How will they rule ??!

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Just because I didn't comment on any other shooting doesn't mean I don't care or condemn them. See I have multiple jobs and don't get weekends off and can carve out time to ensure my voice is heard on a message or full of morons who want the equivalent of a circle jerk of ideology....
Lie, straight up lie. We are not the uneducated left. We see through BS like this because you guys lie at every turn and are too dumb to realize you do not have the intelligence to pull it off.
Yes, yes. Antifa, your arch enemy, were the ones sporting swastikas and other Nazi propaganda. I'm sorry. I missed that.

If you think BLM/Antifa or whatever is your new catchphrase is the equivalent to an actual terrorist group (KKK) or a party that sought world domination, I don't know what to tell you.
Yup, great bunch of people they are.

Yeah those damn painted rocks are all over the place now.

A Republican crashes his car into a crowd and instead of condemnation without any strings,

How is condemning all the violence a "string"? Why can't people condemn Nazis and Antifa for the role they played? Nazis weren't beating each other up. Antifa played just as much a part as the Nazis did and are just as guilty.

Nazis are insane abhorrent people. You can't show up to their legal rally, violate their rights and pick a fight with them then cry foul and lay all the blame on them when they oblige to fight you.

Both side need to be blamed and called out for their violence. Giving Antifa pass just because the other morons were Nazis is just as wrong as defending the Nazis.
Way to go Lexington for moving up the plan ofr removing the confederate statues. Lets stand up against the hatred, racism, snd bigotry of the white supremacists and the alt-right.

I'm curious what you think this is going to accomplish? I couldn't even tell you what statues Lexington has other than horses but I want to know what change you think will occur by removing Democrat/confederate statues?

Will it solve everything? What do you do when they start wanting to remove all white related schools (already happening) and buildings and art? We change sports team names cause it offends someone. You think the pitchfork-holding mob is going to stop there?

I bet you have no idea what Antifa and the far left mobs have been doing for years.

My solution to all of this is to replace all of these statues with mosques and Michael Brown statues just for shits and giggles at the absurdity.
Someone make sense of this

The left sees Nazis everywhere
These Nazis apparently hate Jews
The left loves Muslims that want to kill Jews
The left hates Nazis


The left says they're against racism
The left loves groups based on skin color
The left hates whites
The left promotes hatred of ppl based on skin color and gender.
The left isn't racist


Muslims commit violence based on their doctrine
"Don't blame Muslims. It has nothing to do w/Islam."

Blacks commit crimes
"Don't profile blacks."

Liberal shoots Republican
"Don't judge all liberals."

Blacks kill cops after Obama & media's narrative
"Don't blame Obama."

Group of "nazi" morons march
"This is Trump's fault. Republicans are racist. All whites are KKK"
Please liberals, respond and explain all of the above because it is true. If you do not, I will consider it agreement and that you are the racist,fascist, communist, pedophiles you are. Yes I mean those on this site.
They're not being melted down, just moved to somewhere more appropriate. It's a very bad look on Lexington to have two confederate officers at the courthouse, steps away from a former slave auction area. I will miss seeing what color John Hunt Morgan's horse's balls get painted every so often. Cooler heads have prevailed once again, and we're not rewriting history by moving them to a park in the city.

For the record: this was posted in another thread.
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This guy is at the rally in Seattle. ANTIFA are such scum.

I'd say the reason they're right back at it today is because they got a pass in yesterday's event. They feel empowered.

They think it's okay to use violence to shutdown speech they disagree with because they've been allowed to do it for months with no repercussions.

They also think it's okay to go around punching anyone they label a Nazi because if they get punched back they'll be painted as the victim.
Jesus, man. Your post reaks of ignorant, associative terms.

You guys are a sad bunch. A Republican crashes his car into a crowd and instead of condemnation without any strings, you deflect and say, "Where were you when *insert tragedy happened*".

Step your game up.
The condemnation was done until you snowflakes started blaming Trump and everyone right of center. You people are too stupid to see your own bigotry and hypocrisy. Sad, sad, bigoted morons. We will keep winning though, thanks.
I'd say the reason they're right back at it today is because they got a pass in yesterday's event. They feel empowered.

They think it's okay to use violence to shutdown speech they disagree with because they've been allowed to do it for months with no repercussions.

They also think it's okay to go around punching anyone they label a Nazi because if they get punched back they'll be painted as the victim.
Absolutely. The MSM gave it a green light. The violence from the left is going to ramp up because of it.

The MSM is putting a target on the back of every Trump supporter, make no mistake.

They want more James Hodgkinsons.
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I don't post in here often because one post is followed by a barrage of idiocy, including you. Actually, especially you.

I don't support violence. I'm a pacifist. So, keep trotting your "liberals love violence if it's in their support" nonsense. Has zero to do with me.
So stay out of here if you are only going to condemn the right or you will look exactly like we know you are, a lying piece of garbage who supports violence, pedophilia, rape, misogyny, racism, and censorship, all agenda's the left is supporting.
If you think BLM/Antifa or whatever is your new catchphrase is the equivalent to an actual terrorist group

Antifa is an actual terrorists group.

And don't make excuses and say one is worse than the other. A political terrorists group is a political terrorists group is a political terrorists group. One wants to terrorize blacks and Jews. The other wants to terrorize anyone they disagree with and cops.
If you think BLM/Antifa or whatever is your new catchphrase is the equivalent to an actual terrorist group (KKK) or a party that sought world domination, I don't know what to tell you.

Antifa is a violent terrorist organization. Funded by Soros and likely the Democratic Party.

We are living in 2017. Nazis bent on world domination were destroyed 72 years ago. Neo Nazis are low iq morons that think being a Nazi makes them important.
A leftist calling someone a lunatic is rich.

Also, why would I not equate two hate groups who use violence to another hate group? BTW, don't act like there's some big Hitler era Nazi like group. If that described anyone, it would be Antifa.

Yeppp. This whole rhetoric of "white supremacy being Alice and well" is f*cking ridiculous. These idiot "nazis" are effing ignorant , stupid , Petty and I absolutely condemn any action by them whatsoever. They can DIAF for all I care .

But that's the difference. Myself , you, others in this thread .. potus etc ... "trump supporters " HAVE condemned this behavior however the left has NEVER condemned the behavior of THEIR terrorist groups (yes terrorist groups) like BLM, antifa , etc.

The Dems were looking for ANYTHING since the Russia "scandal" blew up in their face and was proven to be absurd lies. Now they got something . It was a mere Minutes after all the ish in Charlottesville went down , that media , pundits etc were saying "this is trumps fault ! Trump is a racist ! White people are KKK!"
Effing ridiculous. I just don't understand how the F people can believe this garbage. It baffles me. It really does

Idc if it sounds crazy . And no I'm in NO WAY saying whites have had it as hard as blacks/ minorities over the last century. Not saying that at all. BUT, there is ABSOLUTELY a negative narrative attempted to be painted about whites. White people are literally being vilified as a whole. There are college courses on "getting rid of white people " white shame " so on and so forth. It's rather disturbing . Like
Someone else said... I'm legitimately worried about a possible "civil war"

Idk maybe I'm being paranoid

Edit*****- I meant condemned*** LOL - epic fail by me
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I'm curious what you think this is going to accomplish? I couldn't even tell you what statues Lexington has other than horses but I want to know what change you think will occur by removing Democrat/confederate statues?

Will it solve everything? What do you do when they start wanting to remove all white related schools (already happening) and buildings and art? We change sports team names cause it offends someone. You think the pitchfork-holding mob is going to stop there?

I bet you have no idea what Antifa and the far left mobs have been doing for years.

My solution to all of this is to replace all of these statues with mosques and Michael Brown statues just for shits and giggles at the absurdity.

I think you already know what will happen. And they're coming down in Charlottesville too and many other places. We're not afraid of racists, bigots and thugs. They're a cowardly bunch who think Trump will help them.
If you think BLM/Antifa or whatever is your new catchphrase is the equivalent to an actual terrorist group (KKK) or a party that sought world domination, I don't know what to tell you.
In terms of modern power in, # of events, violent crime, etc the KKK is far inferior.
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LOL. Oh, okay. You have a different set of rules for us. Republicans and whites get grouped no problem. Libs, Muslims and minorities though? Nah. Can't do that. Hitting people with bike locks, macing them in the face, sucker punching them, trying to massacre politicians on a baseball field, executing cops, blowing people up, you all make sure you get a pass.

Amazing that I've never seen you on here before.

Ayeeee bud. Shoot me a PM
I think you already know what will happen. And they're coming down in Charlottesville too and many other places. We're not afraid of racists, bigots and thugs. They're a cowardly bunch who think Trump will help them.

How long before you start going after founding fathers that owned slaves?

You're perfectly fine with violently attacking anyone that has a viewpoint different than yours?

In my opinion theres not much difference between a white hood and a black mask, both individuals are trying to make up for insecurities and hate, behind a mask.
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I was in downtown Seattle all day today. Went to a Mariners game. Went to the Pop Art museum. Didn't see a single protester. Had a blast. You just don't realize how small this fringe is on both sides.

Here is what I try to remind my self every day. But, they control the media. They'll win eventually.
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I don't post in here often because one post is followed by a barrage of idiocy, including you. Actually, especially you.

I don't support violence. I'm a pacifist. So, keep trotting your "liberals love violence if it's in their support" nonsense. Has zero to do with me.

A "Pacifist" [roll]

lol, no you aren't man.
Yeppp. This whole rhetoric of "white supremacy being Alice and well" is f*cking ridiculous. These idiot "nazis" are effing ignorant , stupid , Petty and I absolutely condemn any action by them whatsoever. They can DIAF for all I care .

But that's the difference. Myself , you, others in this thread .. potus etc ... "trump supporters " HAVE condoned this behavior however the left has NEVER condoned the behavior of THEIR terrorist groups (yes terrorist groups) like BLM, antifa , etc.

The Dems were looking for ANYTHING since the Russia "scandal" blew up in their face and was proven to be absurd lies. Now they got something . It was a mere Minutes after all the ish in Charlottesville went down , that media , pundits etc were saying "this is trumps fault ! Trump is a racist ! White people are KKK!"
Effing ridiculous. I just don't understand how the F people can believe this garbage. It baffles me. It really does

Idc if it sounds crazy . And no I'm in NO WAY saying whites have had it as hard as blacks/ minorities over the last century. Not saying that at all. BUT, there is ABSOLUTELY a negative narrative attempted to be painted about whites. White people are literally being vilified as a whole. There are college courses on "getting rid of white people " white shame " so on and so forth. It's rather disturbing . Like
Someone else said... I'm legitimately worried about a possible "civil war"

Idk maybe I'm being paranoid
Liberals would round up all white people and exterminate them tomorrow if they could. Hilarious how they act like they aren't racist. SJWs are some of the biggest racist pieces of human garbage there are on the planet.
1,200 people were going off in Seattle today - 1,000 of which were leftists - and it was a free event to attend. About 45K attended a baseball game a few blocks away, which started at $37 just to get in, for two teams out of the pennant race.
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