How will they rule ??!

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The left has been mobilized since the election to create chaos and they have succeeded. It has damaged the Presidents ability to focus on the real problems in the country. IMO there needs to be investigations into the funding of these groups and arrests made. Someone soon is going to take a shot at the president. Maybe someone with that financial backing. If they succeed all hell is going to break loose. Remember this is all from the side that ridiculed Trumps statement that he simply didn't know how he would respond if he lost the election.
Agreed. They are going to cause a civil war if they aren't stopped. These groups need to be destroyed before they completely destroy the country.
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Not sure why you guys expect me or any other left winger to show up regularly to your round the clock circle jerk over conspiracy theories, Clinton obsession, and thinly veiled racism. Do you guys spend all day looking for random trans tweets so you can post it and claim Armageddon?

That's why I'm not a regular in this thread.

That's cool. If you can't take the time to bother showing up to condemn your own filth, then don't pout when you don't get taken seriously only showing up to condemn the other filth. If your intentions are to stay away from this thread, then might as well stay away from it altogether. Fair enough?
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I've seen two pictures of vehicles hitting people and both were a Tundra. So idk what's real.

Jim Gray to get rid of the Confederate statues. Do leftists not learn anything? Can you stoke the fire any more? Why not wait until everything calms down? Jesus.

Smh. No he's not. Fake news. He is urging his city council (which is wrong in the first place...but whatever) to ask the state for permission to move those statues to a park. Fine. If that's what the city wants.

*if you wanna play the way the left does, lexington is still racist and it's appalling that they would move these racists statues to a park and not demolish them.

Basically he was just taking advantage of a sad moment to push his popularity and create semi fake news to make himself look good on social media.
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...but that a good point about stoking fires. Shameful act from another cowardly public official.

Shit, bulldoze em yesterday if you want. I would have more respect for that. Take a stand. But he's simply playing the media, voters, and his own city council who he just put in a box. Just like a fn politician.

Who was driving this van? That isn't the car Fields was reported as driving, it's a minivan.

Have you not watched any of the other videos of this? That minivan is simply being pushed forward after Fields' plowed into a crowd of people and rammed cars from behind.

Your drone vid doesn't really show the actual incident, as it's concealed by the building behind that van. If you wanna see it, google around, there are far more graphic and ugly videos out there that show more.
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Then why is making accusations about who escalated this situation? Why did he say antifa needs to be investigated AFTER the neo-nazis?

If he doesn't know then maybe he just shouldn't comment

Antifa certainly escalated it. Then the other lunatic escalated further.

There are no good guys in that situation. Only worse guys.

Jim Gray to get rid of the Confederate statues. Do leftists not learn anything? Can you stoke the fire any more? Why not wait until everything calms down? Jesus.

Cant get as many headlines and lefty brownie points if he did that.

The left has been mobilized since the election to create chaos and they have succeeded. It has damaged the Presidents ability to focus on the real problems in the country. IMO there needs to be investigations into the funding of these groups and arrests made. Someone soon is going to take a shot at the president. Maybe someone with that financial backing. If they succeed all hell is going to break loose. Remember this is all from the side that ridiculed Trumps statement that he simply didn't know how he would respond if he lost the election.

Yep. Soros funds and assets in the US should be frozen immediately. Any transfer to another person should be intercepted and forfeited.

Hes as much enemy and threat to this nation as any thats ever lived.
Have you not watched any of the other videos of this? That minivan is simply being pushed forward after Fields' ran over people and rammed the cars behind it.

Your drone vid doesn't show the actual incident, as it's concealed by the building behind your van. If you wanna see it, google around, there are far more graphic and ugly videos out there that show the real thing.

Im gonna have to back track, I was wrong about the video.
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How many other people killed or tried to kill anyone yesterday at the demonstration? If no one else did then it should stop with the one man. He should receive the death penalty if found guilty of premeditated murder. Don't care about what some say about mental state or anything else. Everyone else as long as protesting or demonstrating peaceably have the right to do so. Don't care if you hate their stance (white supremacy) I do, they have the right to be that way. Perhaps they "identify" as Nazi's.
Not sure why you guys expect me or any other left winger to show up regularly to your round the clock circle jerk over conspiracy theories, Clinton obsession, and thinly veiled racism. Do you guys spend all day looking for random trans tweets so you can post it and claim Armageddon?

That's why I'm not a regular in this thread.

It's because they won. Elections have consequences. Don't kid yourself. If Hillary would have won the liberals who were regulars in this thread wouldn't have scurried away like cockroaches, and this thread would be a bash Trump liberal circle jerk.

Speaking of conspiracies the Democrats' entire resistance is built on a conspiracy. The liberal media is literally pushing it. You can't turn on the TV without hearing about it. You guys have no room to talk. Russiagate makes birther look like child's play.

And for thinly veiled racism comment. Have you checked out the foaming at the mouth anti white racism coming from several factions of the Democrat party lately? That stuff is far from thinly veiled. It's full blown we want to end their race. No room to talk.
It's because they won. Elections have consequences. Don't kid yourself. If Hillary would have won the liberals who were regulars in this thread wouldn't have scurried away like cockroaches, and this thread would be a bash Trump liberal circle jerk.

Speaking of conspiracies the Democrats' entire resistance is built on a conspiracy. The liberal media is literally pushing it. You can't turn on the TV without hearing about it. You guys have no room to talk. Russiagate makes birther look like child's play.

And for thinly veiled racism comment. Have you checked out the foaming at the mouth anti white racism coming from several factions of the Democrat party lately? That stuff is far from thinly veiled. It's full blown we want to end their race. No room to talk.

He should receive the death penalty if found guilty of premeditated murder.

If I'm remembering correctly, I think they charged him with 2nd degree murder. I'm assuming they're assuming that he didn't show up to the rally plotting to murder someone, and that the chaos and heat of the moment led to it. Not really sure.
How many other people killed or tried to kill anyone yesterday at the demonstration? If no one else did then it should stop with the one man. He should receive the death penalty if found guilty of premeditated murder. Don't care about what some say about mental state or anything else. Everyone else as long as protesting or demonstrating peaceably have the right to do so. Don't care if you hate their stance (white supremacy) I do, they have the right to be that way. Perhaps they "identify" as Nazi's.

This is dumb as shit. There's no room in modern times for that rhetoric. If it were a Muslim or group of Muslims doing this the national guard would have already been called. And Trump's comments or lack thereof was just completely dumbfounding. I mean, "hatred on both sides." Really? Of course we hate people who represent racism/bigotry. That's like saying the Jews should've loved the Nazis. Trump has two staffers in Jeff Sessions and Bannon who would've loved to be there. Your comment is about as dumb and oblivious as you can get. No, people who have that kind of rhetoric of bigotry don't have a right to exercise it. That's why the Nazi's overtook France so easily. Because of people with moderate attitudes as yourself....That bullshit has no place in this country in 2017.
It's because they won. Elections have consequences. Don't kid yourself. If Hillary would have won the liberals who were regulars in this thread wouldn't have scurried away like cockroaches, and this thread would be a bash Trump liberal circle jerk.

Speaking of conspiracies the Democrats' entire resistance is built on a conspiracy. The liberal media is literally pushing it. You can't turn on the TV without hearing about it. You guys have no room to talk. Russiagate makes birther look like child's play.

And for thinly veiled racism comment. Have you checked out the foaming at the mouth anti white racism coming from several factions of the Democrat party lately? That stuff is far from thinly veiled. It's full blown we want to end their race. No room to talk.

Your last paragraph is an out and out lie. That is all.
This is dumb as shit. There's no room in modern times for that rhetoric. If it were a Muslim or group of Muslims doing this the national guard would have already been called. And Trump's comments or lack thereof was just completely dumbfounding. I mean, "hatred on both sides." Really? Of course we hate people who represent racism/bigotry. That's like saying the Jews should've loved the Nazis. Trump has two staffers in Jeff Sessions and Bannon who would've loved to be there. Your comment is about as dumb and oblivious as you can get. No, people who have that kind of rhetoric of bigotry don't have a right to exercise it. That's why the Nazi's overtook France so easily. Because of people with moderate attitudes as yourself....That bullshit has no place in this country in 2017.
This entire post sounds exactly like something a fascist Nazi would say.

Your last paragraph is an out and out lie. That is all.
Whatever. You must be purposely ignorant. Something I see daily isn't a lie. It's there for all to see. You denying it is the lie.

P.s. glad you agreed with the rest and one of you finally admitted Russia is a conspiracy.
No man, you don't defeat bad ideas by silencing them or prohibiting them. You beat them in the open course of dialogue since bad ideas are by definition weaker in argument than better ones.

Freedom of speech is an uniquely American ideal and it means precisely that. You can go to Canada if you prefer not to hear offensive ideas or Germany if the swastika is too much to handle since they prohibit its display. America will always have freedom of speech until it itself becomes un-American.
Not sure why you guys expect me or any other left winger to show up regularly to your round the clock circle jerk over conspiracy theories, Clinton obsession, and thinly veiled racism. Do you guys spend all day looking for random trans tweets so you can post it and claim Armageddon?

That's why I'm not a regular in this thread.

Clintons molest children
And Trump's comments or lack thereof was just completely dumbfounding. I mean, "hatred on both sides." Really? Of course we hate people who represent racism/bigotry. Your comment is about as dumb and oblivious as you can get. No, people who have that kind of rhetoric of bigotry don't have a right to exercise it. That's why the Nazi's overtook France so easily. Because of people with moderate attitudes as yourself....That bullshit has no place in this country in 2017.

Your IQ must be sub 90.

Your side hates and is full of racial bigotry. Anyone that does not agree with giving you free stuff is a bigot racist.

Get an education about life. Stop whining and log off until you know enough to post something.

You are a moron.
This is dumb as shit. There's no room in modern times for that rhetoric. If it were a Muslim or group of Muslims doing this the national guard would have already been called. And Trump's comments or lack thereof was just completely dumbfounding. I mean, "hatred on both sides." Really? Of course we hate people who represent racism/bigotry. That's like saying the Jews should've loved the Nazis. Trump has two staffers in Jeff Sessions and Bannon who would've loved to be there. Your comment is about as dumb and oblivious as you can get. No, people who have that kind of rhetoric of bigotry don't have a right to exercise it. That's why the Nazi's overtook France so easily. Because of people with moderate attitudes as yourself....That bullshit has no place in this country in 2017.
Really a stupid post.

I do hope Trump comes out soon and singles out white supremacy groups - calls them on their bullshit...if he does not, his comments will sound a lot like Obama did with Ferguson, Baltimore and Dallas.

Btw, Sessions has launched a full DOJ investigation in the man and groups involved. McMaster was making the rounds today calling it terrorism. And Trump yesterday cited hatred, bigotry as unacceptable and condemned 100% of any hateful and bigoted actions or idealogies...he can go further though.

You are a hypocrite though - that is easy to see. You weren't here for Dallas shooting, weren't here for congressional shooting etc. Many have been here for those, as well as this and Charleston. Each one of them deserves a bullet - 2 down, 2 to go.
I posted here yesterday warning about this event before the violence happened and was blasted. Look pretty smart today.

What happened between Friday night when the rally was peaceful and Saturday morning when the rioting and violence started?

By the way, when you first posted yesterday, the two sides of idiots had already been fighting for a couple hours. Anyone could have envisioned something going terribly wrong. We've been saying for months, in this very thread, that someone was going to eventually get killed. Not the Miss Cleo you're pretending to be.
And Trump's comments or lack thereof was just completely dumbfounding. I mean, "hatred on both sides." Really? Of course we hate people who represent racism/bigotry. Your comment is about as dumb and oblivious as you can get. No, people who have that kind of rhetoric of bigotry don't have a right to exercise it. That's why the Nazi's overtook France so easily. Because of people with moderate attitudes as yourself....That bullshit has no place in this country in 2017.

Your IQ must be sub 90.

Your side hates and is full of racial bigotry. Anyone that does not agree with giving you free stuff is a bigot racist.

Get an education about life. Stop whining and log off until you know enough to post something.

You are a moron.

So I'm whining because I disapprove of a bigoted group people who would have a problem with the color of my wife and think they should be the superior and ultimate race yet can't even figure out how to make a proper torch? I'm a whiner because I'm not for that type of bigoted rhetoric? Funny thing is you comment on my side like you know what side I'm on. See that's the issue, people go straight to this "side" bullshit. Heaven forbid someone not be bound by the partisanship and objectively come to conclusions through reasonable thinking and not give two shits whose party is affiliated with certain ideals. You crack me up with the free stuff jab too when that has nothing to do with anything lol. Just shows you have no want for any sort of critical dialogue and just want to throw around the textbook faux news snowflake bullshit insults. Now go drink your metamucil Gramps...
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Just because I didn't comment on any other shooting doesn't mean I don't care or condemn them. See I have multiple jobs and don't get weekends off and can carve out time to ensure my voice is heard on a message or full of morons who want the equivalent of a circle jerk of ideology....
So I'm whining because I disapprove of a bigoted group people who would have a problem with the color of my wife and think they should be the superior and ultimate race yet can't even figure out how to make a proper torch?

No you are a whiner because of tons of other post's.

I'm a whiner because I'm not for that type of bigoted rhetoric?

You support Black Lives Matter.

Funny thing is you comment on my side like you know what side I'm on.

You are a commie.

See that's the issue, people go straight to this "side" bullshit.

Are you saying I support Nazis jackass?

We are all anti-Nazi shit for brains.

You act like right wingers support socialist like yourself. We do not.

No you are a whiner because of tons of other post's.
You support Black Lives Matter.
So I'm whining because I disapprove of a bigoted group people ..

And those of us in this thread have condemned every last one of them, including the guy pictured below.

Speaking of the guy pictured below, what do you have to say about this guy? He was there trying to set people on fire. There was zero violence Friday night. The violence didn't start until his lot showed up. Do you also disapprove of him?
