How will they rule ??!

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And old ass methheads like David Duke. Or giant vaginas like Richard Spencer.
Watching the MSM use David Duke to attack Trump is so disgusting.

Trump has only denounced him a hundred billion times.

David Duke is not relevant outside of the MSM. And the MSM calls Trump the bigot.
I think you already know what will happen. And they're coming down in Charlottesville too and many other places. We're not afraid of racists, bigots and thugs. They're a cowardly bunch who think Trump will help them.

Haha. What? No, please tell me what will happen. Tell me how it's going to better your lives?

Have you seriously been asleep to what the left and Antifa have been doing to conservatives and cities for the past few years?
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1,200 people were going off in Seattle today - 1,000 of which were leftists - and it was a free event to attend. About 45K attended a baseball game a few blocks away, which started at $37 just to get in, for two teams out of the pennant race.

the national news

@mustnotsleepnow @IAphatcat

Just to give you a taste of what your side does and promotes yet claims to not be "racist" or "bigots."










College rebukes profs who assign 'expensive books' by white guys

Prof pledges to 'deconstruct whiteness' in all her courses

Don't talk to me about bigotry, fools.
I was in downtown Seattle all day today. Went to a Mariners game. Went to the Pop Art museum. Didn't see a single protester. Had a blast. You just don't realize how small this fringe is on both sides.

So true. Anyone thinking there is going to be another civil war can't do math. There aren't enough whackos to support it. Maybe a civil battle royale or king of the ring tourney, but a war? LMAO.
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Haha. What? No, please tell me what will happen. Tell me how it's going to better your lives?

Have you seriously been asleep to what the left and Antifa have been doing to conservatives and cities for the past few years?

Not looking to better my life. Just want to make sure that all the white supremacists stay pissed off. We're going after all the symbols they love. Surely that doesn't piss you off. And watch out for those vicious lefties. They're coming.
Of course I wasn't there but those tweets mention students turning their heads because they were getting pepper sprayed. As believable as the Washington Post afaic.

Maybe they were, but pepper spray creates a reaction far greater than head turning.
No one is physically harming them, or in their face.
Do you think that would be the case if it were a handful of Trump supporters holding a MAGA banner at the epicenter of leftist protest?
Not looking to better my life. Just want to make sure that all the white supremacists stay pissed off. We're going after all the symbols they love. Surely that doesn't piss you off. And watch out for those vicious lefties. They're coming.

You going after the Washington monument too?
Maybe they were, but pepper spray creates a reaction far greater than head turning.
No one is physically harming them, or in their face.
Do you think that would be the case if it were a handful of Trump supporters holding a MAGA banner at the epicenter of leftist protest?
I'm not sure why there's a need to deflect the point. They were risking harm and were fully surrounded. But sure, we can speculate all day on the tweets or the MSM or the govt. What could happen if this happened or that happened. What this person is thinking or what a group did or might do.

The fact is someone died because of the conflict of ideas and what America is now. We may not agree on every political point but I would guarantee people of all origins share common beliefs that would never be news worthy. The fringe doesn't live in THAT America.
Watching the MSM use David Duke to attack Trump is so disgusting.

Trump has only denounced him a hundred billion times.

David Duke is not relevant outside of the MSM. And the MSM calls Trump the bigot.

Yepp... funny how the media , CNN , bloggers , Obama / lefty apologists totally just skimmed over obamas CRAZY white hating preacher (forgot the exact name ) .
Dude literally preached hate and racism... yet it was swept under the rug / "oh you're making to big a deal of it!!" From the leftists/ media.
I'm not sure why there's a need to deflect the point. They were risking harm and were fully surrounded. But sure, we can speculate all day on the tweets or the MSM or the govt. What could happen if this happened or that happened. What this person is thinking or what a group did or might do.

The fact is someone died because of the conflict of ideas and what America is now. We may not agree on every political point but I would guarantee people of all origins share common beliefs that would never be news worthy. The fringe doesn't live in THAT America.

I wasn't deflecting, you know my point of the roles being reversed is correct.

Now, I don't have allegiance to either side of the dipshits that were protesting yesterday, they're both shitstains on society.
However, I do have allegiance to the constitution, and it says we all have a right to protest the Govt, it doesn't say the protest has to popular, it says we all have a right to voice our opinions. Antifa, BLM, and spoiled rotten college kids don't get determine what gets to be heard. That's not how this grand experiment works.

It's a shame that young lady was killed, and if the facts lead to it the young man needs to spend a long time in prison.
I must say, America history, is being knocked out of the record books.

Maybe stupid fag Whinnycitybitch liberals should look back and see what had happened to give them this right to ....... Now want it the other way.
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I'm not sure why there's a need to deflect the point. They were risking harm and were fully surrounded. But sure, we can speculate all day on the tweets or the MSM or the govt. What could happen if this happened or that happened. What this person is thinking or what a group did or might do.

The fact is someone died because of the conflict of ideas and what America is now. We may not agree on every political point but I would guarantee people of all origins share common beliefs that would never be news worthy. The fringe doesn't live in THAT America.
James, you ignorant slut, what you fail to understand is that all of those people with torches were there legally exercising their legal right to peaceably assemble. They had a permit. They were not oppressing anyone's freedoms. Why is this such a hard concept for idiots to grasp?

The people, your people, who were there to disrupt and silence their voice are the ones who created the problem. They are the reason someone blocking the street is dead to a much larger extent than the KKK. The driver is ultimately responsible, but you are more culpable than I am.

The same people denouncing the driver for killing someone are the same people who were applauding BLM for the assassination of cops in Dallas.

The reason your political ideals never work is that they are hypocritical at best, illogical at worst.
The monuments are dedicated to southern Aristocrats who wanted to enslave black people, instill a aristocratic hegemony and wage war on the United States. We should remember the victims of the Civil War. Most people did not own slaves. Most were normal people trying to survive. Then a war broke out where they were forced to choose sides and fight alongside their relatives, friends and neighbors. They did not have the foresight of history. All they knew is that war was at their doorstep, and they fall on the southern side of the Mason-Dixon. They should absolutely be remembered and fighting to them was courageous.

However, if you put yourself in the shoes of a black person, or really any minority, then it's hard to make excuses for these monuments to be paraded in public places. Why should they be forced to look at Romanticized images of the men who actively wanted to enslave them?
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Black Lives Matter is a bit misguided in my opinion. However, their cause was to get the message out that police brutality unfavorably targets black people. The more conservative people will argue that it's because black people commit more crimes and deserve to be victims of police brutality. Great.

Anyways, it's working, because people are talking about it and reforms have been passed. To compare them at all to neo-Nazis is just ridiculous. Beyond ridiculous. Let's just assume that police brutality against black people is a myth. Why do minorities have this perception then? Why do they think the system is against them?
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I like how the left just wants to completely ignore other , probably more pertinent, problems facing the minority (primarily African American ) population
Like the insanely high rates of black fathers being in prison, in and out of jail or totally absent from the child/ children's life .
Or that gang activity / involvement is still a MAJOR concern and problem .
Or the black on black crime
The continued poverty...

Things that are very real, very sad... things that could legitimately be changed to better the situation. But noooo... nope nope nope. If you say this, or bring these things up your just a racist white privileged biotch who is out of touch with reality. I'm not sure if it was on purpose or if they're just that f**king stupid, but the left has made a pretty big accomplishment in the sense that - they can't be proven wrong / have an excuse when they can't answer questions ... that excuse being "well you're white , your born racist and don't even realize it.." being a white male makes you sexist and racist by nature... you can't help it "
They've basically cornered everyone. If someone gives logical arguments or points to the lefts idiotic stances they can just (and do) fire back with the white privileged bullshit . And it's not just a few fringe lefties who think this way.
This is being picked up by media, schools, grade schools, colleges , bloggers etc etc . The white shaming , the "make whites extinct " the "white supremacy "... it's being shoveled down everyone's throats. The media is perpetuating it. The media is literally causing a major major racial divide.

I forgot who said it a few posts back but maybe he's right . Maybe we won't have an actual "civil war" so to speak. But shit man... stuff is getting bad. Or so it seems ? The racial
Divide ... people on both sides (particularly the left ) are very very angry. Again, maybe I'm paranoid ... and maybe it won't be a civil war , but I can def foresee many more riots , protests , marches etc that end very badly.
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Black Lives Matter is a bit misguided in my opinion. However, their cause was to get the message out that police brutality unfavorably targets black people. The more conservative people will argue that it's because black people commit more crimes and deserve to be victims of police brutality. Great.

Anyways, it's working, because people are talking about it and reforms have been passed. To compare them at all to neo-Nazis is just ridiculous. Beyond ridiculous. Let's just assume that police brutality against black people is a myth. Why do minorities have this perception then? Why do they think the system is against them?

Are you not familiar with some
Of the destruction, violence , harm etc that BLM (and antifa ) have committed ?

Yes, I'm sure many many in the blm "movement " have very sincere intentions . Rightfully so. They have Total respect from me. Conducting yourself in a mature manner , trying to raise awareness for a vey tagic topic that affects you? (and has evidence to back it up ) absolutely. Go for it. 100%

But see that's the problem . It's turned into/ kinda always was ? A movement of hate, bitterness , blinded anger , violence , threats ....
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This is exactly the type of propagandist bullshit that leads otherwise normal kids to grab tiki torches and re-enact KKK marches. Your goal is to give the perception that white people are under attack and we need to defend our culture. It's played out, though certainly all the rage among 22 year olds with no jobs ranting in the comments section of YouTube. Meanwhile, you are taking articles that barely anyone read sans any context of the article, and posting comments of Facebook walls.
Are you not familiar with some
Of the destruction, violence , harm etc that BLM (and antifa ) have committed ?

Yes, I'm sure many many in the blm "movement " have very sincere intentions . Rightfully so. They have Total respect from me. Conducting yourself in a mature manner , trying to raise awareness for a vey tagic topic that affects you? (and has evidence to back it up ) absolutely. Go for it. 100%

But see that's the problem . It's turned into/ kinda always was ? A movement of hate, bitterness , blinded anger , violence , threats ....

Political fringes share many commonalities, but you are completely ignoring the most important distinction -- BLM is a response to racism. Neo-Nazis promote racism. So, we can play the moral equivalence game. I'll bite. All extremists are the same. And if this is the case, which cause has good intentions?
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This is exactly the type of propagandist bullshit that leads otherwise normal kids to grab tiki torches and re-enact KKK marches. Your goal is to give the perception that white people are under attack and we need to defend our culture. It's played out, though certainly all the rage among 22 year olds with no jobs ranting in the comments section of YouTube. Meanwhile, you are taking articles that barely anyone read sans any context of the article, and posting comments of Facebook walls.

Honest question. Why do you think it's "played out ?"
Political fringes share many commonalities, but you are completely ignoring the most important distinction -- BLM is a response to racism. Neo-Nazis promote racism. So, we can play the moral equivalence game. I'll bite. All extremists are the same. And if this is the case, which cause has good intentions?

Isnt BLM a response to police killing unarmed black men?
Honest question. Why do you think it's "played out ?"

People get off on it because it's basically taboo to support white nationalism, and they often have a other problems that makes it easy to believe that there is a coordinated movement to prevent them from being successful. The thing is, until this weekend, those people just kind of sat behind their computers. If you look at the pictures of the white nationalists at UVA, they weren't your run of the mill rednecks. There were a lot of well-dressed middle class looking kids there. That to me is the most concerning thing I saw in that video.
Political fringes share many commonalities, but you are completely ignoring the most important distinction -- BLM is a response to racism. Neo-Nazis promote racism. So, we can play the moral equivalence game. I'll bite. All extremists are the same. And if this is the case, which cause has good intentions?

Ehh. I suppose. Who cares what was started/ why? I mean the violent riots started before The "BLM" movement. It was a reaction to racism ? Hmmm. Perhaps , but that's a moot point. As you said, extremeists are extremists. The disturbing narrative blm, antifa and the like push these days is abhorrent.

That being said , absolutely nazis are scum. Trash. Vile human beings. I condem them all day every day, and pretty much any other rational "right winger " (I don't even consider myself "right wing" but whatever ) would condemn them as well.

That being said, while still important, and still something that absolutely needs to be addressed and dealt with... the "neo nazis" and pretty much any belief / thinking that they hold is NOT shared by pretty much any (most ) basic conservatives/ republicans / moderates. However , you're (it's everywhere ... not just obscure newspapers ) seeing many of The blm/ antifa beliefs sprinkle down into general society. As I said before , schools , grade schools , colleges , major companies , ... are Starting to run with and push the whole "anti white" rhetoric.

I'm not some huge conspiracy theorist but if you can't see the seeds of "hate/ mistrust whitey" being planted now then I only have to assume you deliberately choose to ignore stone cold facts. And this seems to be the case with more and more people these days , which is incredibly troubling.
Ehh. I suppose. Who cares what was started/ why? I mean the violent riots started before The "BLM" movement. It was a reaction to racism ? Hmmm. Perhaps , but that's a moot point. As you said, extremeists are extremists. The disturbing narrative blm, antifa and the like push these days is abhorrent.

That being said , absolutely nazis are scum. Trash. Vile human beings. I condem them all day every day, and pretty much any other rational "right winger " (I don't even consider myself "right wing" but whatever ) would condemn them as well.

That being said, while still important, and still something that absolutely needs to be addressed and dealt with... the "neo nazis" and pretty much any belief / thinking that they hold is NOT shared by pretty much any (most ) basic conservatives/ republicans / moderates. However , you're (it's everywhere ... not just obscure newspapers ) seeing many of The blm/ antifa beliefs sprinkle down into general society. As I said before , schools , grade schools , colleges , major companies , ... are Starting to run with and push the whole "anti white" rhetoric.

I'm not some huge conspiracy theorist but if you can't see the seeds of "hate/ mistrust whitey" being planted now then I only have to assume you deliberately choose to ignore stone cold facts. And this seems to be the case with more and more people these days , which is incredibly troubling.

One thing I agree with is that neo-nazis don't reflect the right wing as a whole. Unfortunately, there is a segment of our population that completely buys into punditry. Because this is a right wing group then they attempt to capitalize politically by drawing analogies between that group and the entire right wing. And the pundits on the right would do the exact same thing if it was a left wing group. Those people are arguably causing more damage to our country than any other political group right now -- because it's all bullshit and not based in reality.

As far as the white man being under attack, universities giving dissenting courses and view points is not a new thing. Just because an article is written or a course is taught doesn't mean the white man is under attack. Even moreso, you don't actually know what is taught in those courses because you aren't attending them. You are making a lot of assumptions based upon a very small sample size. We live in a country of 300 million people. You can find an article or group of people who oppose anything.
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This is exactly the type of propagandist bullshit that leads otherwise normal kids to grab tiki torches and re-enact KKK marches. Your goal is to give the perception that white people are under attack and we need to defend our culture. It's played out, though certainly all the rage among 22 year olds with no jobs ranting in the comments section of YouTube. Meanwhile, you are taking articles that barely anyone read sans any context of the article, and posting comments of Facebook walls.

Riiight. So pointing out reality from academia and leftist media is propaganda on my part not on their part? Got it.

This is a snippet of hordes of examples. You have been in the dark apparently if you are so oblivious that whites are targeted by Democrats. "Straight white males" are the devil to the left. Every SJW goes nuts over this.

You know what? I'm not going to bother with you. You're the same type of idiot who tries to act like it's preposterous that the media is 100'percent biased and owned.

You're clown shoes.
One thing I agree with is that neo-nazis don't reflect the right wing as a whole. Unfortunately, there is a segment of our population that completely buys into punditry. Because this is a right wing group then they attempt to capitalize politically by drawing analogies between that group and the entire right wing. And the pundits on the right would do the exact same thing if it was a left wing group. Those people are arguably causing more damage to our country than any other political group right now -- because it's all bullshit and not based in reality.

As far as the white man being under attack, universities giving dissenting courses and view points is not a new thing. Just because an article is written or a course is taught doesn't mean the white man is under attack. Even moreso, you don't actually know what is taught in those courses because you aren't attending them. You are making a lot of assumptions based upon a very small sample size. We live in a country of 300 million people. You can find an article or group of people who oppose anything.

Haha. Yeah, Cal Berkeley forming a human chain to block whites, Evergreen College demanding whites leave campus, black students demanding segregated dorms, classes focused on "abolishing whiteness" and professors saying whites need to "effing die" is totally okay and misunderstood. It needs more context.

You're delusional and naive and apparently in a bubble from what has been occurring.
You going after the Washington monument too?

Of course not. Just confederate statues and other such beloved objects of the hate mongering white supremacists , alt-right and other such thugs. And I suppose you will also tell me about all the ferocious things the wicked left has been doing.