How will they rule ??!

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Trump's problem is that he clings to those who support him regardless of their background. That and never admitting his mistakes.
Being a pop icon and POTUS are like being on different planets.
Trump has no political compass but has surrounded himself with the dregs of politics because those were the people who supported him. He embraced people like Steve Bannon and Sean Hanity who have made a living being divisive.

Nazis and the KKK announce their support for Trump...if you don't believe it go drilling into the Twitter post of Nazi/KKK supporters...and he can't bring himself to distance himself from those hate groups.

Criticize BLM all you want but they at least have a legitimate cause. The tactics they take may come into question but if you took the time to read their mission statement and talk to people who support BLM you would have a difficult time denying their grievances. The white supremacy movement on the other hand has zero legitimacy. Don't come at me with what some individual did or with other issues in the black community. Nobody is condoning those people, nobody wants to stop violence in the black community more than the people who live there.

BLM seems legit enough. How do I sign up?

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Trump's problem is that he clings to those who support him regardless of their background. That and never admitting his mistakes.
Being a pop icon and POTUS are like being on different planets.
Trump has no political compass but has surrounded himself with the dregs of politics because those were the people who supported him. He embraced people like Steve Bannon and Sean Hanity who have made a living being divisive.

Nazis and the KKK announce their support for Trump...if you don't believe it go drilling into the Twitter post of Nazi/KKK supporters...and he can't bring himself to distance himself from those hate groups.

Criticize BLM all you want but they at least have a legitimate cause. The tactics they take may come into question but if you took the time to read their mission statement and talk to people who support BLM you would have a difficult time denying their grievances. The white supremacy movement on the other hand has zero legitimacy. Don't come at me with what some individual did or with other issues in the black community. Nobody is condoning those people, nobody wants to stop violence in the black community more than the people who live there.

What an awful take. Piss poor awful
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Trump's problem is that he clings to those who support him regardless of their background. That and never admitting his mistakes.
Being a pop icon and POTUS are like being on different planets.
Trump has no political compass but has surrounded himself with the dregs of politics because those were the people who supported him. He embraced people like Steve Bannon and Sean Hanity who have made a living being divisive.

Nazis and the KKK announce their support for Trump...if you don't believe it go drilling into the Twitter post of Nazi/KKK supporters...and he can't bring himself to distance himself from those hate groups.

Reasonable people know Trump isn't a goddam Nazi. How do you expect Trump to "distance himself" from Nazi's and the KKK? Reasonable people know he is distanced. Do you expect the POTUS to address every single lunatic that says they support him? Once again, if you think Trump is a Nazi, or needs to address any and all people who say they support him, YOU ARE THE LUNATIC FRINGE.

He probably didn't even know who the hell David Duke was before people started asking him about him. I didn't. And I can guarantee you Trump doesn't want his endorsement or support.

And Jesus, you just told me to go drilling into the twitter accounts of Nazis and KKK. What the f*ck is wrong with you?


No, I don't look at Nazi twitter. Don't look at the KKK. They're a bunch of nutjob psychos. I'm not going to acknowledge their bullshit. I'm not going to condemn them, because I don't know what the hell they're doing or what politicians they support. I'd imagine Trump feels the same way I do, and "distancing" himself implies he's somewhere close to begin with. He's only close to those sorts of people in you mind and the rest of the lunatic fringe.
You are absolutely correct, now do Antifa and BLM. And hopefully jameslee and ftcampbell will like that take as well.

I think we're in agreement, but I’m not sure what it is that you want me to “do” (say?) in regard to Antifa and BLM? I know very little about either group or their history. I don’t know if I have ever even previously heard of Antifa(?). But, if anybody is physically hurting anyone in the guise of demonstrating then they should be stopped and punished. Making people aware of an issue is fine – even commendable, if it’s an issue that needs to be addressed. Hurting people is not. That’s all I can say about that.

But that doesn’t even start to be enough said about the KKK, their history and sympathizers. Other than child molesters (which a good portion of the white supremacists probably are too), I’m pretty sure no other group could come close to being as vile as white supremacists (currently and historically). So, I won’t be doing anyone the disservice of trying to equate them to white supremacist groups – unless it’s child molesters.
And I'd be willing to bet, when Trump fired off that tweet, he thought "Alright, here's my time to shine. I'm going to condemn violence and say we need to come together as a country." That's what I would have been thinking.

Nope, not good enough. To unite the country like everyone wants, you have to specifically call out one group of people instead of condemning violence from all sides.

Then you get a bunch of politicians and cucks who waited to see which way the wind was blowing before commenting on his tweet.

Trump isn't dividing this country. YOU ON THE LUNATIC FRINGE HAVE AND ARE.
I am not going to call myself anything. I'm done with that. Too many idiots just characterize things as left or right. I quite honestly don't give a f*ck what you label me as. Likewise, I don't give a f*ck about thinking a certain way to satisfy some bullshit label. It's a disease.

You do seem to give a "f*ck" tho. You seem to care a lot what people think about you. Your belief / opinions and blatant disregard of the "new lefts" idiotic stances , race bating hate groups etc is unbelievable. Most people ,in this thread specifically , don't super align themselves with " the right " from what I've seen... people call a spade a spade . Call it for what it is. Pretty much all of us , and every "right winger " have and do condemn the actions of some trash KKK / "nazi" members . The scary thing tho, is that yourself and many others on the left refuse to see the hypocrisy, lying, sexism and racism right in front of you. I haven't seen ONE "liberal" condem the actions of BLM or antifa ... not once. Not to mention all the other complete and total garbage the MSM spewes out.
I think we're in agreement, but I’m not sure what it is that you want me to “do” (say?) in regard to Antifa and BLM? I know very little about either group or their history. I don’t know if I have ever even previously heard of Antifa(?). But, if anybody is physically hurting anyone in the guise of demonstrating then they should be stopped and punished. Making people aware of an issue is fine – even commendable, if it’s an issue that needs to be addressed. Hurting people is not. That’s all I can say about that.

But that doesn’t even start to be enough said about the KKK, their history and sympathizers. Other than child molesters (which a good portion of the white supremacists probably are too), I’m pretty sure no other group could come close to being as vile as white supremacists (currently and historically). So, I won’t be doing anyone the disservice of trying to equate them to white supremacist groups – unless it’s child molesters.

Actually child molesters are liberal. That's 100% stone cold lock
Democrats=kid touchers
LOL. Oh, okay. You have a different set of rules for us. Republicans and whites get grouped no problem. Libs, Muslims and minorities though? Nah. Can't do that. Hitting people with bike locks, macing them in the face, sucker punching them, trying to massacre politicians on a baseball field, executing cops, blowing people up, you all make sure you get a pass.

Amazing that I've never seen you on here before.
If you can try and associate a single lunatic who BTW supported the person defeated in the Democratic primaries as representative of "Libs"...then "Libs" can sure as hell associate alt-right and white nationalist who said they were ready to help Trump "Fulfill the promises of Donald Trump and take our country back" Donald Trump. These are your people.

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Actually child molesters are liberal. That's 100% stone cold lock
Democrats=kid touchers

So, you’re saying all white supremacist are child molesting liberal democrats. I know none of them would be republicans, but isn’t it possible that a few are child molesting independents?
I think we're in agreement, but I’m not sure what it is that you want me to “do” (say?) in regard to Antifa and BLM? I know very little about either group or their history. I don’t know if I have ever even previously heard of Antifa(?). But, if anybody is physically hurting anyone in the guise of demonstrating then they should be stopped and punished. Making people aware of an issue is fine – even commendable, if it’s an issue that needs to be addressed. Hurting people is not. That’s all I can say about that.

But that doesn’t even start to be enough said about the KKK, their history and sympathizers. Other than child molesters (which a good portion of the white supremacists probably are too), I’m pretty sure no other group could come close to being as vile as white supremacists (currently and historically). So, I won’t be doing anyone the disservice of trying to equate them to white supremacist groups – unless it’s child molesters.

The KKK is a non entity now, the left is giving them credence by trying to create a connection to them and anyone that follows Trump. Can't you see that? How many times did CNN put a GD microphone in David Dukes face this weekend, that's exactly what he wants. He's using the media to legitimize his cause while the media is using him to push an agenda.

I said it previously, but everyone in this nation has the right to protest the Govt. We don't have to agree or like it. If you don't like what someone has to say then ignore it, but by trying to combat it physically it only furthers their movement.
Nazis and the KKK announce their support for Trump...if you don't believe it go drilling into the Twitter post of Nazi/KKK supporters...and he can't bring himself to distance himself from those hate group

[roll] By that logic Obama should have publicly denounced and distanced himself from every murderous thug that showed support for him on Twitter. We're talking about the potus. You honestly expect him to individually denounce every random lunatic/hate group on social media? Pay attention and you'd realize he condemed all hate. The Twitter lunatics you mention are included in all.

If you can try and associate a single lunatic who BTW supported the person defeated in the Democratic primaries as representative of "Libs"...then "Libs" can sure as hell associate alt-right and white nationalist who said they were ready to help Trump "Fulfill the promises of Donald Trump and take our country back" Donald Trump. These are your people.

I know you are but what am I?

"KKK has given $20K to Hillary Clinton's campaign: Klan leader - Washington Times"

No what I'm saying is that democrats molest kids at an alarmingly rate. That's a fact.
democrats molest kids and love pedophilia.

Ok, now I understand. You’re saying other democrats besides white supremacists could also molest kids and love pedophilia.

But, do you think they’re child molesters because they’re white supremacists, or white supremacists because they’re child molesters?
Yepp... funny how the media , CNN , bloggers , Obama / lefty apologists totally just skimmed over obamas CRAZY white hating preacher (forgot the exact name ) .
Dude literally preached hate and racism... yet it was swept under the rug / "oh you're making to big a deal of it!!" From the leftists/ media.
Reverend wright I think was his name. MSM totally ignored it.
Are you not familiar with some
Of the destruction, violence , harm etc that BLM (and antifa ) have committed ?

Yes, I'm sure many many in the blm "movement " have very sincere intentions . Rightfully so. They have Total respect from me. Conducting yourself in a mature manner , trying to raise awareness for a vey tagic topic that affects you? (and has evidence to back it up ) absolutely. Go for it. 100%

But see that's the problem . It's turned into/ kinda always was ? A movement of hate, bitterness , blinded anger , violence , threats ....
I'm sure there are some in BLM who feel like they are doing some good, but truthfully I'll never respect that movement until BLM talks about cleaning up violence in cities like Chicago, Detroit etc...
Criticize BLM all you want but they at least have a legitimate cause. The tactics they take may come into question but if you took the time to read their mission statement and talk to people who support BLM you would have a difficult time denying their grievances.

Somewhat legitimate point on mission but the scale they are operating makes them actually worse. Has any group damaged cities as badly as they did to Baltimore or St. Louis? The KKK has near zero impact or influence.
Then you are so ill informed that you should not comment publicly on these matters. TIA-MGT

You're right, I am ill informed about Antifa. I'm an old guy. But then again, I wasn't commenting on Antifa, was I? I was commenting on the slime that all white supremacists are by their nature.
Damnit! Even FBN IS Bashing Trump because he didn't say white supremists right off the bat.

And no mention of the violence caused by antifa at all. Pizzes me off!
Trump could literally have rounded up every single Nazi POS at that rally and personally shotgun blasted each one of them, and the MSM would say Trump didn't kill them fast enough.
Been busy for a few days: what a cluster this thread has turned into.

I'm 54 yrs old- the KKK/white supremacists have NEVER been relevant during my lifetime. In fact, liberals are the only ones who ever even mention them.

We just dealt with 8 years of pure stupidity: we encouraged/armed/supported our enemies, ignored our own economy, and you morons on the left want to complain about Trump?

Did stupid school let out while I was away?
Damn. I see we're still on the Nazi talk. Spent the morning/afternoon fishing for reds. Anything worth going back and reading?
Damnit! Even FBN IS Bashing Trump because he didn't say white supremists right off the bat.

And no mention of the violence caused by antifa at all. Pizzes me off!
It's ridiculous. He probably should have directly called out the white supremacists right off the bat- and, probably should have also called the antifas as well. However, since he didn't do it then, by doing it now, he has only given the media a taste of blood. The media are like sharks and they will never be satiated. He refused to take instructions from them during the primaries, and won; refused to take instructions from them during the election, and won. You simply cannot give the Left an inch or it will take a mile- every single time.
It's ridiculous. He probably should have directly called out the white supremacists right off the bat- and, probably should have also called the antifas as well. However, since he didn't do it then, by doing it now, he has only given the media a taste of blood. The media are like sharks and they will never be satiated. He refused to take instructions from them during the primaries, and won; refused to take instructions from them during the election, and won. You simply cannot give the Left an inch or it will take a mile- every single time.
While this is true, and he should have done it the first time, the MSM was going to find something about his comments to rip regardless. They probably would've said Trump didn't condemn it harsh enough, or some nonsense like that.