How will they rule ??!

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Yeah came to this thread with expectation that there'd be some idiots defending the KKK. It delivered.

But this is one of maybe 5 posts that have made sense in 24 hours. Congratulations.
We're not defending the KKK, we're defending the Constitution. Just like I have when you bastards burn the flag. I don't like it one bit but I defend your right to do it.
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But too much butthurt about white supremacists being called out as evil.

[laughing] Negus Webster-Chan, please. We all agree they're evil. No one is "butthurt".

First, calling out the defense of political terrorists (Antifa), doubles standards and hypocrisy = Nazi sympathizer. Now it = "butthurt".

Either way, you're still a hypocrite, talking out of both sides of your mouth, defending political terrorists.
We're not defending the KKK, we're defending the Constitution. Just like I have when you bastards burn the flag. I don't like it one bit but I defend your right to do it.

I burn flags only for special occasions.

By your post, it seems you are suggesting there is an effort to prevent free speech. Is antifa behind this?
Yep backwoods MI, WI, PA, et al. Voters hated smug liberals more than they hated Trump, quite a feat.
Excellent point. But too much butthurt about white supremacists being called out as evil. The BLM movement, while being just as bad in some cases, needs about 200 years to catch up.

I would still pay to see some of these characters sit down with the Cats and explain how one group is EVIL and the other is not.

Who has been upset about calling white supremacists evil?
As John posted there were 2 groups of idiots acting violently, yet only one side gets the blame. The same group not getting any blame has been causing chaos and damage for a year now, they too need to be held accountable.
All libs are liars. Not a single honest one in the bunch.

You don't see the irony in posting a generalization about maybe 100 million people as you allege other people are lying?

Also, it's you guys who anointed me as a liberal. I'll run with that.

Bernie or bust mofos.
I burn flags only for special occasions.

By your post, it seems you are suggesting there is an effort to prevent free speech. Is antifa behind this?
Look, man... you made a wild accusation and you have no proof to back up your mouth . Your cred is now complete shit until you provide proof of your claim. You can keep insulting and deflecting, but you dug this hole. You can be a man and fill it in, or GTFO.
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Look, man... you made a wild accusation and you have no proof to back up your mouth . Your cred is now complete shit until you provide proof of your claim. You can keep insulting and deflecting, but you dug this hole. You can be a man and fill it in, or GTFO.

I can't prove that you aren't a nazi. You win.

I just suspect it. I guess I made a liberal generalization.
Look, man... you made a wild accusation and you have no proof to back up your mouth . Your cred is now complete shit until you provide proof of your claim. You can keep insulting and deflecting, but you dug this hole. You can be a man and fill it in, or GTFO.
I can't prove that you aren't a nazi. You win.

I just suspect it. I guess I made a liberal generalization.
No, you've had your ass handed to you in logical and factual form all day and you wigged out and resorted to slinging nonfactual mud as your only means of retaliation.

No worries, it's what folks like you do. Just own it.
I don't post much because you guys are trash. I have never once defended the left on here. You are lying again, habitual liar, more proof that you're trash! I post on here when I know you clowns are being hypocrites about something, but I have never defended the left. You are so ate up by your politics that you can't see anything else. You make up lies to make yourself feel better. Just accept the fact that you're a clown and habitual liar.

Notice that you never bring up any specific issues, you just cry and make up nonsense about me defending the left. I'll ask one more time, when did I ever defend the left?

I'm a libertarian and despise the left and the right because they're both terrible and destroying this country. I go at you guys because you are the absolute worst. Just terrible human being with no honor who habitually lie and get into groups and try to bully others.

Tough guy. Lmao
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You don't see the irony in posting a generalization about maybe 100 million people as you allege other people are lying?

Also, it's you guys who anointed me as a liberal. I'll run with that.

Bernie or bust mofos.
Surprised you have time to post.

Don't you have some more babies to murder today? You guys currently killing 3000 babies PER DAY.

Or maybe you're too busy with your current interest in pedophilia?

Why don't you and your other lying, lazy, ignorant buddies just LIBEXIT and do us all a favor?
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That's a big bust then. He may be wildly popular among the bros, but let him reach general and watch his message go belly up. Majority of America will reject that mess like the plague.

Oh I thought Bernie was a joke of a candidate. Then again, so was Trump. That's one reason I refused to vote for any of them. But God damn, he surely couldn't have been as bad as Trump.
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I remember sitting for what seemed like hours to download a picture of her on dial up before Windows. Always get hung just before the boobs.:(
She was one of the first celebs to have her tits on the net. Tried to sue someone and everything. She was pissed cuz she didn't get paid.
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Who has been upset about calling white supremacists evil?
As John posted there were 2 groups of idiots acting violently, yet only one side gets the blame. The same group not getting any blame has been causing chaos and damage for a year now, they too need to be held accountable.
It was only about a year ago when BLM was rioting in Milwaukee. Burning and looting, and there were people being beaten. Funny how a lot of posters that's been posting since Saturday, were not here that night. I was and remember there was hardly a liberal peep in this thread about it.
Surprised you have time to post.

Don't you have some more babies to murder today? You guys currently killing 3000 babies PER DAY.

Or maybe you're too busy with your current interest in pedophilia?

Why don't you and your other lying, lazy, ignorant buddies just LIBEXIT and do us all a favor?
Surprised you have time to post.

Don't you have some more babies to murder today? You guys currently killing 3000 babies PER DAY.

Or maybe you're too busy with your current interest in pedophilia?

Why don't you and your other lying, lazy, ignorant buddies just LIBEXIT and do us all a favor?

Nailed it. I am in fact homosexual pedophole who aborts babies for a small fee.
Stop lying.

You do realize that literally nobody believes you, right?

You're just too scared to admit that you're a liberal. We all know it. So stop the schtick.
You don't know a single policy stance that I have. I am whatever I am. I see people with different leanings as people with different belief systems, not as evil people, so "liberal" doesn't hurt me. Whatever my political leanings doesn't change the fact that you are trash, you lie, and are consumed by politics even though you are too dumb to understand them. You literally got mad because I told someone that they should learn facts before speaking from a place of ignorance.
Again, I think there is confusion. I wasn't just saying that some of defend the KKK. I am insinuating some of you are in the actual KKK.

Not even worth arguing with you. Get out of mommies basement then com back with some substance.
Off topic here, but if I'm gay or lesbian, I'm pretty pissed that they have lumped transgender folks in with me. I don't care if you want to put your wang in another dude's ass or if you want to go muff diving with your BFF, but the transgender thing bugs me. Rant over.

#closetcase #lgbtisahamburger
Not even worth arguing with you. Get out of mommies basement then com back with some substance.

Lol there is no arguing here. Whatever the conversation is it will end in some dude saying "libs think..." I'll peace out soon. I'm strangely having fun.
The irony in your reply is thicker than your skull...

Thanks for the cheap entertainment, man.
You're welcome. Perhaps you should stay in your lane instead of trying to defendyour boyfriends. Like them, you are too stupid to come at me. I mean really, what do you have say after triggered or calling me snowflake? Yeah, absolutely nothing.
You don't know a single policy stance that I have. I am whatever I am. I see people with different leanings as people with different belief systems, not as evil people, so "liberal" doesn't hurt me. Whatever my political leanings doesn't change the fact that you are trash, you lie, and are consumed by politics even though you are too dumb to understand them. You literally got mad because I told someone that they should learn facts before speaking from a place of ignorance.

The weekend before the General Election you made a complete fool of yourself. Stop digging. You hit bedrock long ago.
Start off with ad hominem, end with straight up lies. Tells me all I need to know -- your opinions/beliefs are trash and you have to resort to such trying to defend them.

I honestly don't know how some of you even exist in real life.
You're welcome. Perhaps you should stay in your lane instead of trying to defendyour boyfriends. Like them, you are too stupid to come at me. I mean really, what do you have say after triggered or calling me snowflake? Yeah, absolutely nothing.
You're a beta male who's too chicken to voice his real political opinion even behind an anonymous screen name.

For the record, I never said you were a snowflake, only triggered, which you obviously are, judging by your non-relevant string of replies. No, Sir, that was another poster.

Now then, let's continue that conversation about staying in one's lane and stupidity. Let's start with reading comprehension, shall we?