How will they rule ??!

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I'll been out of the loop with the news lately. But my friend texted me little while ago, said that kid who drove the car once went to the high school named after our former hs principle who died a few days after our graduation.

Haven't fact checked it but thought it was interesting if true.
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Real issues = Mental Health

Real issues = Useful idiots radicalized to keep the division.

Like I said do yourselves a favor read up on marxism. Read up on the recent countries that were collapsed with same tactics. Read up on who benefits from this civil unrest financially and politically. Same tactics with different names for the groups. Color revolutions. Be aware of the Purple one that is happening now.

Those that continue to do their bidding for them by pointing fingers at the other side are useful idiots. Stereotypes and bigotry is what they want to keep you distracted while they enslave us and take our money. But hey it's just a conspiracy go back to sleep and keep up the division with the senseless tweets of twitter propaganda to flame the hate to destroy this country from within.

Charlottesville car attack suspect James Fields Jr. was 'infatuated' with Nazis, ex-teacher says
Fields recently moved from Northern Kentucky

James Alex Fields Jr., 20, also wanted to join the Army but wasn't allowed to enlist because of his mental health history, the teacher said.

He said those views, combined with Fields' history of being prescribed antipsychotic medication, may have been a "perfect storm."

Shit I missed this post. Yep I live right down the road from his old HS. Trying to find out where he lived in Union. Crazy
Dude... it's really not a lie at all... the left/ MSM / antifa , bloggers etc etc are absolutely white shaming people , saying ALL white people are supremacists, whites need a "lesson" all white males are sexist homophobes ... the list goes on and on.

I really didn't wanna believe it all at first either. I chalked it up to some random , obscure fringe followers. However it's becoming more and more common .
Yesterday morning when I first read the story on MSN by the WaPo, the headline stated " WHITE SUPREMACISTS IN VA....", later in the day the same story was there but the headline now read "WHITE NATIONALISTS IN VA...".

I guess that term casts a wider net and ensnares and demonizes more whites.
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I still don't know why we let the actions of a few dictate the political direction of the country.

A plurality of eligible voters don't care enough about things to even bother voting.

A majority of Americans are "normal." I.E., they aren't far left or right. They're a few degrees off center either way.

So we are left with message board warriors and a tiny, tiny group of idiots on each side that incite violence and vitriolic rhetoric, and the MSM pushes the narrative that it's normal. It's not. These are minuscule groups (comparatively) that get all the attention. They represent almost nothing of what most of us believe.
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I just got one question for our liberal friends. Actually for Republicans too. What exactly does removing a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee do? Are we just going to act like history didn't happen or at the time both the North and South wanted Lee to lead their army's?

And at that time in history he was a beloved general and respected by both army's?

Why are people trying to erase or change history?

I just don't understand what the funking point is.
I just got one question for our liberal friends. Actually for Republicans too. What exactly does removing a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee do? Are we just going to act like history didn't happen or at the time both the North and South wanted Lee to lead their army's?

And at that time in history he was a beloved general and respected by both army's?

Why are people trying to erase or change history?

I just don't understand what the funking point is.

Most of these people causing the uproar don't know a lick of history. These people protesting so hard (on both sides) probably think Robert E. Lee was a whip wielding slave owner who fought for nothing more than his right to torture slaves.

Abraham Lincoln was a visionary who wanted to end slavery. That's the only concern he had. It's not like he ever supported slavery...

They don't realize there was a bigger issue being fought over. State's rights. And sadly, it looks like another fight over state's rights may be in the near future if the federal government doesn't stop overreaching.
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The statue is just background at this point, what happened yesterday had nothing to do with it.
Having said that, what do you thinks going to happen after the confederate slave owner statues are all gone? Think it'll stop there? How many of the founding fathers owned slaves, we gonna remove all their statues as well?
The point is that Robert E Lee joined the confederacy because his state seceded, states were far more important at that time than the nation , to the people.
Way to go Lexington for moving up the plan ofr removing the confederate statues. Lets stand up against the hatred, racism, snd bigotry of the white supremacists and the alt-right.
Just one mother flipping time I'd like to see the left be able to be critical of its side. Just one freaking time. Just once I'd like to see liberal media not claim the left is always virtuous and innocent.

Just one damn time I'd like to see a discussion about race not be a one-sided lecture to whites and where actual history and stats and facts are brought up.

Just one time I'd like to see the left use their love to judge and be critical of whites, men, conservatives and Christians and point it to Islam, the black community, illegals, migrants, Antifa, BLM and their other groups.

Just once, I'd love to see the left and their media have the ability to be critical and shine a light on the corruption in their party and their messiahs like they do Republicans and the Trump admin.

If you were a fighter for truth, you should want to bury everyone regardless of party. But the left doesn't operate this way. They believe the ends justify the means. As long as it helps accomplish an agenda, they justify everything.
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I just got one question for our liberal friends. Actually for Republicans too. What exactly does removing a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee do? Are we just going to act like history didn't happen or at the time both the North and South wanted Lee to lead their army's?

And at that time in history he was a beloved general and respected by both army's?

Why are people trying to erase or change history?

I just don't understand what the funking point is.

I couldn't care less whether the statue stays up or goes down, but I do disagree with the notion that taking down statues is erasing history. It's not like he is being removed from books, museums, documentaries, and all the other things that exist as a source for someone to look into the history of our country.
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I am for violence when it comes to white nationalists and Antifa people getting together. I hope they kill each other. Not sure why people are getting so upset about it. Both sides knew what they were getting into when they went there. The media loves it, btw.
Agree. Let em kill each other and arrest the survivors.
Truth is the reason the dems are playing the nazi card is because Russiagate was/is dying a painful death.

This nazi card will eventually pass too (not that they'll completely stop using it, of course) and they'll be back to something else ridiculous.

The democrats are utterly desperate for something to stick on Trump.
We are going to get a second Civil War in this nation. There's no if. It's a matter of when.

You don't go this far left and create this much animosity toward people without it eventually blowing up.

Think about the current state of things.

We have a media who is out of control and pushes propaganda that rivals that of Soviet Union, Nazi Germany and communist countries.

We have elites trying to have our nation be invaded and trying to replace the population (this used to be called genocide).

We have academia, media and Democrats labeling and assaulting anyone who disagrees with them.

We have those same people pushing an anti-white narrative, which is beyond dangerous and will continue to make tribalism kick in even more so when one group feels they're under attack by minorities who hate them and want them dead.

We have a government who is trying to overthrow the president.

We have a party who is trying to empower Islam and has sanctuary cities. A party who destroys cities and encourages it.

How is this not going to explode?
Whats sad is everything you stated is accurate, but you forgot to add possibly the worst part. The deep state. They are absolutely involved in helping take the USA down, and these people have real power.

No effing way. No GD way do these people get to dictate one more thing. Not one more thing of catering to them or compromising with them. Nada. NOTHING. Eff these people.

This is a group who is filled with radicals. They said nothing when BLM activists were invited to the White House and on stage at the DNC. They have it out for Bannon. Considering who these people are okay with, they can get bent.

But I like that Bannon is somehow responsible for yesterday. lol. Jesus.
Whats sad is everything you stated is accurate, but you forgot to add possibly the worst part. The deep state. They are absolutely involved in helping take the USA down, and these people have real power.

Forgive me lol, but what is the "deep state?" I keep seeing it referenced here and there ?
Forgive me lol, but what is the "deep state?" I keep seeing it referenced here and there ?
Leakers in the FBI, NSA etc...

You know how Trump has a lot of phone calls leaked, and stuff like that? That's who is doing it.

Leaks from the ICs help started the Russiagate BS. Very bad people involved in the deep state.
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