How will they rule ??!

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At the gym this morning. Bikes have tv's and I have my headphones on listening to music. One TV has NBC on. Another CBS.

Headlines: Pence defends Trump Trump heavily criticized CBS shows a graphic of hate groups in the US. No where is Antifa or BLM Everything is anti Trump, Whites, Republicans, etc.

Here I am not listening to it, but just watching and it really drives home yet again how slanted the MSM is. If you lived under a rock and started watching the news for the first time you would think Trump is the anti Christ. Trump could disarm everyone of Nuke's, bring world peace, end all hate, and find the cure to cancer all at the same time and he would still be under attack by these lunatics.

BTW, matter of time when someone is going to be packing heavy arms at one of these "rallies". It won't be tear gas, pepper spray, bats, flag poles, etc being used as weapons. Someone is going to smoke a lot of folks (not just cops like in Dallas) when things get out of hand. The car used is just the tip of the iceberg.
The left already did that, shooting at senators. But I agree, its going to get worse.
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They just paid an ungodly amount to renovate that bldg that nobody uses. And I guess racism is gonna be ok at veterans park.

Ha! Someone just told me you can rent out the building for events....Nazi events? Who's renting out a former slave auction site? And who paid for that? Not only does Lexington/Gray promote the auction of slaves, they spent money renovating and preserving/beautifying it so people could come and rent it out? I don't understand, Mr. Mayor. Isn't that a perfect spot for racist statues? Or I guess it'd be cool to spend more money spreading the racism around lexington.

What a mess.

And really, are these Nazi's coming to Lexington now? Mayor basically gave them an open invitation to make the short trip on over to our town, enjoy our fine restaurants, help boost the downtown economy, and come protest in our beautiful town!
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Of course not. Just confederate statues and other such beloved objects of the hate mongering white supremacists , alt-right and other such thugs. And I suppose you will also tell me about all the ferocious things the wicked left has been doing.

What are other such beloved objects? You're naive if you think it'll stop at confederate monuments. That's just the starting point, and you probably think you're enlightened removing history and all, another group did that with book burnings.

You realize that people other than white supremacists respect confederate monuments?

Why do you get to decide what monuments stay and which do not?
If for one second, you feel the need to criticize Trump's statement condemning violence and bigotry, then step back and realize you are the lunatic fringe, or at the very least, pandering to the lunatic fringe depending on the sincerity of your criticism.

The guy was a pop culture figure for decades. Had a long running show on network television. Mentioned in countless rap songs. Married an immigrant. Has a Jewish son in law. Likely has employees of all race, color and creed. Is far more socially liberal than any other R candidate.

But he put an R next to his name so he's a Nazi.

You people are f*cking lunatics.

I can't wait until Kim Kardashian runs for the Senate as an R and all of the sudden is the most racist person in America.
And Jesus Christ if I see another comment about the Antifa counter protestors "fighting Nazis" as if they're goddam WWII soldiers I may go nuts.

We'd all be wearing swastikas and wouldn't know the difference if those Antifa twats were entrusted with fighting Hitler.

These two groups fighting each other might as well be live action role playing medieval fantasy bullshit.
Black Lives Matter is a bit misguided in my opinion. However, their cause was to get the message out that police brutality unfavorably targets black people. The more conservative people will argue that it's because black people commit more crimes and deserve to be victims of police brutality. Great.

Anyways, it's working, because people are talking about it and reforms have been passed. To compare them at all to neo-Nazis is just ridiculous. Beyond ridiculous. Let's just assume that police brutality against black people is a myth. Why do minorities have this perception then? Why do they think the system is against them?

Jesus. This has to be a joke.
And Jesus Christ if I see another comment about the Antifa counter protestors "fighting Nazis" as if they're goddam WWII soldiers I may go nuts.

We'd all be wearing swastikas and wouldn't know the difference if those Antifa twats were entrusted with fighting Hitler.

These two groups fighting each other might as well be live action role playing medieval fantasy bullshit.

There is iron in Cosby's words of truth.
Trump's racist. LOL. No one ever said that up till 2016 when he put a R beside his name. No one ever ever ever ever called Trump racist till this election cycle.

You people are effing bat shit crazy.

I saw one leftist who claimed Trump's ex-wife said Trump used to put a book of Hitler quotes beside his bed evey night. They are insane. I also like the notion that an ex-wife is a trustworthy source. Haha

I think it shows how powerful the media is in forming perception. Obama is portrayed as a Hollywood celeb and saint. He is fawned over. Trump is portrayed as satan.

Amazing how none of these insane accusations came out before he was the one to challenge Democrats. By the way, whatever happened to those women who claimed they were sexually assaulted and raped by Trump? Lol. They seemed to vanish. Libs thought that was their knockout punch.
Dont agree. Neither side should politicize a tragic event. One side didnt. The other does with every chance.

Charlottesville isn't even that tragic. Two sides of nuts went there to settle their differences. Less people were hurt than a typical Friday night in Chicago. Give me a freaking break. The left is making it out to be the Armenian Genocide or something.
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Beyond dishonest. This is so outrageous. Who comes to consevative speeches and rallies go assault them? Who burns down cities and comes with weapons? The left is all violence. "Punch a nazi?" That'so the saying and then you realize everyone who disagrees with them is considered a nazi.
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I saw one leftist who claimed Trump's ex-wife said Trump used to put a book of Hitler quotes beside his bed evey night. They are insane. I also like the notion that an ex-wife is a trustworthy source. Haha

I think it shows how powerful the media is in forming perception. Obama is portrayed as a Hollywood celeb and saint. He is fawned over. Trump is portrayed as satan.

Amazing how none of these insane accusations came out before he was the one to challenge Democrats. By the way, whatever happened to those women who claimed they were sexually assaulted and raped by Trump? Lol. They seemed to vanish. Libs thought that was their knockout punch.

He could have easily ran as a D, probably would have if not for Hillary, and omg he would have been the coolest president ever.
We ALL must be united & condemn all that hate stands for. There is no place for this kind of violence in America. Lets come together as one!

What is vital now is a swift restoration of law and order and the protection of innocent lives.

We must remember this truth: No matter our color, creed, religion or political party, we are ALL AMERICANS FIRST.

Can't tell you how jacked up those dog whistle statements get me. Just want to go punch the first minority I see.
Ha! Someone just told me you can rent out the building for events....Nazi events? Who's renting out a former slave auction site? And who paid for that? Not only does Lexington/Gray promote the auction of slaves, they spent money renovating and preserving/beautifying it so people could come and rent it out? I don't understand, Mr. Mayor. Isn't that a perfect spot for racist statues? Or I guess it'd be cool to spend more money spreading the racism around lexington.

What a mess.

And really, are these Nazi's coming to Lexington now? Mayor basically gave them an open invitation to make the short trip on over to our town, enjoy our fine restaurants, help boost the downtown economy, and come protest in our beautiful town!
After decades of neglect and poorly executed renovations, the former Fayette County Courthouse on Main Street is in such disrepair that more than $27 million is needed to fix it, a report released Thursday shows.

The report by EOP Architects and Preservation Design Partnership, or PDP, a Philadelphia firm, estimates the total price for renovations — with design, financing and other costs added — could top $38.3 million.

Read more here:
Alright people, this post makes no sense on any level. Let's raise our standards a bit here. One, I never indicated I was terrified by Neo-Nazis or KKK. In fact, I think their hats are quite funny. Secondly, what the f*ck does it even mean for "lefties" to trip over themselves in every post?

Lefties condemn violence not committed by other lefties. You were not here after all of the other Antifa and Antifa like outbreaks with your righteous indignation.

According to you the Republican Party now includes the KGB and the Nazis.

That is a Big Tent.
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I wasn't deflecting, you know my point of the roles being reversed is correct.

Now, I don't have allegiance to either side of the dipshits that were protesting yesterday, they're both shitstains on society.
However, I do have allegiance to the constitution, and it says we all have a right to protest the Govt, it doesn't say the protest has to popular, it says we all have a right to voice our opinions. Antifa, BLM, and spoiled rotten college kids don't get determine what gets to be heard. That's not how this grand experiment works.

It's a shame that young lady was killed, and if the facts lead to it the young man needs to spend a long time in prison.
I agree with you. Changing the driver of the car or the protest doesn't change the response of the fringe element of society. The problem I've always had is the MSM and political leaders want us to believe everyone behaves this way to gain viewers and support.
Waiting for protestors and the Mayor of Madisonville to demand the Confederate statue at the old Courthouse be removed.
After decades of neglect and poorly executed renovations, the former Fayette County Courthouse on Main Street is in such disrepair that more than $27 million is needed to fix it, a report released Thursday shows.

The report by EOP Architects and Preservation Design Partnership, or PDP, a Philadelphia firm, estimates the total price for renovations — with design, financing and other costs added — could top $38.3 million.

Read more here:

lmao...Gray Construction get a piece of this absurd action?

38million to preserve a slave market, Lexington!