOT be sitting on public government grounds.

Easy solution to the whole issue: put the damn things up for sale.
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Lol... you think they're going to stop with that? Colleges all over the country are trying to rename dorms, buildings, etc with any ties to slavery. Punk bitch Fischer in Louisville is doing the same".
Id have to know more specifics than "colleges all over" and whats being renamed. But if they are targetting non-confederate slave owners I would disagree with their actions.
Can’t we all just get along? This whole Confederate statue controversy is easily solved. Those statues never belonged in the public square. Either smelt the statues or put them where they belong – in a museum to preserve historical information about traitors and to provide a warning to children (along with the Nazi exhibits) about the vileness that human beings are capable of. Or, maybe just sell them to the KKK. Whatever. Just let museums or private groups pay for the removal, and be done with it.

Local governments don’t need to make a formal announcement before taking the statues down. They don’t need to have a public forum about it, and give protestors their chance to engage in violence. Just do it! Take them down without any advance notice.
We will get along when democrats apologize for their racist history.
You want a truth? Trump is gonna be destroyed in one week and youre gonna spend the next 4 years whining about it.

BIGLY! HUUUUGE! He's gonna lose.

He's gonna lose, just accept it. I'm not sure why you're mad at me, I'm not gonna lose, Donald Trump is.

A Hillary supporter? Thats almost as bad as being a Trump supporter, except at least I'd be supporting a winner.

@~Keyser Soze~
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I'm sure you're of the same opinion on a whole lot of topics that nazis have. Doesn't mean you agree with their views on race.

I should almost be paying you for the humor you've given the last oh 12 months. From your epic support of art briles to the week before the election and you showing how big of a B**** you are to the last couple days. You keep saying you're triggering others but it's clearly you that is upset.

That was my first post on the subject, meanwhile you have 50ish. Who's triggered?
Be a man and say bitch if you're gonna say it. What am I mad about, I literally told a dude to learn fact before speaking from a place of ignorance and you guys got mad and came at me. You can't say what issues you have with my comment, and discuss like a rational human being, y'all got crazy mad and cried about me defending the left. The stupidity of that is what's humorous.

BTW, I have 50 posts on subject because I have 10 losers who want to feel like they're a part of something who joined the mob that got super mad because I told a guy to learn facts instead of speaking from a place of ignorance. You are one of those losers who came at me, mad and you don't even know what you're mad about, just wanted to join the group.
Be a man and say bitch if you're gonna say it. What am I mad about, I literally told a dude to learn fact before speaking from a place of ignorance and you guys got mad and came at me. You can't say what issues you have with my comment, and discuss like a rational human being, y'all got crazy mad and cried about me defending the left. The stupidity of that is what's humorous.

BTW, I have 50 posts on subject because I have 10 losers who want to feel like they're a part of something who joined the mob that got super mad because I told a guy to learn facts instead of speaking from a place of ignorance. You are one of those losers who came at me, mad and you don't even know what you're mad about, just wanted to join the group.

I'm not picking on you Soze. I just like to remember those times when we were told Trump was going to lose "fo sho"!
We will get along when democrats apologize for their racist history.

I mean, everybody knows the white supremacists were originally (and for a long time) part of the Democratic Party. Not just that, the scum were a major power player in the Party. I don’t know how helpful or appropriate it is for people alive today that weren’t part of that to apologize for it, but it sure is an embarrassing and disgusting historical fact. If it helps you/us get by this issue, I’ll apologize for those hell-bound evil doers ever existing.
Yup, I was wrong about Trump losing when I criticized republicans nominating a terrible candidate who would lose to Hillary who I thought was terrible. Congrats on your terrible candidate beating the other terrible candidate tho.

I also thought Kevin Knox was going to Duke, be mad about that too.
I'm not picking on you Soze. I just like to remember those times when we were told Trump was going to lose "fo sho"!
Think about how tough things were looking when Clinton sported that "four touchdown" lead. It sure looked like he was going to lose "bigly".
I hear they've moved on from the Confederate flag to demanding that the American flag no longer be flown on government and/or public property. Several colleges have already caved and met their demands, banning American flags from campus.

Anybody got any cool quotes to explain what's going on? Or excuses about how the American flag is a treasonous hate symbol?
2017: "Let's tear down all statues even though it causes stuff like Charlottesville to occur!"

Are you aware that the taxpaying citizens of Charlottesville--you know, the people who actually owned the thing--wanted it removed, and that's the why the city of Charlottesville decided to remove it?

The people who did not want it removed were white supremacists from other places--who don't pay any taxes that local government--that came flooding into the city to protest and cause a ruckus.

Which group do you think was more entitled to make the decision whether to remove the statue? Could you please explain what business the second group had interfering with what the first group wanted to do with its own property?
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I hear they've moved on from the Confederate flag to demanding that the American flag no longer be flown on government and/or public property. Several colleges have already caved and met their demands, banning American flags from campus.

Anybody got any cool quotes to explain what's going on? Or excuses about how the American flag is a treasonous hate symbol?
I want the Hard Left to try to do this more often, and I actually wish them a fair amount of success in their efforts, particularly if such accomplishments occur right before the November 2018 elections.