How will they rule ??!

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I suspect that you don't know what you are talking about and that you are wildly speculating. The violence was out of control long before the driver of the vehicle struck anyone. Moreover, you have no idea whether this was a murder, whether this was an accident, whether the driver was trying to escape a mob in a panic, or, for that matter, whether he was a racist to march with the skinheads, one of the Leftist rioters, or a bystander who happened to be in Charlottesville for any one of a multitude of legitimate reasons. But, carry on with the virtue signaling. That'll show 'em that you're one of the "good" conservatives!
Umm, there's video. He was not being attacked by a mob, he purposely drove his car into a large group of people.
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Correct. I was not aware that a video was online. Regardless, even if the video shows a clear cut murder, that does NOT mean that the Left did not start the violence (and, if it didn't, this is the first time), and I can't imagine how the video gives any information as to the background of the driver, or an explanation as to why he was there in the first place.
Well if he didn't know and had better things to do that watch a video that had been plastered all over everything, perhaps he should have kept his mouth shut until he learned facts. I'm not sure why people love speaking from a place of ignorance.
America would be a much better place if the alt right and radical left were eliminated.

Damn, "eliminated" is a strong word and your statement borders on some really hateful ideology. I'm all for going back to just ignoring both extremes like it used to be. Stop giving these fringe ****s so much credence by constantly giving them a platform and plastering them to the news outlets first. Let them gather, let them protest... keep it out of the media and the margins of both fringes are so slight, nobody would notice or care.

Broadcasting every nuance of the social revolution is a tool used to incite the general public thru these fringe groups... and it is working like a charm.
Only one side was committing murder.
Do you have a take on Eric Clanton? Just wondering, b/c I don't remember your outrage in this thread over that level of violence.

Just wondering where, exactly, you draw the lines of your outrage... b/c I know it lies somewhere between murder and inflicting injury with a bike lock to the point of brain damage.

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America would be a much better place if the alt right and radical left were eliminated.
There would have been no trouble in Charlottesville, Va. if this bunch of lefties hadn't went out with the intention to square off with this right wing group that was in town. Right wing groups like this, they don't burn buildings and destroy cars or defecate on city sidewalks like the leftist libs do. I'm sure all they had in mind to do was to walk the streets of Charlottsville and let their voices be heard for 2 or 3 days and then leave. But oh no, a bunch of these little, left wing, snowflake, nut jobs had to get in their faces and that's when all hell broke loose.
Milo had the best take, I thought.
Correct. I was not aware that a video was online. Regardless, even if the video shows a clear cut murder, that does NOT mean that the Left did not start the violence (and, if it didn't, this is the first time), and I can't imagine how the video gives any information as to the background of the driver, or an explanation as to why he was there in the first place.
WTF is wrong with you and all others who cannot simply condemn acts of violence committed or ideas expressed without reverting to juvenile "well he started it.." excuse making? Of course unless you agree with those acts and/or ideas.
I think the MSM should take this piece of advice.
Everyone should take this piece of advice, the mainstream media, the right wing media, sports media, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, everyone. The right and the left are so into their tribal war that they only see things from the lense of their fight with the other side. There is no right and wrong with you guys except when it comes to the other side. Thats pathetic if you ask me.
In a lot of the videos of skirmishes taking place between the demonstrators and protestors in Charlotteville yesterday, it was difficult to tell which group was which.

Violent thugs are violent thugs, regardless of ideology. Neither of these groups represent mainstream America. The participants got what they wanted, which was agitation, baiting, violence and spectacle. Both sides will use it as propaganda. We need to be smart enough to not allow violent extremists to dictate our national discourse.
WTF is wrong with you and all others who cannot simply condemn acts of violence committed or ideas expressed without reverting to juvenile "well he started it.." excuse making? Of course unless you agree with those acts and/or ideas.

Ehat exactly does condemning something do? Should we all light a candle and hold hands? None of that solves a damn thing.

Yesterday was awful, but this nonsense of ignoring the past 2 years of the far lefts behavior and pretending it had no bearing on yesterday is absurd.
People have watched Ferguson, Baltimore and Charlotte burn, all the while excuses being made. They watched Berkeley and Mizzou be held hostage, cops get assasinated in Dallas, but it wasn't the movements or the Presidents fault. We have watched the last administration use the Govt to spy on political opponents, and the media collide with the Dems. We saw a far left zealot try to assainate members of congress. All the while blaming white members of society as being the problem.
At some point people get fed the **** up, and they stand up for themselves.
WTF is wrong with you and all others who cannot simply condemn acts of violence committed or ideas expressed without reverting to juvenile "well he started it.." excuse making? Of course unless you agree with those acts and/or ideas.

Odd I didn't see you in this thread condemning BLM riots, Chicago kidnapping and torture of a disabled boy, Dallas police sniper, Trump supporter being drug out of his car and beaten by savages, dozens upon dozens of fake hate crimes blamed on Trump supporters, James Hodgkinson, Eric Clanton, the inauguration riot, Berkeley riots, numerous cop killings. Bet your ass you're here today, though. You must agree with those other acts and/or ideas.
Rather incredible that the left gets a pass cause the media controls the narrative.

Left wing goes and creates it and it's all on the right cause you don't like this specific set of identity politics (personally I'm against any protest cause it's gonna end up a shit show and have better things to do).

Antifa covering their faces and stabbing, breaking and looting stores, setting cars on fire, stabbing a police horse in the neck, hitting ppl with bike locks, pepper spraying women and the elderly, sucker punching people, calling for the deaths of the president...gets no outrage from the left.

BLM rioting, looting, attacking whites and calling for the death of cops gets no outrage.

Social media allowing messages of anti-white and hoping for whites to be raped and go extinct doesn't even get a punishment meanwhile conservative accounts get silenced and demonetized.

It's just amazing to me that you're starting to see blowback of the anti-white movement (who have to eat shit every day from academia and media) and then these same people who thrive on identity politics become outraged when it's a group who has formed their own tribalism mentality (what the left does every single day with blacks, gays, Muslims, illegals, La Raza, etc).
I like how all of a sudden "white supremacy " and "white power " is a big thing. Like they're almost trying to shove down a narrative. Started with them acting like trump was some giant lying sexist racist or some shit . Which of course was all lies...

But it started this trend of "white people are the problem " "white people dont even realize they're born racist and privileged " etc
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first paragraph or two is garbage but turns into a surprisingly decent article