How will they rule ??!

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The weekend before the General Election you made a complete fool of yourself. Stop digging. You hit bedrock long ago.
What am I digging? I told a dude to learn facts instead of speaking from a place of ignorance and you clowns got super mad. I'll dig whatever I want and you can deal with it however you want. I would suggest that you stop crying tho, it's not a good look.
What am I digging? I told a dude to learn facts instead of speaking from a place of ignorance and you clowns got super mad. I'll dig whatever I want and you can deal with it however you want. I would suggest that you stop crying tho, it's not a good look.
You are the one who is super mad. You posted a novel above calling us all trash.

I'm enjoying watching you making a fool out of yourself. Gives me pre November 8th memories.
What am I digging? I told a dude to learn facts instead of speaking from a place of ignorance and you clowns got super mad. I'll dig whatever I want and you can deal with it however you want. I would suggest that you stop crying tho, it's not a good look.

When I read your post, and I realize how misinformed so many are, I CRY.
Yeah came to this thread with expectation that there'd be some idiots defending the KKK. It delivered.

But this is one of maybe 5 posts that have made sense in 24 hours. Congratulations.
It makes sense because he is another liberal liar that you happen to agree with. One of these days you guys will learn that not every one is as dumb or as the gullible as the libtards you guys so blindly lockstep to.
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You're a beta male who's too chicken to voice his real political opinion even behind an anonymous screen name.

For the record, I never said you were a snowflake, only triggered, which you obviously are, judging by your non-relevant string of replies. No, Sir, that was another poster.

Now then, let's continue that conversation about staying in one's lane and stupidity. Let's start with reading comprehension, shall we?
Ask me a question on any policy position and I will gladly answer it for you "FusterCluck" because I'm sure that's you real name. You clowns are used to bullying people over here but I will never let you scum of the earth clowns bully me. Once again, you're mad and don't even know why you're mad, you're just a loser who wants to feel a part of something.
Ask me a question on any policy position and I will gladly answer it for you "FusterCluck" because I'm sure that's you real name. You clowns are used to bullying people over here but I will never let you scum of the earth clowns bully me. Once again, you're mad and don't even know why you're mad, you're just a loser who wants to feel a part of something.

His real name is Fuster Cluck. He is named in honor of your conception.
Ask me a question on any policy position and I will gladly answer it for you "FusterCluck" because I'm sure that's you real name. You clowns are used to bullying people over here but I will never let you scum of the earth clowns bully me. Once again, you're mad and don't even know why you're mad, you're just a loser who wants to feel a part of something.

What, exactly, am I mad about, bro? Please repost my emotional rantings of the past 2 days. I'm curious. I want to see my posts juxtaposed to yours. B/c, if I'm the mad one, you're a missed dose away from climbing a clocktower.

All I've asked for is you and your buddy to back up your claims between insults. That's all. You start with that simple task, prove you aren't a flailing ball of emotion, and we'll move forward with the policy questions.
You don't see the irony in posting a generalization about maybe 100 million people as you allege other people are lying?

Also, it's you guys who anointed me as a liberal. I'll run with that.

Bernie or bust mofos.
Your act is weak and moronic. You are a liberal and everyone has seen through it. Only your ignorance allows you the hope otherwise until your veil is lifted.
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Another moron who doesn't have a clue if what he's talking about. Watch this, you ask these clowns a simple question and watch how they run from it.

So, what exactly am I misinformed about?

Antifa for one.

BLM for another.

That Nazis are somehow Republicans. They are actually socialist.

That one side was to blame for a cauldron of violent idiots.

Tubby Smith
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What, exactly, am I mad about, bro? Please repost my emotional rantings of the past 2 days. I'm curious. I want to see my posts juxtaposed to yours. B/c, if I'm the mad one, you're a missed dose away from climbing a clocktower.

All I've asked for is you and your buddy to back up your claims between insults. That's all. You start with that simple task, prove you aren't a flailing ball of emotion, and we'll move forward with the policy questions.
I dunno bro, YOU came at me. You must mad about something, otherwise you wouldn't have ran you mouth.

What claims are you even talking about. Someone was arguing with someone else and said when the guy drove his car into the crowd at Charlottesville it might have been an accident. I said there's video and it wasn't an accident. Then I said learn facts instead of speaking from a place of ignorance. After I said that, Village Idiot ScrewDuke got mad and started crying about me always taking the left's side. So please tell me, what claims exactly do you want me to back up?
This effort to smear Trump and his supporters as Nazis/KKK Klansmen is going to backfire so badly on the democrats.

They better hope the only backfire is from elections, btw.

But yeah, this will not work from the left.
Antifa for one.

BLM for another.

That Nazis are somehow Republicans. They are actually socialist.

That one side was to blame for a cauldron of violent idiots.

Tubby Smith
Will not work, he will lie as he has in the past so often that he has become delirious and started to believe his lies (see last few pages).
Oh I thought Bernie was a joke of a candidate. Then again, so was Trump. That's one reason I refused to vote for any of them. But God damn, he surely couldn't have been as bad as Trump.
So, 7 months of Trump is enough for you to figure that out? Libertarian my ass. Your lies continue to out your other lies. I thought you guys were supposed to be smart.
It was only about a year ago when BLM was rioting in Milwaukee. Burning and looting, and there were people being beaten. Funny how a lot of posters that's been posting since Saturday, were not here that night. I was and remember there was hardly a liberal peep in this thread about it.
They were drinking and cheering them on.
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I dunno bro, YOU came at me. You must mad about something, otherwise you wouldn't have ran you mouth.

What claims are you even talking about. Someone was arguing with someone else and said when the guy drove his car into the crowd at Charlottesville it might have been an accident. I said there's video and it wasn't an accident. Then I said learn facts instead of speaking from a place of ignorance. After I said that, Village Idiot ScrewDuke got mad and started crying about me always taking the left's side. So please tell me, what claims exactly do you want me to back up?

Please calm down, man. It's not worth your health. This is not that serious. This is all fun and games, I don't harbor ill will for you... I simply quoted the post where you lost your rag and called us all, what was it, oh yeah... "you guys are trash... You are lying again, habitual liar, more proof that you're trash! I post on here when I know you clowns are being hypocrites about something, You make up lies to make yourself feel better. Just accept the fact that you're a clown and habitual liar.

I'm a libertarian and despise the left and the right because they're both terrible and destroying this country. I go at you guys because you are the absolute worst. Just terrible human being with no honor who habitually lie and get into groups and try to bully others
" and insinuated you were triggered. You then verified that accusation by going on another tirade off of a 1-word post.

As for the proof, well, you've thrown out a lot of shit to unpack in the past day, but we can start with proving all the insults you tossed out about us (as a group, as you insinuated) being liars and bullies. Again, man. Think small at first. Baby steps.

Start by re-reading what you've already posted. I hear you can get so mad you can forget what you said. Good luck, buddy.
Paddock: Poor defenseless Nazi's and their matchsticks just minding their own business.
World: Nazi's hold unlawful march as one terrorist kills opposition leftist with a Dodge muscle car.
America: Slow to act with a heart full of hate this weekend.