How will they rule ??!

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The were marching in Louisville. Some black bitch blaming white people for all the problems in the black community. Blacks can say anything about whites with zero consequences.

And another confederate statue splatters with paint in Louisville. Our tax dollars have to pay to clean them you stupid assholes!
Good to see all the newcomers to the thread dropping in this weekend.

"Codemning" these attacks each time they happen is dumb as shit. Whether it's left or right.

No I don't condemn a guy driving his car in a crowd. I dont, because I have absolutely goddam nothing to do with it. Do we have to condemn all acts in the world that happen thay we disagree with?

No, Trump doesn't need to condemn nazis specifically. Everybody knows anyone subscribing to the Nazi train of thought is a goddam lunatic. Trump, with his immigrant wife and Jewish son in law, probably wouldn't make it far in a Nazi party you goddam delusional idiots.
There are no Nazis at this rally for them to place all the blame on. Just average Americans who support Trump, trying to peacefully exercise their right to freedom of assembly and have a "Freedom Rally".

As soon as far left Antifa shows up, the violence follows. Where are all the fags to lecture us all on how horrible this is? Why are they not coming out of the woodwork, holier than thou, condemning this?

You are a bunch of fvucking lames and everyone one of you can eat a dick. You know exactly who you are.

@BigBlueSean @cardkilla @mustnotsleepnow @~Keyser Soze~ @fuzz77

Ready to see you condemn this. We know you guys won't, though. GD hypocrites.
The were marching in Louisville. Some black bitch blaming white people for all the problems in the black community. Blacks can say anything about whites with zero consequences.

And another confederate statue splatters with paint in Louisville. Our tax dollars have to pay to clean them you stupid assholes!

Jesus, man. Your post reaks of ignorant, associative terms.

You guys are a sad bunch. A Republican crashes his car into a crowd and instead of condemnation without any strings, you deflect and say, "Where were you when *insert tragedy happened*".

Step your game up.
Jesus, man. Your post reaks of ignorant, associative terms.

You guys are a sad bunch. A Republican crashes his car into a crowd and instead of condemnation without any strings, you deflect and say, "Where were you when *insert tragedy happened*".

Step your game up.
Everyone has condemned it you moron. You're just too stupid to see it.
The were marching in Louisville. Some black bitch blaming white people for all the problems in the black community. Blacks can say anything about whites with zero consequences.

And another confederate statue splatters with paint in Louisville. Our tax dollars have to pay to clean them you stupid assholes!

Friggin ridiculous. wtf are they even marching in protest of?
Friggin ridiculous. wtf are they even marching in protest of?
They were protesting yesterday's riot. Blaming white people for it. Completely forgetting that the one person killed, was white.

Blaming white people for all the problems in the west end. High black incarceration rate. Basically she doesn't want black people arrested I guess.
Jesus, man. Your post reaks of ignorant, associative terms.

You guys are a sad bunch. A Republican crashes his car into a crowd and instead of condemnation without any strings, you deflect and say, "Where were you when *insert tragedy happened*".

Step your game up.
Jesus, girl. Your post "reaks" of ignorant, associative terms.

You are a sad woman. A Democrat tries to assassinate multiple members of Congress, nearly killing one, and you couldn't even bother to deflect and condemn it with a few strings. You didn't bother to post at all.

Step your game up.
Jesus, man. Your post reaks of ignorant, associative terms.

You guys are a sad bunch. A Republican crashes his car into a crowd and instead of condemnation without any strings, you deflect and say, "Where were you when *insert tragedy happened*".

Step your game up.

LOL. Oh, okay. You have a different set of rules for us. Republicans and whites get grouped no problem. Libs, Muslims and minorities though? Nah. Can't do that. Hitting people with bike locks, macing them in the face, sucker punching them, trying to massacre politicians on a baseball field, executing cops, blowing people up, you all make sure you get a pass.

Amazing that I've never seen you on here before.
I couldn't care less whether the statue stays up or goes down, but I do disagree with the notion that taking down statues is erasing history. It's not like he is being removed from books, museums, documentaries, and all the other things that exist as a source for someone to look into the history of our country.

Well then what's stopping some crazy nut job right wing group taking down a Martin Luther King statue somewhere?

It's already happened all across America with religious stuff.

I just don't understand how or why people can get so upset about something else that someone may believe or what to.
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We gave them Newburg and what did they do? They destroyed the Bashford Manor Mall and the Showcase Cinemas. They won't destroy the Costco that's there now because it costs money to get in, or the Lowes store because they sell tools there to work with. I'd say that Walmart isn't long for the world though.
LOL. Oh, okay. You have a different set of rules for us. Republicans and whites get grouped no problem. Libs, Muslims and minorities though? Nah. Can't do that. Hitting people with bike locks, macing them in the face, sucker punching them, trying to massacre politicians on a baseball field, executing cops, blowing people up, you all make sure you get a pass.

Amazing that I've never seen you on here before.

I don't post in here often because one post is followed by a barrage of idiocy, including you. Actually, especially you.

I don't support violence. I'm a pacifist. So, keep trotting your "liberals love violence if it's in their support" nonsense. Has zero to do with me.
No effing way. No GD way do these people get to dictate one more thing. Not one more thing of catering to them or compromising with them. Nada. NOTHING. Eff these people.

This is a group who is filled with radicals. They said nothing when BLM activists were invited to the White House and on stage at the DNC. They have it out for Bannon. Considering who these people are okay with, they can get bent.

But I like that Bannon is somehow responsible for yesterday. lol. Jesus.

Said it before a bunch of times in this thread, saying it again. Like it or not, it's the truth. African Americans are the most racist, hateful, people of any race in the United States today.

Ban me if you want again. But it's true. And I have nothing against decent people of color that understand this.

Not someone like @cardkilla who shouts kill pigs and fly um like Bacon.
You're too busy hating "some black bitch" and complaining about what perceived power you think she/he has.

Carry on you anonymous, messsage board bigots.

Yes lazy stupid people that want everything free and never doing anything to get it, black or white, green, Yellow, are ... And for gender reveal.. since who knows how it feels... Is a bitch.
I don't post in here often because one post is followed by a barrage of idiocy, including you. Actually, especially you.

I don't support violence. I'm a pacifist. So, keep trotting your "liberals love violence if it's in their support" nonsense. Has zero to do with me.

"Has zero to do with me"

Right after claiming this is a Republican issue.

Generalizing the right cause of this while running defense for Antifa, Muslims, BLM & every psycho over the years? Got it.

I'm smarter than you and more informed than you. You coming over here because you feel like you've got some trash talk speaks volumes of your ilk. You stay silent when the narrative hurts and come out of your hole as soon as you found one case for every 50 violent attacks from the left.

No consistency at all from the left, which is par for the course.

When their base does something, the narrative becomes something about guns or Islamophobia or cops or white people or blah blah blah.
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"Has zero to do with me"

Right after claiming this is a Republican issue.

Generalizing the right cause of this while running defense for Antifa, Muslims, BLM & every psycho over the years? Got it.

I'm smarter than you and more informed than you. You coming over here because you feel like you've got some trash talk speaks volumes of your ilk. You stay silent when the narrative hurts and come out of your hole as soon as you found one case for every 50 violent attacks from the left.

Once again, I have little interest in slipping a post or two in between a pedophilia/Obama conspiracy. It serves no purpose to argue every second of the day with lunatics when I could just scan the thread and laugh at the asylum.

P.S. Equating BLM, Antifa, etc with goddamn Nazis is truly disgusting.
Well then what's stopping some crazy nut job right wing group taking down a Martin Luther King statue somewhere?

It's already happened all across America with religious stuff.

I just don't understand how or why people can get so upset about something else that someone may believe or what to.

Taking down a MLK statue wouldn't be erasing history either. Statues are meant to honor people. Taking one down would be an act of not honoring that person anymore, not trying to erase history which is the only point I'm trying to make here.
This is dumb as shit. There's no room in modern times for that rhetoric. If it were a Muslim or group of Muslims doing this the national guard would have already been called. And Trump's comments or lack thereof was just completely dumbfounding. I mean, "hatred on both sides." Really? Of course we hate people who represent racism/bigotry. That's like saying the Jews should've loved the Nazis. Trump has two staffers in Jeff Sessions and Bannon who would've loved to be there. Your comment is about as dumb and oblivious as you can get. No, people who have that kind of rhetoric of bigotry don't have a right to exercise it. That's why the Nazi's overtook France so easily. Because of people with moderate attitudes as yourself....That bullshit has no place in this country in 2017.
You are a moron pure and simple. If anyone is republican or conservative, you can't see beyond your own hatred and racism. Your side screams to get rid of whitey and not a peep from you. You are the slime I hope gets his head handed to him by those you say are peaceful but would kill you in a second. There is no place in this country for the bigoted slime the left has become. Good luck trying to get rid of us good guys slimeball.
P.S. Equating BLM, Antifa, etc with goddamn Nazis is truly disgusting.

Or is because they march though the streets screaming for dead cops then carry out those threats and murder cops? Or because they kidnapped a mentally slow disabled Trump supporter and tortured him for hours? Doesn't get more disgusting. So no equating them is prefectly rational.
Once again, I have little interest in slipping a post or two in between a pedophilia/Obama conspiracy. It serves no purpose to argue every second of the day with lunatics when I could just scan the thread and laugh at the asylum.

P.S. Equating BLM, Antifa, etc with goddamn Nazis is truly disgusting.

A leftist calling someone a lunatic is rich.

Also, why would I not equate two hate groups who use violence to another hate group? BTW, don't act like there's some big Hitler era Nazi like group. If that described anyone, it would be Antifa.
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So I'm whining because I disapprove of a bigoted group people who would have a problem with the color of my wife and think they should be the superior and ultimate race yet can't even figure out how to make a proper torch? I'm a whiner because I'm not for that type of bigoted rhetoric? Funny thing is you comment on my side like you know what side I'm on. See that's the issue, people go straight to this "side" bullshit. Heaven forbid someone not be bound by the partisanship and objectively come to conclusions through reasonable thinking and not give two shits whose party is affiliated with certain ideals. You crack me up with the free stuff jab too when that has nothing to do with anything lol. Just shows you have no want for any sort of critical dialogue and just want to throw around the textbook faux news snowflake bullshit insults. Now go drink your metamucil Gramps...
But you are for such bigoted rhetoric you pathetic hypocrite. It has been going on for the last 8 years escalated by Obama and the left with support and encouragement from the likes of you. You are beyond stupid.
A leftist calling someone a lunatic is rich.

Also, why would I not equate two hats groups who use violence to another hate group? BTW, don't act like there's some big Hitler era Nazi like group. If that described anyone, it would be Antifa.

Yes, yes. Antifa, your arch enemy, were the ones sporting swastikas and other Nazi propaganda. I'm sorry. I missed that.

If you think BLM/Antifa or whatever is your new catchphrase is the equivalent to an actual terrorist group (KKK) or a party that sought world domination, I don't know what to tell you.
Once again, I have little interest in slipping a post or two in between a pedophilia/Obama conspiracy. It serves no purpose to argue every second of the day with lunatics when I could just scan the thread and laugh at the asylum.

P.S. Equating BLM, Antifa, etc with goddamn Nazis is truly disgusting.

There is some room to defend BLM. It's a big tent with many people with different approaches. At the worst fringe of it, there is murderous scum who assassinate police officers, advocate for riots, and expound similar racist conspiracy theories to those spouted by the Nazis. On the other hand, there are many BLM supporters with hearts in the right place. They are genuinely fighting against a real problem in this country. I just wish they would select better martyrs. Probably more talk about Jordan Edwards and less about Michael Brown and Freddie Gray and Alton Sterling would be a good start.

Antifa, on the other hand, are scum across the board, vile, disgusting monsters, each and every one. Just as the neo-Nazis, few of them that they are, are spiritual heirs to the Third Reich, these bastards are the spiritual heirs to the Soviet Union that enslaved nearly 200 million people for over 50 years and murdered millions (literally)- but not only to those guys. They're also heirs to the monsters of the French Reign of Terror, the Khmer Rouge, the Leftist terror groups in America and Europe of the '60 and '70 (Baader Meinhof, Weathermen, etc) and the list could go on and on.
Yes, yes. Antifa, your arch enemy, were the ones sporting swastikas and other Nazi propaganda. I'm sorry. I missed that.

If you think BLM/Antifa or whatever is your new catchphrase is the equivalent to an actual terrorist group (KKK) or a party that sought world domination, I don't know what to tell you.
They weren't sporting swastikas, assuming that none of them were posing as the Nazis. They WERE sporting hammers and sickles. You don't have a problem with that?