How will they rule ??!

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keep making excuses for the Great Divider and the bigots he enables.

You literally can't get anymore stupid. I am in total amazement. Here a half moron like me who loves drugs and would let a fat girl in a trailer park sting his weenie is 100X smarter than you. If you watch 5 minutes of it, you'd see he didn't run because of racists and bigot David Duke. . Goddamn stupid moron

Fine, they have the right to protest.

Damn right they do.

But have you stopped to breakdown precisely what it is what were protesting?

The removal of the statue, or course.

The statue belongs to the taxpaying citizens of Charlottesville. They decided they did not want it anymore. Shouldn't the analysis basically end there? What business is it of anyone else?

Yes, it does and yes, they did. But, no, it shouldn't end there. That's the whole point of protest. To try to change minds, overturn decisions etc... It's not just standing around with pink vagina hats on, hanging bloody tampons from a tree. There is a purpose behind it and it can be quite successful.

Who the hell where these outsider nutbags to tell someone else that they had to keep an object they no longer want? Hey, I I think I'm gonna go stand in my neighbor's yard and scream and shout about how he can't get rid of that broken down old boat sitting in his driveway.

Before Antifa showed up and the violence started between the two groups of imbeciles, they were protesters exercising their #1A. Again, that's literally how protests works. Your neighbors yard is private property. That's a total strawman out of left field, but I'll tackle it anyways. If you have a homeowners association or you can call the city, then you can protest to them and he'll more than likely have to remove the boat.

What a remarkably stupid thing to protest.
*Edit because I read this part wrong *

I agree. It is remarkably stupid. The statue wasn't being saved. I'm not defending them, their protest or the violence, just their right to protest. Remarkably stupid or not, they are entitled to the right.
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You're right, hes not a good President.

Hes a GREAT President.

Watching him making you snowflakes cry every day is wonderful.
What does that have to do with him helping the Nazi's? Where is the outrage?

If you actually read the article, which I'm sure you didn't since facts are liberal, you'd see it's basically impossible for him to help Nazis. The lie stems from a time where his family had him stay with a family to escape being persecution for being Jewish. He was a kid.
You've said this a few times. Admittedly, I havnt looked but where are you getting this "the Charlottesville citizens didn't want it"?

Did they have a vote? A poll? Honest question.

The City Council voted to remove it.

Charlottesville is a very liberal left-leaning town, and their citizens simply decided they did not want it anymore, so their elected representatives decided to lawfully remove it by entirely democratic means.

I don't know why that decision was the business of others, especially outsider whackos who pay no taxes to that local government.
The City Council voted to remove it.

Charlottesville is a very liberal left-leaning town, and their citizens simply decided they did not want it anymore, so their elected representatives decided to lawfully remove it by entirely democratic means.

I don't know why that decision was the business of others, especially outsiders who pay no taxes to that local government.
Because to them, pushing power to the local governments is a great idea until the local governments don't agree with them.
The City Council voted to remove it.

Charlottesville is a very liberal left-leaning town, and their citizens simply decided they did not want it anymore, so their elected representatives decided to lawfully remove it by entirely democratic means.

I don't know why that decision was the business of others, especially outsiders who pay no taxes to that local government.

You literally just contradicted yourself.

Did the council vote on it or the citizens ? If it was the council how do you know the citizens wanted it?

This isn't a hard question. You made statements numerous times claiming a fact. How do you know this fact? Again, it's an easy question. Without making assumptions, how do you know what the citizens want?
Well, I wanted to be with you, and was with you until the last sentence. So, I guess we mainly agree.

But, no. I absolutely do not find some silly argument about me or you being accountable for slavery as “outlandish” as I do the KKK - regardless of which political party they connect themselves too. You understand that, right?

Perhaps you took what I said wrong. As far as party affiliation, I have no dog in the fight. I'm an independent. Everyone outside of the KKK itself knows they're a trash group of low lifes.

I was merely referring to holding people accountable today for actions of the past, such as the democrats of today, for the KKK of 80 years ago.

The difference being an overwhelming amount of media/society will give one a pass to be ridiculous and not call it out.
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You literally just contradicted yourself.

Did the council vote on it or the citizens ? If it was the council how do you know the citizens wanted it?

This isn't a hard question. You made statements numerous times claiming a fact. How do you know this fact? Again, it's an easy question. Without making assumptions, how do you know what the citizens want?
Because the citizens vote for their city councilmen to represent them.
Because to them, pushing power to the local governments is a great idea until the local governments don't agree with them.

You're very ignorant. I don't give a damn what Charlottesville virginia does. But your lil buddy said as fact that the citizens didn't want the statues. He has failed to answer how he knows that.

It's quite hilarious you saying what maybe 1000 people do, for attention* is representative of all republicans.

** I said for attention because some of these idiots who go town to town like" bakedalaska"
At one point in time we're BLM supporters and we're just as radical and recognizable as they are on the other side. So clearly, a lot of these goons do and say whatever they think will get them the most followers and media attention.
Because the citizens vote for their city councilmen to represent them.

Lol. That's a hugeeee stretch to justify "the tax paying citizens don't want the statues"

You're the exact type of person the democrats target. One that they can get to buy into anything.

I on the other hand will never say that anyone I vote for has a "power of attorney" on my wants and needs.
Couldn't the same be said of any government body? The federal government has been guilty of this as well.
What does the federal government have to do with anything? Where is the evidence of local resistance to the statue removal? They bussed in white supremesists to the town for a reason.
Lol. That's a hugeeee stretch to justify "the tax paying citizens don't want the statues"

You're the exact type of person the democrats target. One that they can get to buy into anything.

I on the other hand will never say that anyone I vote for has a "power of attorney" on my wants and needs.
Youre projecting. Where is the evidence the people in the town wanted the statue to stay? Literally every local person Ive seen interviewed supported the removal.

PS im not a democrat, I'm just not a Nazi or treasonist sympathizer.
You literally just contradicted yourself.

Did the council vote on it or the citizens ? If it was the council how do you know the citizens wanted it?

This isn't a hard question. You made statements numerous times claiming a fact. How do you know this fact? Again, it's an easy question. Without making assumptions, how do you know what the citizens want?

Do you not understand how representative democracy works?
You're very ignorant. I don't give a damn what Charlottesville virginia does. But your lil buddy said as fact that the citizens didn't want the statues. He has failed to answer how he knows that.

It's quite hilarious you saying what maybe 1000 people do, for attention* is representative of all republicans.

** I said for attention because some of these idiots who go town to town like" bakedalaska"
At one point in time we're BLM supporters and we're just as radical and recognizable as they are on the other side. So clearly, a lot of these goons do and say whatever they think will get them the most followers and media attention.
To start, hes not my buddy. He is just grounded in reality. Not sure where you are from, but around here city councils represent the will of the constituants that vote them in. Its not their problem if you dont agree with their cities politics.
Youre projecting. Where is the evidence the people in the town wanted the statue to stay? Literally every local person Ive seen interviewed supported the removal.

PS im not a democrat, I'm just not a Nazi or treasonist sympathizer.

I don't need evidence, genius. I'm not the one who is saying they do or do not. I'm simply asking how @UK90 knows they don't want them.

You said because they elected the city council. And that could have been one of the most asinine statements I've ever read. Wreaks of communism/socialism. So you now own everything anyone you ever voted for does.

Oh and by the way only roughly 23% of registered voters turned out at the last local election in Charlottesville.
You mean like our citizens voted for Trump to represent them?

So then you'll agree to shiut up and let the man work without ridicule or protest?
When did I mention Trump? You seem to be projecting your personal insecurities. And fyi, 3 million more people voted for the opposition.
Do you not understand how representative democracy works?

Apparently you don't. But you're obviously a fan of socialism. That statement is completely and utterly ridiculous. You're basically saying that anything an elected politician does is okay and that it represents your wants and needs. Jesus Christ. No wonder we are where we are. I pray to god that you're a 17 year old that hasn't had any life experience. I really really hope that you're not a grown up.
I don't need evidence, genius. I'm not the one who is saying they do or do not. I'm simply asking how @UK90 knows they don't want them.

You said because they elected the city council. And that could have been one of the most asinine statements I've ever read. Wreaks of communism/socialism. So you now own everything anyone you ever voted for does.

Oh and by the way only roughly 23% of registered voters turned out at the last local election in Charlottesville.
He knows because they had to bus in Nazis to protest instead of using home grown Nazis.
Youre projecting. Where is the evidence the people in the town wanted the statue to stay? Literally every local person Ive seen interviewed supported the removal.

PS im not a democrat, I'm just not a Nazi or treasonist sympathizer.

The Confederates did not commit treason. They legally withdrew from the Union as the Constitution allowed. In fact , Virginia was one of the States that seceded because the Union was forming an Army to force the seceded states back in.

Now, as for your BS reason of treason as a way to remove confederate statues. When most of these monuments were erected there were hundreds of thousands of Union veterans still alive, they didn't seem to mind, so who are you to use that as an excuse?
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Sorry to break up the pissing match, but any of y'all headin' down to the Nazi party in Lexington?

I figured a few of you might be there in your little costumes. Mine's at the cleaners. Busy this weekend protecting some statues of guys who were so good at war they finished second.

Do you guys know where I can find the best deal on tiki torches? Should I try the Home Depot or the Kmart? I'm feeling like I'm mad because I think I'll be replaced by some kind of dark and want to protect myself from mosquitoes at the same time.

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When did I mention Trump? You seem to be projecting your personal insecurities. And fyi, 3 million more people voted for the opposition.

You didn't. But you said elected officials represent the voters. Can you not see the double standard. Holy moly. Like uk90, i pray that you're a 15 year old with no life experience. There is no hope If you're over say 19.
When did I mention Trump? You seem to be projecting your personal insecurities. And fyi, 3 million more people voted for the opposition.

Thanks for making my said the people of Charlottesville elected the council that voted which represent the people.

I'm not projecting, I'm comparing your thought process on elections to the president. Sorry if that line of thinking is too logical for you sir.
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The Confederates did not commit treason. They legally withdrew from the Union as the Constitution allowed. In fact , Virginia was one of the States that seceded because the Union was forming an Army to force the seceded states back in.

Now, as for your BS reason of treason as a way to remove confederate statues. When most of these monuments were erected there were hundreds of thousands of Union veterans still alive, they didn't seem to mind, so who are you to use that as an excuse?
You support traitors. Period. Secession was not legal, thats why there was a civil war. You guys lost. Jesus.
CBS is in full pussy mode today. Unfvcking believable. Said the anti-protesters were unarmed as compared to the protest group. Pretty sure I saw one of the anti-protesters shooting flames, many with clubs.
Really? One of the groups literally killed someone in the other group and you're trying to draw equivalencies between the two? Sad.
Then why is your left leaning state making a motion to secede from the US? If it isn't legal?

Also, what does it matter about the popular vote? The electoral college has in fact been in place for years! It's not new!

Also, and more to my point the elected officials voted to remove the statue and that represents the people to explain why that is not ok to protest however your president is, and do not bring up the irrelevant popular vote because the man was elected regardless!
You support traitors. Period. Secession was not legal, thats why there was a civil war. You guys lost. Jesus.

Where did I say I supported them? I didn't lose anything.
You honest to God don't realize the states made it a sticking point in signing the Constitution that they could get out?
When did I mention Trump? You seem to be projecting your personal insecurities. And fyi, 3 million more people voted for the opposition.

If the rules are football are changed so that the team with the most first downs win, coaches will change strategy. You will fewer bombs and more rushes and screen passes. Field goals will be obsolete. Coaches will routinely go for it on 4th down. That's only the tip of the iceberg.

Similarly, if the Constitution is amended so that the popular vote, as opposed to the electoral college, determines the winner of a Presidential election, Presidential candidates will change their strategy. Swing states will suddenly become less relevant and there will be some serious campaigning in states like California and Texas. There will be more money spend on advertising in some states than usual, and less in others than usual. Etc, etc.

The bottom line is the nobody, excepting the more desperate supporters of the loser of the election, if the loser happened to win the meaningless popular vote, gives a damn about the popular vote, just as nobody, excepting the more desperate fans of a losing football team, if the losing team had more first downs than the winning team, gives a damn about which team tallied more first downs. It's not a moral victory in either case. It's a big fat L.
Apparently you don't. But you're obviously a fan of socialism. That statement is completely and utterly ridiculous. You're basically saying that anything an elected politician does is okay and that it represents your wants and needs. Jesus Christ. No wonder we are where we are. I pray to god that you're a 17 year old that hasn't had any life experience. I really really hope that you're not a grown up.

You're an idiot.
Wonder how many of the council men in Charlotte got destroyed in the popular vote?

Theres an issue of mandate.

Man, the mental gymnastics you display is epic.

"The elected officials represent the will of the people at all times"

So... president?

"But but but... popular vote "

hell, didn't one of you just ask if we knew how a "representative democracy" works

Even complete dum dum lollipop @cardkilla knows when not to reply. That's why he never addresses the questions that make him look like a blubbering fool.
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Sooooo, the party is finally coming to Lexington. Do you guys want to meet at The 'Bees on Richmond Rd by the big ass church? We can sharpen our sticks, tweak our costumes while we eat boneless wings and prepare to whip some pansy trans ass?!! Don't fail me now guys. Time to shine.
I hear they've moved on from the Confederate flag to demanding that the American flag no longer be flown on government and/or public property. Several colleges have already caved and met their demands, banning American flags from campus.

Anybody got any cool quotes to explain what's going on? Or excuses about how the American flag is a treasonous hate symbol?
What colleges did that?
You're an idiot.

Good one.

I guess I'm the one that's making statements as fact. And when called out, do a few mental hula hoops. And then yearning for socialism.

Yeah, I'm the idiot.

This could be one of the most idiotic conversations I've ever been apart of. Congratulations.