How will they rule ??!

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Is it really a good idea for people to continue to have these rallies to counter the alt-right/white supremacists (“nut-jobs”)? Isn’t that just giving undue prominence to these people? After all, you are talking about the lowest level of the gene pool here. To call these people ignorant would be an undue compliment. Most would probably more accurately be called diseased/psychotic or just evil scum. Is it really necessary to put people in danger for the sake of white trash who will benefit the populace when they cease to exist?

Sure, the nut-jobs are entitled to freedom of speech – as long as they do not incite violence. But shouldn’t they be marginalized, rather than given an audience and protested against like they matter? They deserve ridicule, mockery and scorn. They are the worst we have to offer in society. Surly no one should be hurt on account of anything to do with these irrelevant mistakes of nature.
Is it really a good idea for people to continue to have these rallies to counter the alt-right/white supremacists (“nut-jobs”)? Isn’t that just giving undue prominence to these people? After all, you are talking about the lowest level of the gene pool here. To call these people ignorant would be an undue compliment. Most would probably more accurately be called diseased/psychotic or just evil scum. Is it really necessary to put people in danger for the sake of white trash who will benefit the populace when they cease to exist?

Sure, the nut-jobs are entitled to freedom of speech – as long as they do not incite violence. But shouldn’t they be marginalized, rather than given an audience and protested against like they matter? They deserve ridicule, mockery and scorn. They are the worst we have to offer in society. Surly no one should be hurt on account of anything to do with these irrelevant mistakes of nature.
F%%k the white supremacy groups but why is antifa getting a pass for what they did there? They are both equally at fault in my opinion.
If for one second, you feel the need to criticize Trump's statement condemning violence and bigotry, then step back and realize you are the lunatic fringe, or at the very least, pandering to the lunatic fringe depending on the sincerity of your criticism.

The guy was a pop culture figure for decades. Had a long running show on network television. Mentioned in countless rap songs. Married an immigrant. Has a Jewish son in law. Likely has employees of all race, color and creed. Is far more socially liberal than any other R candidate.

But he put an R next to his name so he's a Nazi.

You people are f*cking lunatics.

I can't wait until Kim Kardashian runs for the Senate as an R and all of the sudden is the most racist person in America.
100% truth. Guarantee almost all of these folks who make these claims of racism, etc. against Trump have not attended or listened to one rally, speech, etc. in its entirety. Not once has he ever said anything that promotes racism, hate, bigotry, etc. Oh, so he wants to control illegal immigration and now he is terrible.

Put a D beside Trump and he would be their Messiah right now.
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Because she limited her condemnation of hate to white supremacy and didn't go so far as to say hate from all sides has no place in this country?

As I said, you people are goddam lunatics if you have a problem with Trump's condemnation tweet.
You didn't know? The wannabe Nazi imbeciles were the only hateful violent group of people out there. Everyone else gets a pass because literally Nazis.
Is it really a good idea for people to continue to have these rallies to counter the alt-right/white supremacists (“nut-jobs”)? Isn’t that just giving undue prominence to these people? After all, you are talking about the lowest level of the gene pool here. To call these people ignorant would be an undue compliment. Most would probably more accurately be called diseased/psychotic or just evil scum. Is it really necessary to put people in danger for the sake of white trash who will benefit the populace when they cease to exist?

Sure, the nut-jobs are entitled to freedom of speech – as long as they do not incite violence. But shouldn’t they be marginalized, rather than given an audience and protested against like they matter? They deserve ridicule, mockery and scorn. They are the worst we have to offer in society. Surly no one should be hurt on account of anything to do with these irrelevant mistakes of nature.
You are absolutely correct, now do Antifa and BLM. And hopefully jameslee and ftcampbell will like that take as well.
Is it really a good idea for people to continue to have these rallies to counter the alt-right/white supremacists (“nut-jobs”)? Isn’t that just giving undue prominence to these people? After all, you are talking about the lowest level of the gene pool here. To call these people ignorant would be an undue compliment. Most would probably more accurately be called diseased/psychotic or just evil scum. Is it really necessary to put people in danger for the sake of white trash who will benefit the populace when they cease to exist?

Sure, the nut-jobs are entitled to freedom of speech – as long as they do not incite violence. But shouldn’t they be marginalized, rather than given an audience and protested against like they matter? They deserve ridicule, mockery and scorn. They are the worst we have to offer in society. Surly no one should be hurt on account of anything to do with these irrelevant mistakes of nature.

Correct. If the other side of violent hateful nut-jobs would stop showing up ready and willing to fight then they'd be stuck standing around broing out holding tiki torches and looking like a laughing stock.

It's wishful thinking anyways. Antifa's main purpose is to shutdown all speech that they deem hate speech using violence if necessary and to "punch Nazis" except to them anyone who doesn't conform is a Nazi.

Matter of fact this sentence right here would make them label you a Nazi "Sure, the nut-jobs are entitled to freedom of speech – as long as they do not incite violence". and give them a reason to violently oppose you.
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Is it really a good idea for people to continue to have these rallies to counter the alt-right/white supremacists (“nut-jobs”)? Isn’t that just giving undue prominence to these people? After all, you are talking about the lowest level of the gene pool here. To call these people ignorant would be an undue compliment. Most would probably more accurately be called diseased/psychotic or just evil scum. Is it really necessary to put people in danger for the sake of white trash who will benefit the populace when they cease to exist?

Sure, the nut-jobs are entitled to freedom of speech – as long as they do not incite violence. But shouldn’t they be marginalized, rather than given an audience and protested against like they matter? They deserve ridicule, mockery and scorn. They are the worst we have to offer in society. Surly no one should be hurt on account of anything to do with these irrelevant mistakes of nature.

As of November 9th. Who has been more problematic on society?

Antifa or white supremacists?

Love to see your answer on this one.
As of November 9th. Who has been more problematic on society?

Antifa or white supremacists?

Love to see your answer on this one.

Honestly? Neither has affected the day to day lives of 99.987% of Americans. They get lots of attention for doing less harm to society than drunk drivers.

Like Waynedougan said yesterday, he was in Seattle and didn't sniff a protest, but the MSM had us believing all of Seatac was in flames.
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Care to explain my racist agenda or what I cried about? Oh wait, once again you can't. You just throw out moronic claims because you got you little feelings hurt. Toughen up butter cup, all your crying is pathetic.
Ah Geyser Soze, you are such a tool. You mirror the left talking points and they are hugely racist these days and you cry about every little thing that your president does. As far as feelings snowflake, it will take more than a wimp like you to hurt them. But, thanks for playing.
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He supports mayor grays plan to remove Confederate statues from Lexington. Just another lib/dim.

I thought they were just being moved to a different place in Lexington? Either way, who cares? Leave them, move them, burn them, whatever. Doesn't make a damn bit of difference to me.
Battle of Richmond reenactment to be held in Madison County, Kentucky later this month will depict the Confederacy winning the battle against Union forces. The left will surely demand that the outcome of this confrontation be changed so that the Union kicks some rebel ass. Denzel Washington to play the role of Union General Major William "Bull" Nelson.
But I didn't ask that, John. I said which one has been more problematic on society.

There is a clear cut answer on this.

You're right Willy. It's definitely the folks on the left. No question.

I just hate that any of them garner attention, and especially that the MSM has such an obvious double standard in how things are covered.
Think Jones is in for a surprise if he ever runs for public office. He may have a shot if he runs for a smaller office in a liberal area, but if he ever tries to run for US Senate, etc. as much as he has his KSR minions who love him, politically he is not going to win enough of them in the state over.
So Tump explicitly said that he opposes groups like the KKK and other neo-nazis today. I'm interested to see how the left frames his message as being filled with vile and hate. I'm sure now that Trump has explicitly said the name, the left will now wonder why Obama never said radical Islam. I'm sure of it.
Since I don't listen to Matt Jones would you please explain what that is in reference to?

I usually don't either but had to drive to Blue Ash this morning, he was being his douchebag liberal self. Talking about why we should remove or move these statues. Or something like that.

I was also dealing with road rage at asshole Ohio drivers who can't grasp why someone would be riding their tail in the fast lane trying to go faster than 55 mph. I don't give a shit if that's the stupid speed limit in stupid Ohio/Cincinnati
So Tump explicitly said that he opposes groups like the KKK and other neo-nazis today. I'm interested to see how the left frames his message as being filled with vile and hate. I'm sure now that Trump has explicitly said the name, the left will now wonder why Obama never said radical Islam. I'm sure of it.

Agreed. It was a very well thought out and very well vocalized statement. I don't know what more anyone could want.
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If for one second, you feel the need to criticize Trump's statement condemning violence and bigotry, then step back and realize you are the lunatic fringe, or at the very least, pandering to the lunatic fringe depending on the sincerity of your criticism.

The guy was a pop culture figure for decades. Had a long running show on network television. Mentioned in countless rap songs. Married an immigrant. Has a Jewish son in law. Likely has employees of all race, color and creed. Is far more socially liberal than any other R candidate.

But he put an R next to his name so he's a Nazi.

You people are f*cking lunatics.

I can't wait until Kim Kardashian runs for the Senate as an R and all of the sudden is the most racist person in America.
Trump's problem is that he clings to those who support him regardless of their background. That and never admitting his mistakes.
Being a pop icon and POTUS are like being on different planets.
Trump has no political compass but has surrounded himself with the dregs of politics because those were the people who supported him. He embraced people like Steve Bannon and Sean Hanity who have made a living being divisive.

Nazis and the KKK announce their support for Trump...if you don't believe it go drilling into the Twitter post of Nazi/KKK supporters...and he can't bring himself to distance himself from those hate groups.

Criticize BLM all you want but they at least have a legitimate cause. The tactics they take may come into question but if you took the time to read their mission statement and talk to people who support BLM you would have a difficult time denying their grievances. The white supremacy movement on the other hand has zero legitimacy. Don't come at me with what some individual did or with other issues in the black community. Nobody is condoning those people, nobody wants to stop violence in the black community more than the people who live there.
Agreed. It was a very well thought out and very well vocalized statement. I don't know what more anyone could want.
The criticism will be why did it take 3 days, which is fair I suppose. One problem with people that hate Trump so much is they refuse to mention abything he does well. I thought his remarks were excellent and were an attempt to unify the nation. However, those that oppose him will refuse to come to the table.
And Jesus Christ if I see another comment about the Antifa counter protestors "fighting Nazis" as if they're goddam WWII soldiers I may go nuts.

We'd all be wearing swastikas and wouldn't know the difference if those Antifa twats were entrusted with fighting Hitler.

These two groups fighting each other might as well be live action role playing medieval fantasy bullshit.
Eh, Communist fighting Nazi's, let them kill each other and then we can go on with our daily lives. However, we would eventually have to get rid of the Nazi's ourselves because, those snowflake antifa's will loose bigly.
Trump's racist. LOL. No one ever said that up till 2016 when he put a R beside his name. No one ever ever ever ever called Trump racist till this election cycle.

You people are effing bat shit crazy.
Didn't you know that the R in Republican stood for racist? What the other letters in the acronym mean is unknown until the left tells us what they are.
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The criticism will be why did it take 3 days, which is fair I suppose. One problem with people that hate Trump so much is they refuse to mention abything he does well. I thought his remarks were excellent and were an attempt to unify the nation. However, those that oppose him will refuse to come to the table.

Agreed. The opposition NEVER looks for the good in anything. They nitpick minor things and overlook anything positive.