How will they rule ??!

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This is dumb as shit. There's no room in modern times for that rhetoric. If it were a Muslim or group of Muslims doing this the national guard would have already been called. And Trump's comments or lack thereof was just completely dumbfounding. I mean, "hatred on both sides." Really? Of course we hate people who represent racism/bigotry. That's like saying the Jews should've loved the Nazis. Trump has two staffers in Jeff Sessions and Bannon who would've loved to be there. Your comment is about as dumb and oblivious as you can get. No, people who have that kind of rhetoric of bigotry don't have a right to exercise it. That's why the Nazi's overtook France so easily. Because of people with moderate attitudes as yourself....That bullshit has no place in this country in 2017.

Sean, you're a moron in every thread you post. We've been dealing with fascist tactics of violence and silencing of speech from Antifa & leftist nuts for years. You can glady STFU.

You nuts have demonized whites every chance you get. You promote bigotry against them, you stay silent when violence occurs against them.

You run defense for Antifa, BLM, Muslims and when leftist nuts try to massacre Republican congressmen, you say nothing about Obama and lib media getting cops killed last year but first chance you get to bash and group whites, you POS take it and run with it.
Yes, bashing one side while ignoring the same actions on your side, pretty much makes you a hypocrite.
My side, what exactly is my side? I don't like either of the trash parties. I can tell where I stand on any issue though, and it doesn't change depending on who's for it at the time. Oh, and you still can specifically say what I said that you have an issue with, you're still whining about sides.
Just because I didn't comment on any other shooting doesn't mean I don't care or condemn them. See I have multiple jobs and don't get weekends off and can carve out time to ensure my voice is heard on a message or full of morons who want the equivalent of a circle jerk of ideology....
Let's not go there BBS. Posting history on this site goes back further than July 7 2016. That's ok though.
See I have multiple jobs and don't get weekends off and can carve out time

But the fact remains, you made damn sure to do it today. Odd how that always happens. Always busy when the James Hodgkinsons of the world are trying to assassinate an entire baseball field of R's, but let some Nazi run people over and you have all the time in the world.

Hatred on both sides. Not peaceful. All idiots looking for trouble.
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Just because I didn't comment on any other shooting doesn't mean I don't care or condemn them. See I have multiple jobs and don't get weekends off and can carve out time to ensure my voice is heard on a message or full of morons who want the equivalent of a circle jerk of ideology....

Someone types the d-r-o-n-e word in this thread and Sean gets all triggered.
Just because I didn't comment on any other shooting doesn't mean I don't care or condemn them. See I have multiple jobs and don't get weekends off and can carve out time to ensure my voice is heard on a message or full of morons who want the equivalent of a circle jerk of ideology....
Bullshit. I have a job and I was here yesterday condemning it.

You need a better excuse than that.

Be honest. You don't condemn those acts because you support them.
If you believed that you would not be such a dick on here and condemn it whenever it happens and not just now hypocrite.
Being a dick? Should I be more PC? I don't want to hurt your little feelings again by calling out a guy who was speaking from a place of ignorance.
Funny i think i saw something about abunch of Nazis somewhere in Virginia praising Trump yesterday. Maybe it's in the news?
Racist pieces of shit and all, like or not, they have every right to speech and assembly. Zero violence until far left Antifa showed up trying to infringe on those rights. Funny how that part isn't in the news.
Whitehouse clarifies statement, cites groups by name:

"The President said very strongly in his statement yesterday that he condemns all forms of violence, bigotry, and hatred," the White House said in a statement.

"Of course that includes white supremacists, KKK Neo-Nazi and all extremist groups,"

"He called for national unity and bringing all Americans together."
Just like any violence at a Trump rally, or on any college campus where a conservative has been invited to speak, the violence yesterday was brought on by radical leftists. None of us agree with the KKK, or Nazis. But the ones of us on the right do agree with the concept of freedom of speech.

The "nationalists" asked for and were granted permission to hold a rally. That's the way it's supposed to work. The leftists were out of line by illegally assembling to violently protest a legal gathering. If they didn't start no shit, there wouldn't be no shit.

I've told people for years now that when the KKK comes to town the worst thing you can do is go yell at them and protest their right to speak. Just ignore them and stay away. Yesterday could have been a small gathering of knuckle dragging mouth breathers drinking beers and saying "they took our jobs". The left with their over the top vitriol created the chaos.
Whitehouse clarifies statement, cites groups by name:

"The President said very strongly in his statement yesterday that he condemns all forms of violence, bigotry, and hatred," the White House said in a statement.

"Of course that includes white supremacists, KKK Neo-Nazi and all extremist groups,"

"He called for national unity and bringing all Americans together."
Though Trump absolutely did the right thing, in a way I can't help but to wish he would've said something like "Sure I'll condemn these groups right after the democrat party denounces ANTIFA, BLM etc...

Or have at least added something like that to his statement about the dems never condemning their people.
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Things that get silence from the left
BLM riots and violence
Any violence against whites
Obama and media getting cops killed
Persecution of Christians
Islamic violence and oppression of others
Leftist radicals Antifa stabbing horses, people, using bike locks, 2x4s, macing conservatives, etc.
Leftists teaching hate of whites in college
Interracial rape stats
Hate crime hoaxes attempted to defame whites, Christians and Republicans.
Dems busing in protesters to destroy cities
Conservatives being silenced by leftists
Trump protesters setting a girl's hair on fire

Things the left fixates on
Identity politics
Trump tweets
I haven't been watching the news, so haven't seen many pictures. How many Nazis were there? The reports make it sound like hundreds. Is that accurate?
Someone make sense of this

The left sees Nazis everywhere
These Nazis apparently hate Jews
The left loves Muslims that want to kill Jews
The left hates Nazis


The left says they're against racism
The left loves groups based on skin color
The left hates whites
The left promotes hatred of ppl based on skin color and gender.
The left isn't racist


Muslims commit violence based on their doctrine
"Don't blame Muslims. It has nothing to do w/Islam."

Blacks commit crimes
"Don't profile blacks."

Liberal shoots Republican
"Don't judge all liberals."

Blacks kill cops after Obama & media's narrative
"Don't blame Obama."

Group of "nazi" morons march
"This is Trump's fault. Republicans are racist. All whites are KKK"
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I am for violence when it comes to white nationalists and Antifa people getting together. I hope they kill each other. Not sure why people are getting so upset about it. Both sides knew what they were getting into when they went there. The media loves it, btw.


Why the media pretends one side was there with flowers in their hair is what is wrong with media.
Your last paragraph is an out and out lie. That is all.

Dude... it's really not a lie at all... the left/ MSM / antifa , bloggers etc etc are absolutely white shaming people , saying ALL white people are supremacists, whites need a "lesson" all white males are sexist homophobes ... the list goes on and on.

I really didn't wanna believe it all at first either. I chalked it up to some random , obscure fringe followers. However it's becoming more and more common .
Just because I didn't comment on any other shooting doesn't mean I don't care or condemn them. See I have multiple jobs and don't get weekends off and can carve out time to ensure my voice is heard on a message or full of morons who want the equivalent of a circle jerk of ideology....

Lol ya ok " I have jobs and a life and I'm busy!!" Is why you haven't been posting in the thread lol... right ...
From the Hill reporter who was punched in the face. First hand account. According to her description of events, one group was there trying to exercise their first amendment, legally holding a rally, permit in hand, and was forced to defend themselves against another group that was the aggressor, only there to infringe on their rights, assault them, shut them down and run them out of town.

Horror and hate in Charlottesville

The images of torch-lit white nationalists occupying the center of an American city went viral on social media, increasing the pressure on liberal activists to prevent Saturday's event.

Saturday saw many storefronts in Charlottesville shuttered ahead of expected fighting, which began hours before the noon start time for the planned right-wing rally.

The event brought various white nationalist groups together and was meant to protest Charlottesville's planned removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee.

The event never began, with a state of emergency declared and the white nationalists pushed out of the park before alt-right leaders like Richard Spencer could even take the stage. Violent clashes between both sides ahead of the event left several bloodied.

After their rally was quashed, roughly 100 dejected white nationalists tried to regroup at a more distant park.

At that point, they were more interested in getting out of Charlottesville and performing makeshift medical care on their political allies than returning to the scene of the clashes. One man proposed retreating to nearby woods to avoid police or anti-fascist protesters.

"Our plan is to get out of here," said one man who refused to give his name. "Everyone is scattered."

Still, they fumed over their ejection.

Spencer, who rallied with a number of other white nationalist leaders, including ex-KKK Imperial Wizard and former Senate candidate David Duke, urged the crowd to disperse but complained that the police hadn't defended their event against the left-wing activists.

"They did not protect us," Spencer said.

While the alt-right retreated, anarchists and left-wing counter-protesters were beginning to hype each other up.

"Antifa" counter-protesters enjoyed their victory, with some burning flags affiliated with white nationalist causes.

One group of counter-protesters circled a group of 10-15 men and women who identified themselves as local militiamen and all wore camouflage clothing in a downtown parking lot.

As a few of the militiamen, some carrying rifles and two wearing President Trump's signature "Make American Great Again" hats, got into a grey Lexus SUV, counter-protesters circled and shouted at them to renounce the KKK and get out of town.

As their SUV pulled out, counter-protesters chased it down, throwing rocks bottles, and a shoe, attempting to smash its windows.

Hundreds of counter-protesters marched down Water Street chanting "Whose streets? Our streets!"

The white nationalist leaders were giving speeches to their disappointed supporters when video of the car driving into protesters across town began to go viral on social media.

Citing a supposed attack from left-wing protesters or a possible police arrival, the remaining white power supporters hurried to their cars.
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And those of us in this thread have condemned every last one of them, including the guy pictured below.

Speaking of the guy pictured below, what do you have to say about this guy? He was there trying to set people on fire. There was zero violence Friday night. The violence didn't start until his lot showed up. Do you also disapprove of him?


And look at the poor lil feller caught in the middle of this crap. He's probably the only person in this pic who actually lives in this town. Out on his usual stroll looking for change and gently use daily cigarettes then out come the crazies waving flags and playing with fire. Smh.

Also pretty sure that idiot burned that nice looking boxwood that wasn't harming nobody.!
Everyone should take this piece of advice, the mainstream media, the right wing media, sports media, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, everyone. The right and the left are so into their tribal war that they only see things from the lense of their fight with the other side. There is no right and wrong with you guys except when it comes to the other side. Thats pathetic if you ask me.

Don't disagree. I'm a registered independent myself because I can't stand what the government has become. I lean right more than left but, I like to think the only side I am on is the side of common sense. And as pointed out multiple times, everyone here has condemned neo-nazis, white supremacy, etc. And the idiot who plowed into everyone deserves worse than he'll get.

Concerning keeping one's mouth shut, I agree. However, it used to be the media's job to deliver news. They don't do that anymore. They either rush out whatever they have, with no fact checking, to be first or they slant it and control the narrative. It would be easier on everyone if they didn't feel like they have to research every tidbit of "news" that is reported.
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We are going to get a second Civil War in this nation. There's no if. It's a matter of when.

You don't go this far left and create this much animosity toward people without it eventually blowing up.

Think about the current state of things.

We have a media who is out of control and pushes propaganda that rivals that of Soviet Union, Nazi Germany and communist countries.

We have elites trying to have our nation be invaded and trying to replace the population (this used to be called genocide).

We have academia, media and Democrats labeling and assaulting anyone who disagrees with them.

We have those same people pushing an anti-white narrative, which is beyond dangerous and will continue to make tribalism kick in even more so when one group feels they're under attack by minorities who hate them and want them dead.

We have a government who is trying to overthrow the president.

We have a party who is trying to empower Islam and has sanctuary cities. A party who destroys cities and encourages it.

How is this not going to explode?
And look at the poor lil feller caught in the middle of this crap. He's probably the only person in this pic who actually lives in this town. Out on his usual stroll looking for change and gently use daily cigarettes then out come the crazies waving flags and playing with fire. Smh.

Also pretty sure that idiot burned that nice looking boxwood that wasn't harming nobody.!

Don't be fooled. Ole Man Flower Pecker is a sucker for an old-fashioned riot.