Aaron Craft graduating medical school

Truly nice work Aaron Craft. Dr. Chuck Verderber DDS has been practicing more than 30 years, and Brett Bearup JD had a nice career before his untimely passing.
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Truly nice work Aaron Craft. Dr. Chuck Verderber DDS has been practicing more than 30 years, and Brett Bearup JD had a nice career before his untimely passing.
My daughter who is a dentist in Brunswick, Ga has referred patients for years to Dr Cliff Berger, DDS 6'8" center on Rupp's Runts team of 1966. Cliff is a oral surgeon or other specialist to whom general dentist refer patients. She set up a lunch meeting with Cliff that I was scheduled to attend but unfortunately I couldn't make it.
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Loved that 2011 team. It’s not as often remembered as the UNC game in 2017, but pretty sure that 2011 Final Four Game against UConn we were screwed by John Higgins as well. We did not play well that game, but one call late in the game against Darius Miller where a UConn player clearly flopped comes to mind.

That guy may have caused more damage to our program than BCG ever did.
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Dr. Bob Guyette is a maxillofacial surgeon in Scottsdale, AZ. He played the fourth-most minutes on the 1975 U.K. team that lost in the NCAA Final Game to UCLA (John Wooden's last game).

The four seniors who played the most minutes were Kevin Grevey, Jimmy Dan Conner, Mike Flynn, and Bob Guyette. The next two players on the team with the most minutes were freshmen Rick Robey and Jack Givens. Junior Larry Johnson was next in minutes, followed by freshmen Mike Phillips and James Lee. One of the greatest U.K. teams ever. A tip of the hat to Dr. Guyette, who is now age 70.
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Dr. Bob Guyette is a maxillofacial surgeon in Scottsdale, AZ. He played the fourth-most minutes on the 1975 U.K. team that lost in the NCAA Final Game to UCLA (John Wooden's last game).

The four seniors who played the most minutes were Kevin Grevey, Jimmy Dan Conner, Mike Flynn, and Bob Guyette. The next two players on the team with the most minutes were freshmen Rick Robey and Jack Givens. Junior Larry Johnson was next in minutes, followed by freshmen Mike Phillips and James Lee. One of the greatest U.K. teams ever. A tip of the hat to Dr. Guyette, who is now age 70.
I remember everyone of those players and what a heartbreak that last game was. The UCLA center played the best game he ever had to beat the Wildcats.