How will they rule ??!

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Riiight. So pointing out reality from academia and leftist media is propaganda on my part not on their part? Got it.

This is a snippet of hordes of examples. You have been in the dark apparently if you are so oblivious that whites are targeted by Democrats. "Straight white males" are the devil to the left. Every SJW goes nuts over this.

You know what? I'm not going to bother with you. You're the same type of idiot who tries to act like it's preposterous that the media is 100'percent biased and owned.

You're clown shoes.

If you really believe any of this nonsense you have serious problems. I would recommend medical help but it's probably way too late. If we have many citizens like you our country is in real trouble. No wonder we elected a blooming idiot like Trump.
If you really believe any of this nonsense you have serious problems. I would recommend medical help but it's probably way too late. If we have many citizens like you our country is in real trouble. No wonder we elected a blooming idiot like Trump.

False. It's legitimately people like yourself and the other idiots on the "new left" that probably need medical help. It's genuinely concerning. I don't understand how so many people , with at least average intelligence, fall hook line and sinker into the lying, garbage rhetoric . Then... the fact that you are blatantly ignoring facts . Like literal facts .... and accepting bold face lies as truth ... well that's honestly why our country is in real trouble.

People like yourself who aren't intelligent enough to call a spade a spade and stop junk slurping your political party/ affiliation. Think for yourself for a change .... it's refreshing
This is exactly the type of propagandist bullshit that leads otherwise normal kids to grab tiki torches and re-enact KKK marches. Your goal is to give the perception that white people are under attack and we need to defend our culture. It's played out, though certainly all the rage among 22 year olds with no jobs ranting in the comments section of YouTube. Meanwhile, you are taking articles that barely anyone read sans any context of the article, and posting comments of Facebook walls.

Says the guy terrified by Neo Nazis and the KKK.

You lefties trip over yourselves in every post.
I just got one question for our liberal friends. Actually for Republicans too. What exactly does removing a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee do? Are we just going to act like history didn't happen or at the time both the North and South wanted Lee to lead their army's?

And at that time in history he was a beloved general and respected by both army's?

Why are people trying to erase or change history?

I just don't understand what the funking point is.
Of course. Out of sight, out of mind. If you get rid of the statues, then slavery never happened. The need for $25 reparations per person goes away. All the talk about how the blacks are too childlike to solve their own problems and manage their own families goes away. Everybody is happy.
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A leftist calling someone a lunatic is rich.

Also, why would I not equate two hate groups who use violence to another hate group? BTW, don't act like there's some big Hitler era Nazi like group. If that described anyone, it would be Antifa.
yes, please let me know when they ram a group of protestors with a car and kill them. I know breaking windows is just as bad but comparing a group of people fighting fascists and bigots to those fascists and bigots is just rich.

And I love how many on here are taking the side of the nazis and white supremacists. Which is really not surprising if you have read the dog whistle posts on here for's right out of the alt-right daily stormer playbook.

Trump proved this weekend just how little he cares for non-whites in America. I mean he can't come out and disavow a large portion of his supporters now can he?
I was in downtown Seattle all day today. Went to a Mariners game. Went to the Pop Art museum. Didn't see a single protester. Had a blast. You just don't realize how small this fringe is on both sides.
Again, the fringes are being baited, framed for display and used as tools by the MSM to incite and scare the public into accepting what the left can't sell to normal folks with the ability to think for themselves.

You have to view it as this for any of it to make sense.

Most of us in here lead daily lives that don't even remotely resemble the lion;s share of what is peddled as normal on MSM. If you can't find that line in the dark, you end up with the rush of weak-minded fools that flood this thread when they get a tiny moral victory every 6 months.
I was in downtown Seattle all day today. Went to a Mariners game. Went to the Pop Art museum. Didn't see a single protester. Had a blast. You just don't realize how small this fringe is on both sides.
Sorry buddy, but i saw the CNN coverage. Millions were present. The cameras were so overwhelmed that they could only capture 30 feet of the sidewalk at a time. This thing was HOOJIE (that means super duper big). These protests changed the nation. /sarc
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Political fringes share many commonalities, but you are completely ignoring the most important distinction -- BLM is a response to racism. Neo-Nazis promote racism. So, we can play the moral equivalence game. I'll bite. All extremists are the same. And if this is the case, which cause has good intentions?
Isnt BLM a response to police killing unarmed black men?
We all know that an average of 20 unarmed blacks are shot and killed each year in this nation of 340 million people. Only 16 (SIXTEEN) unarmed blacks were shot and killed in 2016. I'm not sure how much lower that number can go. More people are struck by lightning each year. BLM is smart. Before their lie was exposed, they collected more that $100 million in donations, and they are rich. Their mindless followers, those that are left, are shockingly ignorant and stupid.

You can find all the numbers yourself. Read the News Week article that comes up when you google this " police-killings-unarmed-black-men-538542 "

This is an Epidemic Of Violence Against The Truth. Meanwhile, BLMers draw High Salaries and many have moved on to 6-figure salaries at colleges.

While we're at it, criminal blacks get killed at a much lower rate than criminal whites. Moreover, black males, who make up 6% of the population, kill more than 40% of the cops who are shot and killed by criminals each year. I want to know who's the first POS who's going to challenge these numbers. Do your own research, starting with the databases you'll see listed in the News Week article.
This is rich, the crying has been coming from you and the left against anything that opposes your racist agenda.
Care to explain my racist agenda or what I cried about? Oh wait, once again you can't. You just throw out moronic claims because you got you little feelings hurt. Toughen up butter cup, all your crying is pathetic.
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I love the fact that Trump condemning hatred and bigotry isn't enough. He has to limit his condemnation to a certain subset of the country and tacitly endorse the bigotry and hatred of another subset.

How bout this. If you support an ideology that directly led to the suffering and slaughter of tens of millions of people in the past century, just shut the f*ck up.

"Oh but Communism is a great idea, the wrong people were in charge." No you dumb jackasses. That's as dumb as someone saying facism is great in theory if the right people are in charge.

You're stupid ass belief systems have caused the death and suffering of tens of millions of people. Communists and Marxists are no better than Nazis.

It's just a shame Communism and Marxism are openly accepted and given consideration by a large group on the left.

But hey, a lot of people on the right voted for a guy with an immigrant wife and jewish son in law who wants to stop illegal immigration and importation of unvetted fighting age men from terrorist hotbeds, so we're all Nazis.
The monuments are dedicated to southern Aristocrats who wanted to enslave black people, instill a aristocratic hegemony and wage war on the United States. We should remember the victims of the Civil War. Most people did not own slaves. Most were normal people trying to survive. Then a war broke out where they were forced to choose sides and fight alongside their relatives, friends and neighbors. They did not have the foresight of history. All they knew is that war was at their doorstep, and they fall on the southern side of the Mason-Dixon. They should absolutely be remembered and fighting to them was courageous.

However, if you put yourself in the shoes of a black person, or really any minority, then it's hard to make excuses for these monuments to be paraded in public places. Why should they be forced to look at Romanticized images of the men who actively wanted to enslave them?

The Civil War was more about State's rights and government overreach. Sadly many believe it was solely about slavery. With that said, is the Lincoln Monument next to go down? If you know your history you'll know Lincoln wasn't an abolitionist nor did he view whites and blacks as equals. In fact he once said so in a debate.

Robert E. Lee even viewed slavery as morally wrong. Other than being on opposing sides, he and Lincoln didn't have very differing opinions on slavery.

The point is, these were men of their time. Was their thinking flawed? Absolutely. But nearly everyone's was. We try to apply today's world to 1863 and that just isn't plausible. Should we tear down every statue built pre 1970?

We've reached a point where someone with the name "Lynch" is too offensive and has to be removed from buildings. At what point does it stop? Are we going to paint white buildings another color? Simply demolish them because it offends someone?

At some point we have to reach a point to where we can be adults, realize none of us were involved in the Civil War, and just live life without crumbling over minuscule issues like statues.
Says the guy terrified by Neo Nazis and the KKK.

You lefties trip over yourselves in every post.

Alright people, this post makes no sense on any level. Let's raise our standards a bit here. One, I never indicated I was terrified by Neo-Nazis or KKK. In fact, I think their hats are quite funny. Secondly, what the f*ck does it even mean for "lefties" to trip over themselves in every post?
Haha. Yeah, Cal Berkeley forming a human chain to block whites, Evergreen College demanding whites leave campus, black students demanding segregated dorms, classes focused on "abolishing whiteness" and professors saying whites need to "effing die" is totally okay and misunderstood. It needs more context.

You're delusional and naive and apparently in a bubble from what has been occurring.

You're right. I am sorry. White people are being threatened at an alarming rate.
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Of course. Out of sight, out of mind. If you get rid of the statues, then slavery never happened. The need for $25 reparations per person goes away. All the talk about how the blacks are too childlike to solve their own problems and manage their own families goes away. Everybody is happy.

Just curious if you've ever met a real life black person?
Anyways, it's working, because people are talking about it and reforms have been passed.

As far as the white man being under attack, universities giving dissenting courses and view points is not a new thing.

Let's raise our standards a bit here

First BLM is not helping anything. Violent crime is increasing in large cities and the racial divide is getting worse. Silly argument.

I am gonna guess that you call yourself a "moderate". This continual ignoring and dismissal of far left groups and activists are why the Dems have historic losses of territory over the past decade and why DT is POTUS despite very high negatives. It sure isn't anything the GOP has done to earn it. You, like every other liberal, want two massively distinct sets of rules. When you talk "standards" you sure aren't pointing them toward anyone on your side. But thanks for pointing out that a couple dozen dipshits don't speak for all conservatives.
First BLM is not helping anything. Violent crime is increasing in large cities and the racial divide is getting worse. Silly argument.

I am gonna guess that you call yourself a "moderate". This continual ignoring and dismissal of far left groups and activists are why the Dems have historic losses of territory over the past decade and why DT is POTUS despite very high negatives. It sure isn't anything the GOP has done to earn it. You, like every other liberal, want two massively distinct sets of rules. When you talk "standards" you sure aren't pointing them toward anyone on your side. But thanks for pointing out that a couple dozen dipshits don't speak for all conservatives.

I am not going to call myself anything. I'm done with that. Too many idiots just characterize things as left or right. I quite honestly don't give a f*ck what you label me as. Likewise, I don't give a f*ck about thinking a certain way to satisfy some bullshit label. It's a disease.
I am not going to call myself anything. I'm done with that. Too many idiots just characterize things as left or right. I quite honestly don't give a f*ck what you label me as. Likewise, I don't give a f*ck about thinking a certain way to satisfy some bullshit label. It's a disease.
The only bullshit is that you want label, generalize, and whine about things on the right but tuck your weiner about the idiots that have taken over your party behind some weak ass "campuses have always acted like that.....nobody reads those articles, etc". Take your "standards" and GFY.
Lmao Lexington's old courthouse/visitor center is where slaves were bought and sold. So Gray is gonna have to move that building for sure.
They just paid an ungodly amount to renovate that bldg that nobody uses. And I guess racism is gonna be ok at veterans park.

Perfect example of fake news. Gray stated this only advanced his already scheduled announcement. Also theyre being moved, not taken down.


However, if you put yourself in the shoes of a black person, or really any minority, then it's hard to make excuses for these monuments to be paraded in public places. Why should they be forced to look at Romanticized images of the men who actively wanted to enslave them?

First - blacks are the only people with a legit complaint about confederate symbols. Not just "any minority".

Second - noone alive today was involved. Noone cared about this stuff until some politicians saw they could score some millenial political points, and mobilized msm to help them.

Most people had no clue any of these things were confederate. I know i sure didnt.
Perfect example of fake news. Gray stated this only advanced his already scheduled announcement. Also theyre being moved, not taken down.


First - blacks are the only people with a legit complaint about confederate symbols. Not just "any minority".

Second - noone alive today was involved. Noone cared about this stuff until some politicians saw they could score some millenial political points, and mobilized msm to help them.

Most people had no clue any of these things were confederate. I know i sure didnt.
Yep. I doubt many people even noticed the statue (or knew it was there), that was defaced in Louisville yesterday. And they sure didn't know who the guy was.
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At the gym this morning. Bikes have tv's and I have my headphones on listening to music. One TV has NBC on. Another CBS.

Headlines: Pence defends Trump Trump heavily criticized CBS shows a graphic of hate groups in the US. No where is Antifa or BLM Everything is anti Trump, Whites, Republicans, etc.

Here I am not listening to it, but just watching and it really drives home yet again how slanted the MSM is. If you lived under a rock and started watching the news for the first time you would think Trump is the anti Christ. Trump could disarm everyone of Nuke's, bring world peace, end all hate, and find the cure to cancer all at the same time and he would still be under attack by these lunatics.

BTW, matter of time when someone is going to be packing heavy arms at one of these "rallies". It won't be tear gas, pepper spray, bats, flag poles, etc being used as weapons. Someone is going to smoke a lot of folks (not just cops like in Dallas) when things get out of hand. The car used is just the tip of the iceberg.