How will they rule ??!

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Been busy for a few days: what a cluster this thread has turned into.

I'm 54 yrs old- the KKK/white supremacists have NEVER been relevant during my lifetime. In fact, liberals are the only ones who ever even mention them.

We just dealt with 8 years of pure stupidity: we encouraged/armed/supported our enemies, ignored our own economy, and you morons on the left want to complain about Trump?

Did stupid school let out while I was away?
No, it is in session and steaming full speed ahead. They are headed for the cesspool known as liberal hell where they found out that Trump will get another four years and their heads explode.
These idiots don't realize that if they get what they're asking for that their lives are not going to be a good as they are now. Who do they think will provide the means of production and distribution? They will not be able to sit at home on their collective fat ass and receive a check. They will be forced to work and for a lot less money than they get for free now.

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. Quote me on that, or the guy who said it first.
Thanks for the heads-up. Do you think I am safe if I agree white supremacists have a right to believe whatever they want, but absolutely don’t want them protected?

Is it not good enough that I want them marginalized, ridiculed, shunned, discriminated against relentlessly and materially harmed in every way - except physically - by the private sector?

Am I only safe if I agree to beat them with an axe handle (because, if I’m being honest about myself, and not listening to my better angels, I think I could enjoy)?
Want this for all hate groups including white supremacist, antifa,BLM, Islam, and other hate groups who want to hurt anyone who does not think like them.
Far-left “anti-fascist” (or antifa) figures are advising agitators to do the job that police won’t: shutting down “fascists” and prevent them from organizing.

They don't shut it down because they're supposed to be there to protect it from miscreants. It's called the 1st amendment. This country was founded on it. It's the lifeblood of democracy. And they literally call themselves anti-fascists. I don't think it means what they think it means.

I'm going to be straight up. I'm far from a Nazi, Nazi sympathizer, white supremacist etc... but, hypothetically speaking, if I'm ever at a legally licensed #2A event exercising my #1A, and a crew of masked anarchists show up to pick a fight and shut it down, infringing on my rights, threatening me, trying to assault me, I might be tempted run the bastards over, too.
I not offended I'm over it. If the left wants to ignore the facist political terrorists of their fringe and continue to defend them because "Nazis are worse" then so be it but political terrorists are political terrorists in my book. At least we're in agreement that white supremacists suck.

I am in agreement there, too.
The racist dicks who started the rally on the weekend are deplorable, as are the idiots who showed up to counter protest and escalated things to the point where people actually got killed.

Having the right to do something doesn't mean it's always a good idea. Was this thought out? Did a group of these folks get together and say "let's go to Charlottesville with torches and march in the name of white power, certainly nothing bad will happen, right?"

They essentially rolled a powder keg into the middle of town knowing someone else would light the fuse. Both groups are equally at fault and they've all got blood on their hands.
Exactly what left talking point did I mirror? Once again you can't answer that because once again you're lying. Don't be mad at me because I call you put on your lying and crying, just stop lying and crying. These days, I rarely post in this thread these days, it seems like you can't stop yourself from lying.
You have been on here defending the left and their racist agenda for a while now. You do not post much now because you have been called on it and like a coward run off. You straight up lied here. Own it you hypocrite.
So I wasn't wrong about how the Leftists would next demand the firing on Bannon.

On the leftist National Review site, leftist writer, and Hillary supporter, David French did exactly that.
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What is it about Kentucky that leads to redneckish politics? Anyone have any idea? Really. It's weird. Like what do you people do all day?
The racist dicks who started the rally on the weekend are deplorable, as are the idiots who showed up to counter protest and escalated things to the point where people actually got killed.

Having the right to do something doesn't mean it's always a good idea. Was this thought out? Did a group of these folks get together and say "let's go to Charlottesville with torches and march in the name of white power, certainly nothing bad will happen, right?"

They essentially rolled a powder keg into the middle of town knowing someone else would light the fuse. Both groups are equally at fault and they've all got blood on their hands.

Excellent point. But too much butthurt about white supremacists being called out as evil. The BLM movement, while being just as bad in some cases, needs about 200 years to catch up.

I would still pay to see some of these characters sit down with the Cats and explain how one group is EVIL and the other is not.
Far-left “anti-fascist” (or antifa) figures are advising agitators to do the job that police won’t: shutting down “fascists” and prevent them from organizing.

They don't shut it down because they're supposed to be there to protect it from miscreants. It's called the 1st amendment. This country was founded on it. It's the lifeblood of democracy. And they literally call themselves anti-fascists. I don't think it means what they think it means.

I'm going to be straight up. I'm far from a Nazi, Nazi sympathizer, white supremacist etc... but, hypothetically speaking, if I'm ever at a legally licensed #2A event exercising my #1A, and a crew of masked anarchists show up to pick a fight and shut it down, infringing on my rights, threatening me, trying to assault me, I might be tempted run the bastards over, too.
The racist dicks who started the rally on the weekend are deplorable, as are the idiots who showed up to counter protest and escalated things to the point where people actually got killed.

Completely agree.

Having the right to do something doesn't mean it's always a good idea. Was this thought out? Did a group of these folks get together and say "let's go to Charlottesville with torches and march in the name of white power, certainly nothing bad will happen, right?"

No. I assume it was planned and for weeks/months because they had permits and permission from the city/state. They were there legally and well within their rights. The police knew they were coming. They set up security for them, but then were given a stand down order. Antifa showed up illegally, with no business being there other than to pick a fight.

They essentially rolled a powder keg into the middle of town knowing someone else would light the fuse. Both groups are equally at fault and they've all got blood on their hands.

Completely agree.
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You have been on here defending the left and their racist agenda for a while now. You do not post much now because you have been called on it and like a coward run off. You straight up lied here. Own it you hypocrite.
I don't post much because you guys are trash. I have never once defended the left on here. You are lying again, habitual liar, more proof that you're trash! I post on here when I know you clowns are being hypocrites about something, but I have never defended the left. You are so ate up by your politics that you can't see anything else. You make up lies to make yourself feel better. Just accept the fact that you're a clown and habitual liar.

Notice that you never bring up any specific issues, you just cry and make up nonsense about me defending the left. I'll ask one more time, when did I ever defend the left?

I'm a libertarian and despise the left and the right because they're both terrible and destroying this country. I go at you guys because you are the absolute worst. Just terrible human being with no honor who habitually lie and get into groups and try to bully others.
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What is it about Kentucky that leads to redneckish politics? Anyone have any idea? Really. It's weird. Like what do you people do all day?

Its because somehow, against all odds, ky has two of the most influential gop senators. Msm will do anything in an attempt to weaken their attempts at reelection.

Why do you think they immediately started putting touting Grays decision?
I don't post much because you guys are trash. I have never once defended the left on here. You are lying again, habitual liar, more proof that you're trash! I post on here when I know you clowns are being hypocrites about something, but I have never defended the left. You are so ate up by your politics that you can't see anything else. You make up lies to make yourself feel better. Just accept the fact that you're a clown and habitual liar.

Notice that you never bring up any specific issues, you just cry and make up nonsense about me defending the left. I'll ask one more time, when did I ever defend the left?

I'm a libertarian and despise the left and the right because they're both terrible and destroying this country. I go at you guys because you are the absolute worst. Just terrible human being with no honor who habitually lie and get into groups and try to bully others.

Yeah came to this thread with expectation that there'd be some idiots defending the KKK. It delivered.

But this is one of maybe 5 posts that have made sense in 24 hours. Congratulations.
I don't post much because you guys are trash. I have never once defended the left on here. You are lying again, habitual liar, more proof that you're trash! I post on here when I know you clowns are being hypocrites about something, but I have never defended the left. You are so ate up by your politics that you can't see anything else. You make up lies to make yourself feel better. Just accept the fact that you're a clown and habitual liar.

Notice that you never bring up any specific issues, you just cry and make up nonsense about me defending the left. I'll ask one more time, when did I ever defend the left?

I'm a libertarian and despise the left and the right because they're both terrible and destroying this country. I go at you guys because you are the absolute worst. Just terrible human being with no honor who habitually lie and get into groups and try to bully others.
Its because somehow, against all odds, ky has two of the most influential gop senators. Msm will do anything in an attempt to weaken their attempts at reelection.

Why do you think they immediately started putting touting Grays decision?

I guess we need to watch some Fox News and listen to Rush Limbaugh to avoid the "MSM" conspiracy. Amiright?

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