How will they rule ??!

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Reverend wright I think was his name. MSM totally ignored it.

Yes!! And it's not an exaggeration. Rev Wright was a blatant racist , fire and brimstone , sexist . Absolutely 100% said and held some a EXTREME beliefs ... yet like you said - media covers it up- but it's funny ... so since some dumbass nazi "supports trump" that means trump is a racist and anyone else who supports trump is a racist too, does that mean Obama is a dangerous racist radical as well?

In fact it's even worse bc Obama defended Wright and attended his services Several times. They were "friends"

Any Dem/ left winger feel free to jump in and clarify this glaring hypocrisy. They won't tho. None of them do- when presented with facts and hypocrisy... they just cover their ears, scream "racist " "homophobe!."
Most of us just want an even playing field. The MSM needs to stop bold face lying . Stop pandering. Apply the same rules for Dems as you do for repubs.
While this is true, and he should have done it the first time, the MSM was going to find something about his comments to rip regardless. They probably would've said Trump didn't condemn it harsh enough, or some nonsense like that.
No doubt. As a matter of fact, the moonbats are saying that exact thing about what he said today.

My guess is that the next demand will be to fire Bannon. Then, Miller.
You might want to get familiar with them because in their eyes the fact you believe white supremacists are protected under 1A makes you a Nazi who should be confronted with physical violence.

Thanks for the heads-up. Do you think I am safe if I agree white supremacists have a right to believe whatever they want, but absolutely don’t want them protected?

Is it not good enough that I want them marginalized, ridiculed, shunned, discriminated against relentlessly and materially harmed in every way - except physically - by the private sector?

Am I only safe if I agree to beat them with an axe handle (because, if I’m being honest about myself, and not listening to my better angels, I think I could enjoy)?
Thanks for the heads-up. Do you think I am safe if I agree white supremacists have a right to believe whatever they want, but absolutely don’t want them protected?

Is it not good enough that I want them marginalized, ridiculed, shunned, discriminated against relentlessly and materially harmed in every way - except physically - by the private sector?

Am I only safe if I agree to beat them with an axe handle (because, if I’m being honest about myself, and not listening to my better angels, I think I could enjoy)?
You can be sarcastic facetious and trolling all you want. Makes no difference to me.
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Ah Geyser Soze, you are such a tool. You mirror the left talking points and they are hugely racist these days and you cry about every little thing that your president does. As far as feelings snowflake, it will take more than a wimp like you to hurt them. But, thanks for playing.
Exactly what left talking point did I mirror? Once again you can't answer that because once again you're lying. Don't be mad at me because I call you put on your lying and crying, just stop lying and crying. These days, I rarely post in this thread these days, it seems like you can't stop yourself from lying.
You know, for a group of people who act like they aren't racist, liberals sure seem hell bent on making the KKK and Nazis relevant.

Notice how its always left wingers who bring these 2 groups up? They are never talked about otherwise.
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And we are thankful you don't. Believe me.
You got mad and can't even say why you're mad. You're a complete and utter clown! You called me a hypocrite for telling a guy to learn the facts before lecturing someone from a place of ignorance when he spoke on something he didn't have all the facts on. That triggered you. Again, complete and utter clown!
All this race stuff is for the birds. I probably wouldn't take the initiative to give blood if the blood mobile didn't drive up to my work place. But it always makes me think about the importance of blood, who may be receiving it, our Creator who made it, our Savior who shed it. Blood is life and it transcends race.
EXCLUSIVE: Former Trump Adviser Says He Will ‘Blow’ McMaster, Drudge ‘The F**k Out’ If Bannon Is Ousted

“Nobody elected Donald Trump for McMaster to be in the West Wing,” the former adviser said.

“Nobody elected Donald Trump to send 50,000 ****ing troops to Afghanistan to stay there in perpetuity,” Nunberg added, alluding to a plan reportedly supported by McMaster. “Nobody elected Donald Trump to stay in the Paris accords, which McMaster wanted. Nobody elected him to kowtow to Iran, which McMaster wants."

His comments came after an Axios report that claimed Bannon’s job is in jeopardy due to damaging leaks against McMaster and anger over a recent book touting Bannon’s role on the Trump presidential campaign.

The Axios report cited individuals familiar with Trump’s thinking and Nunberg told TheDC, “Whoever in Jon Swan’s Axios piece is familiar with Trump’s thinking should get ****ing familiar with the president’s base.”
You got mad and can't even say why you're mad. You're a complete and utter clown! You called me a hypocrite for telling a guy to learn the facts before lecturing someone from a place of ignorance when he spoke on something he didn't have all the facts on. That triggered you. Again, complete and utter clown!

Such a snowflake.
EXCLUSIVE: Former Trump Adviser Says He Will ‘Blow’ McMaster, Drudge ‘The F**k Out’ If Bannon Is Ousted

“Nobody elected Donald Trump for McMaster to be in the West Wing,” the former adviser said.

“Nobody elected Donald Trump to send 50,000 ****ing troops to Afghanistan to stay there in perpetuity,” Nunberg added, alluding to a plan reportedly supported by McMaster. “Nobody elected Donald Trump to stay in the Paris accords, which McMaster wanted. Nobody elected him to kowtow to Iran, which McMaster wants."

His comments came after an Axios report that claimed Bannon’s job is in jeopardy due to damaging leaks against McMaster and anger over a recent book touting Bannon’s role on the Trump presidential campaign.

The Axios report cited individuals familiar with Trump’s thinking and Nunberg told TheDC, “Whoever in Jon Swan’s Axios piece is familiar with Trump’s thinking should get ****ing familiar with the president’s base.”
I'm starting to think a lot of misinformation is going around about McMaster. If even 5% of the stuff was true, why is Trump keeping him? Hes keeping him for some reason.

Could be the Trump admin playing games with the media.
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Thanks for the heads-up. Do you think I am safe if I agree white supremacists have a right to believe whatever they want, but absolutely don’t want them protected?

Is it not good enough that I want them marginalized, ridiculed, shunned, discriminated against relentlessly and materially harmed in every way - except physically - by the private sector?

Am I only safe if I agree to beat them with an axe handle (because, if I’m being honest about myself, and not listening to my better angels, I think I could enjoy)?

This should answer your questions. If it wasn't for the cop, this dude would have caught a beat down just because he had collared shirt on. In their minds they were victims and justified in their actions because they labeled him a "white supremacist".

Journalist Accused Of ‘Looking Like A White Supremacist’ By AntiFa

Reporting on scene in downtown Los Angeles, Fox 11 LA reporter Bill Melugin was accused by angry protesters of being a white supremacist because he had a dress shirt on.

In the video posted late Sunday, Melugin stated on Facebook that the marchers, who did not have a permit with the city to assemble, were trying to block traffic.

As he walked through the crowd, a woman said he was dressed like a white supremacist because of how he looked. Melugin was wearing a white dress shirt and trousers.

When he clarified that he worked for the local news station, protesters demanded his press credentials to prove that he worked for Fox. Unable to provide proper identification, multiple marchers surrounded him and called him “unprofessional.”

The situation escalated when he repeated that he was only there to cover the event. Protesters accused him of working for Breitbart and began chanting “racists go home” as a police officer arrived to get between protesters and the reporter.
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You can be sarcastic facetious and trolling all you want. Makes no difference to me.

I wasn’t trying to offend you. Sorry if you took it that way. And I don’t think I was being anymore sarcastic, etc. than those that have been corresponding with me (including you). Just playing along light-heartedly.

My only point in this thread has been to say, in as many demeaning ways that I could, how horrible white supremacists are - and have always been. That’s it. And that scum will get no quarter, deflection or false-equivalency making excuses from me. If others want to do that (and that is absolutely not directed at you), then they will need to find another like-minded team player to parrot the company line.

And, if posters want to talk about Antifa (or whatever acronym it is); then, as another poster pointed out, they’ll have to find someone more knowledgeable about that organization than me. But, I’m plenty familiar enough with white supremacists to discuss that just fine.
I wasn’t trying to offend you. Sorry if you took it that way. And I don’t think I was being anymore sarcastic, etc. than those that have been corresponding with me (including you). Just playing along light-heartedly.

My only point in this thread has been to say, in as many demeaning ways that I could, how horrible white supremacists are - and have always been. That’s it. And that scum will get no quarter, deflection or false-equivalency making excuses from me. If others want to do that (and that is absolutely not directed at you), then they will need to find another like-minded team player to parrot the company line.

And, if posters want to talk about Antifa (or whatever acronym it is); then, as another poster pointed out, they’ll have to find someone more knowledgeable about that organization than me. But, I’m plenty familiar enough with white supremacists to discuss that just fine.

it seems like people like you are the one's making "white supremacists" relevant. you keep bringing it up. you make a point nearly every time you type to include that term. no one here is disagreeing. no one here ever defended those idiots. they are not relevant. the media however, are trying their damnest to make them relevant so they can have their "gotcha" moment. and you are eating it up.
Why Were The Police Held Back In Charlottesville?

Law enforcement was on hand at the dueling demonstrations on Saturday, decked out in riot gear and looking prepared for the worst. Except they weren’t allowed to do their job. Police on the scene were reported to have been ordered to “not intervene until given command to do so,” according to the ACLU. That kept them from suppressing the numerous scuffles that broke out.

When police were ordered to disperse the alt-right rally, that act directed the white nationalists into the antifa demonstrators, leading to further street brawls. Police didn’t seem to try to get in between the two groups or suppress the fights.

As ProPublica reported, state police and National Guardsmen mostly stood aside and watched as the violence grew worse.

This appears to be a direct result of what appears to be a stand down order from higher-ups.

When the alt-right rally was mostly dispersed, police still seemed a missing presence in the city as the leftists kept demonstrating, some armed with aluminum bats and other weapons. This is the scene where the white nationalist drove his car through pedestrians, with police seemingly far away from the action.

That absence allowed for a female reporter who was an eyewitness to the intentional crash to be allegedly punchedin the face by antifa. The reason: because she was press.

Curiously, this attack on a journalist hasn’t netted much attention.

The chaos seems like it could have been contained and fewer people hurt if police were a more active presence in Charlottesville.

Both sides of the rally have been critical of police inaction in the rally, putting blame on them for the out-of-control violence that occurred on Sunday.

“There was no police presence,” Brittany Caine-Conley, a minister-in-training who protested the alt-right rally, told The New York Times. “We were watching people punch each other; people were bleeding all the while police were inside of barricades at the park, watching. It was essentially just brawling on the street and community members trying to protect each other.”

McAuliffe was asked about the criticism of law enforcement’s inaction Sunday, to which he offered an odd response — he blamed the presence of armed militia for why police didn’t do more. “They had better equipment than our State Police had,” the governor said of why police stayed put and watched the violence unfold.

But, according to ProPublica, the militia members seemed to be the only ones breaking up fights and trying to keep the peace in the tumult.

It would have probably been more effective in suppressing the violence if the men and women paid to keep the peace for a living were out in the mix.

These street battles have become more common in our country following Trump’s inauguration, and they have gotten out of hand when police are ordered to stand down. Prior to Charlottesville, Berkeley was the locale synonymous with political violence.

In the two events most associated with the California college town, police were nowhere to be found. During the riot that shut down Milo Yiannopoulos’ planned speech at UC-Berkeley, antifa were able to attack anyone they thought may be an attendee and wreak havoc on town stores. All thanks to a muted police presence.

Both McAuliffe and Signer should be taken to task for police inaction in Charlottesville — and blaming militiamen isn’t going to cut it as an excuse.
You got mad and can't even say why you're mad. You're a complete and utter clown! You called me a hypocrite for telling a guy to learn the facts before lecturing someone from a place of ignorance when he spoke on something he didn't have all the facts on. That triggered you. Again, complete and utter clown!

Well, he was right.... so . Nobody is triggered lol
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Yah we have ESPN talking about what is right and wrong with this past weekend.

**** them

if i'm not mistaken, and i might be because i was half ass paying attn, but the dude filling in for Ryen Russillo was commenting on this and of course Kaepernick. making the analogy that this was some sort of justification for his making his stance last year. the injustices and racists and all blah blah. i changed the channel right after and didn't listen to anymore.
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Black people can protest. Ok.

White people can protest. Absolutely no funking way, racist, must die, kill White's.

And I'm not a KKK guy Whinnycitybitch or Albany will try to claim
My only point in this thread has been to say, in as many demeaning ways that I could, how horrible white supremacists are - and have always been. That’s it. And that scum will get no quarter, deflection or false-equivalency making excuses from me. If others want to do that (and that is absolutely not directed at you), then they will need to find another like-minded team player to parrot the company line.

And every poster in this thread agrees with you and has already done the same. I think you're missing the point. No one is defending white supremacists, only pointing out that the violence didn't start until Antifa showed up and they are just as much to blame.

We're condemning all the violence from both sides, left and right, not just one side. Condemning it all, and pointing out the hypocrisy and double standard of the left giving Antifa a pass =/= defending white supremacists.

There are pictures of the rally on Friday night and the white supremacists and counter protesters are standing around doing absolutely nothing. There was zero fighting the entire night. Antifa shows up Saturday morning, picks a fight and a shit show ensues.

Both groups are equally to blame in the violence, but for some reason those on the left are only condemning one group, while those on the right are condemning every single person who took part in the violence.
The left has been mobilized since the election to create chaos and they have succeeded. It has damaged the Presidents ability to focus on the real problems in the country. IMO there needs to be investigations into the funding of these groups and arrests made. Someone soon is going to take a shot at the president. Maybe someone with that financial backing. If they succeed all hell is going to break loose. Remember this is all from the side that ridiculed Trumps statement that he simply didn't know how he would respond if he lost the election.
Well, Trump and Sessions cucked out to the radical left today and all it will do is embolden them for future heckler vetos and shutting down constitutionally protected free speech. Not even a MENTION of Black Lies Matter and the antifags who actually caused the violence. Sad.
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In fact it's even worse bc Obama defended Wright and attended his services Several times. They were "friends"

Any Dem/ left winger feel free to jump in and clarify this glaring hypocrisy. They won't tho. None of them do- when presented with facts and hypocrisy... they just cover their ears, scream "racist " "homophobe!."
Most of us just want an even playing field. The MSM needs to stop bold face lying . Stop pandering. Apply the same rules for Dems as you do for repubs.

O'bama attended Rev. Wright's church for 20 years and Wright baptized both of his children. Don't forget that he was also close friends with known terrorists of the Weather Underground including Bill Ayers. At one time there was a picture on the internet of O'bama sitting on a couch with Ayers smoking a joint and all Chinese eyed. It's no longer there.

Wright spoke out against O'bama when he started trying to distance himself from the man who was shown to preach "God-damn America". Then the media refused to report anything Wright had to say after that. History was also re-written about his friendship with Ayers after O'bama claimed they had met casually once or twice.
I wasn’t trying to offend you. Sorry if you took it that way. And I don’t think I was being anymore sarcastic, etc. than those that have been corresponding with me (including you). Just playing along light-heartedly.

My only point in this thread has been to say, in as many demeaning ways that I could, how horrible white supremacists are - and have always been. That’s it. And that scum will get no quarter, deflection or false-equivalency making excuses from me. If others want to do that (and that is absolutely not directed at you), then they will need to find another like-minded team player to parrot the company line.

And, if posters want to talk about Antifa (or whatever acronym it is); then, as another poster pointed out, they’ll have to find someone more knowledgeable about that organization than me. But, I’m plenty familiar enough with white supremacists to discuss that just fine.
I not offended I'm over it. If the left wants to ignore the facist political terrorists of their fringe and continue to defend them because "Nazis are worse" then so be it but political terrorists are political terrorists in my book. At least we're in agreement that white supremacists suck.
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I wasn’t trying to offend you. Sorry if you took it that way. And I don’t think I was being anymore sarcastic, etc. than those that have been corresponding with me (including you). Just playing along light-heartedly.

My only point in this thread has been to say, in as many demeaning ways that I could, how horrible white supremacists are - and have always been. That’s it. And that scum will get no quarter, deflection or false-equivalency making excuses from me. If others want to do that (and that is absolutely not directed at you), then they will need to find another like-minded team player to parrot the company line.

And, if posters want to talk about Antifa (or whatever acronym it is); then, as another poster pointed out, they’ll have to find someone more knowledgeable about that organization than me. But, I’m plenty familiar enough with white supremacists to discuss that just fine.
How in the world can someone not be knowledgeable about ANTIFA? There have been violent acts after violent acts by them for several years now. Hell, it was only 3 months or so ago when they nearly burned a college down due to free speech they don't like.
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Left-Wing Agitators Call For Escalated Tactics In Response To Charlottesville

Far-left agitators are calling for an escalation in tactics following this weekend’s violence at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville.

Many of the same groups that have organized violent demonstrations in Berkeley, California and elsewhere are now calling for an aggressive response to the violence in Charlottesville. Far-left “anti-fascist” (or antifa) figures are advising agitators to do the job that police won’t: shutting down “fascists” and prevent them from organizing.

Radical left-wingers have for months justified violence as a way to fight back against “fascism” and “racism” — terms that they have applied not just to white nationalist fringe groups but to prominent figures on the right as well.

Another anarchist group, the Revolutionary Abolition Movement, issued a statement after Charlottesville praising the far-left fighters who, along with violent white nationalists, turned Charlottesville into a literal political battlefield.

“Our fighters showed daring and a willingness to risk their own safety for the sake of others, and we hold them in the highest regard. Due to their fortitude and unwavering determination, the anti-fascists held their ground and succeeded in stopping the rally."

“The American state is collapsing. As capitalism remains mired in crisis, its once solid position within the global order is crumbling. With ever widening cracks in the state’s foundations, those who reaped the benefits of white supremacist society and American imperialism are grasping at any last chance to maintain their position in the hierarchy it legitimates,” the statement continues.

One article by CrimethInc, prominently displayed on the front page of popular antifa website It’s Going Down, blames democracy and capitalism for the violence in Charlottesville. The article claims police are complicit in fascism and so “we must not look to the police or any other aspect of the state for deliverance.”

Even before Charlottesville, left-wing group Refuse Fascism was planning a series of mass demonstrations on November 4 that they say must result in the end of Trump’s presidency. The group is holding several organizing conferences on August 19 to plan out the mass protests.

Refuse Fascism was one of the groups calling for rioters to shut down Milo Yiannopoulos’ speech at the University of Berkeley. The school cancelled Milo’s speech after black-clad agitators staged a violent riot and set fires on campus.
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I think we're in agreement, but I’m not sure what it is that you want me to “do” (say?) in regard to Antifa and BLM? I know very little about either group or their history. I don’t know if I have ever even previously heard of Antifa(?). But, if anybody is physically hurting anyone in the guise of demonstrating then they should be stopped and punished. Making people aware of an issue is fine – even commendable, if it’s an issue that needs to be addressed. Hurting people is not. That’s all I can say about that.

But that doesn’t even start to be enough said about the KKK, their history and sympathizers. Other than child molesters (which a good portion of the white supremacists probably are too), I’m pretty sure no other group could come close to being as vile as white supremacists (currently and historically). So, I won’t be doing anyone the disservice of trying to equate them to white supremacist groups – unless it’s child molesters.
Not sure they have been been associated with child molestation like the left has. Yes they are a bad group and unwanted in most circles but as far as coming close to being as vile no one comes closer than Islamic terrorist and their child molesting supporters on the left. In fact, they are worse but the left embraces them and defends them to the hilt.
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Left-Wing Agitators Call For Escalated Tactics In Response To Charlottesville

Far-left agitators are calling for an escalation in tactics following this weekend’s violence at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville.

Many of the same groups that have organized violent demonstrations in Berkeley, California and elsewhere are now calling for an aggressive response to the violence in Charlottesville. Far-left “anti-fascist” (or antifa) figures are advising agitators to do the job that police won’t: shutting down “fascists” and prevent them from organizing.

Radical left-wingers have for months justified violence as a way to fight back against “fascism” and “racism” — terms that they have applied not just to white nationalist fringe groups but to prominent figures on the right as well.

Another anarchist group, the Revolutionary Abolition Movement, issued a statement after Charlottesville praising the far-left fighters who, along with violent white nationalists, turned Charlottesville into a literal political battlefield.

“Our fighters showed daring and a willingness to risk their own safety for the sake of others, and we hold them in the highest regard. Due to their fortitude and unwavering determination, the anti-fascists held their ground and succeeded in stopping the rally."

“The American state is collapsing. As capitalism remains mired in crisis, its once solid position within the global order is crumbling. With ever widening cracks in the state’s foundations, those who reaped the benefits of white supremacist society and American imperialism are grasping at any last chance to maintain their position in the hierarchy it legitimates,” the statement continues.

One article by CrimethInc, prominently displayed on the front page of popular antifa website It’s Going Down, blames democracy and capitalism for the violence in Charlottesville. The article claims police are complicit in fascism and so “we must not look to the police or any other aspect of the state for deliverance.”

Even before Charlottesville, left-wing group Refuse Fascism was planning a series of mass demonstrations on November 4 that they say must result in the end of Trump’s presidency. The group is holding several organizing conferences on August 19 to plan out the mass protests.

Refuse Fascism was one of the groups calling for rioters to shut down Milo Yiannopoulos’ speech at the University of Berkeley. The school cancelled Milo’s speech after black-clad agitators staged a violent riot and set fires on campus.
Not the least bit shocking. The MSM gave them the green light. They know no one in the MSM will call them the bad guys no matter what they do. Hell, just look at this thread. Still not a single lib has condemned them. Not one. If that's not a green light, than what is it?

There are idiots protesting in front of Trump tower in NYC tonight.
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