How will they rule ??!

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Disgusting, your President is a racist and a Nazi sympathizer. His trueness shone through today for all to see. Listen to the words the fascists were shouting, the terrorist act and this charade of a President throws them shade. The white supremacists are jumping up and down with glee these past few days because they have one of their own in the WH now. Republicans have a choice to either be on the side of those haters or not. There is no in between. Regardless of what you think of the anti-fascists or what, you either support the fascists or you don't. And Trump evidently supports them by trying to place blame on protestors. Does he blame the West when ISIS sympathizers ram a crowd? Of course not.

I love how he said he needed to 'wait for the facts', as if that has EVER stopped him from tweeting before.

He's a disgrace to every President that has come before him.

Look at the bright side, Cardkilla. At least he's gotten you and your boys to get over Russia.
Man, the mental gymnastics you display is epic.

"The elected officials represent the will of the people at all times"

So... president?

"But but but... popular vote "

hell, didn't one of you just ask if we knew how a "representative democracy" works

Even complete dum dum lollipop @cardkilla knows when not to reply. That's why he never addresses the questions that make him look like a blubbering fool.
There's mental gymnastics involved when I state that more people voted for Trump's opponent than voted for Trump?

Situation A) >50% of voters in Charlotte voted for the city council that made the decision.
Situation B) <50% of votes in America voted for Trump.

Do you see how situation is closer to serving the will of the people or not?

And I'm not sure what "one of you" is in reference to. I'm a life long registered republican who is embarrassed and disgusted at what has become of my political party. Mouth breathers have let identify politics take over our party.
Don't know about colleges. But a high school dress code was posted a few days ago and American flag shirts were banned.
Wearing the US flag as clothing is against the flag code. That is protecting the sanctity of our flag, not "banning the US flag". Jesus, quit giving people fake facts.
Really? One of the groups literally killed someone in the other group and you're trying to draw equivalencies between the two? Sad.
Here's a hypothetical that is not really all that far-fetched. Let's say that the "bike lock professor", who viciously hit people in the head with a metal object, had connected, on one occasion, with a different part of the skull of his victim, than he actually did connect with, on the other four occasions. Let's say that he had managed to literally kill someone- and it's only due to pure good fortune that it didn't actually happen. Let's further assume that no one from the opposing side in this particular instance was killed (as it happens, no one from any side during the bike lock man's various rampages did get killed). Would it then be improper to draw equivalencies between the two groups from that particular brawl, on that particular day?
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Here's a hypothetical that is not really all that far-fetched. Let's say that the "bike lock professor", who viciously hit people in the head with a metal object, had connected, on one occasion, with a different part of the skull of his victim, than he actually did connect with, on the other four occasions. Let's say that he had managed to literally kill someone- and it's only due to pure good fortune that it didn't actually happen. Let's further assume that no one from the opposing side in this particular instance was killed (as it happens, no one from any side during the bike lock man's various rampages did get killed). Would it then be improper to draw equivalencies between the two groups from that particular brawl, on that particular day?
I live in reality, not hypotheticals. All violence should be condemned, but killing someone is exponentially worse.
Sooooo, the party is finally coming to Lexington. Do you guys want to meet at The 'Bees on Richmond Rd by the big ass church? We can sharpen our sticks, tweak our costumes while we eat boneless wings and prepare to whip some pansy trans ass?!! Don't fail me now guys. Time to shine.

I see an Ohio plate I'm stabbing the driver.
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There's mental gymnastics involved when I state that more people voted for Trump's opponent than voted for Trump?

Situation A) >50% of voters in Charlotte voted for the city council that made the decision.
Situation B) <50% of votes in America voted for Trump.

Do you see how situation is closer to serving the will of the people or not?

And I'm not sure what "one of you" is in reference to. I'm a life long registered republican who is embarrassed and disgusted at what has become of my political party. Mouth breathers have let identify politics take over our party.

The mental gymnastics being that "the people elected the council so that means they wanted the statue down"

To moving the goalposts about the exact same thing being applied to trump and you being up popular vote.

I highly highly doubt you're a lifelong repub. I have been embarrassed of the R party for years. Letting imbeciles like john McCain and Paul Ryan be the face of the party. There's not a chance a lifelong R would ever bring up popular vote. It' has absolutely zero to do with who wins the election. I have family in California who don't even vote because of the way we determine our winner.

Stop with the mental gymnastics. You're easy to see through.

Wearing the US flag as clothing is against the flag code. That is protecting the sanctity of our flag, not "banning the US flag". Jesus, quit giving people fake facts.

Stop being an idiot

We're not talking about pulling a flag off a pole and wearing it toga style. We're talking about clothes DEPICTING. The flag.

And there absolutely have been schools and colleges that have banned it. Stop being ignorant.

There is absolutely zero chance you're over 25 years old.

lol bringing up it's against flag code. Anyone with an iq over that of a rat knew we weren't talking about the actual flag.
I live in reality, not hypotheticals. All violence should be condemned, but killing someone is exponentially worse.

No you live in mental liberal gymnastics land.

So the baseball shooter doesn't matter even though he intended to kill. The bike lock professor most certainly intended to kill. The people beating the mentally challenged guy intended to kill.

You're just not even worth arguing with. You bring absolutely nothingness to the table. You refuse to admit anything. You are definitey a liberal scum. Not a chance in hell live ever voted R anything.

Time to do your chores lil boy.
ah the ole Soros b.s. again. Another hair brained conspiracy theory. I'm sure Soros paid the Trump supporter to mow down innocent people.
Ah the ole as long as it fits the agenda theory it does not matter how we go about doing it.
Stop being an idiot

We're not talking about pulling a flag off a pole and wearing it toga style. We're talking about clothes DEPICTING. The flag.

And there absolutely have been schools and colleges that have banned it. Stop being ignorant.

There is absolutely zero chance you're over 25 years old.

lol bringing up it's against flag code. Anyone with an iq over that of a rat knew we weren't talking about the actual flag.

Perhaps you should take your own advice and stop being an idiot. Perhaps you should know what you are talking about before you start name calling. It is against the flag code to wear clothing with an Amercian flag on it. There were amendments to it to allow police, military, etc to wear it on their uniform.
Well, I'm glad that's settled.

Good job. While writing that reply, I actually knew that would be why you quoted and went with. It's pretty easy and fitting for a 15 year old. Go do your homework. You obviously can't defend something ou posted numerous times as a fact when it's no where near a fact.

Good job boy.
As a poster a few posts after mentioned, UC Irvine banned all flags including the American flag from campus.
"A resolution adopted Thursday by the legislative council of the campus' Associated Students calls for removing all flags from the common lobby area of student government offices."

From a single lobby on campus.
I live in reality, not hypotheticals. All violence should be condemned, but killing someone is exponentially worse.
Agreed that actually killing someone is exponentially worse. That's why penalties for murder are more severe from penalties for attempted murder or causing great bodily harm with a risk of death. That said, it's really a miracle that an actual death didn't happen before now during these disgusting street brawls. The bike lock Antifa is actually lucky that his strike wasn't a bit more accurate, or he'd be the most likely one to have the dishonor now owned by Fields.
Agreed that actually killing someone is exponentially worse. That's why penalties for murder are more severe from penalties for attempted murder or causing great bodily harm with a risk of death. That said, it's really a miracle that an actual death didn't happen before now during these disgusting street brawls. The bike lock Antifa is actually lucky that his strike wasn't a bit more accurate, or he'd be the most likely one to have the dishonor now owned by Fields.
The bike lock anti-fa guy belongs in jail too. But theres no equivalence between assaulting someone and driving your car into a crowd of people. There just isnt.
Perhaps you should take your own advice and stop being an idiot. Perhaps you should know what you are talking about before you start name calling. It is against the flag code to wear clothing with an Amercian flag on it. There were amendments to it to allow police, military, etc to wear it on their uniform.

Maybe read the first 3 paragraphs, genius.

And good job skipping all the other stuff where you're completely wrong and a hypocrite.
If you actually read the article, which I'm sure you didn't since facts are liberal, you'd see it's basically impossible for him to help Nazis. The lie stems from a time where his family had him stay with a family to escape being persecution for being Jewish. He was a kid.
So, what he said in the interview was incorrect or a lie? Or, do you just take what you want to hear.
Did you know we landed on the moon?

Obviously new to this thread. I live down the street from his old HS. Which is named after my old HS principal.
Okay, then you might want to be on the look out for Kentuckians instead of Buckeyes was my point. Sick real life connection though bro.
All violence should be condemned,

Except that is not happening which is fueling those alt-right morons.

I do agree with you on the removal if that is what their govt decided. That is how it works. What I don't agree with is not accepting the POTUS results. The run of blue to red nationwide over the past 8 years is a mandate.
Phatty is so spot on here.

I was the furthest thing from a Trump fan leading up to and after the election, but the fact is he's really done nothing most people could call "bad," and he's certainly not been anything close to "historically bad."

As I pointed out yesterday, if anyone should be getting annoyed with him it's his base. He's done nothing at all to affect 99% of the things the left cares about.
Maybe read the first 3 paragraphs, genius.
Its still against the flag code, genius.
And good job skipping all the other stuff where you're completely wrong and a hypocrite.

You mean like I responded to in my next reply. The flag was banned from a single room in the UC Irvine campus, not campus wide. I was neither wrong, nor a hyprocrit, youre just a liar.

And since you want to get personal, I'm absolutely over 25. I bet you only have a highschool degree and make under $40k. Personal attacks are fun, huh?
Except that is not happening which is fueling those alt-right morons.

I do agree with you on the removal if that is what their govt decided. That is how it works. What I don't agree with is not accepting the POTUS results. If run of blue to red nationwide over the past 8 years is a mandate.
When did I say I didn't accept the POTUS results? He won the election fair and square. Theres a difference between winning an election and having a mandate.
The bike lock anti-fa guy belongs in jail too. But theres no equivalence between assaulting someone and driving your car into a crowd of people. There just isnt.

You're right, and that's exactly what Trump said today. However, the counter protesters are also vile humans using violence to further their cause, and they've been doing it for over a year. They were also there Saturday itching for a fight, yet the MSM refuses to call them out, why is that?
Where was this high and mighty media on Obamas ass when he didn't react quick enough or at all to a violent protester killing people or seeking out opposing races to beat?
We finally have a President that calls it as he sees it, and people can't handle the truth.
You're right, and that's exactly what Trump said today. However, the counter protesters are also vile humans using violence to further their cause, and they've been doing it for over a year. They were also there Saturday itching for a fight, yet the MSM refuses to call them out, why is that?
Where was this high and mighty media on Obamas ass when he didn't react quick enough or at all to a violent protester killing people or seeking out opposing races to beat?
We finally have a President that calls it as he sees it, and people can't handle the truth.
Whataboutism is weak. Obama was weak on calling out BLM rioting, just like Trump is weak on calling out Nazi murders. You must be under the assumption that I'm an Obama fan, which couldn't be further from the truth.