Olympic Opening Ceremony

The outrage over the supposed mockery of the last supper was interesting, to say the least. Now that we know that it was a depiction of Bacchanalia, the ancient Greek festival, it is 10 times more interesting.
Many ways to crap on Christianity and the goal was to crap on it, period. What they used to do it is up for debate. Who are the scumbags here? The people crapping on people for believing in God or the people believing in God? Where were white Christians crapping on LGBTQ+ in the ceremony? I must have missed it?? Atheists can't control themselves and now with DEI, disgusting behavior and pedophilia are shoved down our throats. #LOSERS
Many ways to crap on Christianity and the goal was to crap on it, period. What they used to do it is up for debate. Who are the scumbags here? The people crapping on people for believing in God or the people believing in God? Where were white Christians crapping on LGBTQ+ in the ceremony? I must have missed it?? Atheists can't control themselves and now with DEI, disgusting behavior and pedophilia are shoved down our throats. #LOSERS
No way would the Olympic Committee crap all over Islam…. Paris would burn if they did.
“Saved Brook Shields from drowning. Blew reward money on having Van Halen play at his birthday party.”
Even Spicoli armed with his Dad's ultimate set of TV repair tools couldn't fix that crap show Opening Ceremony. I look at the blasphemous pic like Spicoli views Mark "cutback" Davis or Bob "jungle death" Gerrard.
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Even Spicoli armed with his Dad's ultimate set of TV repair tools couldn't fix that crap show Opening Ceremony. I look at the blasphemous pic like Spicoli views Mark "cutback" Davis or Bob "jungle death" Gerrard.
And you’d be correct, literally
These online, ultra conservative, pearl clutching, safe space seeking, cancel culture wackos are pretty hysterical to sit back and watch. I for one am enjoying your whiny, crocodile tears.

Name one of those people that made a spectical at the ceremony. But hey, you clearly like watching men with beards walk the runway. LOL! To each its own for sure.
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The outrage over the supposed mockery of the last supper was interesting, to say the least. Now that we know that it was a depiction of Bacchanalia, the ancient Greek festival, it is 10 times more interesting.

It’s hilarious.

Same people that have been talking shit about and mocking other religions and lifestyles for decades perceived their favorite stories were being mocked and threw a very public tantrum about something they know nothing about.

Here’s the tie in to Greek culture: Where did the Olympics start?
Yep, this is a beauty right here. Love this site. Never change you ultra conservative lunatics. It's comedy gold. Well both far right and left are pretty funny. But no far left nuts here, only right it appears.
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Yep, this is a beauty right here. Love this site. Never change you ultra conservative lunatics. It's comedy gold. Well both far right and left are pretty funny. But no far left nuts here, only right it appears.
Who knew being disgusted by deviance such as men with beards acting like women on runways made you "far right". Keep lying to yoruself, it's fun to watch.
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You guys keep telling yoursellves that people that are disgusted by weirdos flaunting deviance are "prudes". You're just lying to yourselves.

I can only speak for me, but … I don’t care. At all.

Gonna take a lot more than a blue smurf wine god to offend me. I grew up with glam metal, gangsta rap, Eminem, Marilyn Manson and professional wrestling. The next time I get offended by art will be my first.
I can only speak for me, but … I don’t care. At all.

Gonna take a lot more than a blue smurf wine god to offend me. I grew up with glam metal, gangsta rap, Eminem, Marilyn Manson and professional wrestling. The next time I get offended by art will be my first.

Offended and wanting to puke are two different things to me. Like some other clown said, if this makes me far right, then I think I'll stay far right. LOL. Talk about repulsive. What a disgrace of an Olympic opening, lol.


I didn't watch it as I do not watch most of the Olympics. The picture above is from the London Olympics with Eric Idle performing in front of this group of angels. It's pretty obvious how British culture is far superior to French culture. Although, I'm sure the op prefers some dude's balls hanging out to these babes.
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Offended and wanting to puke are two different things to me. Like some other clown said, if this makes me far right, then I think I'll stay far right. LOL. Talk about repulsive. What a disgrace of an Olympic opening, lol.

You got me there. TurningPointUK affirms your opinion. You totally win.

I am now crying on my couch just like you and writing an unhinged email to NBC and the Olympic committee as we speak.

Thank you for showing me the error of my ways with a tweet from the British version of virgin Charlie Kirk.
Yes, lets regress back 3000 years and glorify the culturally beautiful primitive hedonistic sex of Ancient Greece! Can we work in the man/boy pederasty commonly practiced at the time or is that not yet normalized enough? Free relationships!

Low class post-modern pRoGrEsSiVe degenerates will push society to smell each other's asses like cave men if they think it will help destroy western civilization. And then celebrate their high sophistication.
Meh, it was something that no one here will think about or care about in a week. It's just something else the usuals want to latch onto to get their outdated, tired talking points across. What are those? Gays bad, drag bad, and then tie pedophilia into it so it's one in the same. Dudes like Stout and Ida love pointing their fingers at others more than a lonely southern preacher at a metal festival. Reality is, the sector of people who are always angry and yell-posting about gays or drag, or want the world outside their front door to be one big West Virginia is shrinking by the month. These types of posters also want us to avoid all popular US cities and Europe because they're so ingrained in online politics that they're now afraid of the world. Staying inside and letting social media tell us how to feel. That sounds healthy.

Beer cans, Barbie, entertainment shows, books,, the usuals really enjoy pointing their fingers and yelling "BAD!"
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Meh, it was something that no one here will think about or care about in a week. It's just something else the usuals want to latch onto to get their outdated, tired talking points across. What are those? Gays bad, drag bad, and then tie pedophilia into it so it's one in the same. Dudes like Stout and Ida love pointing their fingers at others more than a lonely southern preacher at a metal festival. Reality is, the sector of people who are always angry and yell-posting about gays or drag, or want the world outside their front door to be one big West Virginia is shrinking by the month. These types of posters also want us to avoid all popular US cities and Europe because they're so ingrained in online politics that they're now afraid of the world. Staying inside and letting social media tell us how to feel. That sounds healthy.

Beer cans, Barbie, entertainment shows, books,, the usuals really enjoy pointing their fingers and yelling "BAD!"
What does West Virginia have to do with anything? KY is not similar to WV. Only 1/4th of KY is appalachian.
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Yes, lets regress back 3000 years and glorify the culturally beautiful primitive hedonistic sex of Ancient Greece! Can we work in the man/boy pederasty commonly practiced at the time or is that not yet normalized enough? Free relationships!

Low class post-modern pRoGrEsSiVe degenerates will push society to smell each other's asses like cave men if they think it will help destroy western civilization. And then celebrate their high sophistication.
Watching them act like it’s no big deal only shows how diseased they are in the heads. Democrats molded their weak ltitle minds. Oh well, their fault for being so weak.
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People dressed in costumes singing and dancing. Oh the horror. OK right wing nuts that are mad. What was so indecent about actors and singers, singing and acting??