How will they rule ??!

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Exactly what I thought, duck and dodge the most basic of questions. Literally it's not that hard man. I know It can be difficult to concentrate when you're triggered (especially being an easily triggered person such as yourself ) but it's glaringly apparent that you are incredibly hypocritical.

And what were you proven wrong about ?? Seriously ? Lol Smh people have outlined it 50x the last few pages for you.

Short answer - being incredibly hypocritical, jumping in on the "nazis are bad!" train (conveniently right after the Charlottesville stuff happened ) while completely ignoring and refusing to admit the political terrorist organizations of the left.
While I do believe Nazis are bad and havent said a word about Nazis in this thread or probanly on this board ever. So there was no train that I jumped on, I assumed that we all feel the same way about Nazis, but "Nazis are bad" seems to trigger you so now im not sure.

I answered your question, you have yet to point out a time where I defended the left because you were lying and you can't.
Dudes on here defending George soros.

How do you feel about hillarys role model? Robert Byrd ?

How come she was never taken to task about that? Meanwhile, trump as asked to disavow about 5000 times someone he's never commented on. Hillary admits Byrd is(was) her mentor and close friend
But they're not coming down because they're open sores of war. They're coming down because politically correct, victim culture has run amok.

Imbeciles brainwashed into believing that everyone who fought for the Confederacy was a racist slave owner and everyone who fought for the Union was a righteous slave freer.

If all it takes to tear stuff down is eccentrics raging and virtue signaling about racist and/or slave owner, then a lot more shit than just Confederate statues has to come down.

We burning all 20$ bills next? Can't possibly have a racist, slave owning honky plastered on our monies, can we? It's not very virtuous.
Yep. I bet 95% of louivillians didn't know the Castleman statue was there until this BS started. And even if you drove by it, it is a very pretty sight.

There are no people there advocating slavery or anything else at any of the Confederate monuments.
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But they're not coming down because they're open sores of war. They're coming down because politically correct, victim culture has run amok.

Did you read the entire quote or just stop after the words sores of war? The rest of it is rather relevant too.
I wonder if the lefty idiots and MSM are gonna vilify the ACLU ??

I mean ACLU has literally fought/ fights many many cases , tooth and nail, defending the KKK, and the nazi parties right to protest And free speech.

Wonder how that works. But Trump is the supremacist lol
Did you read the entire quote or just stop after the words sores of war? The rest of it is kinda relevant too.
Yeah, I read the entire quote and if you think, for one second, it has any bearing on why those people are out there demanding this stuff be torn down, then the joke is on you.
Stop crying clown. Have I ever asked you to condemn anything? You guys are the biggest fake tough guy crybabies on the planet.

You were asked directly if you disavow. You refused.

According to the libtard standards that's support. Hell if you had any meaning in life, that would be grounds for being fired and your family taken away.
Ok you win. He's a nazi.

Honestly, I always assumed the propaganda about Soros was true, but if you research what he's done, it's pretty impressive. He's one of the most successful investors in US history for a reason.

If destabilizing countries/economic systems is "successful investing" then I guess your moral code isn't the same as mine.

My mistake: you're a liberal... you have no morals.
The left is losing their goddamn minds and I love it. Trump is going to hoodwink these dudes into some 1972 level re-election success. Silent majority, bitches.

They are a sinking ship... and they don't even know it.

Hopefully they remain oblivious and run Warren/Ellison in 2020... although I'd love to see Bernie and Hillary again.
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Yeah, I read the entire quote and if you think, for one second, it has any bearing on why those people are out there demanding this stuff be torn down, then the joke is on you.

I'm sorry if you can't see the relevance. What Lee is talking about--symbols serving as constant reminders of past "civil strife" that foment "the feelings it engendered"--is directly applicable to a clear effect Confederacy veneration has had on our society over the last century plus.

Whether you agree with him or not, that quote clearly indicates ole General Lee himself would be in favor of tearing these statues down.

And, contrary to how y'all like to depict it, it ain't just the radical far leftists on the fringe that want em gone, it's a whole lot more people than that.
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IIT: People have an issue with monuments of traitors being torn down, think others are not true Americans.

As a registered republican who voted for Kasich, here's a tip: if you are on the same side of an argument as literal Nazis, you are probably on the wrong side.
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That's not why they're out there, though. You may have your reason, and they may be sincere. Good on you. I'm speaking specifically about the people out there defacing them and taking it upon themselves to tear them down. Try to justify their actions with all the quotes to you want. Makes no difference to me.
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You were asked directly if you disavow. You refused.

According to the libtard standards that's support. Hell if you had any meaning in life, that would be grounds for being fired and your family taken away.
Why do you live your life by "libtatd" standards? Be a man and live by your own standards like me. I don't disavow mass murder either doesnt mean that I support it. Stuff like this is why I call you guys stupid, because that's stupid. I don't ask anyone else to disavow anything either, I've never asked a person on this board to disavow anything. Like I said, y'all are so sensitive and caught up in your tribal war that Every thing sets you guys off. Even me telling a guy to learn facts instead of speaking from a place of ignorance on an issue that had nothing to do with left or right, that's ridiculous. When I call you guys clowns I don't mean it as basic name calling, I mean it as you all are ridiculous to the point of being clowns.
IIT: People have an issue with monuments of traitors being torn down, think others are not true Americans.

As a registered republican who voted for Kasich, here's a tip: if you are on the same side of an argument as literal Nazis, you are probably on the wrong side.
Again, 95% of people in Louisville probably didn't even know the Gen Castleman statue existed. Or if they happened to drive by it, just thought it was a beautiful monument. No one is out there promoting the Confederacy. SMH

Speaking of being on the wrong side, those advocating taking down the monuments are on the same side as isis. And Stalin. He had people he got rid of, edited out of pictures made with him. Sounds a lot like our left.
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IIT: People have an issue with monuments of traitors being torn down, think others are not true Americans.

As a registered republican who voted for Kasich, here's a tip: if you are on the same side of an argument as literal Nazis, you are probably on the wrong side.

I'm sure you're of the same opinion on a whole lot of topics that nazis have. Doesn't mean you agree with their views on race.

Why do you live your life by "libtatd" standards? Be a man and live by your own standards like me. I don't disavow mass murder either doesnt mean that I support it. Stuff like this is why I call you guys stupid, because that's stupid. I don't ask anyone else to disavow anything either, I've never asked a person on this board to disavow anything. Like I said, y'all are so sensitive and caught up in your tribal war that Every thing sets you guys off. Even me telling a guy to learn facts instead of speaking from a place of ignorance on an issue that had nothing to do with left or right, that's ridiculous. When I call you guys clowns I don't mean it as basic name calling, I mean it as you all are ridiculous to the point of being clowns.

I should almost be paying you for the humor you've given the last oh 12 months. From your epic support of art briles to the week before the election and you showing how big of a B**** you are to the last couple days. You keep saying you're triggering others but it's clearly you that is upset.

That was my first post on the subject, meanwhile you have 50ish. Who's triggered?
Kasich is not a republican and you don't know dick about history.
Actually, he is a republican and I have a feeling I'm probably much better versed in history (judging by your debate skills, probably just better educated in general) than you.

The only semi-intelligent thing you've mentioned is defense of the 1st amendment. I hate to break it to you, but you can be pro-1st amendment and still be anti-nazi.

I'm guessing you're just a mouth-breathing hick who wants to blame all of your shortcomings on those "other people".
Didn't the Nazis get their start by erasing history, censoring speech, suppressing the opposition and trying to force people to conform to their set of beliefs.
Yeah, because not celebrating traitors to the United States of America is the exact same thing as erasing history. Care to reach a bit harder?
Why do you live your life by "libtatd" standards? Be a man and live by your own standards like me. I don't disavow mass murder either doesnt mean that I support it. Stuff like this is why I call you guys stupid, because that's stupid. I don't ask anyone else to disavow anything either, I've never asked a person on this board to disavow anything. Like I said, y'all are so sensitive and caught up in your tribal war that Every thing sets you guys off. Even me telling a guy to learn facts instead of speaking from a place of ignorance on an issue that had nothing to do with left or right, that's ridiculous. When I call you guys clowns I don't mean it as basic name calling, I mean it as you all are ridiculous to the point of being clowns.

Lots of typed words, still no direct answer from you... you refuse to mention , condemn , admit? The the "lefts" terrorists political groups are a concern.

You never will... so continuing to discuss will just trigger you.
I'm sure you're of the same opinion on a whole lot of topics that nazis have. Doesn't mean you agree with their views on race.
I share absolutely zero opinions in common with Nazis when it comes to their beliefs of social darwanism on racial issues, which is the core of Nazi's belief system.
I'm 100% on the side of anybody (Nazi, Antifa, or actual sane human), being able to utilize their first amendment rights.

That's fine if we're talking about private citizens and private property. Sure, anyone who wants to display Confederate statues and symbols at their home or private business should clearly be free to do so.

But that's NOT what we're talking about here, instead we're talking about GOVERNMENT entities displaying them on PUBLIC property. Who do you think owns that? If the thing the govt is displaying offends a significant portion of its taxpaying public, and provokes societal dissension, then I'm thinking it probably should stop displaying it.
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Care to enlighten us with more lame ass ad hominem? Your second post in and you're already wide open with it. Odd coming from someone touting his intelligence.
Yeah, way to edit out the part of my post where I actually countered his argument. I notice that you seem to be trying to argue with me without refuting a single thing I've said. If you would kindly point out where what I've posted was wrong, I'd be happy to debate with you.

And I'm not the one who brought up intelligence initially, I was told I "don't know dick about history" because he couldn't refute what I said.

Protip: It is one thing to trade insults with someone, this is the internet. It is to be expected. But if you cant even begin to make an argument and immediately go to insults without making a point you just look like an idiot who doesn't know how to express themselves or debate.
@Global Havok, you're not worth taking seriously. I know exactly who you are. You are a lame. Straight to flinging "mouth-breathing hick" around. None of us could possibly be as educated as you. You're such a cool guy.
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Ok you win. He's a nazi.

Honestly, I always assumed the propaganda about Soros was true, but if you research what he's done, it's pretty impressive. He's one of the most successful investors in US history for a reason.
You claim you're a libertarian but defend Bernie Sanders and George Soros?

I have news for you.

You're not a libertarian.
But if you cant even begin to make an argument and immediately go to insults without making a point you just look like an idiot who doesn't know how to express themselves or debate.

You're projecting. Two posts in and you were on it. Wide open with the insults. Glad you get my point and agree.
He was a slave owner. Treason has nothing to do with the monuments coming down.
Treason has nothing to do with CONFEDERATE statues coming down? Jesus dude, think about what you type before you type it. Theres a reason literally no one has brought up bringing down Jefferson statues, its just you guys projecting a slippery slope that doesn't exist.

@Global Havok, you're not worth taking seriously. I know exactly who you are. You are a lame. Straight to flinging "mouth-breathing hick" around. None of us could possibly be as educated as you. You're such a cool guy.
In other words, you can't refute a word I've said. I insulted one guy (not even you) who insulted me first and now your feelings are too hurt to debate? Talk about a snowflake... [roll]